Robin Thompson

NameRobin Thompson
Job titleHonorary
DepartmentIntelligent Data Ecosystems
Preferred citationThompson, R.

Research outputs

A computationally efficient algorithm to leverage average information REML for (co)variance component estimation in the genomic era

Stranden, I., Mantysaari, E. A., Lidauer, M. H., Thompson, R. and Gao, H. 2024. A computationally efficient algorithm to leverage average information REML for (co)variance component estimation in the genomic era. Genetics Selection Evolution. 56, p. 73.

Desert island papers-a life in variance parameter and quantitative genetic parameter estimation reviewed using sixteen papers

Thompson, R. 2019. Desert island papers-a life in variance parameter and quantitative genetic parameter estimation reviewed using sixteen papers. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 136 (4), pp. 230-242.

Journal of animal breeding and genetics

Thompson, R. 2019. Journal of animal breeding and genetics . 136 (4), pp. 229-309.

Multi-trait covariance functions to estimate genetic correlations between milk yield, dry matter intake and live weight during lactation

Veerkamp, R. F. and Thompson, R. 1999. Multi-trait covariance functions to estimate genetic correlations between milk yield, dry matter intake and live weight during lactation. Metabolic stress in dairy cows. British Society of Animal Science Occasional Publication No. 24 . Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Linear and threshold model genetic parameters for disease, fertility and milk production in dairy cattle

Kadarmideen, H. N., Thompson, R. and Simm, G. 2000. Linear and threshold model genetic parameters for disease, fertility and milk production in dairy cattle. Animal Science. 71 (3), pp. 411-419.

Genomic Selection in Multi-environment Crop Trials

Oakey, H., Cullis, B. R., Thompson, R., Comadran, J., Halpin, C. and Waugh, R. 2016. Genomic Selection in Multi-environment Crop Trials. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 6 (5), pp. 1313-1326.

Employing a Monte Carlo algorithm in Newton-type methods for restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters

Matilainen, K., Mantysaari, E. A., Lidauer, M. H., Stranden, I. and Thompson, R. 2013. Employing a Monte Carlo algorithm in Newton-type methods for restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters. PLOS ONE. 8 (12), p. e80821.

A bivariate mixed model approach for the analysis of plant survival data

Ganesalingam, A., Smith, A. B., Beeck, C. P., Cowling, W. A., Thompson, R. and Cullis, B. R. 2013. A bivariate mixed model approach for the analysis of plant survival data. Euphytica. 190 (3), pp. 371-383.

Employing a Monte Carlo algorithm in expectation maximization restricted maximum likelihood estimation of the linear mixed model

Matilainen, K., Mantysaari, E. A., Lidauer, M. H., Stranden, L. and Thompson, R. 2012. Employing a Monte Carlo algorithm in expectation maximization restricted maximum likelihood estimation of the linear mixed model. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 129 (6), pp. 457-468.

Estimating variance components and predicting breeding values for eventing disciplines and grades in sport horses

Stewart, I. D., White, I. M. S., Gilmour, A. R., Thompson, R., Woolliams, J. A. and Brotherstone, S. 2012. Estimating variance components and predicting breeding values for eventing disciplines and grades in sport horses. Animal. 6 (9), pp. 1377-1388.

Genomic and pedigree-based genetic parameters for scarcely recorded traits when some animals are genotyped

Veerkamp, R. F., Mulder, H. A., Thompson, R. and Calus, M. P. L. 2011. Genomic and pedigree-based genetic parameters for scarcely recorded traits when some animals are genotyped. Journal of Dairy Science. 94 (8), pp. 4189-4197.

The design and analysis of variety trials using mixtures of composite and individual plot samples

Smith, A. B., Thompson, R., Butler, D. G. and Cullis, B. R. 2011. The design and analysis of variety trials using mixtures of composite and individual plot samples. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics). 60 (3), pp. 437-455.

Use of prior information in forming selection indices

Goddard, M. E. and Thompson, R. 1998. Use of prior information in forming selection indices. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 115 (5), pp. 327-340.

Joint modeling of spatial variability and within-row interplot competition to increase the efficiency of plant improvement

Stringer, J. K., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2011. Joint modeling of spatial variability and within-row interplot competition to increase the efficiency of plant improvement. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics. 16 (2), pp. 269-281.

Fitness trade-off in peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae) between insecticide resistance and vulnerability to parasitoid attack at several spatial scales

Foster, S. P., Denholm, I., Poppy, G. M., Thompson, R. and Powell, W. 2011. Fitness trade-off in peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae) between insecticide resistance and vulnerability to parasitoid attack at several spatial scales. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 101 (6), pp. 659-666.

Genetic aspects of common health disorders and measures of fertility in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle

Pryce, J. E., Veerkamp, R. F., Thompson, R., Hill, W. G. and Simm, G. 1997. Genetic aspects of common health disorders and measures of fertility in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Animal Science. 65 (3), pp. 353-360.

Assigning pedigree beef performance records to contemporary groups taking account of within herd calving patterns

Crump, R. E., Wray, N. R., Thompson, R. and Simm, G. R. 1997. Assigning pedigree beef performance records to contemporary groups taking account of within herd calving patterns. Animal Science. 65 (2), pp. 193-198.

