1. Fungicide resistance the assessment of risk
  2. Use of Sulfur Isotope Ratios To Determine Anthropogenic Sulfur Signals in a Grassland Ecosystem
  3. Update on research on Varroa jacobsoni at Rothamsted
  4. Model-based geostatistics - discussion
  5. Bacillus isolates from the spermosphere of peas and dwarf French beans with antifungal activity against botrytis cinerea and pythium species
  6. Caged plant growth regulators
  7. A study of genetic diversity in Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia in the upper severn area of the UK using AFLP markers
  8. Technical Notes. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola
  9. Primer Notes. The isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the willow beetles, Phyllodecta vulgatissima (L.) and P-vitellinae (L.)
  10. Synthesis of storage reserves in developing seeds of sunflower
  11. Secondary structure of oleosins in oil bodies isolated from seeds of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
  12. Isolation of a Delta(5)-fatty acid desaturase gene from Mortierella alpina
  13. Identification of a Caenorhabditis elegans Delta(6)-fatty-acid-desaturase by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  14. Functional identification of a fatty acid Delta 5 desaturase gene from Caenorhabditis elegans
  15. Molecular tools for screening biodiversity: plants and animals
  16. The development of standard protocols for the assessment of pesticide effects on aquatic plants
  17. The development of standard protocols for the assessment of pesticide effects on aquatic plants
  18. Fungicidal compounds (Patent application GB9822420.7)
  19. Naphthoquinone derivatives (Patent application GB9828689.1)
  20. Contribution of Kenyan field site data to regional carbon turnover modelling
  21. Soil organic matter and global environmental change: the contribution of the GCTE soil organic matter network (SOMNET) to recent research
  22. Comparison of modelling approaches for estimates of carbon turnover
  23. Comparing conventional and analytical versions of the Rothamsted carbon model
  24. Land use and land use change: data needs for assessing soil carbon stocks and change at the regional scale
  25. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted Carbon Model to GIS databases
  26. Linking the Rothamsted Carbon Model to GIS databases: regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential
  27. Possibilities and data requirements for site-to-country scale dynamic SOM modelling in the ORMITROS programme
  28. A review of UK decision support systems for fertiliser application and manure management (Techinical Report for the Environment Agency, March 1998)
  29. Triticum aestivum mRNA for putative In2.1-like protein
  30. Brome control in winter cereals (HGCA Topic Sheet No. 17)
  31. Insecticide resistant aphids remain a danger
  32. Diagnosing P and K requirements of winter wheat (HGCA Topic Sheet No. 19)
  33. Hordeum vulgare mRNA for SnRK1-type protein kinase, partial
  34. Potato cyst nematodes: damage mechanisms and tolerance in the potato
  35. The origins, global distribution and biology of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) and Globodera pallida Stone)
  36. Are P-glycoproteins in plants chloride channel regulators?
  37. Molecular approaches towards elucidation of the function of the vacuolar H+-pumping inorganic pyrophosphatase in plants
  38. Analyzing spatially-referenced counts using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE)
  39. Donor awareness of biometric value
  40. Prospects for across-flock genetic evaluation in Australian Merino sheep
  41. Improving biological control of western flower thrips. Frankliniella occidentalis , on greenhouse ornamentals
  42. Two human specific acids reduce the trap response to carbon dioxide of West African Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the field
  43. Insecticidal and antifeedant properties of destruxins A, B & E against larvae of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera) and Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera)
  44. Insecticidal and antifeedant effects of efrapeptins, metabolites of the fungus Tolypocladium
  45. Two new insecticidal protolimonoids from Aegle marmelos
  46. The first synthesis of the insecticidal dipeptide from the colorado beetle
  47. Related insecticidal natural products from Myrtaceae species
  48. Synthesis of naturally occurring tetramethylcyclohexenediones
  49. Insecticidal daphnane diterpenoid orthoesters from Excoecaria agallocha
  50. Insecticidal natural products from Sri Lankan plants
  51. Insecticidal and antimicrobial activity of destruxins A, B and E
  52. Efrapeptin production by Tolypocladium species
  53. Airborne allergenic pollen grains on a farm in West Bengal, India
  54. Europejska siec aspiratorow johnsona w badaniach entomologicznych
  55. Distribution and economic importance
  56. Is resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus in spring barley related to aphid feeding behaviour?
  57. Towards developing an index of phosphorus mobility in agricultural soils
  58. Control en condiciones mediterraneas del enanismo amarillo de los cereales (BYD) y de sus vectores en trigo duro
  59. Aerial dispersal of the entomopathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis
  60. Isolation, characterisation and some synthesis studies on insecticidal natural products from Sri Lankan plants
  61. Effects of elevated CO2, temperature and nitrogen supply on growth, quality and photosynthesis of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). PhD thesis, University of East Anglia
  62. Spatio-temporal dynamics of UK moths
  63. Isolation, characterisation and synthesis of insecticidal natural products of the Myrtaceae family
  64. New action plan for managing herbicide-resistant grass-weed
  65. Response of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis and its predator Amblyseius cucumeris to chrysanthemum volatiles in olfactometer and greenhouse trials
  66. Rejoinder [Analyzing maps of dispersal around a single focus]
  67. Analyzing maps of dispersal around a single focus
  68. Ranks are statistics: some advice for their interpretation
  69. Changes in apoplastic antioxidants induced by powdery mildew attack in oat genotypes with race non-specific resistance
  70. Procedure CVAPLOt
  71. Purification and biochemical characterization of affinity-tagged Musca domestica acetylcholinesterase secreted from baculovirus infected cells
  72. An insensitive AchE confers insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae
  73. Biochemical and molecular characterisation of insecticide insensitive acetylcholinesterase in resistant insects
  74. Food security in the WANA region: the essential need for fertilizers
  75. Food security in the WANA region, the essential need for balanced fertilization. Proceedings of a Regional Workshop of the International Potash Institute, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey, 26-30 May 1997
  76. Outliers in spatial lattice data
  77. The exon 1 of cystathionine gamma-synthase down-regulates its mRNA accumulation in response to methionine
  78. Molecular basis for construction of seeds with high methionine content: genetic means to regulate methionine content in seeds
  79. Analysis of mtol mutants that overaccumulate soluble methione in Arabidopsis thaliana
  80. Knockdown resistance mutations confer insensitivity to deltamethrin on Drosophila para sodium channels
  81. So what's really new about resistant aphids?
  82. The effects of sampling by SPME on the ratios of volatile compounds present in the headspace of biological samples
  83. Chemical control of aphid populations on cotton by hydraulic and electrostatic sprayer and aphid alarm pheromone
  84. Producing transgenic wheat resistant to aphids
  85. Reposta do macho Castnia licus Drury (Lepidoptera-Castniidae) frente aos extractos de glandula sexual da femea
  86. Responses of western flower thrips to flower volatiles
  87. Control of dipteran pests of cattle: development of a push-pull strategy
  88. Exploiting semiochemicals from animal host by-products: a study of cattle urine and cattle flies
  89. Verbena flower volatiles attractive to western flower thrips
  90. Western flower thrips: attractive Chrysanthemum volatiles
  91. Control of cereal stem borers in Africa: manipulation of pest and benficial insects with forage plants, in a 'push-pull' strategy
  92. A new approach for monitoring plant stress compounds
  93. New chemical studies on the seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata L., for exploitation as a pest predator
  94. An integrated management of cereal stemborers and Striga weed in a maize-based cropping system in Africa
  95. Harmonic radar observations of honey bee orientation flights
  96. Factors affecting the susceptibility of Phaedon cochleariae to the entomogenous fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
  97. Suppression of fecundity of Meloidogyne javanica in monoxenic cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana treated with seaweed extract
  98. METI acaricides: the principles of resistance management in practice
  99. Plasma membrane H+-ATPase expression during infection with sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes
  100. Identification of important steps of interaction between root-knot nematodes and their hosts
  101. Effects of DiTera, a biological nematicide, on aspects of the life cycle of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
  102. Effects of DiTera, a biological nematicide, on hatching and movement of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
  103. Asymmetric synthesis of cyclopentanoids as attractants for aphids and their parasitoids
  104. Interactions between transgenic plants and beneficial insects
  105. Environmental impact of insect resistance in genetically modified plants. 3rd Interim Report to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, October 1998
  106. Environmental impact of insect resistance in genetically modified plants. 2nd Interim Report to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, April 1998
  107. Reduction in response to alarm pheromone by Acyrthosiphon pisum aphids infected with Erynia neoaphidis
  108. Electrophysiological analysis of the responses of the insect parasitic nematode, Leidynema appendiculata , to various concentrations of acetyl-choline
  109. Electrophysiological analysis of the responses of the insect parasitic nematode, Leidynema appendiculata to various concentrations of acetylcholine
  110. Response of males of two species of Aphelenchoides to females sex pheromones
  111. Resonse of males of two species of Aphelenchoides to female secretory-excretory products
  112. Effects of Ditera, a biological nematicide, on aspects of the life cycle of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
  113. Paecilomyces fumosoroseus , convergent lady birds and the Russian wheat aphid: potential interactions
  114. Role of insect natural enemies in pathogen dispersal
  115. The Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plasma membrane H+-ATPase genes are differentially regulated by environmental signals
  116. Protecting insecticidal modes of action for management of Bemisia argentifolii in the southwestern United States
  117. Simulation of the movement of isoproturon to drains at Brimstone Farm using PLM
  118. Combined use of fumigation and granular nematicides to reduce yield loss caused by potato cyst nematodes
  119. Interaction between srf mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans and different species of trapping fungi
  120. Population fluctuation of Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne, 1935) Thorne & Allen, 1994 under field conditions in Chapingo, Mexico
  121. Identification of excreted and secreted products from parasitic nematodes using monoclonal antibodies
  122. Characterisation and immunolocalisation of secretions in various developmental stages of M. incognita
  123. How far do aphids fly? - Genetic variation in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae , studies using microsatellite DNA
  124. Will the difficulties in the development of microbial biological control agents prevent their exploitation in the management of nematode pests?
