Andrew Mead

NameAndrew Mead
Job titleSenior Research Scientist - Head of Statistics
DepartmentIntelligent Data Ecosystems
Research clusterCAS: Statistics and Ecoinformatics

Research outputs

Identifying pathways to more sustainable farming using archetypes and Multi-Objective Optimisation

Butikofer, L., Goodwin, C. E., Varma, V., Evans, P. M., Redhead, J. W., Bullock, J. M., Pywell, R. F., Mead, A., Richter, G. M. and Storkey, J. 2024. Identifying pathways to more sustainable farming using archetypes and Multi-Objective Optimisation. Ecological Indicators. 166 (sept), p. 112433.

Development of inoculation methods for Pythium violae to evaluate resistance of carrot cultivars and efficacy of crop protection products for cavity spot control

Pereira, N., Hales, K. R., Mead, A., Chappell, L. H. K., Barker, G. C. and Clarkson, J. P. 2024. Development of inoculation methods for Pythium violae to evaluate resistance of carrot cultivars and efficacy of crop protection products for cavity spot control. Plant Pathology.

The differential assimilation of nitrogen fertilizer compounds by soil microorganisms

Charteris, A., Knowles, T. D. J., Mead, A., Reay, M. K., Michaelides, K. and Evershed, R. P. 2024. The differential assimilation of nitrogen fertilizer compounds by soil microorganisms . FEMS Microbiology Letters. 371, p. fnae041.

Effect of additional herbage areas on grazing dairy cows in commercial farms: A GPS and LoRaWAN based case study on herbage intake and milk yield

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2024. Effect of additional herbage areas on grazing dairy cows in commercial farms: A GPS and LoRaWAN based case study on herbage intake and milk yield. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal. 32 (1), pp. 37-54.

Future proofing a long-term agricultural experiment for decades to come - Relocation and redesign

Watson, C. A., Topp, C. F. E., Mead, A., Fraser, F., Fernandez-Huarte, M., Horne, J., Paton, G. I., Hallett, P. D., Norton, G., Graham, R. I. and Walker, R. L. 2024. Future proofing a long-term agricultural experiment for decades to come - Relocation and redesign. European Journal of Agronomy. 158 (August), p. 127214.

The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Harrison, C., Noleto-Dias, C., Ruvo, G., Hughes, D. J., Smith, D., Mead, A., Ward, J. L., Heuer, S. and Macgregor, D. 2024. The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Functional Plant Biology. 51, p. FP23193.

Sensitivities in associating land-system archetypes with sustainability metrics Insights from simulations

Varma, V., Evans, P. M., Butikofer, L., Goodwin C. E. D., Pywell, R. F., Redhead, J. W., Storkey, J., Bullock, J. M. and Mead, A. 2024. Sensitivities in associating land-system archetypes with sustainability metrics Insights from simulations. bioRxiv.

A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice

Li, X., Storkey, J., Mead, A., Shield, I. F., Clark, I. M., Ostler, R., Roberts, B. and Dobermann, A. 2023. A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice. Agronomy for Sustainable Development - ASD. 43 (5), p. 60.

Comparison of lipid profiles in the faeces of beef cattle fed three common temperate grass silage diets and their relevance to dietary composition

Elayadeth-Meethal, M., Rivero, M. J., Mead, A., Lee, M. R. F. and Misselbrook, T. H. 2023. Comparison of lipid profiles in the faeces of beef cattle fed three common temperate grass silage diets and their relevance to dietary composition. Journal Of Animal And Feed Sciences. 32 (4), pp. 427-437.

Current data and modeling bottlenecks for predicting crop yields in the United Kingdom

Corcoran, E., Afshar, M., Curceac, S., Lashkari, A., Raza, M. M., Ahnert, S., Mead, A. and Morris, R. 2023. Current data and modeling bottlenecks for predicting crop yields in the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7, p. 1023169.

Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects

Koutra, V., Gilmour, S. G., Parker, B. M. and Mead, A. 2023. Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics. 28 (3), p. 526–548.

