The challenge of modelling nitrogen management at the field scale: simulation and sensitivity analysis of N2O fluxes across nine experimental sites using DailyDayCent

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Fitton, N., Datta, A., Hastings, A., Kuhnert, M., Topp, C. F. E., Cloy, J. M., Rees, R. M., Cardenas, L. M., Williams, J. R., Smith, K., Chadwick, D. and Smith, P. 2014. The challenge of modelling nitrogen management at the field scale: simulation and sensitivity analysis of N2O fluxes across nine experimental sites using DailyDayCent. Environmental Research Letters. 9, p. 095003.

AuthorsFitton, N., Datta, A., Hastings, A., Kuhnert, M., Topp, C. F. E., Cloy, J. M., Rees, R. M., Cardenas, L. M., Williams, J. R., Smith, K., Chadwick, D. and Smith, P.
Year of Publication2014
JournalEnvironmental Research Letters
Journal citation9, p. 095003
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeDelivering Sustainable Systems (SS) [ISPG]
GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Platform - Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors
Optimisation of nutrients in soil-plant systems: How can we control nitrogen cycling in soil?
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PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd

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