Paul Harris

NamePaul Harris
Job titlePrincipal Research Scientist - Eco-Informatics Science
DepartmentNet Zero and Resilient Farming
Research clusterSAS-NW: Grazing Livestock Systems
OfficeNorth Wyke

Research outputs

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Forage Quantity and Quality Data

Hawkins, J. M. B., Beaumont, D. A., Taylor, H., Jones, A.G. and Harris, P. 2025. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Forage Quantity and Quality Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

Encapsulating Spatially Varying Relationships with a Generalized Additive Model

Comber, A., Harris, P., Murakami, D., Nakaya, T., Tsutsumida, N., Yoshida, T. and Brunsdon, C. 2024. Encapsulating Spatially Varying Relationships with a Generalized Additive Model. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 13 (12), p. 459.

Evaluating Urban Land Resource Carrying Capacity With Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis: A Case Study in Wuhan, China

Lu, B., Shi, Y., Qin, S., Yue, P., Zheng, J. and Harris, P. 2024. Evaluating Urban Land Resource Carrying Capacity With Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis: A Case Study in Wuhan, China. Transactions in GIS.

Spatial and temporal measurement of soil moisture and nitrogen in a pasture field

Wang, Q., Shan, Y., Morten, C., Hunt, J., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2024. Spatial and temporal measurement of soil moisture and nitrogen in a pasture field. Rothamsted Research.

Comparison of direct and indirect soil organic carbon prediction at farm field scale

Segura, C., Neal, A. L., Castro-Sardina, L., Harris, P., Rivero, M. J., Cardenas, L. M. and Irisarri, G. 2024. Comparison of direct and indirect soil organic carbon prediction at farm field scale. Journal of Environmental Management. 365 (August), p. 121573.

Long-term monitoring of pasture dry matter production across fields with different pasture types, as assessed by rising plate meter

Jones, A., Resendez-Sepulveda, M., Powe, C., Le-Grice, P., Irisarri, G., Griffith, B. A., Wyness, A. and Harris, P. 2024. Long-term monitoring of pasture dry matter production across fields with different pasture types, as assessed by rising plate meter. Rothamsted Research.

GWmodelS: a standalone software to train geographically weighted models

Lua, B., Hu, Y., Yang, D., Liu, Y., Ou, G., Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Comber, A. and Dong, G. 2024. GWmodelS: a standalone software to train geographically weighted models. Geo-spatial Information Science.

Visits of housed cattle to GreenFeed units (2016-2023)

Perez-Marquez, S., De-Meo-Filho, P., Le-Grice, P., Griffith, B. A., Harris, P., Cardenas, L. M., Lee, M. R. F., Misselbrook, T. H. and Rivero, M. J. 2024. Visits of housed cattle to GreenFeed units (2016-2023). Rothamsted Research.

Potential unintended consequences of agricultural land use change driven by dietary transitions

Blackwell, M. S. A., Takahashi, T., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Enriquez, D., Griffith, B. A., Hunt, J., Lee, M. R. F., Misselbrook, T. H., Neal, A. L., Rivero, M. J., Shield, I. F., Storkey, J., Wu, L. and Harris, P. 2024. Potential unintended consequences of agricultural land use change driven by dietary transitions. npj sustainable agriculture. 2 (1).

Multiscale spatially varying coefficient modelling using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM

Comber, A, Harris, P. and Brunsdon, C 2023. Multiscale spatially varying coefficient modelling using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 38 (1), pp. 27-47.

Multi-experiment assessment of soil nitrous oxide emissions in sugarcane

Galdos, M. V., Soares, J. R., Lourenco, K. S., Harris, P., Zeri, M., Cunha-Zeri, G., Vargas, V. P., Degaspari, I. A. M. and Cantarella, H. 2023. Multi-experiment assessment of soil nitrous oxide emissions in sugarcane. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 127, pp. 375-392.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-Minute) Hydrology and Water Quality Data

Hawkins, J. M. B., Griffith, B. A. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-Minute) Hydrology and Water Quality Data. Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: GreenFeed System Methane and Carbon Dioxide Data

De-Meo-Filho, P., Hawkins, J. M. B. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: GreenFeed System Methane and Carbon Dioxide Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Eddy Covariance Greenhouse Gas Data

Olde, L., Hawkins, J. M. B. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Eddy Covariance Greenhouse Gas Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data

Hawkins, J. M. B., Beaumont, D. A., Sint, H. M. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Livestock Data

Hawkins, J. M. B., Griffith, B. A. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Livestock Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Events Data

Hawkins, J. M. B. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Events Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018)

Hawkins, J. M. B., Sint, H. M. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018). Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Soil Moisture Station Data

Hawkins, J. M. B. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Soil Moisture Station Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Meteorological Data

Hawkins, J. M. B. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Meteorological Data. Rothamsted Research Rothamsted Research.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development

Hawkins, J. M. B., Griffith, B. A., Sint, H. M. and Harris, P. 2023. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development. Rothamsted Research.