  125. Development of a biomanagement strategy using Verticillium chlamydosporium for the control of root-knot nematodes on vegetable crops
  126. Physicochemical factors determining the systemicity in barley of morpholine fungicides and related amine bases
  127. Interaction between the nematophagous fungus, Verticillium chlamydosporium $ and poor hosts for root-knot nematodes
  128. Managing resistance to the IGR, pyriproxyfen, in Bemisia tabaci
  129. Exploiting new insecticides to manage Bemisia
  130. An umpolung approach to fluorinated non-ester pyrethroids
  131. Biomanagement of root-knot nematodes in Cuba
  132. Retailer integrated crop management (ICM) protocols and the management of potato cyst nematodes in the United Kingdom
  133. Losses of pesticides to drainage in a cracking clay soil at Brimstone Farm
  134. Interactions between aphid sex pheromones and plant volatiles
  135. Nutrition of the potato plant (Solanum tuberosum ) infected by potato cyst nematodes, deficiency or disorder?
  136. Field and glasshouse studies of the phosphorus nutrition of potato cyst nematode infected potatoes (Solanum tuberosum )
  137. Aphid sex pheromones: manipulation of beneficial insects for aphid population control
  138. Autodissemination of fungal pathogens: a tool for diamondback moth management
  139. Conflicts between a fungal entomopathogen, Zoophthora radicans , and two larval parasitoids of the diamondback moth
  140. Immunological quantification in soil of Pasteuria penetrans , an unculturable bacteria, hyperparasite of plant-parasitic nematodes
  141. Identification of potential anti-nematode monoclonal antibodies to be expressed in transgenic plants for resistance against the potato cyst nematodes
  142. Identification and characterisation of potential anti-nematode genes for resistance against the potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis
  143. Trap cropping for potato cyst nematode management
  144. Direct and sublethal effects of piperonyl butoxide on the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
  145. Immunological studies on Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita , the slug biocontrol agent, and its associated bacterium, Moraxella osloensis
  146. Nematode diagnostics in search of antigenic markers
  147. Host specificity and virulence in Pasteuria penetrans : prospects for field applications
  148. Identification of the entomopathogenic nematode bacterial symbiont Xenorhabdus species
  149. Immunolocalisation in planta of a 14kDa cuticular exudation of M. incognita females
  150. Decline of a field population of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne naasi , on continuous susceptible host crops, associated with infection by Pasteuria sp.
  151. Selective extraction of Meloidogyne incognita cuticle proteins involved in the binding of Pasteuria spores
  152. Bee-mediated control of pollen beetles by Metarhizium anisopilae
  153. Can resistance to chloronicotinyl insecticides be managed effectively?
  154. Options for chloronicotinyl resistance management in Bemisia tabaci
  155. Interactions between insecticide resistance and a Bemisia tabaci parasitoid
  156. Laboratory and field evidence of interbreeding between biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
  157. Comparison of degradation of four triazole fungicides in field soils and laboratory incubations
  158. Assessment of risks posed by pesticides to non-target arthropods
  159. Observations on nematodes feeding on Arabidopsis transformed with an anti-nematode construct
  160. Development of an immunoassay for the identification and quantification of Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis using the 34kD antigen
  161. Geographical location and variation in the cuticle of root-knot nematodes: a Pasteuria eye view
  162. Aphids at elevated CO2
  163. A biorational appraoch to selecting mycoinsecticides for aphid management
  164. Mycoinsecticides for aphid management: a biorational approach
  165. The within-field spatial and temporal distribution of the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae ) in winter wheat
  166. Host finding, invasion and feeding
  167. The case for headland set-aside: consideration of whole-farm gross margins and grain production on two farms with contrasting rotations
  168. Remote sensing and sugar beet agriculture
  169. Current status of transformationin bread and durum wheats and modifications of gluten quality
  170. Association between biochemical markers and insecticide resistance in the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover
  171. Insensitive acetylcholinesterase and resistance to organophosphates in Australian Helicoverpa armigera
  172. An unconventional use of piperonyl butoxide for managing the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
  173. Natural parasites and biological control
  174. Biological control of aphids using fermenter produced Erynia neoaphidis : a population dynamics problem?
  175. Implications of insecticide resistance for interactions between pests, natural enemies and pesticides
  176. PRIMEPOWER decomposes a positive integer into its constitutuent prime powers
  177. GALOIS forms addition and multiplication tables for a Galois finite field
  178. REPLICATION calculates the replication necessary to detect a treatment effect
  179. APOLYNOMIAL forms the equation for a polynomial contrast fitted by ANOVA
  180. Quasi-Monte Carlo EM algorithm for MLEs in generalized linear mixed models
  181. PERMUTE forms all possible permutations of the integers 1.-n
  182. AGLATIN generates mutually orthogonal Latin squares
  183. Organic geochemical studies of soils from Rothamsted Experimental Station: III Nitrogen-containing organic matter in soil from Geescroft Wilderness
  184. Sulphur in soils
  185. The role of long-term experiments in agricultural development
  186. The effectiveness of nitrogen derived from organic matter; results from long-term experiments
  187. Soil contamination, risk reduction and remediation
  188. Nitrate leaching: modifying the loss from mineralized organic matter
  189. Application of molecular methods to the forecasting of severe stem canker epidemics in winter oilseed rape in the UK
  190. Empirical models for prediction of regional light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) incidence on winter oilseed rape in the UK
  191. Development of a system for forecasting severe light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape
  192. Simulation modelling of the progress of light leaf spot on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in relation to criteria for infection by Pyrenopeziza brassicae
  193. Phytoplasma diseases in the tropics: impact and management
  194. Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of winter oilseed rape leaves by Pyrenopeziza brassicae (Light leaf spot)
  195. Development of a PCR-based diagnostic technique for light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. Oleifera )
  196. Development of a PCR based diagnostic technique for light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape
  197. Forecasting and management of light leaf spot and stem canker on winter oilseed rape
  198. Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of oilseed rape leaves by ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker)
  199. Population dynamics of the take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici
  200. Rhizosphere fungi from wheat at different stages in take-all epidemics
  201. Seed treatment trials 1998 (Confidential report to AgrEvo)
  202. Selection for a moderately resistant clone of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on sugarbeet in the absence of pesticides
  203. The influence of size and duration of aphid infestation on host plant quality, and its effect on sugar beet yellowing virus epidemiology
  204. Aphid plant interactions and the epidemiology of sugar beet yellowing viruses
  205. Modelling the incidence of virus yellows in sugar beet in the UK in relation to numbers of migrating Myzus persicae
  206. A year in the life of the Broom's Barn Plant Clinic
  207. Assimilation of satellite data in crop monitoring and yield prediction
  208. Optimising herbicide applications. What are farmers doing? What should they be doing?
  209. Improving disease resistance and drought-stress tolerance in sugar beet using wild Beta germplasm
  210. Molecular markers - a way of improving disease resistance
  211. Organic geochemical studies of soils from the Rothamsted Classical Experiments - IV. Preliminary results from a study of the effect of soil pH on organic matter decay
  212. Soil organic matter model comparison
  213. Modelling crop nutrition - an overview - how will it work, what benefits and when?
  214. Modelling evapotranspiration and plant growth at different temporal and spatial resolution of input variables
  215. Variability of winter rye grain yield in a glacial plain catchment - modelling and observation
  216. Temporal and spatial up-scaling of agro-ecological simulation models - implications for sustainability studies
  217. Towards the explanation of within-field variability of yield of winter barley: soil series differences
  218. Glucosinolates
  219. SUNDIAL-FRS user guide, version 1.0
  220. Assessing the risk of leaching using a nitrogen turnover model SUNDIAL and a weather generator ETCETERA
  221. Reconstruction and climatic implications of paleosols (Catena Special Issue, Vol. 34(1-2))
  222. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of chloroplast NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase from Flaveria bidentis
  223. A re-evaluation of the ATP:NADPH budget during C-3 photosynthesis: a contribution from nitrate assimilation and its associated respiratory activity?