A comparison of analysis methods for late-stage variety evaluation trials

Welham, S. J., Gogel, B. J., Smith, A. B., Thompson, R. and Cullis, B. R. 2010. A comparison of analysis methods for late-stage variety evaluation trials. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 52 (2), pp. 125-149.

A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model

Gumedze, F. N., Welham, S. J., Gogel, B. J. and Thompson, R. 2010. A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 54 (9), pp. 2128-2144.

Latent mixed models

Thompson, R. 2009. Latent mixed models. Proceedings 18th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics: Matching Genetics and the Environment - a New Look at an Old Topic, Barossa Valley, 28 September - 1 October 2009 . Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding Genetics. pp. 398-405

ASREML user guide release 3.0

Gilmour, A. R., Gogel, B. J., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2009. ASREML user guide release 3.0. VSN International, Hemel Hempstead.

A note on bimodality in the log-likelihood function for penalized spline mixed models

Welham, S. J. and Thompson, R. 2009. A note on bimodality in the log-likelihood function for penalized spline mixed models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 53 (4), pp. 920-931.

Multivariate analysis of test day milk yields of British Holstein- Freisian heifers using Gibbs sampling

Firat, M. Z., Theobald, C. M. and Thompson, R. 1997. Multivariate analysis of test day milk yields of British Holstein- Freisian heifers using Gibbs sampling. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science. 47 (4), pp. 221-229.

Estimation of quantitative genetic parameters

Thompson, R. 2008. Estimation of quantitative genetic parameters. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275, pp. 679-686.

Analysis of litter size and average litter weight in pigs using a recursive model

Varona, L., Sorensen, D. and Thompson, R. 2007. Analysis of litter size and average litter weight in pigs using a recursive model. Genetics. 177 (3), pp. 1791-1799.

The analysis of QTL by simultaneous use of the full linkage map

Verbyla, A. P., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2008. The analysis of QTL by simultaneous use of the full linkage map. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 116 (December), pp. 95-111.

Behavioural side-effects of insecticide resistance in aphids increase their vulnerability to parasitoid attack

Foster, S. P., Tomiczek, M., Thompson, R., Denholm, I., Poppy, G. M., Kraaijeveld, A. R. and Powell, W. 2007. Behavioural side-effects of insecticide resistance in aphids increase their vulnerability to parasitoid attack. Animal Behaviour. 74 (3), pp. 621-632.

Development of a maternal breeding goal and tools to select for this goal in UK beef production

Roughsedge, T., Amer, P. R., Thompson, R. and Simm, G. 2005. Development of a maternal breeding goal and tools to select for this goal in UK beef production. Animal Science. 81 (2), pp. 221-232.

Reduced response of insecticide-resistant aphids and attraction of parasitoids to aphid alarm pheromone; a potential fitness trade-off

Foster, S. P., Denholm, I., Thompson, R., Poppy, G. M. and Powell, W. 2005. Reduced response of insecticide-resistant aphids and attraction of parasitoids to aphid alarm pheromone; a potential fitness trade-off. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 95 (1), pp. 37-46.

A comparison of mixed model splines for curve fitting

Welham, S. J., Cullis, B. R., Kenward, M. G. and Thompson, R. 2007. A comparison of mixed model splines for curve fitting. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 49 (1), pp. 1-23.

Quasi-Monte Carlo estimation in generalized linear mixed models

Pan, J. and Thompson, R. 2007. Quasi-Monte Carlo estimation in generalized linear mixed models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 51 (12), pp. 5765-5775.

Multivariate spatial statistical analysis of longitudinal data in perennial crops

De Resende, M. D. V., Thompson, R. and Welham, S. J. 2006. Multivariate spatial statistical analysis of longitudinal data in perennial crops. Revista de Matemática e Estatística, São Paulo,. 24 (1), pp. 147-169.

The analysis of longitudinal data using mixed model L-splines

Welham, S. J., Cullis, B. R., Kenward, M. G. and Thompson, R. 2006. The analysis of longitudinal data using mixed model L-splines. Biometrics. 62 (2), pp. 392-401.

The analysis of crop cultivar breeding and evaluation trials: an overview of current mixed model approaches

Smith, A. B., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2005. The analysis of crop cultivar breeding and evaluation trials: an overview of current mixed model approaches. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 143 (6), pp. 449-462.

Estimation of quantitative genetic parameters

Thompson, R., Brotherstone, S. and White, I. M. S. 2005. Estimation of quantitative genetic parameters. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 360 (1459), pp. 1469-1477.

Development of ‘RL Plus’: winter wheat variety performance in relation to site characteristics (HGCA Project Report No. 365)

Welham, S. J., Thompson, R. and Sylvester-Bradley, R. 2005. Development of ‘RL Plus’: winter wheat variety performance in relation to site characteristics (HGCA Project Report No. 365). Stoneleigh Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA).

Joint modelling of competition and spatial variability in forest field trials

De Resende, M. D. V., Stringer, J., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2005. Joint modelling of competition and spatial variability in forest field trials. Revista de Matemática e Estatística, São Paulo,. 23 (2), pp. 7-22.

