PS: Crop Productivity and Quality

TitlePS: Crop Productivity and Quality
TypeResearch cluster


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Atmospheric H2S and SO2 as sulfur source for Brassica juncea and Brassica rapa: impact on the glucosinolate composition

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Aghajanzadeh, T. A., Kopriva, S., Hawkesford, M. J., Koprivova, A. and De Kok, L. J. 2015. Atmospheric H2S and SO2 as sulfur source for Brassica juncea and Brassica rapa: impact on the glucosinolate composition. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6, p. 924.

Digestibility of gluten proteins is reduced by baking and enhanced by starch digestion

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Smith, F., Pan, X., Bellido, V., Toole, G. A., Gates, F. K., Wickham, M. S. J., Shewry, P. R., Bakalis, S., Padfield, P. and Mills, E. N. C. 2015. Digestibility of gluten proteins is reduced by baking and enhanced by starch digestion. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 59 (10), pp. 2034-2043.

Adapting wheat ideotypes for climate change: accounting for uncertainties in CMIP5 climate projections

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Semenov, M. A. and Stratonovitch, P. 2015. Adapting wheat ideotypes for climate change: accounting for uncertainties in CMIP5 climate projections. Climate Research. 65, pp. 123-139.

Genetic diversity for root plasticity and nitrogen uptake in wheat seedlings

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Melino, V. J., Fiene, G., Enju, A., Cai, J., Buchner, P. H. and Heuer, S. 2015. Genetic diversity for root plasticity and nitrogen uptake in wheat seedlings. Functional Plant Biology. 42, pp. 942-956.

The war on wheat

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Gilissen, L., Shewry, P. R. and Van Straaten, F. 2015. The war on wheat. World of Food Ingredients. September 2015, pp. 30-31.

The contribution of wheat to human diet and health

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Hey, S. 2015. The contribution of wheat to human diet and health. Food and Energy Security. 4 (3), pp. 178-202.

Do 'ancient' wheat species differ from modern bread wheat in their contents of bioactive components?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Hey, S. 2015. Do 'ancient' wheat species differ from modern bread wheat in their contents of bioactive components? Journal of Cereal Science. 65, pp. 236-243.

High yielding biomass genotypes of willow (Salix spp.) show differences in below ground biomass allocation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cunniff, J., Purdy, S. J., Barraclough, T. J. P., Castle, M., Maddison, A. L., Jones, L. E., Shield, I. F., Gregory, A. S. and Karp, A. 2015. High yielding biomass genotypes of willow (Salix spp.) show differences in below ground biomass allocation. Biomass & Bioenergy. 80 (September), pp. 114-127.

Heat tolerance around flowering in wheat identified as a key trait for increased yield potential in Europe under climate change

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stratonovitch, P. and Semenov, M. A. 2015. Heat tolerance around flowering in wheat identified as a key trait for increased yield potential in Europe under climate change. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66 (12), pp. 3599-3609.

Effects of climate change and seed dispersal on airborne ragweed pollen loads in Europe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hamaoui-Laguel, L., Vautard, R., Liu, L., Solmon, F., Viovy, N., Khvorosthyanov, D., Essl, F., Chuine, I., Colette, A., Semenov, M. A., Schaffhauser, A., Storkey, J., Thibaudon, M. and Epstein, M. M. 2015. Effects of climate change and seed dispersal on airborne ragweed pollen loads in Europe. Nature Climate Change. 5, pp. 766-771.

Release of covalently bound hydroxycinnamate, ferulic acid, from whole-grain

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Turner, A. L., Shewry, P. R., Lovegrove, A. and Spencer, J. P. E. 2015. Release of covalently bound hydroxycinnamate, ferulic acid, from whole-grain. Procedings of the Nutrition Society, Summer Meeting, 14–17 July 2014, Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes. Cambridge University Press (CUP) Cambridge.

Improving wheat as a source of dietary fibre for human health

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Shewry, P. R., Reynolds, S., Pellny, T. K., Freeman, J., Wilkinson, M. D., Kosik, O., Ulker, M., Wingen, L., Orford, S., Griffiths, S., Mitchell, R. A. C. and Lovegrove, A. 2015. Improving wheat as a source of dietary fibre for human health. Cambridge University Press (CUP) Cambridge.

Influence of temperature on the composition and polymerization of gluten proteins during grain filling in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Koga, S., Bocker, U., Moldestad, A., Tosi, P., Shewry, P. R., Mosleth, E. F. and Uhlen, A. K. 2015. Influence of temperature on the composition and polymerization of gluten proteins during grain filling in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Cereal Science. 65, pp. 1-8.