  224. The position of paleopedology in geosciences and agricultural sciences
  225. Summary outline and recommendations on paleopedological issues
  226. Selectivity of the vacuolar glutathione S-conjugate transporter for conjugates of glutathione homologues
  227. Allocation of sulphur within oilseed rape leaves and the effect of sulphur deficiency
  228. Sulphur nutrition and environmental quality
  229. Distribution of sulfur within oilseed rape leaves in response to sulfur deficiency during vegetative growth
  230. The art of the applicable. A selection of papers submitted for the degree of Doctor of Science
  231. Multi-trait covariance functions to model genetic variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake, live weight and milk yield during lactation
  232. Multi-trait covariance functions to model between animal variation in the dynamic relation between feed intake and milk yield during lactation
  233. Validity of clustering of ecological data
  234. Comparing the fits of non-nested non-linear models
  236. Outlier-robust spectral estimation for spatial lattice processes
  237. Modelling and interpolating binary spatial data using the oddsratiogram and estimating equations
  238. Novel strategies for improving biological control of western flower thrips on protected ornamentals - attraction of western flower thrips to verbena plants
  239. Novel strategies for improving biological control of western flower thrips on protected ornamentals - potential new biological control agents
  240. Non-probabilistic classification
  241. (Co)variance structures for linear models in the analysis of plant improvement data
  242. Special discussion: biometrics and biometricians in tropical agriculture
  243. New insights in the epidemiology of Leptosphaeria maculans ; perspectives for forecasting and control of stem canker of oilseed rape
  244. The effects of rainfall on numbers of air-borne ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans and the development of phoma leaf lesions on winter oilseed rape
  245. Wind tunnel comparison of the collection efficiency of three Hirst-type volumetric sampler drum coatings
  246. Analysis of relationships among the plasmodiophorids using ribosomal DNA sequences and development of PCR primers for the specific detection of Polymyxa species.
  247. Development and control of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) epidemics in winter oilseed rape in the UK
  248. Quantitative PCR as an aid in studies of the stem base disease complex of wheat
  249. New differential responses and genes for resistance to Peronospora parasitica in Brassica juncea
  250. Environment and foliar fungal pathogens
  251. Dispersal of foliar fungal plant pathogens: mechanisms, gradients and spatial patterns
  252. Mycological societies of the world: Sociedad Mexicana de Micologia
  253. Four rare microfungi from the rhizosphere of wheat in the United Kingdom
  254. Assessment of some spatially variable soil factors limiting crop yields (Proceedings International Fertiliser Society No. 419)
  255. Rain-splash and spore dispersal: a physical perspective
  256. Take-all disease of cereals. A regional perspective
  257. Exploit that break
  258. Diagnosis of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in the UK
  259. Methods of assessment of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) symptoms on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in the UK
  260. Effects of cold shock on the susceptibility of white lupins to infection by Fusarium avenaceum and Pleiochaeta setosa
  261. Growing switchgrass for energy and fibre in Europe
  262. Effects of disease on seed quality parameters of oilseed rape grown for industrial uses (Home-Grown Cereals Authority Project Report No. OS33)
  263. Fungal disease-induced changes in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) seed quality: implications for the crop protection of future, industrial cultivars
  264. Fungal communities on roots and shoot bases of winter barley and winter wheat during crop development
  265. Association of a phytoplasma with a yellow leaf syndrome of sugarcane in Africa
  266. Review report to MAFF (Project code ST 0130) on the role and position of sunflower in UK agriculture (ADAS contract report for period August 1997 to March 1998)
  267. Preliminary identification of strains of barley yellow mosaic virus by cultivar responses in China
  268. Herbicide resistance and gene flow in wild-oats (Avena fatua and Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana )
  269. Leptosphaeria maculans CD-ROM
  270. New developments: possibilities for diagnosing the K response in crops
  271. Phosphorus matters
  272. Optimising P and K use on winter wheat: plant and soil testing
  273. Diagnosing the adequacy of P and K supply to wheat crops by soil and plant analysis
  274. Potassium off-takes in sugar beet: their relation to yield and beet quality
  275. The role of virus and vector strains in the epidemiology of barley yellow mosaic virus
  276. Data on plant viruses: a new CD-ROM resource
  277. Descriptions of plant viruses on CD-ROM
  278. SEMIOCHEM: semiochemicals for aphid control
  279. Ladybird attractant (UK Patent 9801712.2)
  280. Preliminary observations on species specificity of Sitona lineatus (L.) pheromone traps in Hungary
  281. Species specific induced susceptibility in aphid plant interactions
  282. Sources of disease resistance in wild Beta germplasm
  283. Progress towards the control of rhizomania in the UK
  284. Use of molecular markers in breeding for disease resistance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
  285. Drought stress in sugar beet - the extent of the problem and future solutions
  286. Assessment of risks associated with growing virus resistant transgenic sugar beet
  287. A biorational approach to selecting mycoinsecticides for aphid management
  288. Unseasonal male aphids
  289. Pest control by a community of natural enemies
  290. Leading pests astray
  291. Insect abundance
  292. Dates of insect appearance and activity
  293. Characterisation of knockdown resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Plutella xylostella
  294. Diamondback moth management; Zoophthora radicans , sex pheromone and autodissemination
  295. Molecular markers in entomology
  296. Progress towards biological control strategies for plant-parasitic nematodes
  297. Biotechnology in Crop Protection: Facts and Fallacies. Proceedings British Crop Protection Council Symposium No. 71
  298. The influence of aphid natural enemies on the spread of barley yellow dwarf virus
  299. A new method to improve olfactory responses to GC effluents
  300. An aphid new to Britain
  301. Inhibition of resistance-related esterases by piperonyl butoxide in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
  302. Response of European populations of the glasshouse whitefly, Trialeuroides vaporariorum to conventional and novel insecticides
  303. Influence of plant resistance at the third trophic level: interactions between parasitoids and entomopathogenic fungi of cereal aphids
  304. Three into one will go - the evolution of resistance in the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae
  305. Control in sugar beet of Myzus persicae with different insecticide- resistance mechanisms
  306. Potential of piperonyl butoxide for the management of the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
  307. Effects of piperonyl butoxide on Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidiae): mortality, development, parasitism and predation in Israeli cotton fields
  308. Goals, achievements and future challenges of the Arizona whitefly resistance management program
  309. The complementary roles of laboratory and field testing in ecotoxicological risk assessment
  310. Management of resistance to novel insecticides
  311. Adaptation of crop pests to genetically-engineered toxins: Bt and beyond
  312. Managing insecticide resistance: the road ahead
  313. Prospects for cotton pest resistance management in Pakistan
  314. Introduction to the workshop and background to ENMARIA
  315. Will GM crops harm the environment?-Insect tolerant crops
  316. Insecticide resistance detected in lettuce aphids
  317. Sustainable management of insecticide resistant Bemisia tabaci
  318. Pesticide resistance in protected agriculture - emphasis on Bemisia
  319. Honey-bee-mediated infection of pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus Fab.) by the insect-pathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae
  320. Considerations with the use of multiple dose bioassays for assessing pesticide effects on non-target arthropods
  321. Virulence of populations of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera spp.) from Europe and Bolivia towards differential potato clones frequently used for pathotype classification
  322. Confirmation of insecticide resistance in UK populations of the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri
  323. Gronops inaequalis Boheman (Curculionidae) found at Minsmere RSPB Reserve, Suffolk
  324. Interactions between transgenic plants and beneficial insects
  325. Tritrophic interactions on insect-resistant transgenic plants
  326. Behavioural insight into mechanisms of host choice in whitefly
  327. Influence of host-plant resistance on interspecific interactions between natural enemies of cereal aphids
  328. Direct and indirect effects of transgenic potatoes expressing the snowdrop lectin (GNA) on the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi
  329. Working on a global scale for global change impact assessment in plant pathology
  330. Spatial and temporal distribution of aphidophagous hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in sown wild flower patches in a winter barley crop
