SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Eyice, O., Namura, M., Chen, Y., Mead, A., Samavedam, S. and Schafer, H. 2015. SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment. The ISME Journal. 9, pp. 2336-2348.

AuthorsEyice, O., Namura, M., Chen, Y., Mead, A., Samavedam, S. and Schafer, H.
Year of Publication2015
JournalThe ISME Journal
Journal citation9, pp. 2336-2348
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Funder project or codeStatistics Department (Rothamsted)
Publisher's version
PublisherSpringer Nature
Nature Publishing Group

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