Grazing livestock move by Levy walks: Implications for soil health and environment

Romero-Ruiz, A., Rivero, M. J., Milne, A. E., Morgan, S., De-Meo-Filho, P., Pulley, S., Segura, C., Harris, P., Lee, M. R. F., Coleman, K., Cardenas, L. M. and Whitmore, A. P. 2023. Grazing livestock move by Levy walks: Implications for soil health and environment. Journal of Environmental Management. 345 (1), p. 118835.

Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta

Darch, T., McAuliffe, G., Le Cocq, K., Horrocks, C. A., Segura, C., Griffith, B. A., Harris, P., Hood, J., Joynes, A., Lopez, M., Takahashi, T., Lee, M. R. F. and Cardenas, L. M. 2023. Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta. Rothamsted Research.

Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales

Comber, L and Harris, P. 2023. Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales. in: Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems

A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression

Yoshida, T., Nakaya, T., Lu, B. and Harris, P. 2023. A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 37 (8), pp. 1818-1839.

Impacts of measured soil hydraulic conductivity on the space-time simulations of water and nitrogen cycling

Liu, C., Shan, Y., Wang, Q., Harris, P., Liu, Y. and Wu, L. 2023. Impacts of measured soil hydraulic conductivity on the space-time simulations of water and nitrogen cycling. Catena. 226, p. 107058.

Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types.

Granger, S. J., Quincke, J. A., Carswell, A. M., Olde, L., Darch, T., Peukert, S., Horrocks, C. A., Dixon, E. R., Collins, A. L., Blackwell, M. S. A., Murray, P. J., Dungait, J. A. J. and Harris, P. 2023. Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types. Rothamsted Research.

Uncovering drivers of community-level house price dynamics through multiscale geographically weighted regression: A case study of Wuhan, China

Lu, B., Ge, Y., Shi, Y., Zheng, J. and Harris, P. 2023. Uncovering drivers of community-level house price dynamics through multiscale geographically weighted regression: A case study of Wuhan, China. Spatial Statistics. 53, p. 100723.

GWmodelS A software for geographically weighted models

Lu, B., Hu, Y., Yang, D., Liu, Y., Liao, L., Yin, Z., Xia, T., Dong, Z., Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Comber, A. and Dong, G. 2023. GWmodelS A software for geographically weighted models. SoftwareX. 21, p. 101291.

A Rejoinder to the Commentaries on “A Route Map for Successful Applications of Geographically Weighted Regression” by Comber et al. (2022)

Comber, A., Harris, P. and Brunsdon, C. 2022. A Rejoinder to the Commentaries on “A Route Map for Successful Applications of Geographically Weighted Regression” by Comber et al. (2022). Geographical Analysis .

Water chemistry under low-flow conditions from grazed pastures seeded with different species

Granger, S. J., Olde, L., Hodgson, C. J., Blackwell, M. S. A., Sint, H. M., Quincke, J. A. and Harris, P. 2022. Water chemistry under low-flow conditions from grazed pastures seeded with different species. Rothamsted Research.

A review of models for simulating the soil-plant interface for different climatic conditions and land uses in the Loess Plateau, China

Turkeltaub, T., Gongadze, K., Lu, Y., Huang, M., Jia, X., Yang, H., Shao, M., Binley, A., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2022. A review of models for simulating the soil-plant interface for different climatic conditions and land uses in the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Modelling. 474, p. 110173.

gwverse: A Template for a New Generic Geographically Weighted R Package

Comber, A., Callaghan, M., Harris, P., Lu, B., Malleson, N. and Brunsdon, C. 2022. gwverse: A Template for a New Generic Geographically Weighted R Package. Geographical Analysis . 54 (3), pp. 685-709.

High-performance solutions of geographically weighted regression in R

Lu, B., Hu, Y., Murakami, D., Brunsdon, C., Comber, A., Charlton, M. and Harris, P. 2022. High-performance solutions of geographically weighted regression in R. Geo-spatial Information Science. pp. 1-14.

Climate change impacts on crop yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) and soil organic carbon stocks in northern China

Liu, C., Yang, H., Gongadze, K., Harris, P., Huang, M. and Wu, L. 2022. Climate change impacts on crop yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) and soil organic carbon stocks in northern China. Agriculture - Basel. 12 (5), p. 614.

CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements

Cardenas, L. M., Olde, L., Loick, N., Griffith, B. A., Hill, T., Evans, J., Cowan, N., Segura, C., Sint, H. M., Harris, P., McCalmont, J., Zhu, S., Dobermann, A. and Lee, M. R. F. 2022. CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements. Science of the Total Environment. 831 (20 July), p. 154819.

The Importance of Scale and the MAUP for Robust Ecosystem Service Evaluations and Landscape Decisions

Comber, A and Harris, P. 2022. The Importance of Scale and the MAUP for Robust Ecosystem Service Evaluations and Landscape Decisions. Land. 11 (3), p. 399.

A Route Map for Successful Applications of Geographically Weighted Regression

Comber, A., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M., Dong, G., Harris, R., Lu, B., Lu, Y., Murakami, D., Nakaya, T., Wang, Y. and Harris, P. 2021. A Route Map for Successful Applications of Geographically Weighted Regression. Geographical Analysis .

Comparisons of commercially available NIRS-based analyte predictions of haylage quality for equid nutrition

Le Cocq, K., Harris, P., Bell, N., Burden, F. A., Lee, M. R. F. and Davies, D. R. 2022. Comparisons of commercially available NIRS-based analyte predictions of haylage quality for equid nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 283, p. 115158.

Simulating grazing beef and sheep systems

Wu, L., Harris, P., Misselbrook, T. H. and Lee, M. R. F. 2022. Simulating grazing beef and sheep systems. Agricultural Systems. 195, p. 103307.

Taking the steps toward sustainable livestock: our multidisciplinary global farm platform journey

Rivero, M. J., Evans, A. C. O., Berndt, A., Cartmill, A., Dowsey, A., Farruggia, A., Mignolet, C., Enriquez, D., Chadwick, D. R., McCracken, D. I., Busch, D., Pereyra, F., Martin, G. B., Sanford, G. R., Sheridan, H., Wright, I., Brunet, L., Eisler, M. C., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Rovira, P., Harris, P., Murphy, P., Williams, A. P., Jackson, R. D., Machado, R., Suraj, P.T., Puech, T., Boland, T. M., Ayala, W. and Lee, M. R. F. 2021. Taking the steps toward sustainable livestock: our multidisciplinary global farm platform journey. Animal Frontiers. 115 (5), pp. 52-58.

The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems

Thomas, C. L., Darch, T., Harris, P., Beaumont, D. A. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems. Agronomy. 11 (9), p. 1731.

Quantifying the value of on-farm measurements to inform the selection of key performance indicators for livestock production systems

Jones, A. G., Takahashi, T., Fleming, H., Griffith, B. A., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2021. Quantifying the value of on-farm measurements to inform the selection of key performance indicators for livestock production systems. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), p. 16874.

A case study on the effects of data temporal resolution on the simulation of water flux extremes using a process-based model at the grassland field scale

Wu, L., Curceac, S., Atkinson, Peter, Milne, A. E. and Harris, P. 2021. A case study on the effects of data temporal resolution on the simulation of water flux extremes using a process-based model at the grassland field scale. Agricultural Water Management. 255, p. 107049.

A Sensitivity Analysis of the SPACSYS Model

Shan, Y., Huang, M. B., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2021. A Sensitivity Analysis of the SPACSYS Model. Agriculture - Basel. 11 (7), p. 624.

Nutritional value of suckler beef from temperate pasture systems

Lee, M. R. F., McAuliffe, G., Tweed, J. K. S., Griffith, B. A., Morgan, S., Rivero, M. J., Harris, P., Takahashi, T. and Cardenas, L. M. 2021. Nutritional value of suckler beef from temperate pasture systems. Animal. 15 (7), p. 100257.

Inferring management and predicting sub-field scale C dynamics in UK grasslands using biogeochemical modelling and satellite-derived leaf area data

Myrgiotis, V., Harris, P., Revill, A., Sint, H. M. and Williams, M. 2021. Inferring management and predicting sub-field scale C dynamics in UK grasslands using biogeochemical modelling and satellite-derived leaf area data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 307, p. 108466.

Elucidating the performance of hybrid models for predicting extreme water flow events through variography and wavelet analyses

Curceac, S., Milne, A. E., Atkinson, P. M., Wu, L. and Harris, P. 2021. Elucidating the performance of hybrid models for predicting extreme water flow events through variography and wavelet analyses. Journal of Hydrology. 598 (July), p. 126442.

