GrazeMore - grazing intake data

N - Datasets

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2022. GrazeMore - grazing intake data. Rothamsted Research.

AuthorsChamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M.

Grazing intake data for 8 trials run using commercial dairy herds, comparing two grazing management strategies.

Year of Publication2022
PublisherRothamsted Research
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Keywordscattle feeding
dairy cows
Publication dates
Online16 Jun 2022
FunderInnovate UK
Funder project or codeThe use of GPS tracking and the LoRaWAN network to improve productivity of grazing dairy cows
Data files
Copyright license
CC BY 4.0
Data type
File Access Level
Data collection period01 May 2019 to end of 31 May 2021
Geographic location
Southern England
Data collection method

Pasture herbage mass estimated using plate meter readings, two replicate samples of 40 observations on each occasion, recording pre-grazing and post-grazing herbage for each grazed paddock on each day.

Data preparation and processing activities

Intakes derived as differences between pre- and post-grazing measurements, expressed both per unit area and per animal, and summed across day and night grazing periods and each 24-hour period. Grazing efficiencies calculated as intake as a proportion of available herbage mass.

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