Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales

B - Book chapters etc edited externally

Comber, L and Harris, P. 2023. Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales. in: Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems

AuthorsComber, L and Harris, P.

Geosensor networks are often used to monitor processes at
different spatial scales. Existing approaches for configuring geosensor locations (i.e. sample design) do not address two key challenges: 1) they are limited to a single scale of analysis and do not support multiple scales of evaluation, and 2) they assume that the geosensor network, once established at whatever scale, does not change either in terms of location or number of geosensors. While approaches exist in part for 1) and 2) they do not for both combined. This paper describes a novel approach for optimising geosensor locations in support of multi-scale decisions. It uses the local variation in environmental gradient as a cost surface to approximate the process of interest a proxy for measurements of the process of interest. Cross-scale evaluations of geosensor spatial configurations are supported by measurements of the information loss within spatially nested decision scales. The methods described in this paper fill an important gap as they are i) suggest appropriate sample and geosensor network designs to support cross-scale monitoring, ii) inform on how current network or geosensor coverage could be enhanced by filling gaps, and iii) quantify the information trade-offs (information loss) associated with designs when they are evaluated from the perspective of different decision scales.

KeywordsSensor; Network design; Optimisation
Year of Publication2023
Book titleWeb and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeThe North Wyke Farm Platform- National Capability [2023-28]
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online05 Jun 2023

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