Forecasting as an aid to control stem canker of winter oilseed rape

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

West, J. S., Biddulph, J. E., Leech, P. K., Williams, R. H., Fitt, B. D. L. and Gladders, P. 2000. Forecasting as an aid to control stem canker of winter oilseed rape. Blackleg News. December 1999/June 2000.

AuthorsWest, J. S., Biddulph, J. E., Leech, P. K., Williams, R. H., Fitt, B. D. L. and Gladders, P.
Year of Publication2000
JournalBlackleg News
Journal citationDecember 1999/June 2000
Funder project or code203
Project: 091668
Project: 091338
Project: 091588
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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