The ability of a bymovirus to overcome the rym4- mediated resistance in barley correlates with a codon change in the VPg coding region on RNA1

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Kuhne, T., Shi, N., Proeseler, G., Adams, M. J. and Kanyuka, K. 2003. The ability of a bymovirus to overcome the rym4- mediated resistance in barley correlates with a codon change in the VPg coding region on RNA1. Journal of General Virology. 84 (10), pp. 2853-2859.

AuthorsKuhne, T., Shi, N., Proeseler, G., Adams, M. J. and Kanyuka, K.
Year of Publication2003
JournalJournal of General Virology
Journal citation84 (10), pp. 2853-2859
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code423
Characterisation of plant -virus- vector relationships, with particular respect to transmission by plasmodiophorids
Publisher's version
Microbiology Society

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