Statistical analysis of large simulated yield datasets for studying climate effects
B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Makowski, D., Asseng, S., Ewert, F., Bassu, S., Durand, J., Martre, P., Adam, M., Aggarwal, P. K., Angulo, C., Baron, C., Basso, B., Bertuzzi, P., Biernath, C., Boogard, H., Boote, K. J., Brisson, N., Cammarano, D., Challinor, A. J., Conijn, S., Corbeels, M., Deryng, D., De Sanctis, G., Doltra, J., Gayler, S., Goldberg, R., Grassini, P., Hatfield, J. L., Heng, L., Hoek, S., Hooker, J., Hunt, T., Ingwersen, J., Izaurralde, R. C., Jongschaap, R., Jones, J., Kersebaum, K. C., Kim, S., Lizaso, J., Müller, C., Kumar, N., Nendel, C., O'Leary, G., Olsen, J., Osborne, T., Palosuo, T., Pravia, M., Priesack, E., Semenov, M. A. and Stratonovitch, P. 2015. Statistical analysis of large simulated yield datasets for studying climate effects. in: Hillel, D. and Rosenzweig, C. (ed.) Handbook of climate change and agroecosystems: the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Imperial College Press, London. pp. 279-295