Seasonal carbohydrate dynamics and climate regulation of senescence in the perennial grass, Miscanthus

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Purdy, S. J., Cunnif, J., Maddison, A. L., Jones, L. E., Barraclough, T. J. P., Castle, M., Davey, C. L., Jones, C. M., Shield, I. F., Gallgher, J., Donnison, I. and Clifton-Brown, J. 2015. Seasonal carbohydrate dynamics and climate regulation of senescence in the perennial grass, Miscanthus. BioEnergy Research. 8 (1), pp. 28-41.

Expression patterns of C- and N-metabolism related genes in wheat are changed during senescence under elevated CO2 in dry-land agriculture

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Buchner, P. H., Tausz, M., Ford, R., Leo, A., Fitzgerald, G. J., Hawkesford, M. J. and Tausz-Posch, S. 2015. Expression patterns of C- and N-metabolism related genes in wheat are changed during senescence under elevated CO2 in dry-land agriculture. Plant Science. 236, pp. 239-249.

Energy utilization and growth performance of chickens fed novel wheat inbred lines selected for different pentosan levels with and without xylanase supplementation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S. P., Pellny, T. K., Amerah, A. M., Wickramasinghe, M., Ulker, M., Rakszegi, M., Bedo, Z., Shewry, P. R. and Lovegrove, A. 2015. Energy utilization and growth performance of chickens fed novel wheat inbred lines selected for different pentosan levels with and without xylanase supplementation. Poultry Science. 94, pp. 232-239.

A call to action - The cereal foods supply chain must share responsibility for public health

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Gilissen, L., Shewry, P. R. and Van Straaten, F. 2015. A call to action - The cereal foods supply chain must share responsibility for public health. Milling and Grain. 126(3), pp. 50-52.

Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Asseng, S., Semenov, M. A. and Stratonovitch, P. 2015. Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature Climate Change. 5, pp. 143-147.

Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Martre, P., Semenov, M. A. and Stratonovitch, P. 2015. Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one. Global Change Biology. 21 (2), pp. 911-925.

Postprandial plasma betaine and other methyl donor-related responses after consumption of minimally processed wheat bran or wheat aleurone, or wheat aleurone incorporated into bread

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Keaveney, E. M., Price, R. K., Hamill, L. L., Wallace, J. M. W., Mcnulty, H., Ward, M., Strain, J. J., Ueland, P. M., Molloy, A. M., Piironen, V., Von Reding, W., Shewry, P. R., Ward, J. L. and Welch, R. W. 2015. Postprandial plasma betaine and other methyl donor-related responses after consumption of minimally processed wheat bran or wheat aleurone, or wheat aleurone incorporated into bread. British Journal Of Nutrition. 113 (3), pp. 445-453.

Overexpression of a NAC transcription factor delays leaf senescence and increases grain nitrogen concentration in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhao, D., Derkx, A. P., Liu, D-C., Buchner, P. H. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2015. Overexpression of a NAC transcription factor delays leaf senescence and increases grain nitrogen concentration in wheat. Plant Biology. 17 (4), pp. 904-913.

Transcriptome and metabolome analysis of plant sulfate starvation and resupply provides novel information on transcriptional regulation of metabolism associated with sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus nutritional responses in Arabidopsis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bielecka, M., Watanabe, M., Morcuende, R., Scheible, W-R., Hawkesford, M. J., Hesse, H. and Hoefgen, R. 2015. Transcriptome and metabolome analysis of plant sulfate starvation and resupply provides novel information on transcriptional regulation of metabolism associated with sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus nutritional responses in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, p. 805.

A novel approach to identify genes that determine grain protein deviation in cereals

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mosleth, E. F., Wan, Y., Lysenko, A., Chope, G. A., Penson, S. P., Shewry, P. R. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2015. A novel approach to identify genes that determine grain protein deviation in cereals. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 13 (5), pp. 625-635.

Comparative in situ analyses of cell wall matrix polysaccharide dynamics in developing rice and wheat grain

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Palmer, R., Cornuault, V., Marcus, S. E., Knox, J. P., Shewry, P. R. and Tosi, P. 2015. Comparative in situ analyses of cell wall matrix polysaccharide dynamics in developing rice and wheat grain. Planta. 241, pp. 669-685.


A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Hamer, R. 2014. Proteins. Cereal Foods World. 59 (6), pp. 308-311.

An individual-based model of the evolution of pesticide resistance in heterogeneous environments: control of Meligethes aeneus population in oilseed rape crops

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stratonovitch, P., Elias, J., Denholm, I., Slater, R. and Semenov, M. A. 2014. An individual-based model of the evolution of pesticide resistance in heterogeneous environments: control of Meligethes aeneus population in oilseed rape crops. PLOS ONE. 9, p. e115631.

