Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1962. Report on the growth of wheat made at Rodmersham Kent. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 23, pp. 31-45.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1900. Agricultural, botanical and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent grass-land, conducted for many years insuccession on the same land. Part 3 - The chemical results: Section 1. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 192, pp. 139-210.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1900. Wheat grown year after year on the same land at Rothamsted, England, without manure, with farmyard manure and with various artificial manures. Electronic Rothamsted Archive - eRA. p. 6pp.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1900. III. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent grass-land, conducted for many years in succession on the same land Part III The chemical results section I. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 192 (178-184), pp. 139-210.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1898. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 7 1890-1898 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 7 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1898. The growth of sugar beet and the manufacture of sugar in the United Kingdom (UK). Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 9 (3rd series part 2), pp. 344-370.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1898. The Royal Commission on agricultural depression and the valuation of unexhausted manures. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 8 (series 3 ) (4), pp. 674-711.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1898. The valuation of the manures obtained by the consumption of foods for the production of milk. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 9 (3rd series part 1), pp. 103-117.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1896. The depression of corn prices and the production of wheat in some of the chief exporting countries of the world. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 7 (3rd series) (4), pp. 723-737.
Lawes, J. B. 1896. Lawes Agricultural Trust committee: brief summary of proceedings during its first five years of office. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 7 (3rd series) (2), pp. 324-332.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1895. The feeding of animals for the production of meat, milk and manure and for the exercise of force. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 6 (3rd series ) (1), pp. 47-146.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1895. The Rothamsted experiments: being an account of some of the results of the agricultural investigations, conducted at Rothamsted in the field, the feeding shed, and the laboratory over a period of fifty years. Transactions Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. 7 (5th series), pp. 1-354.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1893. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 2 1880-1882 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 2 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1893. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 5 1875-1883 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 5 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1893. Home produce, imports, consumption, and price of wheat over 40 harvest-years, 1852-3 to 1891-2. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 4 (3rd series) (1), pp. 77-131, 132.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1892. Allotments and small holdings. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 3 (3rd series ) (3), pp. 439-463.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1891. The sources of the nitrogen of our leguminous crops. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 2(4) (3rd series), pp. 657-702.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1890. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 4 1884-1890 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 4 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1890. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 3 1863-1874 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 3 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1890. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 1 1861-1889 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 1 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London William Clowes and sons.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1890. The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 6 1884-1890 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation. in: The Rothamsted Memoirs on Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology Volume 6 containing reports of field experiments on vegetation London Dunn and Chidgey, London. pp. 686
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1890. New experiments on the question of the fixation of free nitrogen (Preliminary notice). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 47 (286-291), pp. 85-118.
Lawes, J. B. 1889. The history of a field newly laid down to permanent grass. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 25 (series 2) (1), pp. 1-26.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1889. On the present position of the question of the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation, with some new results, and preliminary notice of new lines of investigation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 180, pp. 1-107.
Lawes, J. B. 1888. The permanent wheat and barley experiments in Stackyard Field, Woburn. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 24 (series 2) (1), pp. 1-8.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1888. On the present position of the question of the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation, with some new results, and preliminary notice of new lines of investigation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 43 (258-265), pp. 108-116.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1887. On the home produce, imports, consumption, and price of wheat in the United Kingdom. The Field. (Feb 12th), pp. 1-8.
Gilbert, J. H. and Lawes, J. B. 1886. Results of experiments at Rothamsted on the growth of barley for more than thirty years in succession on the same land : lecture delivered June 29 1886 at the Royal Agricultural College Cirencester. Agricultural Students Gazette. 3 (New Series) (1), pp. 1-29.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1885. On some points in the composition of soils; with results illustrating the sources of the fertility of Manitoba prairie soils XLIV. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 47 (June), pp. 380-422.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1885. On the growth of wheat for the second period of 20 years in succession on the same land. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 20.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1884. XLIII On the composition of the ash of wheat-grain, and wheat-straw, grown at Rothamsted, in different seasons, and by different manures. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 45, pp. 305-407.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1883. XXVI. Supplement to former paper, entitled—"Experimental inquiry into the composition of some of the animals fed and slaughtered as human food.”—Composition of the ash of the entire animals, and of certain separated parts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 35 (226), pp. 342-344.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. XXXI Contribution to the chemistry of “Fairy Rings”. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 43, pp. 208-223.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. New determinations of ammonia, chlorine, and sulphuric acid, in the rain-water collected at Rothamsted. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19 (2nd series), pp. 315-331.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. XVI The nitrogen as nitric acid, in the soils and subsoils of some of the fields at Rothamsted. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19 (2nd series), pp. 331-367.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1883. XXVI. Supplement to former paper, entitled—"Experimental inquiry into the composition of some of the animals fed and slaughtered as human food.”—Composition of the ash of the entire animals, and of certain separated parts. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. 174, pp. 865-890.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1882. Determination of nitrogen in the soils of some of the experimental fields at Rothamsted and the bearing of the results on the question of the sources of the nitrogen of our crops. American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1882. Determination of nitrogen in the soils of some of the experimental fields at Rothamsted.. American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Masters, M. T. 1882. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land Part. II. The botanical results (XXVIII). Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. 173, pp. 1181-1413.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1881. On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted with appendix tables. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 17 (2nd series), pp. 241-279.
