SAS-NW: Grazing Livestock Systems

TitleSAS-NW: Grazing Livestock Systems
TypeResearch cluster


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4 per mille – is it feasible to sequester soil carbon at this rate annually in agricultural soils?

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Powlson, D. S., Poulton, P. R., Macdonald, A. J., Johnston, A. E., White, R. P. and Goulding, K. W. T. 2018. 4 per mille – is it feasible to sequester soil carbon at this rate annually in agricultural soils?

Investigating Spatial Error Structures in Continuous Raster Data

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tsutsumida, N, Rodríguez-Veiga, P, Harris, P., Baltzer, H and Comber, A 2018. Investigating Spatial Error Structures in Continuous Raster Data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 74 (February), pp. 259-268.

Geographically weighted elastic net logistic regression

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, A. and Harris, P. 2018. Geographically weighted elastic net logistic regression. Journal of Geographical Systems. 20 (4), pp. 317-341.

shp2graph: tools to convert a spatial network into an igraph in R

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, B., Sun, H., Harris, P., Xu, M. and Charlton, M 2018. shp2graph: tools to convert a spatial network into an igraph in R. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7 (8), p. 293.

Hyper-local geographically weighted regression: extending GWR through local model selection and local bandwidth optimization

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, A., Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, X. and Harris, P. 2018. Hyper-local geographically weighted regression: extending GWR through local model selection and local bandwidth optimization. Journal of Spatial Information Science. 17, pp. 63-84.

Improvements to the calibration of a Geographically Weighted Regression with Parameter-Specific Distance Metrics and Bandwidths

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, B, Wang, W, Ge, Y and Harris, P. 2018. Improvements to the calibration of a Geographically Weighted Regression with Parameter-Specific Distance Metrics and Bandwidths. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 71, pp. 41-57.

Fatty acid profile changes during gradual soil water depletion in oats suggests a role for Jasmonates in coping with drought

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sanchez-Martin, J., Canales, F. J., Tweed, J. K. S., Lee, M. R. F., Rubiales, D., Gomez-Cadenas, A., Arbona, V., Mur, L. A. J. and Prats, E. 2018. Fatty acid profile changes during gradual soil water depletion in oats suggests a role for Jasmonates in coping with drought. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, p. 1077.

Framework for life cycle assessment of livestock production systems to account for the nutritional quality of final products

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mcauliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Framework for life cycle assessment of livestock production systems to account for the nutritional quality of final products. Food and Energy Security.

China’s livestock transition: Driving forces, impacts, and consequences

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bai, Z., Ma, W., Velthof, G. L., Wei, Z., Havlik, P., Oenema, O., Lee, M. R. F. and Zhang, F. 2018. China’s livestock transition: Driving forces, impacts, and consequences. Science Advances. 4 (7), p. eaar8534.

Livestock production evolving to contribute to sustainable societies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gill, M., Gibson, J. P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Livestock production evolving to contribute to sustainable societies. Animal. 12 (8), pp. 1696-1698.

The effect of trophic level on individual amino acid δ15N values in a terrestrial ruminant food web

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kendall, I. P., Lee, M. R. F. and Evershed, R. P. 2018. The effect of trophic level on individual amino acid δ15N values in a terrestrial ruminant food web. STAR: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research. 3 (1), pp. 135-145.

An altered tocopherol composition in chloroplasts reduces plant resistance to Botrytis cinerea

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cela, J., Tweed, J. K. S., Sivakumaran, A., Lee, M. R. F., Mur, L. A. J. and Munne-Bosch, S. 2018. An altered tocopherol composition in chloroplasts reduces plant resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 127, pp. 200-210.

Elite UK winter wheat cultivars differ in their ability to support the colonisation of beneficial root-infecting fungi

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Osborne, S., Mcmillan, V. E., White, R. P. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2018. Elite UK winter wheat cultivars differ in their ability to support the colonisation of beneficial root-infecting fungi. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69 (12), pp. 3103-3115.

Exploring the resilience of wheat crops grown in short rotations through minimising the build-up of an important soil-borne fungal pathogen

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mcmillan, V. E., Canning, G., Moughan, J., White, R. P., Gutteridge, R. J. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2018. Exploring the resilience of wheat crops grown in short rotations through minimising the build-up of an important soil-borne fungal pathogen. Scientific Reports. 8 (9550), pp. 1-13.

Grand challenges in sustainable intensification and ecosystem services

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Firbank, L. G., Attwood, S., Eory, V., Gadanakis, Y., Lynch, J. M., Sonnino, R. and Takahashi, T. 2018. Grand challenges in sustainable intensification and ecosystem services. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2 (7), pp. 1-3.

