Long-term effects of nitrogen fertilisation on methane oxidation in soil of the Broadbalk wheat experiment

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Hutsch, B. W., Webster, C. P. and Powlson, D. S. 1993. Long-term effects of nitrogen fertilisation on methane oxidation in soil of the Broadbalk wheat experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 25, pp. 1307-1315. https://doi.org/10.1016/0038-0717(93)90045-D

AuthorsHutsch, B. W., Webster, C. P. and Powlson, D. S.
Year of Publication1993
JournalSoil Biology and Biochemistry
Journal citation25, pp. 1307-1315
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1016/0038-0717(93)90045-D
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code920
Project: 031284
Publisher's version

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