Major genetic changes in wheat with potential to affect disease tolerance

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Foulkes, M. J., Paveley, N. D., Worland, A., Welham, S. J., Thomas, J. and Snape, J. W. 2006. Major genetic changes in wheat with potential to affect disease tolerance. Phytopathology. 96, pp. 680-688.

AuthorsFoulkes, M. J., Paveley, N. D., Worland, A., Welham, S. J., Thomas, J. and Snape, J. W.
Year of Publication2006
Journal citation96, pp. 680-688
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
Funder project or code513
Research in statistics relevant to biological processes
Publisher's version
PublisherAmerican Phytopathological Society (APS)

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