Predicting intercrop competition, facilitation, and productivity from simple functional traits

Maclaren, C., Waswa, W., Aliyu, K. T., Claessens, L., Mead, A., Schob, C., Vanlauwe, B. and Storkey, J. 2023. Predicting intercrop competition, facilitation, and productivity from simple functional traits. Field Crops Research. 297 (1 June), p. 108926.

Field assessment of genome edited, low asparagine wheat: Europe's first CRISPR wheat field trial.

Raffan, S., Oddy, J., Mead, A., Barker, G., Curtis, T. Y., Usher, S. L., Burt, C. and Halford, N. G. 2023. Field assessment of genome edited, low asparagine wheat: Europe's first CRISPR wheat field trial. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 21 (6), pp. 1097-1099.

Reducing dietary acrylamide exposure from wheat products through crop management and imaging

Oddy, J., Addy, J., Mead, A., Hall, C., Mackay, C., Ashfield, T., Mcdiarmid, F., Curtis, T. Y., Raffan, S., Wilkinson, M. D., Elmore, J. S., Cryer, N., Moreira de Almeida, I. and Halford, N. G. 2023. Reducing dietary acrylamide exposure from wheat products through crop management and imaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JAFC. 71 (7), pp. 3403-3413.

Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers

Storkey, J., Maclaren, C. and Mead, A. 2023. Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers. Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society. 886, pp. 1-20.

Quantifying inherent predictability and spatial synchrony in the aphid vector Myzus persicae - field-scale patterns of abundance and regional forecasting error in the UK

Bell, J. R., Clark, S. J., Stevens, M. and Mead, A. 2022. Quantifying inherent predictability and spatial synchrony in the aphid vector Myzus persicae - field-scale patterns of abundance and regional forecasting error in the UK. Pest Management Science. p. 7292.

A heteroskedastic model of park grass spring hay yields in response to weather suggests continuing yield decline with climate change in future decades

Addy, J. W. G., Ellis, R. H., MacLaren, C., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2022. A heteroskedastic model of park grass spring hay yields in response to weather suggests continuing yield decline with climate change in future decades. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 19 (193), p. 20220361.

Multi-tier archetypes to characterise British landscapes, farmland and farming practices

Goodwin, C. E. D., Butikofer, L., Hatfield, J. H., Evans, P. M., Bullock, J. M., Storkey, J., Mead, A., Richter, G. M., Henrys, P. A., Pywell, R. F. and Redhead, J. W. 2022. Multi-tier archetypes to characterise British landscapes, farmland and farming practices. Environmental Research Letters. 17 (9), p. 095002.

Long-term evidence for ecological intensification as a pathway to sustainable agriculture

MacLaren, C., Mead, A., Van Balen, D., Claessens, L., Etana, A., De Haan, J., Haagsma, W., Jack, O., Keller, T., Labuschagne, J., Myrbeck, A., Necpalova, M., Nziguheba, G., Six, J., Strauss, J., Swanepoel, P. A., Thierfelder, C., Topp, C., Tshuma, F., Verstegen, H., Walker, R., Watson, C., Wesselink, M. and Storkey, J. 2022. Long-term evidence for ecological intensification as a pathway to sustainable agriculture. Nature Sustainability. 5, pp. 770-779.

Allocation of herbage allowance to grazed dairy cows in commercial herds using global positioning and long-range wide area network - Supplementary materials

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2022. Allocation of herbage allowance to grazed dairy cows in commercial herds using global positioning and long-range wide area network - Supplementary materials. Rothamsted Research.

GrazeMore - milk yield data

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2022. GrazeMore - milk yield data. Rothamsted Research.

GrazeMore - grazing intake data

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2022. GrazeMore - grazing intake data. Rothamsted Research.

GrazeMore - grazing activity data

Chamberlain, A. T., Mead, A., Rivero, M. J. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2022. GrazeMore - grazing activity data. Rothamsted Research.

Can the right composition and diversity of farmed species improve food security among smallholder farmers?

