Exhaustion of the soil in relation to Landlords' Covenants, and the valuation of unexhausted improvements: Read before the London Farmers' Club, April 4, 1870

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Lawes, J. B. 1870. Exhaustion of the soil in relation to Landlords' Covenants, and the valuation of unexhausted improvements: Read before the London Farmers' Club, April 4, 1870. London Farmers Club.

AuthorsLawes, J. B.
Year of Publication1870
JournalLondon Farmers Club
Open accessPublished as non-open access
PublisherRogerson and Tuxford

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8w3vy/exhaustion-of-the-soil-in-relation-to-landlords-covenants-and-the-valuation-of-unexhausted-improvements-read-before-the-london-farmers-club-april-4-1870

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