Studies on reducing the odour and ammonia emissions during and after the land spreading of animal slurries

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Phillips, V. R., Pain, B. F., Clarkson, C. R. and Klarenbeek, J. V. 1990. Studies on reducing the odour and ammonia emissions during and after the land spreading of animal slurries. Farm Buildings and Engineering. 7, pp. 17-23.

AuthorsPhillips, V. R., Pain, B. F., Clarkson, C. R. and Klarenbeek, J. V.
Year of Publication1990
JournalFarm Buildings and Engineering
Journal citation7, pp. 17-23
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code03
Project: 031036
Project: 031038

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