  331. Physico-chemcial properties and laboratory leaching studies, prediction of leaching by simulation modelling
  332. A bibliography of the parasitoids of the cabbage seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis PAYK.)
  333. The effect of trap design and 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate on catches of stem weevils (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh. and C. napi Gyll.) in winter oilseed rape
  334. Effect of host size on the sex of Trichomalus perfectus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
  335. Metabolic pathways of agrochemicals. Part 1: herbicides and plant growth regulators
  336. Pyrethroids
  337. Revisitation of concepts in paleopedology (Quaternary International, Vol. 51/52)
  338. Report from Working Group on definitions used in paleopedology
  339. Fungicide evaluation and risk assessment of wheat stem-base diseases using PCR
  340. The effect of environment on pathogen dispersal
  341. Influence of simulated rain on the dispersal of cereal rust spores
  342. Fungal diseases of white lupin (Lupinus albus ) and their control
  343. Effects of fluquinconazole seed treatment on the cereal take-all fungus and antagonistic rhizosphere and stem-base fungi
  344. The importance of metabolism and target site insensitivity in fenoxaprop-P-ethyl resistant wild-oats and black-grass
  345. Smoothing biological data with splines
  346. Multiplicative models for interaction in spatial mixed model analyses for Multi-Environment Trial data
  347. Statistics in participatory studies - an overview
  348. A data warehouse for designed experiments
  349. Analysis of the relationship of aeroallergens, air pollution and weather with asthma emergency admissions to a hospital in Mexico City
  350. Procedure STANDARDIZE
  351. Procedure CVASCORES
  352. The use of fertilizer-free grass buffer strips to attenuate nitrate input to marshland dykes
  353. Developing an indicator to predict the risk of soil phosphorus movement in drainage water
  354. Chlordane transport in a sandy soil: effects of suspended soil material and pig slurry
  355. Metal ion-humic substance interaction - a thermodynamic study
  356. Knowledge of gene sequences and its use in combating pesticide resistance
  357. Biotechnology in agriculture - an overview
  358. Agricultural biotechnology, the environment and the 21st century
  359. Biotechnology in crop improvement
  360. Crops for the 21st century
  361. Comparison of the trapping ability of Arthrobotrys robusta and Monacrosporium gephyropagum on infective larvae of Strongyloides papillosus
  362. Evaluation of Beta germplasm for disease resistance and stress tolerance
  363. The exploitation of plant/insect interactions to elucidate mechanisms of plant signalling and to provide new genetic targets for agriculture
  364. Metal mobilisation and uptake by the zinc hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl
  365. Major Biological Issues Resulting from Anthropogenic Disturbance of the Nitrogen Cycle. Proceedings 3rd New Phytologist Symposium, Lancaster, September 1997, reprinted from New Phytologist 139, 1998
  366. Phylogenetic relationships of coconut phytoplasmas and the development of specific oligonucleotide PCR primers
  367. Opportunities and limitations for C sequestration in European agricultural soils through changes in management
  368. Insect-resistant transgenic plants
  369. Aphid sex pheromones to enhance parasitoid efficiency (Home-Grown Cereals Authority Project Report No. 155)
  370. Spread of BYDV - DESSAC module
  371. ENMARIA - a new initiative in European insecticide and acaricide resistance management
  372. Insecticide resistance management in Europe: recent developments and prospects
  373. Pesticides, drainage and drinking water - the Brimstone Farm experiment
  374. P and K assessment and fertiliser use
  375. Stratification of microbial biomass C and N and gross N mineralisation with soil depth in two contrasting Western Australian agricultural soils
  376. The karyotype of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
  377. Implications of predator foraging on aphid pathogen dynamics
  378. Major biological issues resulting from anthropogenic disturbance of the nitrogen cycle (Third New Phytologist Symposium, Lancaster University, 3-5 September 1997)
  379. Splash dispersal of Coniothyrium minitans in the glasshouse
  380. A comparison of management regimes for one-year rotational set-aside within a sequence of winter wheat crops, and of growing wheat without interruption. 1. Effects on soil mineral nitrogen, grain yield and quality
  381. A comparison of management regimes for one-year rotational set-aside within a sequence of winter wheat crops, and of growing wheat without interruption. 2. Effects on vegetation and weed control
  382. Guidelines for an assessment method for the optimum uptake of research
  383. The biology of mycorrhiza in the Ericaceae XX. Plant and mycorrhizal necromass as nitrogenous substrates for the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Hymenscyphus ericae and its host
  384. Sex pheromone of female vine bud moth, Theresimima ampellophaga comprises (2S)-butyl (7Z)-tetradecenoate
  385. An improved method for the collection of selected vermiform nematodes from mixed populations in aqueous suspensions
  386. Regulation of GmNRT2 expression and nitrate transport activity in roots of soybean (Glycine max )
  387. Mode of action of insecticides and mechanisms of resistance
  388. Aspects of the development of naphthoquinones as pesticides
  389. Analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences of Polymyxa species and related fungi and the development of genus- and species-specific PCR primers
  390. Daylength responses, flowering time, and seed filling in lupins
  391. A study of alley-cropping data from Northern Brazil - II. A comparison of methods to estimate sample size
  392. Long-term agroecosystem experiments: assessing agricultural sustainability and global change
  393. A stochastic simulation model for evaluating the concept of patch spraying
  394. The effect of plant growth and topography on the acquisition of conidia of the insect pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae by larvae of Phaedon cochleariae
  395. Analyses of the stomach deposit that develops in Myzus persicae feeding on sugar beet
  396. Plant-derived enzyme inhibitors and lectins for resistance against plant-parasitic nematodes in transgenic crops
  397. Stereospecific synthesis of the amino acid, (S)-2-amino-(Z)-3,5- hexadienoic acid
  398. Seasonal fluctuations in gross N mineralisation, ammonium consumption, and microbial biomass in a Western Australian soil under different land uses
  399. Use of a novel sporulation monitor to quantify the effects of formulation and storage on conidiation by dried mycelia of the entomopathogenic fungus Zoophthora radicans
  400. First report of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot carmovirus in Tuvalu
  401. First report of cassava common mosaic potexvirus infecting chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa ) in Tuvalu
  402. Vacuole development in cultured evacuolated oat mesophyll protoplasts
  403. Toxicological, electrophysiological, and molecular characterisation of knockdown resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.)
  404. Variation within and between Phytophthora species from rubber and citrus trees in China, determined by polymerase chain reaction using RAPDs
  405. A modelling study of nitrogen deposited to arable land from the atmosphere and its contribution to nitrate leaching
  406. Evidence for an important role of the tonoplast in the mechanism of naturally selected zinc tolerance in Silene vulgaris
  407. Zoophthora radicans infection inhibits the response to and production of sex pheromone in the diamondback moth
  408. Sensitivity to the racemic mixture and isomeric forms of metalaxyl in Indian and European homothallic and heterothallic isolates of Peronospora parasitica in Brassica species
  409. Global change, soil biodiversity, and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: three case studies
  410. Challenges with managing insecticide resistance in agricultural pests, exemplified by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci
  411. Insensitive acetylcholinesterase causes resistance to organophosphates in Australian Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
  412. An extracting science
  413. Short-term effects of nitrogen on methane oxidation in soils
  414. Effect of irradiance and N nutrition on photosynthesis of tea (Camellia sinensis (l.) O. Kuntze) in comparison with sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
  415. Uptake and utilization of nitrogen applied to the foliage of winter wheat
  416. Phosphorus accumulation and leaching in clay loam soils of the Broadbalk Experiment
  417. Actions of pyrethroid on sodium channels
  418. Resource assessment and utilisation by aphidophagous syrphids and its implications for integrated pest management
  419. Influence of root exudates on rhizosphere pseudomonads
  420. Glutamine synthetase of Lotus corniculatus roots and nodules: characterisation and tissue-specific inhibition
  421. Responses of aphid parasitoids to aphid sex pheromones: laboratory and field studies
  422. Screening for herbicide resistance in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides ): a "ring" test
  423. Onset of a decline in the quality of sugarbeet as a host for the aphid Myzus persicae
  424. The crop under stress
  425. The case for headland set-aside in sugar beet rotations
  426. Control of sugar beet foliar diseases in England
  427. Dependence of sugar beet yield on light interception and evapotranspiration
  428. Suppression of fecundity of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica , in monoxenic cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana treated with an alkaline extract of Ascophyllum nodosum
  429. Musculature and neurobiology
  430. Molecular genetic studies of knockdown resistance (kdr ) to pyrethroids
  431. Mutations in the housefly acetylcholinesterase gene that confer resistance to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides
  432. Molecular genetic studies of knockdown resistance (kdr ) to pyrethroids
  433. Insect-plant interactions: pollinators and pests
  434. Modelling the incidence of virus yellows in sugar beet in relation to numbers of migrating Myzus persicae
  435. Resistance in Myzus persicae : current status in Europe and future prospects
  436. Mortality during dispersal and the cost of host-specificity in parasites: how many aphids find hosts?
  437. Knock-down resistance (KDR ) mutations confer insensitivity to deltamethrin on drosophila para sodium channels
  438. Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus )
  439. The subtilisins of fungal pathogens of insects and nematodes: distribution and variation
  440. Effect of climate on the proportion of males in the autumn flight of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L. (Hom., Aphididae)
  441. Harmonic radar as a means of tracking the pheromone-finding and pheromone-following flight of male moths
  442. Unseasonal Lepidoptera records from Rothamsted Insect Survey light-traps in 1997
  443. The Small Quaker Orthosia cruda ([D.&S.]) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Kincardineshire
  444. Identification and localisation of chitinases induced in the roots of potato plants infected with the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
  445. Semiochemicals to increase parasitism in aphid pest control
  446. The effects of antifeedant compounds and mineral oil on stylet penetration and transmission of potato virus Y by Myzus persicae (Sulz.) (Hom., Aphididae)
  447. Transgenic plants and bees: the beginning of the end or a new opportunity?
  448. Insects and chemical signals: a volatile situation
  449. Pflanzen rufen um Hilfe
  450. Insect supersense: mate and host location by insects as model systems for exploiting olfactory interactions
  451. Pest semiochemicals in arable crop protection
  452. Measures of spatial pattern for counts
  453. Survival of terrestrial organisms
  454. Hatching mechanisms of parasitic nematodes and the importance of the host-parasite interaction
  455. The physiology and biochemistry of free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes
  456. Behaviour and sensory responses
  457. The physiology and sensory perception of potato cyst nematodes, Globodera species
  458. Measures of spatial pattern and spatial association for insect counts
  459. Inhibition of insecticide-insensitive acetylcholinesterase from Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii by pirimicarb analogues
  460. Piperonyl butoxide - specific synergist or multi-metabolic inhibitor?
  461. External secretions from the false root-knot nematode, Nacobbus aberrans
  462. Extinction and the variability of populations
  463. Self-defence for plants
  464. Development of a 'patch spraying' system to control weeds in winter wheat (Home-Grown Cereals Authority Project Report No. 158)
  465. Choice of molecular markers in applied entomology
  466. Using logistic regression to assess the response of insects to chemical stimulants
  467. Sampling airborne biopollutants
  468. A sustainable strategy for the biomanagement of root-knot nematodes
  469. Understanding interactions in the rhizosphere - the key to successful biological control of root-knot nematodes
  470. The dynamics of the decline of the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae , in four soils under intensive cereal production
  471. Hatching
  472. In-vivo and in-vitro QSAR studies on insecticidal 2-substituted-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones
  473. Antennal contact chemosensilla in Psylliodes chrysocephala responding to cruciferous allelochemicals
  474. Physicochemical factors affecting the uptake by roots and translocation to shoots of amine bases in barley
  475. Molecular characterisation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes from the homopteran insects, Myzus persicae and Bemisia tabaci
  476. The effect of long term storage on the lipid reserves and fatty acid composition of cysts and hatched juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida
  477. Proinsecticides effective against insecticide-resistant peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae (Sulzer))
  478. The principles and practice of sampling for the detection of potato cyst nematodes
  479. Management of potato cyst nematodes in the UK: an integrated approach?
  480. Integrated crop management (ICM) protocols and the management of potato cyst nematodes
  481. Workshop: suction trapping
  482. Insensitive acetylcholine esterase and resistance to organophosphates in Australian Helicoverpa armigera
  483. Increased parasitization of aphids on trap plants alongside vials releasing synthetic aphid sex pheromone and effective range of the pheromone
  484. Growth stimulation of beetle larvae reared on a transgenic oilseed rape expressing a cysteine proteinase inhibitor
  485. Insecticide resistance conferred by target site- and esterase-based mechanisms in peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae
  486. Epidemiology and forecasting of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape in the UK
  487. Effects of Verticillium dahliae on linseed (Linum usitatissimum ) crops
  488. Evolution of amplified esterase genes in resistant Myzus persicae
  489. Mapping potato cyst nematode populations for modulated applications of nematicide
  490. Identification of semiochemicals released during aphid feeding that attract parasitoid Aphidius ervi
  491. Control of peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae , containing modified acetylcholinesterase on sugar beet under field cages
  492. The evolution of insecticide resistance in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae
  493. Serological identification and quantification of potato cyst nematodes from clean cysts and processed soil samples
  494. Spatial analysis of multi-environment early generation variety trials
  495. Biological control of potato and beet cyst nematodes
  496. Feed the world
  497. Uptake by roots and translocation to shoots of two morpholine fungicides in barley
  498. The economic value of bees in the UK
  499. Varroa research at IACR-Rothamsted: progress and prospects
  500. Tolerance of honey bees to Varroa jacobsoni : a review
  501. Variation in the subtilisins of fungal pathogens of insects and nematodes
  502. The effect of the host plant on the efficacy of Verticillium chlamydosporium as a biological control agent of root-knot nematodes at different nematode densities and fungal application rates
  503. Evaluation of the combined use of fumigation and granular nematicide treatment for the control of Globodera pallida in potatoes
  504. Aphid pest potential increases at elevated CO2
  505. Separation of the branch chain hexose, hamamelose, by high-performance liquid chromatography, and amperometric detection of hamamelose and related compounds
  506. Ladybird beetle odour identified and found to be responsible for attraction between adults
  507. Headspace analysis in chemical ecology: effects of different sampling methods on ratios of volatile compounds present in headspace samples
  508. The role of cytosolic potassium and pH in the growth of barley roots
  509. Estimating the excess investment in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in leaves of spring wheat grown under elevated CO2
  510. Soil biota and global change at the ecosystem level: describing soil biota in mathematical models
  511. Microbial functional diversity in agricultural soils
  512. Microbial diversity in agricultural soil
  513. Bacterial diversity in metal contaminated soils
  514. Analysis and optimisation of DNA delivery into wheat scutellum and tritordeum inflorescence explants by tissue electroporation
  515. Soil pH and liming for sugar beet
  516. The role of refractory soil organic matter in soil organic matter models
  517. Organic farming study (Global Environmental Change Programme Briefing No. 17)
  518. The influence of auxins on transformation of wheat and tritordeum and analysis of transgene integration patterns in transformants
  519. Effect of mutation of lysine-128 of the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Anacystis nidulans
  520. Dispersal of Passalora personata conidia from groundnut by wind and rain
  521. Additive infestation model (AIM) analysis for the study of two-weed species interference
  522. Estimating yield loss from light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in the UK
  523. Obituary: 1921-97: John Malcolm ('Jim') Hirst, FRS
  524. Research on volunteer rape: a review
  525. Managing the resistance problem - what's new?
  526. Managing herbicide-resistant blackgrass
  527. Dormancy and persistence of volunteer oilseed rape (Home-Grown Cereals Authority Project Report No. OS32)
  528. Effect of environmental conditions on the dormancy and germination of volunteer oilseed rape seed (Brassica napus )
  529. Development of a rapid technique for early detection of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) on winter oilseed rape in the UK