Estimation of genetic parameters

Thompson, R. 2005. Estimation of genetic parameters. in: Mrode, R. A. (ed.) Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding values, 2nd ed. CABI International, Wallingford, Oxon (CABI). pp. 235-245

Prediction in linear mixed models

Welham, S. J., Cullis, B. R., Gogel, B., Gilmour, A. and Thompson, R. 2004. Prediction in linear mixed models. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 46 (3), pp. 325-347.

Multivariate character process models for the analysis of two or more correlated function-valued traits

Jaffrezic, F., Thompson, R. and Pletcher, S. D. 2004. Multivariate character process models for the analysis of two or more correlated function-valued traits. Genetics. 168 (1), pp. 477-487.

Calculation of multiple-trait sire reliability for traits included in a dairy cattle fertility index

Banos, G., Brotherstone, S., Thompson, R., Woolliams, J. A., Wall, E. and Coffey, M. P. 2004. Calculation of multiple-trait sire reliability for traits included in a dairy cattle fertility index. Animal Science. 79 (1), pp. 1-9.

Using a correlated probit model approximation to estimate the variance for binary matched pairs

Waddington, D. and Thompson, R. 2004. Using a correlated probit model approximation to estimate the variance for binary matched pairs. Statistics and Computing. 14 (2), pp. 83-90.

Factor analytic multiplicative mixed models in the analysis of multiple experiments

De Resende, M. D. V. and Thompson, R. 2004. Factor analytic multiplicative mixed models in the analysis of multiple experiments. Revista de Matemática e Estatística, São Paulo,. 22 (2), pp. 31-52.

Perspectives of ANOVA, REML and a general linear mixed model

Cullis, B. R., Smith, A. B. and Thompson, R. 2004. Perspectives of ANOVA, REML and a general linear mixed model. in: Adams, N., Stephens, D., Hand, D. J. and Crowder, M. (ed.) Methods and models in statistics: in honour of Professor John Nelder FRS Imperial College Press. pp. 53-94

Prospects for statistical methods in animal breeding

Thompson, R. and Mantysaari, E. 2004. Prospects for statistical methods in animal breeding. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics. 57 (Special Volume), pp. 15-25.

Factor analytic multiplicative mixed models in the analysis of multi-environment forest field trials

Resende, M. D. V. and Thompson, R. 2004. Factor analytic multiplicative mixed models in the analysis of multi-environment forest field trials. Borralho, N. (ed.) Eucalyptus in a Changing World. Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference, Aveiro, 11-15 October 2004 .

Joint modelling of competition and spatial variability in forest field trials

Resende, M. D. V., Stringer, J., Cullis, B. and Thompson, R. 2004. Joint modelling of competition and spatial variability in forest field trials. Borralho, N. (ed.) Eucalyptus in a Changing World. Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference, Aveiro, 11-15 October 2004 .

The analysis of quantitative trait loci in multi-environment trials using a multiplicative mixed model

Verbyla, A. P., Eckermann, P. J., Thompson, R. and Cullis, B. R. 2003. The analysis of quantitative trait loci in multi-environment trials using a multiplicative mixed model. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 54 (12), pp. 1395-1408.

Effects of pregnancy on daily milk yield of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

Brotherstone, S., Thompson, R. and White, I. M. S. 2004. Effects of pregnancy on daily milk yield of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. Livestock Production Science. 87 (2-3), pp. 265-269.

A sparse implementation of the average information algorithm for factor analytic and reduced rank variance models

Thompson, R., Cullis, B. R., Smith, A. and Gilmour, A. 2003. A sparse implementation of the average information algorithm for factor analytic and reduced rank variance models. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 45 (4), pp. 445-459.

Structured antedependence models for genetic analysis of repeated measures on multiple quantitative traits

Jaffrezic, F., Thompson, R. and Hill, W. G. 2003. Structured antedependence models for genetic analysis of repeated measures on multiple quantitative traits. Genetics Research. 82 (1), pp. 55-65.

Modelling and estimation for the genetic analysis of longitudinal data

Thompson, R. and Jaffrezic, F. 2003. Modelling and estimation for the genetic analysis of longitudinal data. International Statistical Institute (ISI).

Association of MACE-based insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae with reproductive rate, response to alarm pheromone and vulnerability to attack by Aphidius colemani

Foster, S. P., Kift, N. B., Baverstock, J., Sime, S., Reynolds, K., Jones, J. E., Thompson, R. and Tatchell, G. M. 2003. Association of MACE-based insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae with reproductive rate, response to alarm pheromone and vulnerability to attack by Aphidius colemani. Pest Management Science. 59 (11), pp. 1169-1178.

Multiplicative mixed models for the analysis of sensory evaluation data

Smith, A., Cullis, B. R., Brockoff, P. and Thompson, R. 2003. Multiplicative mixed models for the analysis of sensory evaluation data. Food Quality and Preference. 14 (5-6), pp. 387-395.

Use of the score test as a goodness-of-fit measure of the covariance structure in genetic analysis of longitudinal data

Jaffrezic, F., White, I. M. S. and Thompson, R. 2003. Use of the score test as a goodness-of-fit measure of the covariance structure in genetic analysis of longitudinal data. Genetics Selection Evolution. 35, pp. 185-198.