Differential immunoreactivity of the root-knot nematodes, Meliodogyne graminicola and Meloidogyne incognita to polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies and identification of antigens through proteomics approach

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Dutta, T. K., Lovegrove, A., Gaur, H. S. and Curtis, R. H. C. 2014. Differential immunoreactivity of the root-knot nematodes, Meliodogyne graminicola and Meloidogyne incognita to polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies and identification of antigens through proteomics approach. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 8, pp. 1245-1254.

The significance of glucosinolates for sulfur storage in Brassicaceae seedlings

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Aghajanzadeh, T. A., Hawkesford, M. J. and De Kok, L. J. 2014. The significance of glucosinolates for sulfur storage in Brassicaceae seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, p. 704.


A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Hamer, R. 2014. Proteins. Cereal Foods World. 59, pp. 308-311.

Nutrient use efficiency in plants: concepts and approaches

E - Books edited/written by staff member, alone/with others
Hawkesford, M. J., Kopriva, S. and De Kok, L. J. 2014. Nutrient use efficiency in plants: concepts and approaches. Springer, Cham.

Efficient mineral nutrition: genetic improvement of phosphate uptake and use efficiency in crops

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Gruen, A., Broadley, M. R., Buchner, P. H. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2014. Efficient mineral nutrition: genetic improvement of phosphate uptake and use efficiency in crops. in: Kopriva, S., Dekok, L. J. and Hawksford, M. J. (ed.) Nutrition use efficiency in plants Springer, Cham. pp. 93-132

Zinc exposure has differential effects on uptake and metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen in Chinese cabbage

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stuiver, C. E. E., Posthumus, F. S., Parmar, S., Shahbaz, M., Hawkesford, M. J. and De Kok, L. J. 2014. Zinc exposure has differential effects on uptake and metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen in Chinese cabbage. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 177 (5), pp. 748-757.

The yield and quality response of the energy grass Miscanthus x giganteus to fertiliser applications of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shield, I. F., Barraclough, T. J. P., Riche, A. B. and Yates, N. E. 2014. The yield and quality response of the energy grass Miscanthus x giganteus to fertiliser applications of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur. Biomass & Bioenergy. 68, pp. 185-194.

Iron bioavailability in two commercial cultivars of wheat: comparison between wholegrain and white flour and the effects of nicotianamine and 2'-deoxymugineic acid on iron uptake into Caco-2 cells

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Eagling, T., Wawer, A. A., Shewry, P. R., Zhao, F-J. and Fairweather-Tait, S. J. 2014. Iron bioavailability in two commercial cultivars of wheat: comparison between wholegrain and white flour and the effects of nicotianamine and 2'-deoxymugineic acid on iron uptake into Caco-2 cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JAFC. 62, pp. 10320-10325.

Effect of breadmaking process on In vitro gut microbiota parameters in irritable bowel syndrome

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Costabile, A., Santarelli, S., Claus, S. P., Sanderson, J., Hudspith, B. N., Brostoff, J., Ward, J. L., Lovegrove, A., Shewry, P. R., Jones, H. E., Whitley, A. M. and Gibson, G. R. 2014. Effect of breadmaking process on In vitro gut microbiota parameters in irritable bowel syndrome. PLOS ONE. 9, p. e111225.

Comparing climate change impacts on cereals based on CMIP3 and EU-ENSEMBLES climate scenarios

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Vanuytracht, E., Raes, D., Willems, P. and Semenov, M. A. 2014. Comparing climate change impacts on cereals based on CMIP3 and EU-ENSEMBLES climate scenarios. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 195-196, pp. 12-23.

Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become more frequent with climate change

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Trnka, M., Rötter, R. P., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Kersebaum, K. C., Olesen, J. E., Zalud, Z. and Semenov, M. A. 2014. Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become more frequent with climate change. Nature Climate Change. 4, pp. 637-643.

Exploiting natural variation to improve the content and composition of dietary fibre in wheat grain: a review

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Lovegrove, A. 2014. Exploiting natural variation to improve the content and composition of dietary fibre in wheat grain: a review. Acta Alimentaria. 43, pp. 357-372.

Getting the most out of wheat

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Shewry, P. R. 2014. Getting the most out of wheat.

Complex phylogeny and gene expression patterns of members of the NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family (NPF) in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Buchner, P. H. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2014. Complex phylogeny and gene expression patterns of members of the NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family (NPF) in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65, pp. 5697-5710.

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