  530. Molecular diagnosis of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape.
  531. Effects of cold shock on the susceptibility of white lupins to fungal diseases
  532. Nutrient requirement and cycling in energy crops
  533. Nitrate leaching losses under Miscanthus grass planted on a silty clay loam soil
  534. Localized origins of herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides
  535. Fungally-transmitted mosaic viruses of barley
  536. Twenty-five years of monitoring pH and nutrient status of soils in England and Wales
  537. Strengthening of biometry and statistics in agricultural research
  538. Estimation of genetic parameters using health, fertility and production data from a management recording system for dairy cattle
  539. An alternative asymmetric index of community similarity
  540. Simulation of counts of aphids over two hectares of Brussels sprout plants
  541. Detection of partial aliasing and partial confounding in generally balanced designs
  542. STABLE: a visual environment for the study of multivariate data
  543. Construction of efficient identification schemes using batches of discrete-valued tests
  544. Key to species
  545. Compstat 1998: Proceedings 13th Symposium in Computational Statistics, Bristol, 1998
  546. Bayesian diagnostics analysis for the growth curve models
  547. On the posterior distribution of the covariance matrix of the growth curve model
  548. Binomial cokriging for estimating and mapping the risk of childhood cancer
  549. Analysing and modelling binary spatial data using oddsratiograms
  550. Contribution to the discussion of the paper by Diggle, Tawn and Moyeed
  551. Detection of geological lineations on aerial photographs using two-dimensional spectral analysis
  552. Candida Berkhout
  553. Experience with the replication of regional survey of soil pollution
  554. Genetic variability within and between English populations of the damson-hop aphid Phorodon humili (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with special reference to esterases associated with insecticide resistance
  555. Predicting from unbalanced linear or generalized linear models
  556. A comparison of management regimes for one-year rotational set-aside within a sequence of winter wheat crops, and of growing wheat without interruption. 3. Effects on diseases
  557. Use of prior information in forming selection indices
  558. Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-1993: the effect of winter cover crops and unfertilised grass leys
  559. Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-93: the effect of straw incorporation
  560. The role of simulation in modelling spatially correlated data
  561. Compstat: Proceedings 13th Symposium in Computational Statistics, Bristol, 1998. Short Communications and Posters
  562. Nutrient management for sustainable crop production in Asia
  563. Characterization of three different higher plant sucrose transporters expressed in Xenopus oocytes
  564. Use of sulfur isotope ratios to determine anthropogenic sulfur signals in a grassland ecosystem
  565. Solubility of zinc and interactions between zinc and phosphorus in the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
  566. Functional characterisation of the NRT2 family of high-affinity nitrate transporters from higher plants
  567. Methane fluxes and nitrogen dynamics from a drained fenland peat
  568. Nitrogen dynamics and methane fluxes from a drained fenland peat
  569. Measurement of intracellular ammonium activity using ion-selective microelectrodes
  570. Using nutrient budgets as management tools in mixed farming systems
  571. Regulation of carbohydrate partitioning in wheat leaves
  572. A herbicide safener-induced MRP homologue from wheat
  573. HvMDR 2 - a novel P-glycoprotein homologue from barley
  574. 13C NMR to verify modelable soil organic matter fractions defined by physical location
  575. Dynamic measurements of cytosolic nitrate indicate a role in induction
  576. Preliminary estimates of the potential for carbon mitigation in European soils through no-till farming
  577. Soil organic matter and global environmental change: the contribution of GCTE-SOMNET to recent research
  578. Rubisco regulation and the molecular analysis of CA1P-phosphatase
  579. Phosphorus, agriculture and water quality
  580. A European network of long-term sites for studies on soil organic matter
  581. Nitrogen leaching losses from mixed organic farming systems in the UK
  582. Decrease of phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: the importance of PRK in the response of photosynthesis to changes in irradiance
  583. The GDCST gene encoding T-protein of the glycine cleavage system in the C3-C4 intermediate plant Flaveria anomala (Accession No. Z71184) (PGR 98-006)
  584. The GDCSP gene encoding P-protein of the glycine cleavage system in the C3-C4 intermediate plant Flaveria anomala (Accession No. Z99762) (PGR 98-004)
  585. Gross nitrification to gross immobilisation ratios offer a means of assessing potential N loss from soils
  586. The detection of Gram negative bacterial mRNA from soil by RT-PCR
  587. A review of soil organic matter as seen by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance
  588. Characterisation of transgenic Arabidopsis plants modified in the expression of high-affinity nitrate transporters
  589. Plant responses to global change: temperature and drought stress
  590. Nitrogen fertilizer can increase dry matter, grain production and radiation and water use efficiencies for durum wheat under semi-arid conditions
  591. Determination of chemical availability of cadmium and zinc in soils using inert soil moisture samplers
  592. Regulation of Rubisco: the protective nature of CA1P
  593. Is exchangeable K a sufficient guide for K recommendations?
  594. Working Group Reports and Conference Summary
  595. The importance of fertilizers in plant nutrient management
  596. The effect of external pH on nitrate uptake and compartmentation in maize roots
  597. The leaching of soil phosphorus: a hundred years of getting it wrong
  598. Microbial biomass and soil organic matter dynamics in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantations, West Malaysia
  599. Temperature effects on organic matter and microbial biomass dynamics in temperate and tropical soils
  600. Nitrogen deposition and its contribution to nitrogen cycling and associated soil processes
  601. Pyrophosphate analogues differ in their effectiveness as competitive inhibitors of the plant vacuolar proton-pumping pyrophosphatase.
  602. The role of nitrogen in integrated farming systems
  603. Toxicity of heavy metals to microorganisms and microbial processes in agricultural soils: a review
  604. Use of 15N isotopic dilution to separate the processes of mineralisation and immobilisation
  605. GCTE Somnet Newsletter, Issue 1, September 1998
  606. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted Carbon Model to GIS databases
  607. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted Carbon Model to GIS databases
  608. Estimating the size of the inert organic matter pool from total soil organic carbon content for use in the Rothamsted carbon model
  609. Response of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield and biochemical composition to elevated CO2 and temperature at two nitrogen applications
  610. Source/sink balance: can it be quantified?
  611. Monitoring genetically modified rhizobia in field soils using the polymerase chain reaction
  612. Simple and rapid method for direct extraction of microbial DNA from soil for PCR
  613. The GDCST gene encoding T-protein of the glycine cleavage system in the C4 plant Flaveria trinerva (Accession No. Z99769) (PGR 98-007)
  614. The GDCSP gene family from the C4 plant Flaveria trinervia: GDCSPA encoding P-protein and GDCSPB, a pseudo-gene (Accession Nos. Z99767 and Z99768) (PGR 98-002)
  615. Four GDCSH genes encoding H-isoproteins of the glycine cleavage system in Flaveria pringlei (Accession Nos. Z99763, Z99764, Z99765, Z99766) (PGR 98-003)
  616. The GDCSH gene encoding H-protein of the glycine cleavage system in the C3-C4 intermediate plant Flaveria anomala (Accession No. Z99530) (PGR 98-001)
  617. Modern surface soils
  618. Petrography of sediments and buried soils
  619. Effects of tillage practices on nitrate and phosphorus losses in the clay soil of the Brimstone Experiment, UK
  620. Phosphorus losses from arable land in England
  621. Mercury and zinc tolerance of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii isolates from heavy metal contaminated soil
  622. Root cell cytosolic ion differences between barley cultivars may contribute to salt tolerance
  623. Microrelief of erosion plots at Woburn Experimental Farm, UK
  624. Phosphorus movement in drainage water from the Broadbalk Experiment
  625. cDNA encoding P-protein of the glycine cleavage system in Solanum tuberosum cv. Desire (Accession No. Z99770) (PGR 98-005)
  626. A new soil nitrogen and carbon cycle
  627. Direct gene transfer: chemical, electrical and physical methods
  628. Studies on the localisation and regulation of the NRT2 high affinity NO3 transporters at the protein level
  629. Evidence for the presence of PCDD/Fs in the environment prior to 1900 and further studies on their temporal trends
  630. Modelling microbial biomass dynamics following straw incorporation
  631. Is there chaos in solute transport modelling?
  632. Modeling the interaction between leaching and intraped diffusion
  633. New paradigms for modelling mass transfers in soils
  634. Alto - a new fungicide for foliar disease control
  635. The flightless aphid
  636. The relative effects of drought stress and virus yellows on the yield of sugarbeet in the UK, 1980-95
  637. The effect of field margins on the yield of sugar beet and cereal crops
  638. Surf the net to Broom's Barn
  639. The future in virus yellows forecasting
  640. Pests and diseases in sugar beet: a review of problems in 1997
  641. Varying fortunes for farmland birds
  642. Growth of a record crop in 1997
  643. Movement and persistence of [14C]imidacloprid in sugar-beet plants following application to pelleted sugar-beet seed
  644. Varroa and viruses
  645. Effect of the entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema feltiae and S. carpocapsae , on the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis , in pot trials
  646. Tracer study confirms poor incorporation
  647. Developing a weed patch spraying system (Topic sheet no. 13)
  648. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)
