Intelligent Data Ecosystems

TitleIntelligent Data Ecosystems
TypeScience Department
InstituteRothamsted Research
HeadChris Baker
Executive AssistantSally Murdoch


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The Fusarium graminearum effector protease FgTPP1 suppresses immune responses and facilitates Fusarium Head Blight Disease

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Darino, M., Jaiswal, N., Darma, R., Kroll, E., Urban, M., Xiang, Y., Kim, H., Myers, A., Scofield, S., Innes, R. W., Hammond-Kosack, K. E. and Helm, M. 2025. The Fusarium graminearum effector protease FgTPP1 suppresses immune responses and facilitates Fusarium Head Blight Disease. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions - MPMI. (24 January).

A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is crucial for maintaining cell wall stress tolerance and host plant pathogenesis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kroll, E., Bayon, C., Rudd, J. J., Armer, V., Magaji-Umashankar, A., Ames, R., Urban, M., Brown, N. A. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2025. A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is crucial for maintaining cell wall stress tolerance and host plant pathogenesis. PLOS Pathogens. 21 (1), p. e1012769.

A computationally efficient algorithm to leverage average information REML for (co)variance component estimation in the genomic era

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stranden, I., Mantysaari, E. A., Lidauer, M. H., Thompson, R. and Gao, H. 2024. A computationally efficient algorithm to leverage average information REML for (co)variance component estimation in the genomic era. Genetics Selection Evolution. 56, p. 73.

A Moroccan soil spectral library use framework for improving soil property prediction: Evaluating a geostatistical approach

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gashaw-Asrat, T., Breure, T., Sakrabani, R., Corstanje, R., Hassall, K. L., Hamma, A., Kebede, F. and Haefele, S. M. 2024. A Moroccan soil spectral library use framework for improving soil property prediction: Evaluating a geostatistical approach. Geoderma. 452 (December), p. 117116.

Long-term effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil extractable (Olsen) phosphorus differ between two arable UK soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
White, R. P., Haefele, S. M., Goulding, K. W. T., McGrath, S. P. and Glendining, M. J. 2024. Long-term effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil extractable (Olsen) phosphorus differ between two arable UK soils. Soil Use and Management. 40 (4), p. e13160.

Loss of trace elements from agricultural soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, S. D. W, Schindler, R. J., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Darch, T. 2024. Loss of trace elements from agricultural soil. Environmental Technology.

Management choices in cereal production: Lessons from the Broadbalk Long-term trial

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Powlson, D. S., Gregory, A. S., Glendining, M. J., White, R. P., Clark, S. J., Wilmer, W. S., Macdonald, A. J. and Johnston, A. E. 2024. Management choices in cereal production: Lessons from the Broadbalk Long-term trial. Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society. 891, pp. 1-60.

Validating a cassava production spatial disaggregation model in sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hassall, K. L., Alonso Chavez, V., Sint, H. M., Helps, J., Abidrabo, P., Okao-Okuja, G., Eboulem, R. G., Amoakon, W. J., Otron, D. H. and Szyniszewska, A. 2024. Validating a cassava production spatial disaggregation model in sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS ONE.

Swarming insects may have finely tuned characteristic Reynolds numbers

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2024. Swarming insects may have finely tuned characteristic Reynolds numbers. Biomimetics. 9 (11), p. 660.

Identifying the Fusarium effector proteases that play a role in pathogenesis in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Srivastava, M., Kroll, E., Darino, M., Smith, D., Urban, M. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2024. Identifying the Fusarium effector proteases that play a role in pathogenesis in wheat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions - MPMI. 37 (5 supplement), p. S1.24.

Corrigendum to “Yield responses of arable crops to liming – An evaluation of relationships between yields and soil pH from a long-term liming experiment” [Eur. J. Agron. 105 (2019) 176–188]

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Holland, J. E., White, P. J., Glendining, M. J., Goulding, K. W. T. and McGrath, S. P. 2024. Corrigendum to “Yield responses of arable crops to liming – An evaluation of relationships between yields and soil pH from a long-term liming experiment” [Eur. J. Agron. 105 (2019) 176–188]. European Journal of Agronomy. 159 (Sept), p. 127221.

Data from: A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is vital for maintaining cell wall integrity and host plant pathogenesis

N - Datasets
Kroll, E., Bayon, C., Rudd, J. J., Armer, V., Magaji-Umashankar, A., Ames, R., Urban, M., Brown, N. A. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2024. Data from: A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is vital for maintaining cell wall integrity and host plant pathogenesis. Rothamsted Research.

Spatial correlations in laboratory insect swarms

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2024. Spatial correlations in laboratory insect swarms. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 21 (216), p. 20240450.