Gauss-Hermite quadrature approximation for estimation in generalised linear mixed models

Pan, J. and Thompson, R. 2003. Gauss-Hermite quadrature approximation for estimation in generalised linear mixed models. Computational Statistics. 18 (1), pp. 57-78.

Variation in response to neonicotinoid insecticides in peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Foster, S. P., Denholm, I. and Thompson, R. 2003. Variation in response to neonicotinoid insecticides in peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Pest Management Science. 59 (2), pp. 166-173.

Multivariate spatial statistical analysis in perennial crops

Vilela De Resende, M. D., Thompson, R., Welham, S. J. and Baierl, A. 2003. Multivariate spatial statistical analysis in perennial crops. Abstracts International Biometric Society British Region Conference, Reading, 16-18 September 2003 . pp. 70

Genetic parameters and evaluations from single- and multiple- trait analysis of dairy cow fertility and milk production

Kadarmideen, H. N., Thompson, R., Coffey, M. P. and Kossaibati, M. A. 2003. Genetic parameters and evaluations from single- and multiple- trait analysis of dairy cow fertility and milk production. Livestock Production Science. 81 (2-3), pp. 183-195.

An efficient computing strategy for prediction in mixed linear models

Gilmour, A., Cullis, B. R., Welham, S. J., Gogel, B. and Thompson, R. 2004. An efficient computing strategy for prediction in mixed linear models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 44 (4), pp. 571-586.

Foliar insect pest management on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walpers) in simulated varietal mixtures II. Pest resistance management implications

Ward, A., Morse, S., Denholm, I., Thompson, R. and Mcnamara, N. 2002. Foliar insect pest management on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walpers) in simulated varietal mixtures II. Pest resistance management implications. Field Crops Research. 79 (1), pp. 67-80.

Bioassay and field-simulator studies of the efficacy of pymetrozine against peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), possessing different mechanisms of insecticide resistance

Foster, S. P., Denholm, I. and Thompson, R. 2002. Bioassay and field-simulator studies of the efficacy of pymetrozine against peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), possessing different mechanisms of insecticide resistance. Pest Management Science. 58 (8), pp. 805-810.

Heritability, reliability of genetic evaluations and response to selection in proportional hazard models

Yazdi, M. H., Visscher, P. M., Ducrocq, V. and Thompson, R. 2002. Heritability, reliability of genetic evaluations and response to selection in proportional hazard models. Journal of Dairy Science. 85 (6), pp. 1563-1577.

On the mapping of quantitative trait loci at marker and non-marker locations

Walling, G. A., Haley, C. S., Perez-Enciso, M., Thompson, R. and Visscher, P. M. 2002. On the mapping of quantitative trait loci at marker and non-marker locations. Genetics Research. 79 (1), pp. 97-106.

Contrasting models for lactation curve analysis

Jaffrezic, F., White, I. M. S., Thompson, R. and Visscher, P. M. 2002. Contrasting models for lactation curve analysis. Journal of Dairy Science. 85 (4), pp. 968-975.

Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize

Sharopova, N., Mcmullen, M. D., Schultz, L., Schroeder, S., Sanchez-Villeda, H., Gardiner, J., Bergstrom, D., Houchins, K., Melia-Hancock, S., Musket, T., Duru, N., Polacco, M., Edwards, K. J., Ruff, T., Register, J. C., Brouwer, C., Thompson, R., Velasco, R., Chin, E., Lee, M. R. F., Woodman-Clikeman, W., Long, M. J., Liscum, E., Cone, K., Davis, G. and Coe, E. H. Jr 2002. Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize. Plant Molecular Biology. 48 (5-6), pp. 463-481.

REML analysis of mixed models

Thompson, R. and Welham, S. J. 2002. REML analysis of mixed models. in: Payne, R. W. (ed.) Guide to GenStat release 6.1. Part 2. Statistics Hemel Hempstead VSN International. pp. 461-560

GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 2. Directives

Payne, R. W., Baird, D. B., Cherry, M., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Lane, P. W., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Soutar, D. M., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 2002. GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 2. Directives. Hemel Hempstead VSN International.

GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 1. Summary

Payne, R. W., Baird, D. B., Cherry, M., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Lane, P. W., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Soutar, D. M., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 2002. GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 1. Summary. Hemel Hempstead VSN International.

ASREML user guide release 1.0

Gilmour, A. R., Gogel, B. J., Cullis, B. R., Welham, S. J. and Thompson, R. 2002. ASREML user guide release 1.0. VSN International, Hemel Hempstead.

Aplicacion de la estadistica

Thompson, R. 2002. Aplicacion de la estadistica. Solemne acto academico de investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa del Excmo. Sr. D. Daniel Gianola y del Excmo. Sr. D. Robin Thompson, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, 8 November 2002 .