  649. Cordgrass (Spartina spp.)
  650. Plant and nematode surfaces: their structure and importance in host-parasite interactions
  651. The influence of the host plant on lipid reserves of Globodera rostochiensis
  652. Detection of chitinases in potato plants following infection with the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida
  653. Characterization of the hatching fluid from Heterodera avenae
  654. Applications of PCR in fungal-plant interactions
  655. Response of the lacewing Chrysopa cognata to pheromones of its aphid prey
  656. Ultrastructural studies of resting spore development in Polymyxa graminis
  657. Across-flock evaluation and optimisation of pedigree recording for merino sheep
  658. Statistical aspects of aquaculture research: sample sizes for pond experiments
  659. Biometrie pour l'impact de la recherche sur le developpement
  660. Statistical aspects of aquaculture research: pond variability and pseudoreplication
  661. Aspects of design of on-farm fertilizer trials
  662. Cloning and functional characterization of a Brassica napus transporter that is able to transport nitrate and histidine
  663. Fertilisation soufree du colza en Grande-Bretagne
  664. In situ measurements of solution concentrations and fluxes of trace metals in soils using DGT
  665. Sulphur nutrition and glutathione content of wheat
  666. Comparison of a wet and dry 15N isotopic dilution technique as a short-term nitrification assay
  667. The effect of long-term fertilizer nitrogen and farmyard manure on soluble forms of nitrogen in the soil
  668. Remobilisation of vacuolar stored nitrate in barley root cells
  669. Nitrogen leaching under a mixed farming system
  670. Assessment of the bioavailability of soil pollutants using lux-based biosensors: an inter-disciplinary approach
  671. Using the long-term experiments at Rothamsted to address current agricultural and environmental issues
  672. The effects of pesticides on the diversity of culturable soil bacteria
  673. Effect of mutations of residue 340 in the large subunit polypeptide of Rubisco from Anacystis nidulans
  674. Nitrogen and carbon mineralization in arable soils following incorporation of cover crops
  675. Testing winter wheat models' predictions against observed UK grain yields
  676. Measured soil water concentrations of cadmium and zinc in plant pots and estimated leaching outflows from contaminated soils
  677. Nepetalactol oxidoreductase in trichomes of the catmint Nepeta racemosa
  678. Land use, liming and the mobilization of potentially toxic metals
  679. Nitrogen flows in mixed farm systems in England: the Coates Farm study
  680. Lime, liming and the management of soil acidity (Proceedings of the Fertiliser Society No. 410)
  681. Nitrate and root branching
  682. The use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry for the study of gaseous emissions from soils
  683. The effect of sulphur-deficiency on the concentrations and distribution of glutathione and sulphate in oilseed rape
  684. Thiosulphate and tetrathionate oxidation in arable soils
  685. Environmental risk assessment for the interaction between agricultural land and surface water
  686. Modelling concepts and their relation to the scale of the problem
  687. Modelling contaminant transport at catchment or regional scale
  688. Statistical aspects of aquaculture research: one and two season crossover designs
  689. Reformulated generalised linear (mixed) model aids multiple trait genetic evaluation with polychotomous calving ease
  690. Modelling variance parameters in ASREML for repeated measures data
  691. Genetic parameters for live animal conformation measures of British pedigree beef cattle
  692. Integration of nitrate cover crops into sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris ) rotations. II. Effect of cover crops on growth, yield and N requirement of sugarbeet
  693. Integration of nitrate cover crops into sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris) rotations. I. Management and effectiveness of nitrate cover crops
  694. Determinants of dynamics: population size, stability and persistence
  695. The role of glutathione in the metabolism of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in wild-oats
  696. Further unusual records of Lepidoptera from the Rothamsted Insect Survey national light-trap network
  697. Cultural control of volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
  698. Intensification of insecticide resistance in UK field populations of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in 1996
  699. Discrimination of European and Australian Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida pathotypes by high performance capillary electrophoresis
  700. Use of molecular biology techniques in plant nematology: past, present and future
  701. Effects of method of straw disposal and depth of cultivation on populations of Fusarium spp. in soil and on brown foot rot in continuous winter wheat
  702. Analysis of the relationships between environmental factors (aeroallergens air pollution and weather) and asthma emergency admissions to a hospital in Mexico City
  703. Present status of controlling barley yellow dwarf virus
  704. Strategies involved in the location of hosts by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)
  705. Inter and intra-specific genomic variablility of the potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis from Europe and South America using RAPD-PCR
  706. Sugar beet yellow net complex contains a luteovirus component
  707. The influence of post-harvest cultivation on the persistence of volunteer oilseed rape
  708. A preliminary report on patterns of seedbank decline and the relationship between seedbank and seedling emergence for seven arable weed species in winter wheat
  709. The persistence of seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus )
  710. Molecular characterization of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr ) in the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.s.
  711. Varroa and viruses: progress and prospects
  712. An Arabidopsis MADS box gene that controls nutrient-induced changes in root architecture.
  713. Plant genotype and micronutrient status influence colonization of wheat roots by soil bacteria
  714. Phytoextraction for soil remediation
  715. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a grassland soil with varying pH: effect of pH on the denitrification potential and dynamics of the reduction enzymes
  716. Organic geochemical studies of soils from the Rothamsted Classical Experiments II: soils from the Hoosfield Spring Barley experiment treated with different quantities of manure
  717. Manipulation of photosynthetic metabolism
  718. The spread of coarse grasses and changes in numbers of lepidoptera in a woodland nature reserve
  719. Entomology '97
  720. Changes in the lipid content and fatty acid composition of 2nd-stage juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis after rehydration, exposure to the hatching stimulus and hatch
  721. Evidence that the E4 and FE4 esterase genes responsible for insecticide resistance in the aphid Myzus persicae are part of a gene family
  722. Varroa and viruses
  723. Recent Rothamsted research on varroa and viruses
  724. Electrophoretic study of five aphid parasitoid species of the genus Aphidius (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), including evidence for reproductively isolated sympatric populations and a cryptic species
  725. Animal wastes as a potential source of recoverable phosphorus
  726. An abnormal Laccaria laccata basidiocarp
  727. Evaluation and development of rapid nitrogen tests for slurries and solid manures
  728. Fate of organic nitrogen from manures
  729. Gaseous emissions from a beef systems housed on straw
  730. The fate of aqueous pollutant in runoff and interflow following applications of dirty water to grassland
  731. Clover : cereal bi-cropping
  732. Efficient use of grazed herbage by dairy cows: maximising the contribution of nutrients from herbage
  733. Efficient use of grazed herbage by dairy cows
  734. Special K - the role of potassium in crop growth and health
  735. Restoring grassland biodiversity to farmed landscapes
  736. Nitrogen management and sustainability
  737. Clover : cereal bi-cropping
  738. Alternative models for analyses of liver and mammary transorgan metabolite extraction data
  739. A large soil block experiment to monitor and model soil water and tracer movement
  740. Efficiency of novel slurry application techniques at reducing ammonia volatilization - results of experiments to July 1998
  741. Why reseed?
  742. Wetland restoration: techniques for an integrated approach. Phase IV. Survey and experimentation
  743. Wetland restoration research in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  744. Welsh ESA field margins and hedges
  745. Use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in palaeoecological studies of peat
  746. Use of forage legumes for silage in low-input dairy production systems
  747. Use and effects of lime application on semi-natural grassland in Britain
  748. Understanding the grassland nitrogen cycle in order to improve fertiliser recommendations
  749. Transport of nutrients and organic material in soils following applications of animal wastes
  750. Transfer of phosphorus from agricultural soils to water: a multi-disciplinary approach
  751. Transfer of nitrogen between clover and wheat: effect of root herbivory
  752. Transfer of colloidal forms of phosphorus from grassland soils
  753. Transfer of colloidal forms of phosphorus in subsurface hydrological pathways
  754. The response of soil microorganisms and roots to elevated CO2 and temperature in a terrestrial model ecosystem
  755. The potential of white clover
  756. The potential of amino acid distributions as diagnostics of soil quality
  757. The measurement of dissolved phosphorus compounds: evidence for hydrolysis during storage and implications for analytical definitions in environmental analysis
  758. The long term impact of elevated CO2 with N availability on the carbon content in different aggregate sizes in grasslands
  759. The influence of soil warming on the 13C and 14C content of dissolved organic carbon in leachates from three British upland soils