Data to identify key drivers of animal growth and carcass quality for temperate lowland sheep production systems

Jones, A. G., Fleming, H., Griffith, B. A., Takahashi, T., Lee, M. R. F. and Harris, P. 2021. Data to identify key drivers of animal growth and carcass quality for temperate lowland sheep production systems. Data in Brief. 35, p. 106977.

Novel approaches to investigating spatial variability in channel bank total phosphorus at the catchment scale

Granger, S. J., Harris, P., Upadhayay, H., Sint, H. M., Pulley, S., Stone, M., Krishnappan, B. G. and Collins, A. L. 2021. Novel approaches to investigating spatial variability in channel bank total phosphorus at the catchment scale. Catena. 202 (article), p. 105223.

Within-field spatial variability of greenhouse gas fluxes from an extensive and intensive sheep-grazed pasture

Charteris, A. F., Harris, P., Marsden, K. A., Harris, I. M., Guo, Z., Beaumont, D. A., Taylor, H., Sanfratello, G., Jones, D. L., Johnson, S. C. M., Whelan, M. J., Howden, N., Sint, H. M., Chadwick, D. R. and Cardenas, L. M. 2021. Within-field spatial variability of greenhouse gas fluxes from an extensive and intensive sheep-grazed pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 312, p. 107355.

Key traits for ruminant livestock across diverse production systems in the context of climate change: perspectives from a global platform of research farms

Rivero, M. J., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Evans, A., Berndt, A., Cartmill, A., Neal, A. L., McLaren, A., Farruggia, A., Mignolet, C., Chadwick, D. R., Styles, D., McCracken, D., Busch, D., Martin, G. B., Fleming, H. R., Sheridan, H., Gibbons, J., Merbold, L., Eisler, M., Lambe, N., Rovira, P., Harris, P., Murphy, P., Vercoe, P. E., Williams, P., Machado, R., Takahashi, T., Puech, T., Boland, T., Ayala, W. and Lee, M. R. F. 2021. Key traits for ruminant livestock across diverse production systems in the context of climate change: perspectives from a global platform of research farms. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 33 (2), pp. 1-19.

Using a lamb's early-life liveweight as a predictor of carcass quality

Jones, A. G., Takahashi, T., Fleming, H., Griffith, B. A., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2021. Using a lamb's early-life liveweight as a predictor of carcass quality. Animal. 15 (1), p. 100018.

Current advisory interventions for grazing ruminant farming cannot close exceedance of modern background sediment loss – Assessment using an instrumented farm platform and modelled scaling out

Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., Upadhayay, H., Pulley, S., Granger, S. J., Harris, P., Sint, H. M. and Griffith, B. A. 2021. Current advisory interventions for grazing ruminant farming cannot close exceedance of modern background sediment loss – Assessment using an instrumented farm platform and modelled scaling out. Environmental Science & Policy. 116 (2021), pp. 114-127.

Adjusting for conditional bias in process model simulations of hydrological extremes: an experiment using the North Wyke Farm Platform

Curceac, S., Atkinson, P. M., Milne, A. E., Wu, L. and Harris, P. 2020. Adjusting for conditional bias in process model simulations of hydrological extremes: an experiment using the North Wyke Farm Platform. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 3 (82).

Sediment source fingerprinting: benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes

Collins, A. L., Blackwell, M. S. A., Boeckx, P., Chivers, C-A., Emelko, M., Evrad, O., Foster, I., Gellis, A., Gholami, H., Granger, S. J., Harris, P., Horowitz, A. J., Laceby, J. P., Martinez-Carreras, N., Minella, J., Mol, L., Nosrati, K., Pulley, S., Silins, U., Da Silva, Y. J., Stone, M., Tiecher, T., Upadhayay, H. and Zhang, Y. 2020. Sediment source fingerprinting: benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20, pp. 4160-4193.

Influence of Geographical Effects in Hedonic Pricing Models for Grass-Fed Cattle in Uruguay

Harris, P., Lanfanco, B., Lu, B. and Comber, A. 2020. Influence of Geographical Effects in Hedonic Pricing Models for Grass-Fed Cattle in Uruguay. Agriculture - Basel. 10, p. 299.

Satellite-derived bathymetry in optically complex waters using a model inversion approach and Sentinel-2 data

Casal, G., Hedley, J. D., Monteys, X, Harris, P., Cahalane, C. and McCarthy, T 2020. Satellite-derived bathymetry in optically complex waters using a model inversion approach and Sentinel-2 data. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 241, p. 106814.