The Importance of Sustained Grassland and Environmental Research: A Case Study From North Wyke Research Station, UK, 1982–2017

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Blackwell, M. S. A., Jarvis, S. C., Wilkins, R. J., Beaumont, D. A., Cardenas, L. M., Chadwick, D. R., Collins, A. L., Dungait, J. A. J., Gibb, M. J., Hopkins, A., Lee, M. R. F., Misselbrook, T. H., Murray, P. J. and Tallowin, J. R. B. 2018. The Importance of Sustained Grassland and Environmental Research: A Case Study From North Wyke Research Station, UK, 1982–2017. in: Sparks, D. L. (ed.) Advances in Agronomy. Volume 149 Elsevier. pp. 161-235

The environmental costs and benefits of high-yield farming

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Balmford, A., Amano, T., Bartlett, H., Chadwick, D., Collins, A. L., Edwards, D., Field, R., Garnsworthy, P., Green, R., Smith, P., Waters, H., Whitmore, A. P., Broom, D. M., Chara, J., Finch, T., Garnett, E., Gathorne-Hardy, A., Hernandez-Medrano, J., Herrero, M., Hua, F., Latawiec, A., Misselbrook, T. H., Phalan, B., Simmons I. B., Takahashi, T., Vause, J., Ermgassen, E. Z. and Eisner, R. 2018. The environmental costs and benefits of high-yield farming. Nature Sustainability. 1, pp. 477-285.

Species and Genotype Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Root Production, Carbon and Nitrogen in Temperate Agricultural Soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gregory, A. S., Dungait, J. A. J., Shield, I. F., Macalpine, W. J., Cunniff, J., Durenkamp, M., White, R. P., Joynes, A. and Richter, G. M. 2018. Species and Genotype Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Root Production, Carbon and Nitrogen in Temperate Agricultural Soil. BioEnergy Research. 11 (2), pp. 382-397.

Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harris, P., Bol, R., Evans, J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Dixon, E. R., Wolf, K., Dungait, J. A. J., Griffith, B. A., Herbst, M., Dhanoa, M. S., Beaumont, D. A., Dunn, R. M. and Weisenberg, G. L. B. 2018. Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland. European Journal of Soil Science. 69 (1), pp. 48-68.

Data to calculate emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T., Orr, R. J., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Data to calculate emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems. Data in Brief. 17, pp. 570-574.

Roles of instrumented farm-scale trials in trade-off assessments of pasture-based ruminant production systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Takahashi, T., Harris, P., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Dungait, J. A. J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Misselbrook, T. H., McAuliffe, G. A., McFadzean, J. N., Murray, P. J., Orr, R. J., Rivero, M. J., Wu, L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Roles of instrumented farm-scale trials in trade-off assessments of pasture-based ruminant production systems. Animal. 12 (8), pp. 1766-1776.

Global environmental costs of China's thirst for milk

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bai, Z., Lee, M. R. F., Ma, L., Ledgard, S., Oenema. O., Velthof, G. L., Ma, W., Guo, M., Zhao, Z., Wei, S., Li, S., Liu, X., Havlik, P., Luo, J., Hu, C. and Zhang, F. 2018. Global environmental costs of China's thirst for milk. Global Change Biology. 24 (5), pp. 2198-2211.

Peri-urbanization may vary with vegetation restoration: A large scale regional analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Fu, W., Lu, Y., Harris, P., Comber, A. and Wu, L. 2018. Peri-urbanization may vary with vegetation restoration: A large scale regional analysis. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 29, pp. 77-87.

The role of pasture in the diet of ruminant livestock

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Lee, M. R. F., Rivero-Viera, J. and Cone, J. W. 2018. The role of pasture in the diet of ruminant livestock. in: Marshall, A. and Collins, R. (ed.) Improving grassland and pasture management in temperate agriculture UK Burleigh Dodds.

Distributions of emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T., Orr, R. J., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Distributions of emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171, pp. 1672-1680.

Major limitations to achieving 4 per 1000 increases in soil organic carbon stock in temperate regions: evidence from long-term experiments at Rothamsted Research, UK

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Johnston, A. E., Macdonald, A. J., White, R. P. and Powlson, D. S. 2018. Major limitations to achieving 4 per 1000 increases in soil organic carbon stock in temperate regions: evidence from long-term experiments at Rothamsted Research, UK. Global Change Biology. 24 (6), pp. 2563-2584.

The stable oxygen isotope ratio of resin extractable phosphate derived from fresh cattle faeces

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Granger, S. J., Yang, Y., Pfahler, V., Hodgson, C., Smith, A. C., Le Cocq, K., Collins, A. L., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Howden, N. K. J. 2018. The stable oxygen isotope ratio of resin extractable phosphate derived from fresh cattle faeces. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 32 (9), pp. 703-710.