MacLaren, C., Aliyu, K. T., Waswa, W., Storkey, J., Claessens, L., Vanlauwe, B. and Mead, A. 2022. Can the right composition and diversity of farmed species improve food security among smallholder farmers? Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6, p. 744700.

Rothamsted Research PhD Student Symposium 1st and 2nd March 2022 Handbook , Posters

Mead, A. 2022. Rothamsted Research PhD Student Symposium 1st and 2nd March 2022 Handbook , Posters.

Extending meta-analysis approaches to address routes to Ecological Intensification using agricultural Long-Term Experiments

Mead, A., MacLaren, C. and Storkey, J. 2022. Extending meta-analysis approaches to address routes to Ecological Intensification using agricultural Long-Term Experiments. 31st International Biometric Conference. Riga, Latvia 10 Jul 2022 International Biometric Society.

Modelling Heteroskedasticity, Overdispersion and the Impacts of Climate Change for Long-Term Hay Yield Data

Addy, J., Mead, A., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Ellis, R. H. 2022. Modelling Heteroskedasticity, Overdispersion and the Impacts of Climate Change for Long-Term Hay Yield Data. 31st International Biometric Conference. Riga, Latvia 10 Jul 2022

A comprehensive sugar beet virus yellows model

Bell, J. R. and Mead, A. 2022. A comprehensive sugar beet virus yellows model. British Sugar Beet Review. 90, pp. 12-15.

Impacts of field margin orientation on populations of soil-dwelling invertebrates in relation to the direction and intensity of field traffic

Carlesso, L., Beadle, A., Cook, S. M., Hartwell, G., Mead, A., Ritz, K., Sparkes, D., Wu, L. and Murray, P. J. 2022. Impacts of field margin orientation on populations of soil-dwelling invertebrates in relation to the direction and intensity of field traffic. Soil Use and Management. 38 (1), pp. 1015-1032.

Changes in agricultural climate in South-Eastern England from 1892 to 2016 and differences in cereal and permanent grassland yield

Addy, J., Ellis, R. H., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2021. Changes in agricultural climate in South-Eastern England from 1892 to 2016 and differences in cereal and permanent grassland yield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 308-309, p. 108560.

Reduced free asparagine in wheat grain resulting from a natural deletion of TaASNB2: investigating and exploiting diversity in the asparagine synthetase gene family to improve wheat quality

Oddy, J., Alarcon-Reverte, R., Wilkinson, M. D., Ravet, K., Raffan, S., Minter, A., Mead, A., Elmore, J. S., Moreira de Almeida, I., Cryer, N., Halford, N. G. and Pearce, S. 2021. Reduced free asparagine in wheat grain resulting from a natural deletion of TaASNB2: investigating and exploiting diversity in the asparagine synthetase gene family to improve wheat quality. BMC Plant Biology. 21 (1), p. 302.

The impact of weather and increased atmospheric CO2 from 1892 to 2016 on simulated yields of UK wheat

Addy, J. W. G., Ellis, R.H., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2021. The impact of weather and increased atmospheric CO2 from 1892 to 2016 on simulated yields of UK wheat. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 18 (179), p. 20210250.

Corrigendum to “Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorus acquisition in plants” [Soil Biol. Biochem. 142 (2020) 107695]

Mezeli, M. M., Page, S., George, T. S., Neilson, R., Mead, A., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Haygarth, P. M. 2021. Corrigendum to “Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorus acquisition in plants” [Soil Biol. Biochem. 142 (2020) 107695]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 157, p. 108145.

Identification and Expression of Secreted In Xylem Pathogenicity Genes in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi

Jenkins, S., Taylor, A., Jackson, A. C., Armitage, A. D., Bates, H. J., Mead, A., Harrison, R. J. and Clarkson, J. P. 2021. Identification and Expression of Secreted In Xylem Pathogenicity Genes in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, p. 593140.

Agricultural intensification and climate change have increased the threat from weeds

Storkey, J., Mead, A., Addy, J. and Macdonald, A. J. 2021. Agricultural intensification and climate change have increased the threat from weeds. Global Change Biology. 118 (2), p. e2002548117.

