1. Broom's Barn
  2. R. A. Fisher and the last fifty years of statistical methodology
  3. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1964
  4. Rothamsted field experiments section
  5. Resume of Experiments on nutrition problems in forest nurseries
  6. Report of the Bee Department 1964
  7. Self-heating of Hay and Grain in Dewar Flasks and the Development of Farmer's Lung Antigens
  8. Betaine content and growth of leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L
  9. Effect of Seed Treatment on Growth and Growth-substance Content of Dwarf French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
  10. Nematodes associated with 'Docking disorders' of sugar beet
  11. The relation between height and measured educational ability in school children of the same social class, family size and stage of sexual development
  12. Water movement in unsaturated porous materials
  13. Multivariate analysis of montmorillonite
  14. Photosynthetic and respiratory components of the net assimilation rates of sugar beet and barley
  15. Electrical A. C. resistance and capacitance of Zea Mays L
  16. Potassium retention in montmorillonites
  17. An apparatus for measuring losses of ammonia from decomposing plant materials
  18. The effect of irrigation on damage to potato tubers by slugs
  19. Rock weathering and soils on Zomba Plateau Nyasaland
  20. A minature tuble solarmeter
  21. Photosynthesis of ears and flag leaves of wheat and barley
  22. Physiological aspects of grain yield in cereals
  23. The effects of nitrogen, potassium and sodium fertilizers on sugar beet
  24. A laboratory method for the evaluation of nutrient residues in soils
  25. Further observations on Helicotylenchus vulgaris Yuen
  26. Research on insecticides and their safety in use
  27. Determination of aluminium in silicates with DCTA
  28. The factorial combination of treatments in rotation experiments
  29. An experiment on control of potato tuber blight
  30. Azotobacter numbers on Broadbalk field, Rothamsted
  31. The effects of adding larvae of potato cyst nematode to potatoes grown in pots
  32. Experiments measuring the residual effects of nitrogen fertilizers
  33. An experiment measuring effects of N, P and K fertilizers on yield and N, P and K contents of grass
  34. Experiments comparing concentrated and dilute NPK fertilizers and four nitrogen fertilizers on a range of crops
  35. Nitrogen fractions and soluble carbohydrates in italian ryegrass. I—Effects of soil temperature, form and level of nitrogen
  36. Causes of resistance in houseflies and some practical implications
  37. The effect of an artificial windbreak on the distribution of aphids in a lettuce crop
  38. The effects of an artificial windbreak on the aerial distribution of flying insects
  39. The species, aerial density and sexual maturity of Thysanoptera caught in mass flights
  40. Evaporation from a reservoir near London
  41. Laboratory assessments of the susceptibility of potato-tuber tissue to blight (Phytophthora infestans)
  42. The effect of removing florets or shading the ear of barley on production and distribution of dry matter
  43. The effect of nitrogen on spring cereals
  44. The effect of nitrogen on winter wheat
  45. Therapy of virus-infected plants
  46. Some results of recent investigations on sharka (plum pox) virus disease
  47. Interaction of virus strain, fungus isolate, and host species in the transmission of tobacco necrosis virus
  48. Biological control of Fusarium wilt of peas by organic soil amendments
  49. The genetic relationships of pathotypes of Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. which reproduce on hybrid potatoes with genes for resistance
  50. An improved method for separating arthropods from soil samples
  51. Nematode‐transmitted viruses of sugar beet in East Anglia, 1963 and 1964
  52. The effects of some insecticides on populations of frit fly (Oscinella frit) and its enemies
  53. Studies of fungi in pasture soils: III. Physiological studies on some fungal isolates from the root surface and from organic debris
  54. Studies of fungi in pasture soils: II. Fungi associated with plant debris and fungal hyphae in soil
  55. Population studies on pea cyst‐nematode Heterodera goettingiana Liebs.
  56. A comparison of some quantitative methods of extracting small vermiform nematodes from soil
  57. Problems of sampling for atmospheric microbes
  58. Biology of a slug-killing fly Tetanocera elata (Diptera : Sciomyzidae)
  59. Some tests on organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides for the control of wireworms and wheat bulb fly
  60. Effects of D‐D and Nemagon on eight‐year‐old rose bushes infested with dagger nematode
  61. Control of potato cyst nematode with dazomet
  62. Effects of D‐D and Nemagon on eight‐year‐old rose bushes infested with dagger nematode
  63. The Insecticidal Activity of Jasmolin II and Its Isolation from Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Vis.)