Lawes, J. B. 1881. On the formation and decomposition of carbonic acid. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science . 11(series 5) (67), pp. 206-209.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1881. On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted Parts I, II, III. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1880. On the home produce imports consumption and price of wheat over 27 harvest years 1852-80 Part II. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Masters, M. T. 1880. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land.—Part. II. The botanical results. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1880. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land.—Part I (X). Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. 171, pp. 289-416.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1880. On the home produce, imports, consumption, and price of wheat, over twenty- eight (or twenty-seven) harvest-years, 1852-53 to 1879-80 inclusive. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 43 (2), pp. 313-340.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1880. Our climate and our wheat crops. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 16 (2nd series ) (1), pp. 173-209.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1879. XXIII. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 29 (196-199), pp. 230-234.
Gilbert, J. H. and Lawes, J. B. 1877. The Rothamsted Agricultural Experimental Station. The Gardener's Chronical and Agricultural Gazette. 8 (Sept 22 ns), pp. 360-378.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1873. Report of experiments on the growth of barley for twenty years in succession on the same land. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 9 (2nd series), pp. 89-186.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1871. Effects of the drought of 1870 on some of the experimental crops at Rothamsted. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 7 (2nd series), pp. 91-132.
Lawes, J. B. 1870. Scientific agriculture with a view to profit read before the Maidstone Farmers' Club, 15 December 1870. Maidstone Farmer's Club. pp. 1-18.
Lawes, J. B. 1870. Exhaustion of the soil in relation to Landlords' Covenants, and the valuation of unexhausted improvements: Read before the London Farmers' Club, April 4, 1870. London Farmers Club.
Lawes, J. B. 1870. Scientific agriculture with a view of profit', read before the Maistone Farmers' Club. December 15, 1870. South Eastern Gazette Office, Maidstone.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1868. On the home produce, imports and consumption of wheat. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 4 (2nd series), pp. 359-397.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1867. Preliminary notice of results on the composition of wheat grown for 20 years in succession on the same land. Report British Association.
Gilbert, J. H. and Lawes, J. B. 1866. Report (Presented to Parliament) of experiments undertaken by order of the board of trade to determine the relative values of unmalted and malted barley as food for stock. Rothamsted Memoirs.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1866. Food and its relations to various exigencies of the animal body. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science . 32 (213), pp. 55-64.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1866. LXI On the sources of the fat of the animal body. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science . 32 (218), pp. 439-451.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1865. On the sewage of towns Third report of The Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the best mode of distributing the sewage of towns and applying it to beneficial and profitable uses and Appendices 1,2,3 Presented to Parliament 1865 pp202. Rothamsted Memoirs. pp. 1-202.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1864. Report of experiments on the growth of wheat for the second period of twenty years in succession on the same land (20 years). Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 20 (s.s part 2), pp. 1-97.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1863. Further Report of experiments with different manures on permanent meadow land. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 24, pp. 504-539.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1863. Further report of experiments with different manure on permanent meadowland. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1863. The effect of different manures on the mixed herbage of grass-land. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 24 (1), pp. 131-164.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Pugh, E. 1863. XX - On the source of the nitrogen of vegetation; with special reference to the question whether plants assimilate free or uncombined nitrogen. Journal of the Chemical Society. 16, pp. 100-186.
Lawes, J. B. 1862. Experiments on the question whether the use of condiments increase the assimilation of food by fattening animals or adds to the profits of the feeder. Edinburgh veterinary Review and Ann Comp Path.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1862. Supplementary report of experiments on the feeding of sheep. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 23, pp. 191-210.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1861. Reports of experiments on the fattening of oxen at Woburn Park Farm. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 22 (1), pp. 200-218.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Pugh, E. 1861. XXIII On the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation; with special reference to the question whether plants assimilate free or uncombined nitrogen. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. 151, pp. 431-577.
Lawes, J. B. 1861. On the application of different manures to different crops and on their proper distribution on the farm. Private publication cited Dyke (1993)(as cited by Heal et al. 1997).