Wheat with greatly reduced accumulation of free asparagine in the grain, produced by CRISPR/Cas9 editing of asparagine synthetase gene TaASN2

Raffan, S., Sparks, C. A., Huttly, A. K., Hyde, L., Martignago, D., Mead, A., Hanley, S. J., Wilkinson, P., Barker, G., Edwards, K. J., Curtis, T. Y., Usher, S. L., Kosik, O. and Halford, N. G. 2021. Wheat with greatly reduced accumulation of free asparagine in the grain, produced by CRISPR/Cas9 editing of asparagine synthetase gene TaASN2 . Plant Biotechnology Journal. 19 (8), pp. 1602-1613.

Reproducing analysis of Sirius model simulations of wheat yields, 1892-2016

Addy, J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2021. Reproducing analysis of Sirius model simulations of wheat yields, 1892-2016.

Simulated wheat yields from Sirius, 1892-2016

Addy, J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2021. Simulated wheat yields from Sirius, 1892-2016.

The Outstanding Scientist, R.A. Fisher: His Views on Eugenics and Race

Bodmer, W., Bailey, R. A., Charlesworth, B., Eyre-Walker, A., Farewell, V., Mead, A. and Senn, S. 2021. The Outstanding Scientist, R.A. Fisher: His Views on Eugenics and Race. Heredity.

Changes of oxygen isotope values of soil P pools associated with changes in soil pH

Pfahler, V., Macdonald, A. J., Mead, A., Smith, A. C., Tamburini, F., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Granger, S. J. 2020. Changes of oxygen isotope values of soil P pools associated with changes in soil pH. Scientific Reports. 10 (2065).

Investigating the effects of inter-annual weather variation (1968-2016) on the functional response of cereal grain yield to applied nitrogen, using data from the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments

Addy, J., Ellis, R. H., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2020. Investigating the effects of inter-annual weather variation (1968-2016) on the functional response of cereal grain yield to applied nitrogen, using data from the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 284, p. 107898.

Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorus acquisition in plants

Mezeli, M. M., Page, S., George, T. S., Neilson, R., Mead, A., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Haygarth, P. M. 2020. Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorus acquisition in plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 142, p. 107695.

Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorous acquisition in plants

Mezeli, M. M., Page, S., George, T. S., Neilson, R., Mead, A., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Haygarth, P. M. 2020. Using a meta-analysis approach to understand complexity in soil biodiversity and phosphorous acquisition in plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 142, p. 107695.

Insights into Pasteurellaceae carriage dynamics in the nasal passages of healthy beef calves

Lee, M. R. F., Bailey, M., Mead, A., Morales-Aza, B., Reynolds, R., Vipond, B., Finn, A., Eisler, M.C. and Thomas, A.C. 2019. Insights into Pasteurellaceae carriage dynamics in the nasal passages of healthy beef calves. Scientific Reports. 9 (11943), p. 11943.

Effects of soybean oil supplements to diets of lactating dairy cows, on productive performance, and milk fat acids profile: a meta-analysis

Mahdavi, A., Mahdavi, A., Darabighane, B., Mead, A. and Lee, M. R. F. 2019. Effects of soybean oil supplements to diets of lactating dairy cows, on productive performance, and milk fat acids profile: a meta-analysis. Italian Journal of Animal Science.

Beyond the one-way ANOVA for 'omics data

Hassall, K. L. and Mead, A. 2018. Beyond the one-way ANOVA for 'omics data. BMC Bioinformatics. 19 (Suppl 7), p. 199.

Phenotyping of field-grown wheat in the UK highlights contribution of light response of photosynthesis and flag leaf longevity to grain yield

Carmo-Silva, E., Andralojc, P. J., Scales, J. C., Driever, S. M., Mead, A., Lawson, T., Raines, C. A. and Parry, M. A. J. 2017. Phenotyping of field-grown wheat in the UK highlights contribution of light response of photosynthesis and flag leaf longevity to grain yield. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (13), pp. 3473-3486.