A review of genetic parameter estimation

Thompson, R. 2002. A review of genetic parameter estimation. Proceedings 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, 19-23 August 2002 . pp. 17-01

ASREML estimates variance matrices from multivariate data using the animal model

Gilmour, A. R., Thompson, R., Cullis, B. R. and Welham, S. J. 2002. ASREML estimates variance matrices from multivariate data using the animal model. Proceedings 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, 19-23 August 2002 . pp. 28-05

Statistical models for the genetic analysis of longitudinal data

Jaffrezic, F., White, I. M. S., Thompson, R., Visscher, P. M. and Hill, W. G. 2002. Statistical models for the genetic analysis of longitudinal data. Proceedings 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, 19-23 August 2002 . pp. 16-08

Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 2. Applications

Smith, A., Cullis, B. R., Luckett, D., Hollamby, G. and Thompson, R. 2002. Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 2. Applications. in: Kang, M. S. (ed.) Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding Wallingford, Oxon CAB International (CABI). pp. 337-351

Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 1. Theory

Smith, A., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2002. Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 1. Theory. in: Kang, M. S. (ed.) Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding Wallingford, Oxon CAB International (CABI). pp. 323-335

Analyzing variety by environment data using multiplicative mixed models and adjustments for spatial field trend

Smith, A., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2001. Analyzing variety by environment data using multiplicative mixed models and adjustments for spatial field trend. Biometrics. 57 (4), pp. 1138-1147.

The analysis of quantitative traits in wheat mapping populations

Eckermann, P. J., Verbyla, A. P., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. 2001. The analysis of quantitative traits in wheat mapping populations. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 52 (12), pp. 1195-1206.

Statistical validation of genetic models

Thompson, R. 2001. Statistical validation of genetic models. Livestock Production Science. 72 (1-2), pp. 129-134.

Synthesis of direct and maternal genetic compounds of economically important traits from beef breed-cross evaluations

Roughsedge, T., Thompson, R., Villanueva, B. and Simm, G. 2001. Synthesis of direct and maternal genetic compounds of economically important traits from beef breed-cross evaluations. Journal of Animal Science. 79 (9), pp. 2307-2319.

A link function approach to model heterogeneity of residual variances over time in lactation curve analyses

Jaffrezic, F., White, I. M. S., Thompson, R. and Hill, W. G. 2000. A link function approach to model heterogeneity of residual variances over time in lactation curve analyses. Journal of Dairy Science. 83 (5), pp. 1089-1093.

Marker-assisted selection using ridge regression

Whittaker, J. C., Thompson, R. and Denham, M. C. 2000. Marker-assisted selection using ridge regression. Genetics Research. 75 (2), pp. 249-252.

Generalized linear mixed models: an improved estimating procedure

Pan, J-X. and Thompson, R. 2000. Generalized linear mixed models: an improved estimating procedure. Bethlehem, J. G. and Vanderheijden, P. G. M. (ed.) COMPSTAT: Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2000 . Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 373-378

Spectral analysis of spatial point patterns in incompletely observed regions

Alexander, C. J., Mugglestone, M. A., Taylor, P. C., Thompson, R. and Morgan, G. W. 2000. Spectral analysis of spatial point patterns in incompletely observed regions. Proceedings International Conference on Spatial Temporal Modelling and its Applications, Leeds, 7-9 July 1999 . Leeds University Press. pp. 113-116

A covariance function for feed intake, live weight and milk yield estimated using a random regression model

Veerkamp, R. F. and Thompson, R. 1999. A covariance function for feed intake, live weight and milk yield estimated using a random regression model. Journal of Dairy Science. 82 (7), pp. 1565-1573.

Genetic and environmental smoothing of lactation curves with cubic splines

White, I. M. S., Thompson, R. and Brotherstone, S. 1999. Genetic and environmental smoothing of lactation curves with cubic splines. Journal of Dairy Science. 82 (3), pp. 632-638.

Reduced alarm response by peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with knock-down resistance to insecticides (kdr ) may impose a fitness cost through increased vulnerability to natural enemies

Foster, S. P., Woodcock, C. M., Williamson, M. S., Devonshire, A. L., Denholm, I. and Thompson, R. 1999. Reduced alarm response by peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with knock-down resistance to insecticides (kdr ) may impose a fitness cost through increased vulnerability to natural enemies. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 89 (2), pp. 133-138.

A comparison of two survival analysis methods with the number of lactations as a discrete time value

Yazdi, M. H., Thompson, R., Ducrocq, V. and Visscher, P. 1999. A comparison of two survival analysis methods with the number of lactations as a discrete time value. Proceedings international workshop on EU concerted action Genetic Improvement of Functional Traits in Cattle (GIFT). Interbull.

Genetic analysis of longevity data in the UK: present practice and considerations for the future

Visscher, P., Thompson, R., Yazdi, H., Hill, W. G. and Brotherstone, S. 1999. Genetic analysis of longevity data in the UK: present practice and considerations for the future. Proceedings of the Genetic Improvement of Functional Traits in cattle longevity, Interbull. Jouy-en-Jossas, France, 1999.

Prospects for statistical methods in dairy cattle breeding

Thompson, R. and Mantysaari, E. A. 1999. Prospects for statistical methods in dairy cattle breeding. Proceedings of the Genetic Improvement of Functional Traits in cattle longevity, Interbull. Jouy-en-Jossas, France, 1999.

Estimation of genetic parameters using health, fertility and production data from a management recording system for dairy cattle

Pryce, J. E., Esslemont, R. J., Thompson, R., Veerkamp, R. F., Kossaibati, M. A. and Simm, G. 1998. Estimation of genetic parameters using health, fertility and production data from a management recording system for dairy cattle. Animal Science. 66 (3), pp. 577-584.

