The use of conventional and quantitative real-time PCR assays for Polymyxa graminis to examine host plant resistance, inoculum levels and intraspecific variation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Ward, E., Kanyuka, K., Motteram, J., Kornyukhin, D. and Adams, M. J. 2005. The use of conventional and quantitative real-time PCR assays for Polymyxa graminis to examine host plant resistance, inoculum levels and intraspecific variation. New Phytologist. 165 (3), pp. 875-885.

AuthorsWard, E., Kanyuka, K., Motteram, J., Kornyukhin, D. and Adams, M. J.

A real-time PCR protocol based on 18S rDNA sequences was developed to provide a specific, sensitive and quantitative assay for the root-infecting virus vector Polymyxa graminis. The assay was calibrated with zoospore suspensions and inoculated roots and then shown to work with naturally infected plant roots and infested soil. Both the temperate P. graminis ribotypes previously described are detected but are not distinguished. DNA from related plasmodiophorids and from a range of fungi and plants was not detected. Different genotypes of Triticum were grown in a soil infested with P. graminis and Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV). The genotypes differed in susceptibility to P. graminis, the least susceptible being the Triticum monococcum accession K-58505. Conventional PCR assays and sequencing of amplified rDNA fragments showed that P. graminis isolates infecting wheat were mostly, but not exclusively, of ribotype II. Ribotype II was clearly associated with SBCMV transmission and seems to occur preferentially on wheat whereas ribotype I is mostly associated with barley.

KeywordsPlant Sciences
Year of Publication2005
JournalNew Phytologist
Journal citation165 (3), pp. 875-885
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
PubMed ID15720699
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code505
Characterisation of plant -virus- vector relationships, with particular respect to transmission by plasmodiophorids
Project: 4223
Project: 8645
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