A spatial temporal analysis of the Fusarium graminearum transcriptome during symptomless and symptomatic wheat infection

Brown, N. A., Evans, J., Mead, A. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2017. A spatial temporal analysis of the Fusarium graminearum transcriptome during symptomless and symptomatic wheat infection. Molecular Plant Pathology. 18 (9), pp. 1295-1312.

Towards new sources of resistance to the currant-lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri)

Walley, P. G., Hough, G., Moore, J. D., Carder, J., Elliott, Marian, Mead, A., Jones, J., Teakle, G., Barker, G. L. A., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Hand, P., Pink, D. and Collier, R. 2017. Towards new sources of resistance to the currant-lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri). Molecular Breeding. 37 (1), p. 4.

Time-Series Transcriptomics Reveals That AGAMOUS-LIKE22 Affects Primary Metabolism and Developmental Processes in Drought-Stressed Arabidopsis

Bechtold, U., Penfold, C. A., Jenkins, D. J., Legaie, R., Moore, J. D., Lawson, T., Matthews, J. S. A., Vialet-Chabrand, S. R. M., Baxter, L., Subramaniam, S., Hickman, R., Florance, H., Sambles, C., Salmon, D. L., Feil, R., Bowden, L., Hill, C., Baker, N. R., Lunn, J. E., Finkenstadt, B., Mead, A., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Beynon, J., Rand, D. A., Wild, D. L., Denby, K. J., Ott, S., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, P. M. 2016. Time-Series Transcriptomics Reveals That AGAMOUS-LIKE22 Affects Primary Metabolism and Developmental Processes in Drought-Stressed Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 28 (2), pp. 345-366.

Transcriptional dynamics driving MAMP-triggered immunity and pathogen effector-mediated immunosuppression in Arabidopsis leaves following infection with Pseudomonas synringae pv tomato DC3000

Lewis, L. A., Polanski, K., De Torres-Zabala, M., Jayaraman, S., Bowden, L., Moore, J., Penford, C. A., Jenkins, D. J., Hill, C., Baxter, L., Kulasekaran, S., Truman, W., Littlejohn, G., Prusinska, J., Mead, A., Steinbrenner, J., Hickman, R., Rand, D., Wild, D. L., Ott, S., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Smirnoff, N., Beynon, J., Denby, K. and Grant, M. 2015. Transcriptional dynamics driving MAMP-triggered immunity and pathogen effector-mediated immunosuppression in Arabidopsis leaves following infection with Pseudomonas synringae pv tomato DC3000. The Plant Cell. 27, pp. 3038-3064.

SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment

Eyice, O., Namura, M., Chen, Y., Mead, A., Samavedam, S. and Schafer, H. 2015. SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment. The ISME Journal. 9, pp. 2336-2348.

Validated predictive modelling of the environmental resistome

Amos, G. C. A., Gozzard, E., Carter, C. E., Mead, A., Bowes, M. J., Hawkey, P. M., Zhang, L., Singer, A. C., Gaze, W. H. and Wellington, E. M. H. 2015. Validated predictive modelling of the environmental resistome. The ISME Journal. 9, pp. 1467-1476.

Statistical methods in biology: design and analysis of experiments and regression

Welham, S. J., Gezan, S. A., Clark, S. J. and Mead, A. 2015. Statistical methods in biology: design and analysis of experiments and regression. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

A strong immune response in young adult honeybees masks their increased susceptibility to infection compared to older bees

Bull, J. C., Ryabov, E. V., Prince, G., Mead, A., Zhang, C., Baxter, L. A., Pell, J. K., Osborne, J. L. and Chandler, D. 2012. A strong immune response in young adult honeybees masks their increased susceptibility to infection compared to older bees. PLOS Pathogens. 8, p. e1003083.