A genetic analysis of egg quality traits and their maternal influence on offspring-parental regressions of juvenile body weight performance in broiler chickens

Koerhuis, A. N. M., Mckay, J. C., Hill, W. G. and Thompson, R. 1997. A genetic analysis of egg quality traits and their maternal influence on offspring-parental regressions of juvenile body weight performance in broiler chickens. Livestock Production Science. 49 (3), pp. 203-215.

Prospects for across-flock genetic evaluation in Australian Merino sheep

Atkins, K. D., Gilmour, A. R., Thompson, R., Coelli, K. A. and Casey, A. E. 1998. Prospects for across-flock genetic evaluation in Australian Merino sheep. Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding. 46 (1), pp. 1-11.

Quasi-Monte Carlo EM algorithm for MLEs in generalized linear mixed models

Pan, J-X and Thompson, R. 1998. Quasi-Monte Carlo EM algorithm for MLEs in generalized linear mixed models. Payne, R. W. and Green, P. (ed.) Compstat 1998: Proceedings 13th Symposium in Computational Statistics, Bristol, 1998 . Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 419-424

Multi-trait covariance functions to model genetic variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake, live weight and milk yield during lactation

Veerkamp, R. F. and Thompson, R. 1998. Multi-trait covariance functions to model genetic variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake, live weight and milk yield during lactation. Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Warsaw, 24-27 August 1998 .

Multi-trait covariance functions to model between animal variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake and milk yield during lactation

Veerkamp, R. F., Thompson, R., Meuwissen, T. H. E. and Pool, M. H. 1998. Multi-trait covariance functions to model between animal variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake and milk yield during lactation. Proceedings 5th Zodiac Symposium on Regulation of Feed Intake, Wageningen, 22-24 April 1998 .

(Co)variance structures for linear models in the analysis of plant improvement data

Gilmour, A. R., Cullis, B. R., Frensham, A. B. and Thompson, R. 1998. (Co)variance structures for linear models in the analysis of plant improvement data. Payne, R. W. and Green, P. (ed.) Compstat 1998: Proceedings 13th Symposium in Computational Statistics, Bristol, 1998 . Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 53-64

Smoothing biological data with splines

White, I. M. S., Cullis, B. R., Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1998. Smoothing biological data with splines. Invited Papers 19th International Biometric Conference, Cape Town, 14-18 December 1998 . pp. 57-66

Multiplicative models for interaction in spatial mixed model analyses for Multi-Environment Trial data

Smith, A. D., Cullis, B. R., Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1998. Multiplicative models for interaction in spatial mixed model analyses for Multi-Environment Trial data. Invited Papers 19th International Biometric Conference, Cape Town, 14-18 December 1998 . pp. 91-101

Spatial analysis of multi-environment early generation variety trials

Cullis, B. R., Gogel, B., Verbyla, A. and Thompson, R. 1998. Spatial analysis of multi-environment early generation variety trials. Biometrics. 54 (1), pp. 1-18.

Across-flock evaluation and optimisation of pedigree recording for merino sheep

Atkins, K. D., Gilmour, A. R., Thompson, R. and Coelli, K. A. 1998. Across-flock evaluation and optimisation of pedigree recording for merino sheep. Proceedings 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, 11-16 January 1998 .

Reformulated generalised linear (mixed) model aids multiple trait genetic evaluation with polychotomous calving ease

Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1998. Reformulated generalised linear (mixed) model aids multiple trait genetic evaluation with polychotomous calving ease. Proceedings 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, 11-16 January 1998 .

Modelling variance parameters in ASREML for repeated measures data

Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1998. Modelling variance parameters in ASREML for repeated measures data. Proceedings 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, 11-16 January 1998 .

Genetic parameters for live animal conformation measures of British pedigree beef cattle

Crump, R. E., Simm, G. and Thompson, R. 1998. Genetic parameters for live animal conformation measures of British pedigree beef cattle. Proceedings 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, 11-16 January 1998 .

Individual animal model estimates of genetic correlations between performance test and reproduction traits of Landrace pigs performance tested in a commercial nucleus herd

Crump, R. E., Thompson, R., Haley, C. S. and Mercer, J. 1997. Individual animal model estimates of genetic correlations between performance test and reproduction traits of Landrace pigs performance tested in a commercial nucleus herd. Animal Science. 65 (2), pp. 291-298.

Individual animal model estimates of genetic parameters for reproduction traits of Landrace pigs performance tested in a commercial nucleus herd

Crump, R. E., Haley, C. S., Thompson, R. and Mercer, J. 1997. Individual animal model estimates of genetic parameters for reproduction traits of Landrace pigs performance tested in a commercial nucleus herd. Animal Science. 65 (2), pp. 285-290.

Individual animal model estimates of genetic parameters for performance test traits of male and female Landrace pigs tested in a commercial nucleus herd

Crump, R. E., Haley, C. S., Thompson, R. and Mercer, J. 1997. Individual animal model estimates of genetic parameters for performance test traits of male and female Landrace pigs tested in a commercial nucleus herd. Animal Science. 65 (2), pp. 275-283.

