Molecular analysis of barley yellow mosaic virus isolates from China

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Chen, J., Shi, N., Cheng, Y., Diao, A., Wilson, T. M. A., Antoniw, J. F. and Adams, M. J. 1999. Molecular analysis of barley yellow mosaic virus isolates from China. Virus Research. 64, pp. 13-21.

AuthorsChen, J., Shi, N., Cheng, Y., Diao, A., Wilson, T. M. A., Antoniw, J. F. and Adams, M. J.
Year of Publication1999
JournalVirus Research
Journal citation64, pp. 13-21
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code203
Project: 091508
Project: 091506
PublisherElsevier Science Bv

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