Shoot yield drives phosphorus use efficiency in Brassica oleracea and correlates with root architecture traits

Hammond, J. P., Broadley, M. R., White, P. J., King, G. J., Bowen, H. C., Hayden, R., Meacham, M. C., Mead, A., Overs, T., Spracklen, W. P. and Greenwood, D. J. 2009. Shoot yield drives phosphorus use efficiency in Brassica oleracea and correlates with root architecture traits. Journal of Experimental Botany. 60, pp. 1953-1968.

Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators?

Bell, J. R., Mead, A., Skirvin, D. J., Sunderland, K. D., Fenlon, J. S. and Symondson, W. O. C. 2008. Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators? Bulletin of Entomological Research. 98, pp. 587-597.

Beneficial links for the control of aphids: the effects of compost applications on predators and prey

Bell, J. R., Traugott, M., Sunderland, K. D., Skirvin, D. J., Mead, A., Kravar-Garde, L., Reynolds, K., Fenlon, J. S. and Symondson, W. O. C. 2008. Beneficial links for the control of aphids: the effects of compost applications on predators and prey. Journal of Applied Ecology. 45 (4), pp. 1266-1273.

Shoot calcium and magnesium concentrations differ between subtaxa, are highly heritable, and associate with potentially pleiotropic loci in Brassica oleracea

Broadley, M. R., Hammond, J. P., King, G. J., Astley, D., Bowen, H. C., Meacham, M. C., Mead, A., Pink, D. A. C., Teakle, G. R., Hayden, R. M., Spracklen, W. P. and White, P. J. 2008. Shoot calcium and magnesium concentrations differ between subtaxa, are highly heritable, and associate with potentially pleiotropic loci in Brassica oleracea. Plant Physiology. 146, pp. 1707-1720.

Using a competition model to quantify the optimal trade-off between machine vision capability and weed removal effectiveness

Grundy, A. C., Onyango, C. M., Phelps, K., Reader, R. J., Marchant, J. A., Benjamin, L. R. and Mead, A. 2005. Using a competition model to quantify the optimal trade-off between machine vision capability and weed removal effectiveness. Weed Research. 45 (5), pp. 388-405.

The impact of insecticide resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri , on pest management in lettuce

Kift, N. B., Mead, A., Reynolds, K., Sime, S., Barber, M. D., Denholm, I. and Tatchell, G. M. 2004. The impact of insecticide resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri , on pest management in lettuce. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 6 (4), pp. 295-309.

Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media of different origins under different climatic conditions

Grundy, A. C., Peters, N. C. B., Rasmussen, I. A., Hartmann, K. M., Sattin, M., Andersson, L., Mead, A., Murdoch, A. J. and Forcella, F. 2003. Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media of different origins under different climatic conditions. Weed Research. 43, pp. 163-176.

Influence of straw types and nitrogen sources on mushroom composting emissions and compost productivity

Noble, R., Hobbs, P. J., Mead, A. and Dobrovin-Pennington, A. 2002. Influence of straw types and nitrogen sources on mushroom composting emissions and compost productivity. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29 (3), pp. 99-110.

Olfactory response to mushroom composting emissions as a function of chemical concentration

Noble, R., Hobbs, P. J., Dobrovin-Pennington, A., Misselbrook, T. H. and Mead, A. 2001. Olfactory response to mushroom composting emissions as a function of chemical concentration. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30 (3), pp. 760-767.

Spatial analysis in horticulture - weed seeds and brassica pests

Mead, A., Grundy, A., Collier, R. and Brain, P. 2000. Spatial analysis in horticulture - weed seeds and brassica pests. Proceedings 20th International Biometric Conference, Berkeley, 1-7 July 2000. Vol. 2: Invited Program . pp. 97-106

Biometrical approaches in supervised pest control

Mead, A., Collier, R. and Perry, J. N. 1999. Biometrical approaches in supervised pest control. Abstracts New Directions in Plant Biology. International Biometric Society British Region 190th Ordinary General Meeting & Summer Meeting, Wellesbourne, 23 June 1999 .

Tools for statistical and process-based modelling in agriculture (CIHEAM course notes)

Brain, P., Lane, P. W. and Mead, A. 1996. Tools for statistical and process-based modelling in agriculture (CIHEAM course notes).

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