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1860. Report of experiments with different manures on permanent meadow land Part IV Chemical composition of the hay. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 20, pp. 398-441.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Pugh, E. 1860. On the source of the nitrogen of vegetation; with special reference to the question whether plants assimilate free or uncombined nitrogen. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 10 (June 21st), pp. 544-577.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1860. On the composition of oxen, sheep, and pigs, and of their increase whilst fattening. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 21 (2), p. 58.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1860. Report of experiments on the growth of red clover by different manures Part I. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 21 (1), pp. 178-200.
Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Pugh, E. 1860. On the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation; with special reference to the question whether plants assimilate free or uncombined nitrogen. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 10, pp. 544-557.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1859. On the annual yield of nitrogen per acre in different crops. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 67 (3), pp. 212-214.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1859. XXIV. Experimental inquiry into the composition of some of the animals fed and slaughtered as human food. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 9, pp. 348-361.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1859. Experimental Inquiry into the Composition of Some of the Animals Fed and Slaughtered as Human Food. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London. 149 (2), pp. 493-680.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1859. Report of experiments with different manures on permanent meadow land: Part II: Produce of constituents per acre. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 20 (2), pp. 228-246.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1859. Report of experiments with different manures on permanent meadow land: Part III: Description of plants developed by different manures. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 20, pp. 246-273.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1858. I - On some points in the composition of wheat-grain, its products in the mill, and bread. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 10 (1), pp. 269-271.
Lawes, J. B. 1858. Observations on the recently introduced manufactured foods for agricultural stock. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19 (1), pp. 199-204.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1858. I - On some points in the composition of wheat-grain, its products in the mill, and bread. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 10 (1), pp. 1-55.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1858. Report of experiments with different manures on permanent meadow land: Part I: Produce of hay per acre. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19, pp. 552-573.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1857. On the growth of wheat by the Lois Weedon system, on the Rothamsted soil; and on the combined nitrogen in soils. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 17 (2), pp. 582 - 617.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1857. Agricultural Chemistry - On the growth of barley by different manures continuously on the same land; and on the position of the crop in rotation. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 18, pp. 454-531.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1856. On some points connected to Agricultural Chemistry Reply to Baron Liebig's Principles of agricultural chemistry. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 16, pp. 411-502.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1855. On the growth of wheat and on the combined nitrogen in the soils. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Lawes, J. B. 1855. Experiments on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep Leicesters and cross-breds. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 16 (1), pp. 1-45.
Lawes, J. B. 1854. Report on the growth of wheat upon the same land for four successive years at Holkham Park Farm. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1854. On the amounts of, and methods of estimating, ammonia and nitric acid in rain-water. Report of the British Association of Advanced Science. 24, pp. 164-175.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1854. On the equivalency of starch and sugar in food. Report of the British Association of Advanced Science. 24, pp. 421-434.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1852. On the composition of foods in relation to respiration and feeding of animals. Report of the British Association of Advanced Science. pp. 323-353.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1852. On the composition of foods in relation to respiration and feeding of animals. Report of the British Association of Advanced Science. 1852, pp. 1-33.
Lawes, J. B. 1852. Report of experiments on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep Part 2 Cotswolds. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 13(1) (series 2/3), pp. 1-21.
Lawes, J. B. 1851. Report of some experiments undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Lindley, to ascertain the comparative evaporating properties of Evergreen and Deciduous Trees. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. 6(3/4) (series 1/4), pp. 227-242.
Lawes, J. B. 1851. Report of experiments on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep Part 1 Hampshire and Sussex Downs. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 12(2) (series 2/2), pp. 414-445.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1850. On the agricultural chemistry especially in relation to the mineral theory of Baron Liebig. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 12(1) (series 1/5), pp. 1-40.
Lawes, J. B. 1850. Experimental investigation into the amount of water given off by plants during their growth: Especially in relation to the fixation and source of their various constituents. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. 5(1) (series 1/3), pp. 38-64.
Lawes, J. B. and Gilbert, J. H. 1849. Agricultural chemistry; sheep-feeding and manure Part I (reprinted in 1856 with tabular appendix, headed Part II). Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 10 (series 2/1), pp. 276-339.
Lawes, J. B. 1848. On the sources of the alkalies in agriculture: being in part a reply to "Remarks on Lawes's paper on Agricultural chemistry- turnips; by a famer". The Farmers Magazine. pp. 478-488.
Lawes, J. B. 1846. Manure for hops; letter from Lawes to Sir J. M. Tylden of Milstead quoted in full. The Gardener's Chronical and Agricultural Gazette. pp. 305-306.
Lawes, J. B. 1844. Superphosphate of lime / In what do the fertilising qualities of bones consist? The Gardener's Chronical and Agricultural Gazette. (17 Feb), p. 107.