Elucidating three-way interactions between soil, pasture and animals that regulate nitrous oxide emissions from temperate grazing systems

McAuliffe, G., Lopez, M., Blackwell, M. S. A., Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Darch, T., Evans, J., Horrocks, C. A., Le Cocq, K., Takahashi, T., Harris, P., Lee, M. R. F. and Cardenas, L. M. 2020. Elucidating three-way interactions between soil, pasture and animals that regulate nitrous oxide emissions from temperate grazing systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 300, p. 106978.

The ‘Palo a Pique’ Long-Term Research Platform: First 25 years of a Crop-Livestock Experiment in Uruguay

Rovira, P., Ayala, W., Terra, J., Garcia-Prechac, F, Harris, P., Lee, M. R. F. and Rivero, M. J. 2020. The ‘Palo a Pique’ Long-Term Research Platform: First 25 years of a Crop-Livestock Experiment in Uruguay. Agronomy. 10 (3), p. 441.

An evaluation of automated GPD threshold selection methods for hydrological extremes across different scales

Curceac, S., Atkinson, P. M., Milne, A. E., Wu, L. and Harris, P. 2020. An evaluation of automated GPD threshold selection methods for hydrological extremes across different scales. Journal of Hydrology. 585, p. 124845.

Understanding satellite-derived bathymetry using Sentinel 2 imagery and spatial prediction models

Casal, G., Harris, P., Monteys, X., Hedley, J., Cahalane, C. and McCarthy, T. 2019. Understanding satellite-derived bathymetry using Sentinel 2 imagery and spatial prediction models. GIScience & Remote Sensing.

A comparison of Landsat 8, RapidEye and Pleiades products for improving empirical predictions of satellite-derived bathymetry

Cahalane, C, Magee, A, Monteys, X, Casal, G, Hanafin, J and Harris, P. 2019. A comparison of Landsat 8, RapidEye and Pleiades products for improving empirical predictions of satellite-derived bathymetry. Remote Sensing of Environment. 233, p. 111414.

The forgotten semantics of regression modelling in Geography

Comber, L., Harris, P., Lu, Y., Wu, L. and Atkinson, P. M. 2019. The forgotten semantics of regression modelling in Geography. Geographical Analysis . pp. 1-22.

A response to “A comment on Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics.”

Lu, B., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M. and Harris, P. 2019. A response to “A comment on Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics.” . International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 33 (7), pp. 1300-1312.

Spatially explicit simulation of land use/land cover changes: Current coverage and future prospects

Ren, Y., Lu, Y., Comber, A., Fu, B., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2019. Spatially explicit simulation of land use/land cover changes: Current coverage and future prospects. Earth-Science Reviews. 190, pp. 398-415.


Lu, B., Harris, P., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C, Nakaya, T. and Gollini, I. 2019. GWmodel.

The importance of scale in spatially varying coefficient modelling

Murakami, D., Lu, B., Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M., Nakaya, T. and Griffith, D. A. 2019. The importance of scale in spatially varying coefficient modelling. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 109 (1), pp. 50-70.

Hyper-local geographically weighted regression: extending GWR through local model selection and local bandwidth optimization

Comber, A., Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, X. and Harris, P. 2018. Hyper-local geographically weighted regression: extending GWR through local model selection and local bandwidth optimization. Journal of Spatial Information Science. 17, pp. 63-84.

A framework for the regional critical zone classification: the case of the Chinese Loess Plateau

Lu, Y, Hu, J, Fu, B., Harris, P., Wu, L., Tong, X., Bai, Y. and Comber, A. J. 2019. A framework for the regional critical zone classification: the case of the Chinese Loess Plateau . National Science Review. 16 (1), pp. 14-18.

Assessment of empirical algorithms for bathymetry extraction using Sentinel-2 data

Casal, G., Monteys, X., Hedley, J., Harris, P., Cahalane, C. and McCarthy, T. 2019. Assessment of empirical algorithms for bathymetry extraction using Sentinel-2 data. International Journal Of Remote Sensing.

Investigating Spatial Error Structures in Continuous Raster Data

Tsutsumida, N, Rodríguez-Veiga, P, Harris, P., Baltzer, H and Comber, A 2018. Investigating Spatial Error Structures in Continuous Raster Data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 74 (February), pp. 259-268.

Field scale temporal and spatial variability of δ13C, δ15N, TC and TN soil properties : Implications for sediment source tracing

Collins, A. L., Burak, E., Harris, P., Pulley, S., Cardenas, L. M. and Tang, Q. 2019. Field scale temporal and spatial variability of δ13C, δ15N, TC and TN soil properties : Implications for sediment source tracing. Geoderma. 333 (1 January), pp. 108-122.

Geographically weighted elastic net logistic regression

Comber, A. and Harris, P. 2018. Geographically weighted elastic net logistic regression. Journal of Geographical Systems. 20 (4), pp. 317-341.