Results of multivariate individual animal model genetic evaluations of British pedigree beef cattle

Crump, R. E., Simm, G., Nicholson, D., Findlay, R. H., Bryan, J. G. E. and Thompson, R. 1997. Results of multivariate individual animal model genetic evaluations of British pedigree beef cattle. Animal Science. 65 (2), pp. 199-207.

A population genetics model of marker-assisted selection

Luo, Z. W., Thompson, R. and Woolliams, J. A. 1997. A population genetics model of marker-assisted selection. Genetics. 146 (3), pp. 1173-1183.

Models to estimate maternal effects for juvenile body weight in broiler chickens

Koerhuis, A. N. M. and Thompson, R. 1997. Models to estimate maternal effects for juvenile body weight in broiler chickens. Genetics Selection Evolution. 29, pp. 225-249.

Gibbs sampling, adaptive rejection sampling and robustness to prior specification for a mixed linear model

Theobald, C. M., Firat, M. Z. and Thompson, R. 1997. Gibbs sampling, adaptive rejection sampling and robustness to prior specification for a mixed linear model. Genetics Selection Evolution. 29 (1), pp. 57-72.

Optimal weighting of information in marker-assisted selection

Whittaker, J. C., Haley, C. S. and Thompson, R. 1997. Optimal weighting of information in marker-assisted selection. Genetics Research. 69 (2), pp. 137-144.

Comparative performance of British hill sheep breeds and crosses

Al-Nakib, F. M. S., Bateman, N., Findlay, R. H., Smith, C. and Thompson, R. 1997. Comparative performance of British hill sheep breeds and crosses. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 128 (2), pp. 199-206.

Genstat 5 Release 4.1 reference manual supplement

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 1997. Genstat 5 Release 4.1 reference manual supplement. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat for Windows command language manual

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 1997. Genstat for Windows command language manual. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 4.1 reference summary

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 1997. Genstat 5 Release 4.1 reference summary. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Univariate analysis of test day milk yields of British Holstein - Friesian heifers using Gibbs sampling

Firat, M. Z., Theobald, C. M. and Thompson, R. 1997. Univariate analysis of test day milk yields of British Holstein - Friesian heifers using Gibbs sampling. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science. 47 (4), pp. 213-220.

Likelihood ratio tests for fixed model terms using residual maximum likelihood

Welham, S. J. and Thompson, R. 1997. Likelihood ratio tests for fixed model terms using residual maximum likelihood. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology). 59 (3), pp. 701-714.

Residual maximum likelihood estimation of (Co) variance components in multivariate mixed linear models using average information

Jensen, J., Mantysaari, E. A., Madsen, P. and Thompson, R. 1997. Residual maximum likelihood estimation of (Co) variance components in multivariate mixed linear models using average information. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics. 49, pp. 215-236.

On the mapping of QTL by regression of phenotype on marker-type

Whittaker, J. C., Thompson, R. and Visscher, P. M. 1996. On the mapping of QTL by regression of phenotype on marker-type. Heredity. 77, pp. 23-32.

Confidence intervals in QTL mapping by bootstrapping

Visscher, P. M., Thompson, R. and Haley, C. S. 1996. Confidence intervals in QTL mapping by bootstrapping. Genetics. 143 (2), pp. 1013-1020.

Genstat 5 Release 3.2 Command Language Manual

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Harding, S. A., Murray, D. A., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. J., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1996. Genstat 5 Release 3.2 Command Language Manual. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Limousin national sire and dam summary

Bridge, P., Brown, C. M., Guy, D. R., Weigleb, B., Crump, R. E., Simm, G., Findlay, R. M., Nicholson, P. and Thompson, R. 1996. Limousin national sire and dam summary. Signet, Milton Keynes.

Charolais national sire and dam summary

Bridge, P., Brown, C. M., Guy, D. R., Weigleb, B., Crump, R. E., Simm, G., Findlay, R. M., Nicholson, P. and Thompson, R. 1996. Charolais national sire and dam summary. Signet, Milton Keynes.

Blonde d'Aquitane national sire and dam summary

Bridge, P., Brown, C. M., Guy, D. R., Weigleb, B., Crump, R. E., Simm, G., Findlay, R. M., Nicholson, P. and Thompson, R. 1996. Blonde d'Aquitane national sire and dam summary. Signet, Milton Keynes.

Aberdeen Angus national sire and dam summary

Bridge, P., Brown, C. M., Guy, D. R., Weigleb, B., Crump, R. E., Simm, G., Findlay, R. M., Nicholson, P. and Thompson, R. 1996. Aberdeen Angus national sire and dam summary. Signet, Milton Keynes.

Marker-assisted introgression in backcross breeding programs

Visscher, P. M., Haley, C. S. and Thompson, R. 1996. Marker-assisted introgression in backcross breeding programs. Genetics. 144 (4), pp. 1923-1932.