Modelling field scale spatial variation in water run-off, soil moisture, N2O emissions and herbage biomass of a grazed pasture using the SPACSYS model

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, Y., Li, Y., Harris, P., Cardenas, L. M., Dunn, R. M., Sint, H. M., Murray, P. J., Lee, M. R. F. and Wu, L. 2018. Modelling field scale spatial variation in water run-off, soil moisture, N2O emissions and herbage biomass of a grazed pasture using the SPACSYS model. Geoderma. 315, pp. 49-58.

Characterisation and development of the bovine respiratory microbiome

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Lee, M. R. F., Bailey, M., Finn, A. and Eisler, M. 2017. Characterisation and development of the bovine respiratory microbiome. 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Geographically Weighted Structural Equation Models: understanding the spatial variation of latent variables and drivers of environmental restoration effectiveness

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Comber, A. J., Li, T., Lu, Y., Fu, B. and Harris, P. 2017. Geographically Weighted Structural Equation Models: understanding the spatial variation of latent variables and drivers of environmental restoration effectiveness. in: Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Van Lammeren, R. and Rip, F. (ed.) Societal Geo-innovation: selected papers of the 20th Agile conference on geographic information science. (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography) Springer.

Gauging policy-driven large-scale vegetation restoration programmes under a changing environment: their effectiveness and socioeconomic relationships

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Li, T., Lu, Y., Fu, B., Comber, A. J., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2017. Gauging policy-driven large-scale vegetation restoration programmes under a changing environment: their effectiveness and socioeconomic relationships. Science of the Total Environment. 607-8, pp. 911-919.

Assessment of soil water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform using a process-based model

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Li, Y., Liu, Y., Harris, P., Sint, H., Murray, P. J., Lee, M. R. F. and Wu, L. 2017. Assessment of soil water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform using a process-based model. Science of the Total Environment. 603-604 (Supplement C), pp. 27-37.

Review: Use of human-edible animal feeds by ruminant livestock

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wilkinson, J. M. and Lee, M. R. F. 2017. Review: Use of human-edible animal feeds by ruminant livestock. Animal. 12 (8), pp. 1735-1743.

A comparison of conventional and 137Cs-based estimates of soil erosion rates on arable and grassland across lowland England and Wales

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Evans, R., Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., Foster, I. D. L., Boardman, J., Sint, H., Lee, M. R. F. and Griffith, B. A. 2017. A comparison of conventional and 137Cs-based estimates of soil erosion rates on arable and grassland across lowland England and Wales. Earth-Science Reviews. 173 (October), pp. 49-64.

Environmental trade-offs of pig production systems under varied operational efficiencies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G., Takahashi, T., Mogensen, L., Hermansen, J. E., Sage, C. L., Chapman, D. V. and Lee, M. R. F. 2017. Environmental trade-offs of pig production systems under varied operational efficiencies. Journal of Cleaner Production. 165 (1 November), pp. 1163-1173.

Exploitation of endophytes for sustainable agricultural intensification Exploitation of endophytes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Le Cocq, K., Gurr, S. J., Hirsch, P. R. and Mauchline, T. H. 2017. Exploitation of endophytes for sustainable agricultural intensification Exploitation of endophytes. Molecular Plant Pathology. 18 (3), pp. 469-473.

Changes in soil organic matter over 70 years in continuous arable and ley–arable rotations on a sandy loam soil in England

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Johnston, A. E., Poulton, P. R., Coleman, K., Macdonald, A. J. and White, R. P. 2017. Changes in soil organic matter over 70 years in continuous arable and ley–arable rotations on a sandy loam soil in England. European Journal of Soil Science. 68 (3), pp. 305-316.

Methods to estimate changes in soil water for phenotyping root activity in the field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Whalley, W. R., Binley, A., Watts, C. W., Shanahan, P., Dodd, I. C., Ober, E. S., Ashton, R. W., Webster, C. P., White, R. P. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2017. Methods to estimate changes in soil water for phenotyping root activity in the field. Plant and Soil. 415 (1-2), pp. 407-422.

Geographically weighted correspondence matrices for local error reporting and change analyses: mapping the spatial distribution of errors and change

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, A., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M. and Harris, P. 2017. Geographically weighted correspondence matrices for local error reporting and change analyses: mapping the spatial distribution of errors and change. Remote Sensing Letters. 8 (3), pp. 234-243.

Phosphate stable oxygen isotope variability within a temperate agricultural soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Granger, S. J., Harris, P., Peukert, S., Guo, R., Tamburini, F., Blackwell, M. S. A., Howden, N. J. K. and McGrath, S. P. 2017. Phosphate stable oxygen isotope variability within a temperate agricultural soil. Geoderma. 285 (1 January), pp. 64-75.

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