  760. The influence of nitrification in determining the supply, distribution and fate of nitrogen in grassland soils
  761. The importance of grassland in the future
  762. The European intake workshop: how far have we come since 1974?
  763. The effects of offering big-bale kale silage to dairy cows
  764. The effect of rainfall intensity on soil erosion and particulate phosphorus transfer from arable soils
  765. The effect of rainfall intensity and hydrological pathways on phosphorus transfer from agricultural soils
  766. The effect of journey structure on the welfare of lambs
  767. The effect of injector tine design on odour and ammonia emissions following injection of biosolids into arable cropping
  768. The effect of farm scale aerobic treatment of piggery slurry on odour concentration, intensity and offensiveness
  769. The effect of climate on the decomposition of chemical constituents of tree litters
  770. Temporal and spatial patterns of soil water in a silvopastoral production system
  771. Techniques for measuring bite dimensions and movement patterns within and between grazing bouts for cattle and sheep
  772. Techniques for Investigating Intake and Ingestive Behavior by Farm Animals. Proceedings of the 9th European Intake Workshop, IGER North Wyke, 18-20 November 1998
  773. Stimulation of microbial activity following spring applications of nitrogen
  774. Stable isotopes to investigate decay processes in farm wastes
  775. Soil phosphorus extractability and uptake in a Cirsio-Molinietum fen-meadow and an adjacent Holcus lanatus pasture on the culm measures, north Devon, UK
  776. Soil nutrient input effects on seed longevity: a burial experiment with fen-meadow species
  777. Soil microbial biomass and activity in soil from different grassland management treatments stored under controlled conditions
  778. Short-term nitrogen fluxes in grassland soils under different long-term nitrogen management regimes
  779. Sampling for greenhouse gases at the small scale: enclosure techniques
  780. Rock legend - phosphate fertilizers
  781. Restoration of a Cirsio-Molinietum to an agriculturally improved site: a case study
  782. Residual effects of phosphorus fertilization on the restoration of floristic diversity to wet grassland
  783. Relationships between soil thermal units, nitrogen mineralization and dry matter production in pastures
  784. Relationship between soil chemical factors and grassland diversity
  785. Recent developments with the IGER behaviour recorder
  786. Recent and on-going research with Lotus (Birdsfoot trefoil) at IGER
  787. Rates of N loss from grassland soils by denitrification in spring and autumn as influenced by nitrification and soil conditions
  788. Quantification of the recycling of microbial nitrogen in the rumen using a mechanistic model of rumen fermentation processes
  789. Quality feeds for quality livestock
  790. Preliminary studies of respired delta13CO2 signatures from a maize cultivated C3 soil
  791. Prediction of milk protein concentration from elements of the metabolizable protein system
  792. Potential for preferential pathways of phosphorus transport
  793. Phosphorus transfers from agricultural soils described by a conceptual model
  794. Phosphorus leaching under cut grassland
  795. Phosphorus leaching below grassland soils
  796. Phosphorus leaching from grassland soils and the potential role of biological mechanisms
  797. Phosphorus in leachate from grassland soils
  798. Phosphorus budgets for two contrasting grassland farming systems in the UK
  799. Pests and diseases of white clover
  800. Pernicious weeds - docks
  801. Pathways of phosphorus transport
  802. Nitrous oxide emissions from excreta applied in a simulated grazing pattern
  803. Nitrogen transformations and losses following pig slurry applications to a natural soil filter system (Solepur process) in Brittany, France
  804. Natural 13C abundance: a tool to elucidate the carbon release from dung patches in the soil environment
  805. Movement patterns of sheep and cattle within and between continuous short-term grazing bouts
  806. Mitigation options for diffuse phosphorus loss to water
  807. Methods of maintaining and enhancing botanical diversity in upland ESA swards
  808. Methods for rapid depletion of soil nutrient availability in extensively managed grasslands within ESAs
  809. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from UK agricultural livestock
  810. Matching grass supply to grazing patterns for dairy cows under strip-grazing management
  811. Mass balance of phosphorus in dairy farm soils
  812. Management of perennial ryegrass/white clover swards continuously stocked with cattle
  813. Making best use of your grass for grazing
  814. Low-input systems
  815. Leaf N isotope composition in relation to clover density
  816. Isotopic ecology of earthworms under grassland and arable cropping systems
  817. Integrated use of three systems of behaviour recording equipment
  818. Guidelines for improved fertiliser recommendations for grassland and forage crops
  819. Growing and conserving kale/barley as a bi-crop
  820. Graze: a program to analyse recordings of the jaw movements of ruminants
  821. Graze user's guide - a program for analysing recordings of foraging behaviour in ruminants
  822. Grassland and environment
  823. Grass or clover: dietary preferences of sheep and goats
  824. Forms of phosphorus transfer in hydrological pathways from soil under grazed grassland
  825. Foraging behaviour and diet selection in domestic herbivores
  826. Foliar leaching of 137Cs from Eriophorum vaginatum L., Scirpus caespitosus L. and Erica tetralix L.
  827. Fertilizer strategies for efficiency and the environment
  828. Feeding preferences of Sitona lepidus (clover root weevil) on Trifolium spp. in New Zealand
  829. Experimental evaluation of the use of sulphur fertilizer to improve N use efficiency in grassland soils
  830. Estimates of ammonia emission from dairy cow collecting yards
  831. Establishment options
  832. Enzymatic determination of bioavailable organic phosphorus in runoff
  833. Environmentally friendly management of farm animal wastes: an overview
  834. Emission rates of odorous compounds from pig slurries
  835. Emission rates of odorous compounds from pig slurries
  836. Emission of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from soil under field and laboratory conditions
  837. Effects of medium-term N management on grassland soil biological quality
  838. Effects of long-term fertilizer and manure treatments on the distribution and 15N natural abundance of amino acids in the Palace Lease meadow hay plots: a preliminary study
  839. Effects of abomasal fat infusion on splanchnic metabolism and feeding behaviour in lactating dairy cows
  840. Effect of time of day on grazing behaviour by lactating dairy cows
  841. Dung amendments and their influences on dissolved organic matter in grassland soil leachates
  842. DOC losses from grasslands under different management regimes
  843. Dissolved organic matter and its parent organic matter in grass upland soil horizons by analytical pyrolysis techniques
  844. Dispersion, deposition and impacts of atmospheric ammonia: quantifying local budgets and spatial variability
  845. Dietary preference of dairy cows grazing grass and clover
  846. Dietary manipulation as a means of decreasing N losses and methane emissions and improving herbage N uptake following application of pig slurry to grassland
  847. Design criteria for effective buffer zones
  848. Design and sampling issues in grazing studies
  849. Denitrification and N2O emissions from a UK pasture soil following the early spring application of cattle slurry and mineral fertiliser
  850. Delta13C values of soil organic carbon and their use in documenting vegetation change in a subtropical savannah ecosystem
  851. Decomposition of Pinus sylvestris litter in litter bags: influence of underlying native litter layer
  852. Costs of locomotive and ingestive behaviour by sheep grazing grass or clover monocultures or mixtures of the two species
  853. Controlling nitrous oxide emissions from grassland livestock production systems
  854. Control of pests and diseases in grasses by endophytic fungi
  855. Concurrent measurements of net mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and leaching from field incubated soil cores
  856. Comparison of pest damage to seedlings of two white clover cultivars at four sites
  857. Comparison of methodologies of measuring methane emissions from sheep
  858. Chemical composition and carbon mineralisation potential of Scots pine needles at different stages of decomposition
  859. Changes in microbial activity related to long-term management and recent inputs from fertilizer and dung
  860. Calystegine alkaloids in the potato and other food plants
  861. Biomathematical applications in ruminant nutrition
  862. Application of a mechanistic model to study competitive inhibition of amino acid uptake by the lactating bovine mammary gland
  863. Amino acid 15N/14N analysis at natural abundances: a new tool for soil organic matter studies in agricultural systems
  864. Agronomic implications of raised-water levels in areas of conservation importance
  865. Agroforestry
  866. Acceptability of Lotus corniculatus and Lotus uliginosus as a food source for non-pest butterfly larvae
  867. A review of nematode, virus and fungal disease damage to white clover (Trifolium repens ) in the UK
  868. A new inventory for ammonia emissions from UK agriculture
  869. A model to optimize nitrogen use according to grassland management, soil conditions and weather patterns for economic and environmental targets
  870. A conceptual model for describing phosphorus transfer from agriculture soils
  871. A clover:cereal whole crop silage system for mixed farming
  872. Neotyphodium lolii , a fungal leaf endophyte, reduces fertility of Lolium perenne exposed to elevated UV-B radiation
  873. Behavioural and physiological factors limiting intake by grazing ruminants