The role of ruminant urine and faeces in the recycling of nutrients by forages

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kao, P., McGrath, S. P., Buss, H. L., Darch, T., Warren, H. E., Mcauliffe, G., Cardenas, L. M., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Lee, M. R. F. 2024. The role of ruminant urine and faeces in the recycling of nutrients by forages. Scientific Reports. 14, p. 16007.

Identifying pathways to more sustainable farming using archetypes and Multi-Objective Optimisation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Butikofer, L., Goodwin, C. E., Varma, V., Evans, P. M., Redhead, J. W., Bullock, J. M., Pywell, R. F., Mead, A., Richter, G. M. and Storkey, J. 2024. Identifying pathways to more sustainable farming using archetypes and Multi-Objective Optimisation. Ecological Indicators. 166 (sept), p. 112433.

Sensitivities in associating land-system archetypes with sustainability metrics Insights from simulations

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Varma, V., Evans, P. M., Butikofer, L., Goodwin C. E. D., Pywell, R. F., Redhead, J. W., Storkey, J., Bullock, J. M. and Mead, A. 2024. Sensitivities in associating land-system archetypes with sustainability metrics Insights from simulations. bioRxiv.

The differential assimilation of nitrogen fertilizer compounds by soil microorganisms

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Charteris, A., Knowles, T. D. J., Mead, A., Reay, M. K., Michaelides, K. and Evershed, R. P. 2024. The differential assimilation of nitrogen fertilizer compounds by soil microorganisms . FEMS Microbiology Letters. 371, p. fnae041.

Development of inoculation methods for Pythium violae to evaluate resistance of carrot cultivars and efficacy of crop protection products for cavity spot control

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pereira, N., Hales, K. R., Mead, A., Chappell, L. H. K., Barker, G. C. and Clarkson, J. P. 2024. Development of inoculation methods for Pythium violae to evaluate resistance of carrot cultivars and efficacy of crop protection products for cavity spot control. Plant Pathology.

An introduction to conducting responsible and reproducible agricultural research

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sichinga-Ligowe, I., Joy, E., Kangara, G., Pino-Chandia, L., Rivero, M. J., Devkota, M. W., Broadley, M., Haefele, S. M. and McGrath, S. P. 2024. An introduction to conducting responsible and reproducible agricultural research. CABI Reviews. 19 (1).

A Bayesian approach to analyzing long-term agricultural experiments

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Addy, J., Maclaren, C. and Lang, R. 2024. A Bayesian approach to analyzing long-term agricultural experiments . European Journal of Agronomy. 159 (Sept), p. 127227.

Navigating the Fusarium species complex: Host-range plasticity and genome variations

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Armer, V., Kroll, E., Darino, M., Smith, D., Urban, M. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2024. Navigating the Fusarium species complex: Host-range plasticity and genome variations. Fungal Biology. 128 (8B), pp. 2439-2459.

Spatial Variation in the Integrated Assessment of Pasture Dynamics and Soil Health on the North Wyke Farm Platform

N - Datasets
Yan, J., Ye, H., Le-Grice, P., Beaumont, D. A., Darch, T. and Hodge, J. A. 2024. Spatial Variation in the Integrated Assessment of Pasture Dynamics and Soil Health on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Rothamsted Research.

Using long-term experiments to assess statistical models for determining critical P fertilisation thresholds

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Jordan-Meille, L., Mollier, A., Poulton, P. R., Glendining, M. J., Jouany, C., Gratecap, J. -., Hanocq, D., Montagnier, C. and Denoroy, P. 2024. Using long-term experiments to assess statistical models for determining critical P fertilisation thresholds. European Journal of Agronomy. 158 (August), p. 127220.

Why insect swarms seem unduly complicated

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2024. Why insect swarms seem unduly complicated. European Physical Journal Plus. 139, p. 610.

Future proofing a long-term agricultural experiment for decades to come - Relocation and redesign

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Watson, C. A., Topp, C. F. E., Mead, A., Fraser, F., Fernandez-Huarte, M., Horne, J., Paton, G. I., Hallett, P. D., Norton, G., Graham, R. I. and Walker, R. L. 2024. Future proofing a long-term agricultural experiment for decades to come - Relocation and redesign. European Journal of Agronomy. 158 (August), p. 127214.

A fungal endophyte induces local cell wall-mediated resistance in wheat roots against take-all disease

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chancellor, T., Smith, D. P., Chen, W., Clark, S. J., Venter, E., Halsey, K., Carrera, E., Mcmillan, V. E., Canning, G., Armer, V., Hammond-Kosack, K. E. and Palma-Guerrero, J. 2024. A fungal endophyte induces local cell wall-mediated resistance in wheat roots against take-all disease. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15, p. 1444271.

