Model the Relationship of NH3 Emission with Attributing Factors from Rice Fields in China: Ammonia Mitigation Potential Using a Urease Inhibitor

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Zhipeng, S., Ma, X., Wang, J., Li, Y., Xu, W., Tang, A., Goulding, K. W. T. and Liu, X. 2022. Model the Relationship of NH3 Emission with Attributing Factors from Rice Fields in China: Ammonia Mitigation Potential Using a Urease Inhibitor. Atmosphere. 13 (11), p. 1750.

AuthorsZhipeng, S., Ma, X., Wang, J., Li, Y., Xu, W., Tang, A., Goulding, K. W. T. and Liu, X.

Substantial ammonia (NH3) losses from rice production result in poor nitrogen (N) use efficiency and environmental damage. A data synthesis using the published literature (127 studies
with 700 paired observations), combined with an incubation experiment using 50 paddy soils from across China, were conducted to improve the current understanding of the NH3 loss from paddy rice and its drivers. The efficacy of the urease inhibitor Limus® for reducing NH3 losses was also
evaluated. The mean loss of N, through NH3 volatilization, was 16.2% of the urea-N applied to paddy rice. The largest losses were from double rice cropping systems, and losses increased with the N application rate, surface application of N, unstable N types (ammonium bicarbonate and urea), and
high floodwater pH. Under simulated flooded conditions, urea amended with Limus® reduced NH3 loss by 36.6%, compared to urea alone, but floodwater pH had a significant effect on inhibitor efficacy. Key driving factors were air temperature, N application rate, and floodwater pH. The effectiveness
and limitations of the inhibitor in NH3 emission mitigation was examined, as well as its basis as one means of N pollution control in paddy rice cropping systems.

KeywordsNH3 loss potential; Rice field; Floodwater pH; Urease inhibitor
Year of Publication2022
Journal citation13 (11), p. 1750
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBBSRC Newton funding
Funder project or codeUK - China Virtual Joint Centre for Improved Nitrogen Agronomy (CINAG)
Publisher's version
Copyright license
CC BY 4.0
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online24 Oct 2022
Publication process dates
Accepted19 Oct 2022

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