A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Eckert, M., Gout, L., Rouxel, T., Blaise, F., Jedryczka, M., Fitt, B. D. L. and Balesdent, M-H. 2005. Identification and characterization of polymorphic minisatellites in the phytopathogenic ascomycete Leptosphaeria maculans. Current genetics. 47, pp. 37-48.
Authors | Eckert, M., Gout, L., Rouxel, T., Blaise, F., Jedryczka, M., Fitt, B. D. L. and Balesdent, M-H. |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Journal | Current genetics |
Journal citation | 47, pp. 37-48 |
Open access | Published as non-open access |
Funder project or code | 507 |
ISSN | 0172-8083 |
Publisher |
Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/89594/identification-and-characterization-of-polymorphic-minisatellites-in-the-phytopathogenic-ascomycete-leptosphaeria-maculans