Analysis of cereal variety trials

Thompson, R. 1996. Analysis of cereal variety trials. Williams, D. and Connolly, J. (ed.) Proceedings 7th HARMA Workshop, Dublin, 8 November 1996 . pp. 7-10

Model building in animal breeding

Thompson, R. and Crump, R. E. 1996. Model building in animal breeding. Stein, A., Schotman, P. J. and Penningdevries, F. W. T. (ed.) Models in action (Quantitative approaches in systems analysis no. 6) . AB-DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO) Wageningen. pp. 17-21

Investigation of bimodality in likelihoods and posterior densities

Firat, M. Z. and Thompson, R. 1996. Investigation of bimodality in likelihoods and posterior densities. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 54 (4), pp. 379-386.

The analysis of the NSW wheat variety database. II. Variance component estimation

Cullis, B. R., Thomson, F. M., Fisher, J. A., Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1996. The analysis of the NSW wheat variety database. II. Variance component estimation. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 92 (1), pp. 28-39.

The analysis of the NSW wheat variety database. I. Modelling trial error variance

Cullis, B. R., Thomson, F. M., Fisher, J. A., Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1996. The analysis of the NSW wheat variety database. I. Modelling trial error variance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 92 (1), pp. 21-27.

Genstat 3[3] Procedure Library

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1996. Genstat 3[3] Procedure Library. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.2 version for PC Windows and DOS

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1996. Genstat 5 Release 3.2 version for PC Windows and DOS. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.2 version for Vax VMS

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1996. Genstat 5 Release 3.2 version for Vax VMS. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 for Windows reference manual supplement

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Gilmour, A. R., Harding, S. A., Morgan, G. W., Murray, D. A., Thompson, R., Todd, A. D., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R. and Welham, S. J. 1995. Genstat 5 for Windows reference manual supplement. Oxford Numerical Algorithms Group.

Genstat 3[2] Procedure Library

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1995. Genstat 3[2] Procedure Library. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Hewlatt Packard 9000 Series 700

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1995. Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Hewlatt Packard 9000 Series 700. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Dec Alpha AXP OSF/1

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1995. Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Dec Alpha AXP OSF/1. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat for Windows. Release 3.2 manual supplement

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Harding, S. A., Murray, D. A., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1995. Genstat for Windows. Release 3.2 manual supplement. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat for Windows reference summary

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Harding, S. A., Murray, D. A., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1995. Genstat for Windows reference summary. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 release 3.2 reference summary

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Harding, S. A., Murray, D. A., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1995. Genstat 5 release 3.2 reference summary. Oxford Numerical Algorithms Group.

Genstat 5 release 3.2 manual supplement

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Baird, D. B., Harding, S. A., Murray, D. A., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Webster, R., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1995. Genstat 5 release 3.2 manual supplement. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 3[1] Procedure Library

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat 3[1] Procedure Library. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Dec Alpha AXP OpenVMS

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Dec Alpha AXP OpenVMS. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat5 Release 3.1 version for Sun 4 Solaris

Pyne, R., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat5 Release 3.1 version for Sun 4 Solaris. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Sun 4 SunOS

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat 5 Release 3.1 version for Sun 4 SunOS. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1. Version for PC DOS

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat 5 Release 3.1. Version for PC DOS. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3.1. Vax VMS version

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1994. Genstat 5 Release 3.1. Vax VMS version. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Comparisons of some GLMM estimators for a simple binomial model

Waddington, D., Welham, S. J., Gilmour, A. R. and Thompson, R. 1994. Comparisons of some GLMM estimators for a simple binomial model. Genstat newsletter. 30, pp. 13-24.

Genstat 2[3] Procedure Library

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1993. Genstat 2[3] Procedure Library. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 2.2. Student version for IBM XT/AT and compatible PCs

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1993. Genstat 5 Release 2.2. Student version for IBM XT/AT and compatible PCs. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3 reference manual

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Digby, P. G. N., Harding, S. A., Leech, P. K., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1993. Genstat 5 Release 3 reference manual. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 3 reference summary

Payne, R. W., Lane, P. W., Digby, P. G. N., Harding, S. A., Leech, P. K., Morgan, G. W., Todd, A. D., Thompson, R., Tunnicliffe Wilson, G., Welham, S. J. and White, Robin P. 1993. Genstat 5 Release 3 reference summary. Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Genstat 5 Release 2.2 (implementation for Silicon Graphics)

Payne, R. W., Lane, P., Harding, S., Murray, D., Thompson, R., Todd, A. and Welham, S. J. 1992. Genstat 5 Release 2.2 (implementation for Silicon Graphics). Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford.

Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded by chromosome 1A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) indicates quantitative effects on grain quality

Halford, N. G., Field, J. M., Blair, H., Urwin, P., Moore, K., Robert, L., Thompson, R., Flavell, R. B., Tatham, A. S. and Shewry, P. R. 1992. Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded by chromosome 1A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) indicates quantitative effects on grain quality. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 83 (3), pp. 373-378.

REML — a program for the analysis of non-orthogonal data by restricted maximum likelihood

Robinson, D. L., Thompson, R. and Digby, P. G. N. 1982. REML — a program for the analysis of non-orthogonal data by restricted maximum likelihood. Compstat 1982, part II (supplement). Vienna, Austria Springer.

Recovery of inter-block information when clock sizes are unequal

Patterson, H. D. and Thompson, R. 1971. Recovery of inter-block information when clock sizes are unequal. Biometrika. 58 (3), pp. 545-554.

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