Family: potyviridae

B - Book chapters etc edited externally

Berger, P. H., Adams, M. J., Barnett, O. W., Brunt, A. A., Hammond, J., Hill, J. H., Jordan, R. L., Kashiwazaki, S., Rybicki, E. P., Spence, N., Stenger, D. C., Ohki, S. T., Uyeda, I., Van Zaayen, A., Valkonen, J. and Vetten, H. J. 2005. Family: potyviridae. in: Mayo, M. A., Ball, L. A., Desselberger, U., Maniloff, J. and Fauquet, C. M. (ed.) Virus taxonomy: classification and nomenclature of viruses. 8th Report of the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 819-841

AuthorsBerger, P. H., Adams, M. J., Barnett, O. W., Brunt, A. A., Hammond, J., Hill, J. H., Jordan, R. L., Kashiwazaki, S., Rybicki, E. P., Spence, N., Stenger, D. C., Ohki, S. T., Uyeda, I., Van Zaayen, A., Valkonen, J. and Vetten, H. J.
EditorsMayo, M. A., Ball, L. A., Desselberger, U., Maniloff, J. and Fauquet, C. M.
Page range819-841
Year of Publication2005
Book titleVirus taxonomy: classification and nomenclature of viruses. 8th Report of the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses
PublisherElsevier, Amsterdam
Funder project or code505
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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