The behaviour of K remaining in soils from the Agdell experiment at Rothamsted, the results of intensive cropping in pot experiments and their relation to soil analysis and the results of field experiments

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Johnston, A. E. and Mitchell, J. D. D. 1974. The behaviour of K remaining in soils from the Agdell experiment at Rothamsted, the results of intensive cropping in pot experiments and their relation to soil analysis and the results of field experiments. Rothamsted Experimental Station Report. 1973 (2), pp. 74-94.

AuthorsJohnston, A. E. and Mitchell, J. D. D.


Year of Publication1974
JournalRothamsted Experimental Station Report
Journal citation1973 (2), pp. 74-94
Open accessPublished as green open access
Publisher's version
PublisherLawes Agricultural Trust
Rothamsted Research

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