Quantifying the spatio-temporal drivers of planned vegetation restoration on ecosystem services at a large regional scale

Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Fu, B-J., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2019. Quantifying the spatio-temporal drivers of planned vegetation restoration on ecosystem services at a large regional scale. Science of the Total Environment. 650 (1), pp. 1029-1040.

shp2graph: tools to convert a spatial network into an igraph in R

Lu, B., Sun, H., Harris, P., Xu, M. and Charlton, M 2018. shp2graph: tools to convert a spatial network into an igraph in R. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7 (8), p. 293.

Distance metric choice can both reduce and induce collinearity in geographically weighted regression

Comber, A., Chi, K., Huy, M. Q., Nguyen, Q., Lu, B., Phe, H. H. and Harris, P. 2019. Distance metric choice can both reduce and induce collinearity in geographically weighted regression. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.

A simulation study on specifying a regression model for spatial data: choosing between heterogeneity and autocorrelation effects

Harris, P. 2019. A simulation study on specifying a regression model for spatial data: choosing between heterogeneity and autocorrelation effects. Geographical Analysis . 51 (2), pp. 151-181.

Roles of instrumented farm-scale trials in trade-off assessments of pasture-based ruminant production systems

Takahashi, T., Harris, P., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Dungait, J. A. J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Misselbrook, T. H., McAuliffe, G. A., McFadzean, J. N., Murray, P. J., Orr, R. J., Rivero, M. J., Wu, L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Roles of instrumented farm-scale trials in trade-off assessments of pasture-based ruminant production systems. Animal. 12 (8), pp. 1766-1776.

Improvements to the calibration of a Geographically Weighted Regression with Parameter-Specific Distance Metrics and Bandwidths

Lu, B, Wang, W, Ge, Y and Harris, P. 2018. Improvements to the calibration of a Geographically Weighted Regression with Parameter-Specific Distance Metrics and Bandwidths. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 71, pp. 41-57.

Data to calculate emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems

McAuliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T., Orr, R. J., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Data to calculate emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems. Data in Brief. 17, pp. 570-574.

When multi-functional landscape meets critical zone science: advancing multi-disciplinary research for sustainable human well-being

Luo, Y., Lu, Y., Fu, B., Harris, P., Wu, L. and Comber, A. 2019. When multi-functional landscape meets critical zone science: advancing multi-disciplinary research for sustainable human well-being. National Science Review.

The impact of varying semantics in spatial statistics

Comber, A., Harris, P. and Atkinson, P. M. 2018. The impact of varying semantics in spatial statistics. GISRUK 2018. Leicester

Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland

Harris, P., Bol, R., Evans, J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Dixon, E. R., Wolf, K., Dungait, J. A. J., Griffith, B. A., Herbst, M., Dhanoa, M. S., Beaumont, D. A., Dunn, R. M. and Weisenberg, G. L. B. 2018. Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland. European Journal of Soil Science. 69 (1), pp. 48-68.

Modelling field scale spatial variation in water run-off, soil moisture, N2O emissions and herbage biomass of a grazed pasture using the SPACSYS model

Liu, Y., Li, Y., Harris, P., Cardenas, L. M., Dunn, R. M., Sint, H. M., Murray, P. J., Lee, M. R. F. and Wu, L. 2018. Modelling field scale spatial variation in water run-off, soil moisture, N2O emissions and herbage biomass of a grazed pasture using the SPACSYS model. Geoderma. 315, pp. 49-58.

Quantifying the effect of ecological restoration on runoff and sediment yields: A meta-analysis for the Loess Plateau of China

Hu, J., Lu, Y., Fu, B., Comber, A. J. and Harris, P. 2017. Quantifying the effect of ecological restoration on runoff and sediment yields: A meta-analysis for the Loess Plateau of China. Progress In Physical Geography. 41 (6), pp. 753-774.

Peri-urbanization may vary with vegetation restoration: A large scale regional analysis

Fu, W., Lu, Y., Harris, P., Comber, A. and Wu, L. 2018. Peri-urbanization may vary with vegetation restoration: A large scale regional analysis. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 29, pp. 77-87.

Distributions of emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems

McAuliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T., Orr, R. J., Harris, P. and Lee, M. R. F. 2018. Distributions of emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171, pp. 1672-1680.

Introducing bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in spatial regression models

Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Lu, B., Nakaya, T. and Charlton, M. 2017. Introducing bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in spatial regression models. Spatial Statistics. 21, pp. 241-261.