Stacked mutations in wheat homologues of rice SEMI-DWARF1 confer a novel semi-dwarf phenotype

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ndreca, B., Huttly, A. K., Bibi, S., Bayon, C., Lund, G., Ham, J., Alarcon-Reverte, R., Addy, J., Tarkowská, D., Pearce, S., Hedden, P., Thomas, S. G. and Phillips, A. L. 2024. Stacked mutations in wheat homologues of rice SEMI-DWARF1 confer a novel semi-dwarf phenotype. BMC Plant Biology. 24, p. 384.

Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Baudron, F., Cairns, J. E., Haefele, S. M., Hassall, K. L., Ndhlela, T., Nyagumbo, I., Kangara, G. and Joy, E. 2024. Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe. Journal Of Nutrition. 154 (6), pp. 1815-1826.

Quantifying the impact of Psylliodes chrysocephala injury on the productivity of oilseed rape

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Coston, D. J., Clark, S. J., Breeze, T. D., Field, L. M., Potts, S. G. and Cook, S. M. 2024. Quantifying the impact of Psylliodes chrysocephala injury on the productivity of oilseed rape. Pest Management Science. 80 (5), pp. 2383-2392.

Limited complementarity of functional and taxonomic diversity in Chilean benthic marine invertebrates

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pino-Chandia, L. and Webb, T. J. 2024. Limited complementarity of functional and taxonomic diversity in Chilean benthic marine invertebrates. Diversity and Distributions. p. e13835.

Feeling the Heat: Investigating the dual assault of Zymoseptoria tritici and Heat Stress on Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Conference poster
Blyth, H. R., Zarsav, A., Smith, D., Kanyuka, K., Hassall, K. L., Michaelson, L. V., Rudd, J. J. and Haslam, R. P. 2024. Feeling the Heat: Investigating the dual assault of Zymoseptoria tritici and Heat Stress on Wheat (Triticum aestivum) . 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference. Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA 12 Mar 2024

Stepwise model parametrisation using satellite imagery and hemispherical photography: Tuning AquaCrop sensitive parameters for improved winter wheat yield predictions in semi-arid regions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Oulaid, B., Milne, A. E., Waine, T., Alami, R. E., Rafiqi, M. and Corstanje, R. 2024. Stepwise model parametrisation using satellite imagery and hemispherical photography: Tuning AquaCrop sensitive parameters for improved winter wheat yield predictions in semi-arid regions. Field Crops Research. 309, p. 109327.

Soil Map of Rothamsted Estate

N - Datasets
Avery, B. W., Catt, J. A., Coleman, K., Pino-Chandia, L. and Ostler, R. 2024. Soil Map of Rothamsted Estate. Rothamsted Research.

Identification and functional characterisation of a locus for target site integration in Fusarium graminearum

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Darino, M., Urban, M., Kaur, N., Wood, A. K. M., Smith, D., Grimwade-Mann, M., Beacham, A. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2024. Identification and functional characterisation of a locus for target site integration in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. 11 (2), pp. 1-21.

The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK Crop yields and soil changes during the last 50 years

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Johnston, A. E., Glendining, M. J., White, R. P., Gregory, A. S., Clark, S. J., Gregory, W., Macdonald, A. J. and Powlson, D. S. 2024. The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK Crop yields and soil changes during the last 50 years. Advances in Agronomy. 184, pp. 173-298.

Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Powlson, D. S., Glendining, M. J. and Gregory, A. S. 2024. Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted? European Journal of Agronomy. 154 (March), p. 127062.

The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harrison, C., Noleto-Dias, C., Ruvo, G., Hughes, D. J., Smith, D., Mead, A., Ward, J. L., Heuer, S. and Macgregor, D. 2024. The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Functional Plant Biology. 51, p. FP23193.

Effect of additional herbage areas on grazing dairy cows in commercial farms: A GPS and LoRaWAN based case study on herbage intake and milk yield

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2024. Effect of additional herbage areas on grazing dairy cows in commercial farms: A GPS and LoRaWAN based case study on herbage intake and milk yield. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal. 32 (1), pp. 37-54.

Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Storkey, J., Maclaren, C. and Mead, A. 2023. Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers. Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society. 886, pp. 1-20.

The impact of feeding supplemental minerals to sheep on the return of micronutrients to pasture via urine and faeces

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kao, P-T., Fleming, H. R., Warren, H., Darch, T., McGrath, S. P., Buss, H. L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2023. The impact of feeding supplemental minerals to sheep on the return of micronutrients to pasture via urine and faeces. Scientific Reports. 13, p. 2747.