  64. A neotype of Aphelenchus avenae Bastian, 1865 and the rejection of Metaphelenchus Steiner 1943
  65. Insecticidal activity of fresh and dry pyrethrum flowers
  66. The influence of removing tubers on dry-matter production and net assimilation rate of potato plants
  67. Effect of CCC (chlorocholine chloride) on growth and yield of spring wheat in the field
  68. Longidorus profundorum n. sp.(Nematoda: Dorylaimidae)
  69. A neotype of Aphelenchus avenae Bastian, 1865 and the rejection of Metaphelenchus Steiner, 1943
  70. Effects of 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)-pyridine on the nitrification of ammonium sulphate and its recovery by rye-grass
  71. Effects of urea on the germination and early growth of kale, barley, and wheat
  72. The foraging behaviour of bees and its effect on the isolation and speciation of plants
  73. Attempts to increase pollination by spraying crops with sugar syrup
  74. The effect on pollen collection of feeding honey-bee colonies with sugar syrup
  75. The behaviour of honeybee foragers when their colonies are fed sugar syrup
  76. The allocation of duties among worker honeybees
  77. The ability of bumblebees and honeybees to pollinate red clover
  78. Long range dispersal of insects in relation to synoptic meteorology
  79. A growth study of sugar beet treated with gibberellic acid and (2‐chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC)
  80. A root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne naasi n. sp., on field crops in England and Wales
  81. Serological properties of viruses and their fragments
  82. Mutations in symbiotic effectiveness in Rhizobium trifolii caused by transforming DNA and other agents
  83. Inactivation of a Rhizobium bacteriophage by ultraviolet radiation of different wavelengths
  84. Mutual precipitation of two viruses
  85. Inactivation of a strain of tobacco necrosis virus and of the RNA isolated from it by ultraviolet radiation of different wavelengths
  86. A study of the effects of salt and of pH on precipitation of Antigen-antibody compounds
  87. Study of some of the mechanisms connected with resistance to diazinon and diazoxon in a diazinon-resistant strain of houseflies
  88. Tests of aphicides for possible systemic control of potato blight
  89. Bioassay and other laboratory methods for testing formulations of potato blight fungicides
  90. Lengths and structure of particles of barley strips mosaic virus
  91. Obituary John Basil Goodey
  92. Light and crop production
  93. Description of Anatonchus amiciae n. sp.(Nematoda: Mononchidae) with observations on its juvenile stages and anatomy.
  94. Drilocephalobus congoensis ng, n. sp.
  95. Zinc and Other Metallic Ions as Hatching Agents for the Beet Cyst Nematode, Heterocdera schachtii Schm.
  96. Transmission of sugar beet viruses in relation to the feeding, probing and flight activity of alate aphids
  97. Soils and fertilizers - Soil surveys in Great Britain
  98. Principles of manuring
  99. Using nitrogen to regulate growth
  100. The effects of two soil types on diffusion of soil sterilants
  101. Diffusion within soil microstructure a structural parameter for soils
  102. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition IV Maximum contents of cations and anions in Italian rye-grass
  103. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition: V. The effects of soil temperature, light intensity and soil-water tension
  104. The mineralogy of some Upper Chalk samples from the Arundel area, Sussex
  105. Properties and structure of lettuce necrotic yellows virus
  106. The penetration of Tripius sciarae (Spaerulariidae: Aphelenchoidea) into its insect host, Bradysia paupera Tuom (Mycetophilidae: Diptera)
  107. Effects of gibberellic acid and (2‐chloroethyl)‐trimethylammonium chloride on potato growth and development
  108. The efeect of insecticide applications to the sugar beet crop early in the season on aphid and yellows incidence
  109. Aphids on sugar beet and some weeds in England, and notes on weeds as a source of beet viruses
  110. A preliminary survey of variation in susceptibility of Myzus persicae, associated with sugar beet, to organophosphorous insecticides
  111. Descriptive uses of discriminant functions
  112. The yields of leaf protein extracted by large‐scale processing of various crops
  113. Effect of soil amendment with chitin on pea wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. pisi
  114. Significance of recent structure determinations of layer silicates for clay studies
  115. Ridding a glasshouse soil of dagger nematode before planting with roses
  116. Diffusion of cations in soils - Plant nutrient supply and movement
  117. Further studies on cocoa yellow mosaic virus
  118. The relationship between crop response and the determination of soil phosphorus by chemical methods. II Soil Phosphorus
  119. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries: slow-release fertilizers for conifer seedlings
  120. Migration records
  121. The presentation of leaf protein on the table: II
  122. A belt press for separating juices from fibrous pulp
  123. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation Chapter 10
  124. The maldistribution of research effort
  125. The relation between nodule bacteria and the legume host in the rhizosphere and in the process of infection
  126. A natural law for the spatial disposition of insects
  127. Low altitude flight of Oscinella frit L.(Diptera: Chloropidae)
  128. Diurnal periodicity of flight by insects
  129. Flight behaviour and aphid migration
  130. Chlorophyll bleaching by legume seeds
  131. The use of concrete staved silos for storing high-moisture barley
  132. The infectivity of soils containing Phytophthora infestans
  133. Organic matter and soil dynamics
  134. The part played by animals in soil formation
  135. The decomposition of labelled plant material in soil
  136. Organic matter in soil
  137. Distribution of fertilizer residues in a forest nursery manuring experiment on a sandy podsol at Wareham, Dorset
  138. Abnormal development of embryos induced by inbreeding in Delphacodes pellucida Fabricius and Delphacodes dubia Kirschbaum (Araeopidae, Homoptera), vectors of European wheat striate mosaic virus