Gauging policy-driven large-scale vegetation restoration programmes under a changing environment: their effectiveness and socioeconomic relationships

Li, T., Lu, Y., Fu, B., Comber, A. J., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2017. Gauging policy-driven large-scale vegetation restoration programmes under a changing environment: their effectiveness and socioeconomic relationships. Science of the Total Environment. 607-8, pp. 911-919.

Assessment of soil water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform using a process-based model

Li, Y., Liu, Y., Harris, P., Sint, H., Murray, P. J., Lee, M. R. F. and Wu, L. 2017. Assessment of soil water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform using a process-based model. Science of the Total Environment. 603-604 (Supplement C), pp. 27-37.

The application of a geographically weighted principal components analysis for exploring twenty-three years of goat population change across Mongolia

Tsutsumida, N, Harris, P. and Comber, A. 2017. The application of a geographically weighted principal components analysis for exploring twenty-three years of goat population change across Mongolia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107 (5), pp. 1060-1074.

Geographically Weighted Structural Equation Models: understanding the spatial variation of latent variables and drivers of environmental restoration effectiveness

Comber, A. J., Li, T., Lu, Y., Fu, B. and Harris, P. 2017. Geographically Weighted Structural Equation Models: understanding the spatial variation of latent variables and drivers of environmental restoration effectiveness. in: Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Van Lammeren, R. and Rip, F. (ed.) Societal Geo-innovation: selected papers of the 20th Agile conference on geographic information science. (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography) Springer.

Geographically weighted correspondence matrices for local error reporting and change analyses: mapping the spatial distribution of errors and change

Comber, A., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M. and Harris, P. 2017. Geographically weighted correspondence matrices for local error reporting and change analyses: mapping the spatial distribution of errors and change. Remote Sensing Letters. 8 (3), pp. 234-243.

Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics

Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2016. Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 31 (5), pp. 982-998.

Phosphate stable oxygen isotope variability within a temperate agricultural soil

Granger, S. J., Harris, P., Peukert, S., Guo, R., Tamburini, F., Blackwell, M. S. A., Howden, N. J. K. and McGrath, S. P. 2017. Phosphate stable oxygen isotope variability within a temperate agricultural soil. Geoderma. 285 (1 January), pp. 64-75.

Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis

Comber, A. J., Harris, P. and Tsutsumida, N. 2016. Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 119 (September), pp. 347-360.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: effect of temperate grassland farming systems on soil moisture contents, runoff and associated water quality dynamics

Orr, R. J., Murray, P. J., Eyles, C. J., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Dungait, J. A. J., Goulding, K. W. T., Griffith, B. A., Gurr, S. J., Harris, P., Hawkins, J. M. B., Misselbrook, T. H., Rawlings, C. J., Shepherd, A., Sint, H. M., Takahashi, T., Tozer, K. N., Whitmore, A. P., Wu, L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2016. The North Wyke Farm Platform: effect of temperate grassland farming systems on soil moisture contents, runoff and associated water quality dynamics. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 374-385.

Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information

Comber, A., Fonte, C., Foody, G., Fritz, S., Harris, P., Olteanu-Raimond, A. M. and See, L. 2016. Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information. Geoinformatica. 20 (3), pp. 503-527.

Spatial mathematics: Theory and practice through mapping : Book review

Harris, P. 2016. Spatial mathematics: Theory and practice through mapping : Book review. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design. 43 (5), pp. 963-964.

Data mining the North Wyke Farm Platform data sets

Harris, P., Griffith, B. A., Sint, H. M., Cardenas, L. M., Dungait, J. A. J., Orr, R. J. and Lee, M. R. F. 2016. Data mining the North Wyke Farm Platform data sets. Abstracts International Conference on Steps to Sustainable Livestock, Bristol, 12-15 January 2016 .

Contextualized geographically weighted principal components analysis for investigating baseline soils data on the North Wyke Farm Platform

Harris, P., Howden, N. J. K., Peukert, S., Noacco, V., Ramezani, K., Tuominen, E., Eludoyin, B., Brazier, R., Shepherd, A., Griffith, B. A., Orr, R. J. and Murray, P. J. 2016. Contextualized geographically weighted principal components analysis for investigating baseline soils data on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Raju, N. J. (ed.) Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Proceedings 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, New Delhi, 17-20 October 2014 . Springer, Cham. pp. 651-655

Spatial prediction of coastal bathymetry based on multispectral satellite imagery and multibeam data

Monteys, X., Harris, P., Caloca, S. and Cahalane, C. 2015. Spatial prediction of coastal bathymetry based on multispectral satellite imagery and multibeam data. Remote Sensing. 7 (10), pp. 13782-13806.