  139. Sugar and fructosan accumulation in virus‐infected plants: rapid testing by circular‐paper chromatography
  140. Some methods of assessing crop loss caused by pests
  141. Supplementary Notes to the Foregoing Article : A focal point for insect ecology in agriculture by Johnson, C. G.
  142. The assessment of economic effectiveness of pest control in field experiments
  143. Residual value of cumulative dressings of superphosphate, rock phosphate and basic slag on a sandy soil at Wareham, Dorset
  144. Observations on noctule bats (nyctalus noctula) captured while feeding
  145. Cephalosporium stripe of wheat and root damage by insects
  146. Biometrical studies on some common cirripedes I. Balanus balanoides: measurements of the scuta and terga of animals from a wide geographical range
  147. DDT tolerance in diazinon-selected and DDT-selected strains of houseflies
  148. The influence of volatility and water solubility of systemic insecticides on their movement through soil and absorption by plant roots
  149. The persistence of some insecticides in soil and their effects on soil animals
  150. A sample applicator for preparative layer chromatography
  151. The ingestion of nitrogen and solid matter from Vicia faba by Aphis fabae Scop
  152. Separation of chlorophyllis a and b and related compounds by thin layer chromatography on cellulose
  153. The combination of locomotor features of the primate shoulder girdle by canonical analysis
  154. Observations on the biological development of macropores in soils of Romney Marsh
  155. Soil classification in Britain
  156. A simple injection port and column holder for use in gas chromatography
  157. An electro-pneumatic microelectrode puller
  158. Changes in the Park Grass experiment
  159. Notes on the use of soil analysis for estimating available P in Rothamsted soils
  160. Effect of pesticide residues on soil invertebrates and plants
  161. Controlled mating to produce hybrids between pathotypes of Heterodera rostochiensis Woll
  162. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the stem and bulb nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn)
  163. Analysis of microclimate in cereals and grasses
  164. Analysis of the photosynthesis and respiration of field crops from vertical fluxes of carbon dioxide
  165. Susceptibility of the honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus, infested with Acarapis woodi (Rennie) to infection by airborne pathogens
  166. Paralysis of the honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus
  167. The occurrence of chronic and acute bee paralysis viruses in bees outside Britain
  168. The effect of Acarapis woodi on Honeybees from North America
  169. The effect of erythromycin on Streptococcus pluton (White)
  170. Sir John Russell OBE, FRS
  171. The analysis of randomized experiments with orthogonal block structure II Treatment structure and the general analysis of variance
  172. What is wrong with the teaching of statistics?
  173. Two decades of surveys of fertilizer practice
  174. The measurement and control of stomatal resistance in the field
  175. Sex attraction in Andrena flavipes Panzer (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with some observations on nest-site restriction
  176. Structure of arctic winter stratosphere over a 10-yr period
  177. Radiation and crops
  178. Light distribution and photosynthesis in field crops
  179. Electrification produced by rupture of large water drops in an electric field
  180. Discussion of sea smoke and steam fog - pm saunders
  181. Discussion of p ramm and fwg warren
  182. Discussion of houghton dm
  183. Discussion of horizontal transport of heat and moisture - a micrometeorological study - ne rider - jr philip - ef bradley
  184. Discussion of hh lamb
  185. Circulation of water in soil under a temperature gradient
  186. Charge transfer associated with temperature gradients in ice crystals grown in a diffusion chamber
  187. Honeybee pheromones
  188. Epidemiology of Phytophthora infestans 4. Spraying trials 1959 to 1963 and infection of tubers
  189. The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part VII. New pyrethrin-like compounds with ester and ketonic groups in alcoholic side chain
  190. The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part VI. Structures of enols of pyrethrolone
  191. New pyrethrin-like esters with high insecticidal activity
  192. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its four insecticidal constituents against house flies. VI. Relative toxicity of pyrethrin I and pyrethrin II against 4 strains of house flies
  193. Evaporation and environment
  194. Studies on the decomposition of plant material in soil .I. Losses of carbon from 14C labelled ryegrass incubated with soil in the field
  195. The incidence of bean leaf roll virus in some varieties of field beans (Vicia faba L)
  196. Losses of nitrogen by ammonia volatization from surface-fertilized tropical forest soils