The Minkowski approach for choosing the distance metric in geographically weighted regression

Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2016. The Minkowski approach for choosing the distance metric in geographically weighted regression. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 30 (2), pp. 351-368.

Using bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in regression models: an empirical case study

Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Gollini, I., Nakaya, T. and Charlton, M. 2015. Using bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in regression models: an empirical case study. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 27, pp. 112-115.

Calibrating a geographically weighted regression model with parameter-specific distance metrics

Lu, B., Harris, P., Charlton, M. and Brunsdon, C. 2015. Calibrating a geographically weighted regression model with parameter-specific distance metrics. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 26, pp. 109-114.

The use of geographically weighted PCA to classify land cover from multispectral image data

Harris, P., Tsutsumida, N. and Comber, A. J. 2015. The use of geographically weighted PCA to classify land cover from multispectral image data. Abstracts 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRSE36, Berlin, 11-15 May 2015 .

The North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: progress and developments

Harris, P., Dungait, J. A. J., Griffith, B. A., Shepherd, A., Sint, H. M., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Goulding, K. W. T., Lee, M. R. F. and Orr, R. J. 2015. The North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: progress and developments. EGU.

Capturing the spatial variability of N2O emissions on grazed grasslands

Cardenas, L. M., Dunn, R. M., Shepherd, A., Misselbrook, T. H., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A., Velazquez, A., Burak, E., Chen, K., Harris, P., Repullo, M. and Collins, A. L. 2015. Capturing the spatial variability of N2O emissions on grazed grasslands. Abstracts ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meeting Synergy in Science: Partnering for Solutions, Minneapolis, 15-18 November 2015 .

GWmodel: an R package for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models

Gollini, I., Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2015. GWmodel: an R package for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models. Journal of Statistical Software. 63 (17).

Enhancements to a geographically weighted principal component analysis in the context of an application to an environmental data set

Harris, P., Clarke, A., Juggins, S., Brunsdon, C. and Charlton, M. 2015. Enhancements to a geographically weighted principal component analysis in the context of an application to an environmental data set. Geographical Analysis . 47 (2), pp. 146-172.

Geographically weighted methods and their use in network re-designs for environmental monitoring

Harris, P., Clarke, A., Juggins, S., Brunsdon, C. and Charlton, M. 2014. Geographically weighted methods and their use in network re-designs for environmental monitoring. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 28 (7), pp. 1869-1887.

The North Wyke Farm Platform, a national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: data and modelling opportunities

Harris, P., Griffith, B. A., Shepherd, A., Peukert, S., Hawkins, J. M. B., Elyes, C., Whitmore, A. P., Blackwell, M. S. A., Brazier, R. E., Cardenas, L. M., Wu, L., Dungait, J. A. J., Collins, A. L., Gurr, S. J., Murray, P. J., Goulding, K. W. T. and Orr, R. J. 2014. The North Wyke Farm Platform, a national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: data and modelling opportunities. Abstracts Tereno International Conference: from Observation to Prediction in Terrestrial Systems, Bonn, 29 September-2 October 2014 . pp. P2-07

Spatial soil variation on the North Wyke Farm Platform

Shepherd, A., Harris, P., Griffith, B. A., Noacco, V., Ramezani, K., Tuominen, E. and Eludoyin, A. 2014. Spatial soil variation on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Hopkins, A. (ed.) EGF at 50: the Future of European Grasslands. Proceedings 25th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Aberystwyth, 7-11 September 2014 . pp. 239-241

Applications and issues of remote sensing by UAV to pasture agri-research on the North Wyke Farm Platform

Shepherd, A., Harris, P., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A. and Jarman, M. 2014. Applications and issues of remote sensing by UAV to pasture agri-research on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Abstracts Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc 2014), Aberystwyth, 2-5 September 2014 .

Geographically weighted principal components analysis for understanding spatial structure in data for sustainable grassland agriculture

Harris, P., Shepherd, A., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A. and Murray, P. J. 2014. Geographically weighted principal components analysis for understanding spatial structure in data for sustainable grassland agriculture. Abstracts 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG), New Delhi, 17-20 October 2014 .

Applications of high resolution remote sensing with spatial modelling for sustainable grassland agriculture

Shepherd, A., Harris, P., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A. and Murray, P. J. 2014. Applications of high resolution remote sensing with spatial modelling for sustainable grassland agriculture. Abstracts 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG), New Delhi, 17-20 October 2014 .

The GWmodel R package: further topics for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models

Lu, B., Harris, P., Charlton, M. and Brunsdon, C. 2014. The GWmodel R package: further topics for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models. Geo-spatial Information Science. 17, pp. 85-101.

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