Sustainable Soils and Crops

TitleSustainable Soils and Crops
TypeScience Department
InstituteRothamsted Research
HeadMartin Broadley
Executive AssistantNatalia Deas


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Dissecting Disease-Suppressive Rhizosphere Microbiomes by Functional Amplicon Sequencing and 10x Metagenomics

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tracanna, V., Ossowicki, A., Petrus, M. L. C., Oversuin, S., Terlouw, B. R., Lund, G., Robinson, S. L., Warris, S., Schijlen, E. G. W. M., Van Wezel, G. P., Raaijmakers, J. M., Garbeva, P. and Medema, M. H. 2021. Dissecting Disease-Suppressive Rhizosphere Microbiomes by Functional Amplicon Sequencing and 10x Metagenomics. mSystems. 6 (3), pp. e01116-20.

Revisiting strategies to incorporate gender-responsiveness into maize breeding in southern Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cairns, J. E., Baudron, F., Hassall, K. L., Ndhlela, T., Nyagumbo, I., McGrath, S. P. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. Revisiting strategies to incorporate gender-responsiveness into maize breeding in southern Africa. Outlook on Agriculture. 51 (2), pp. 178-182.

Remote sensing, modelling-based hazard and risk assessment, and management of agro-forested ecosystems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rizzi, J., Tarquis, A. M., Gobin, A., Semenov, M. A., Zhao, W and Tarolli, P. 2021. Remote sensing, modelling-based hazard and risk assessment, and management of agro-forested ecosystems. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 21 (12), p. 3873–3877.

Nitrate signaling promotes plant growth by upregulating gibberellin biosynthesis and destabilization of DELLA proteins

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Camut, L., Gallova, B., Jilli, L., Sirlin-Josserand, M., Carrera, E., Sakvarelidze-Achard, L., Ruffel, S., Krouk, G., Thomas, S. G., Hedden, P., Phillips, A. L., Daviere, J-M. and Achard, P. 2021. Nitrate signaling promotes plant growth by upregulating gibberellin biosynthesis and destabilization of DELLA proteins. Current Biology. 31 (22), pp. 4971-4982.

Grain yield, plant nitrogen content and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by controlled-release urea and straw biochar in a rice field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Xin, Y., Ping, Y., Jue, L., Yujie, Z., Shuifeng, Y., Xiaotao, M., Jianqiu, C. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. Grain yield, plant nitrogen content and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by controlled-release urea and straw biochar in a rice field. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 45 (9), pp. 1393-1402.

The Contribution of Wheat to Human Nutrition and Health

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Shewry, P. R. 2021. The Contribution of Wheat to Human Nutrition and Health. A year on the field. (Nov 20).

My lab unlocked: Professor Nigel Halford FRSB

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Halford, N. G. 2021. My lab unlocked: Professor Nigel Halford FRSB. The Biologist.

Comparative compositions of metabolites and dietary fibre components in doughs and breads produced from bread wheat, emmer and spelt and using yeast and sourdough processes.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R., America, A. H. P., Lovegrove, A., Wood, A., Plummer, A., Evans, J., Van den Broeck, H. C., Gilissen, L., Mumm, R., Ward, J. L., Proos, Z., Kuiper, P., Longin, C. F. H., Andersson, A. A. M., Van Straaten, J. P., Jonkers, D. and Brouns, F. 2021. Comparative compositions of metabolites and dietary fibre components in doughs and breads produced from bread wheat, emmer and spelt and using yeast and sourdough processes. Food Chemistry. 374 (16 April 2022), p. 131710.

Influence of organic matter on soil properties: by how much can organic carbon be increased in arable soils and can changes be measured?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Powlson, D. S. and Neal, A. L. 2021. Influence of organic matter on soil properties: by how much can organic carbon be increased in arable soils and can changes be measured? Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society. 862, pp. 1-32.

Microbially synthesized nanoparticles: aspect in plant disease management

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Bhattacharya, J., Nitnavare, R., Shankhapal, A. and Ghosh, S. 2021. Microbially synthesized nanoparticles: aspect in plant disease management. in: Radhakrishnan E. K., Kumar, A. and Aswani, R. (ed.) Biocontrol Mechanisms of Endophytic Microorganisms Elsevier. pp. 303-325

Plant adaptation to nutrient stress

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pandey, R., Vengavasi. K. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2021. Plant adaptation to nutrient stress. Plant Physiology Reports.

Below-ground physiological processes enhancing phosphorus acquisition in plants

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Vengavesi, K., Pandey, R., Soumya, P. R., Hawkesford, M. J. and Siddique, K. H. M. 2021. Below-ground physiological processes enhancing phosphorus acquisition in plants. Plant Physiology Reports. 26, pp. 600-613.

On the improved Brutsaert's model to estimate the soil water content by measuring P-wave and S-wave speeds: A commentary on Xu et al. (2020)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shin, H. C. and Whalley, W. R. 2021. On the improved Brutsaert's model to estimate the soil water content by measuring P-wave and S-wave speeds: A commentary on Xu et al. (2020). Geoderma. 402 (15 November), p. 115335.

A novel light interception trait of a hybrid rice ideotype indicative of leaf to panicle ratio

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Xiao, F., Li, W., Yang, Z., Cheng, W., Gao, S., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2021. A novel light interception trait of a hybrid rice ideotype indicative of leaf to panicle ratio. Field Crops Research. 274, p. 108338.

Loss of chromatin remodeler DDM1 causes segregation distortion in Arabidopsis thaliana

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ali, S., Zhang, T., Lambing, C., Wang, W., Zhang, P., Xie, L., Wang, J., Khan, N. and Zhang, Q. 2021. Loss of chromatin remodeler DDM1 causes segregation distortion in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta. 254 (5), p. 107.

Next Generation dsRNA-Based Insect Control: Success So Far and Challenges

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Nitnavare, R., Bhattacharya, J., Singh, S., Kour, A., Hawkesford, M. J. and Arora, N. 2021. Next Generation dsRNA-Based Insect Control: Success So Far and Challenges. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12 (18 October), p. 673576.

Editorial: State-of-the-Art Technology and Applications in Crop Phenomics

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Yang, W., Doonan, J. H., Hawkesford, M. J., Pridmore, T. and Zhou, J. 2021. Editorial: State-of-the-Art Technology and Applications in Crop Phenomics. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12, p. 2226.

Methodology to assess the changing risk of yield failure due to heat and drought stress under climate change

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stella, T., Webber, H., Olesen, J. E., Ruane, A. C., Fronzek, S., Bregaglio, S., Mamidanna, S., Bindi, M., Collins, B., Faye, B., Ferrise, R., Fodor, N., Gabaldon-Leal, C., Jabloun, M., Kersebaum, K-C., Lizaso, J. I., Lorite, I. J., Manceau, L., Martre, P., Nendel, C., Rodriguez, A., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Semenov, M. A., Stratonovitch, P. and Ewert, F. 2021. Methodology to assess the changing risk of yield failure due to heat and drought stress under climate change. Environmental Research Letters. 16 (10), p. 104033.

Land management legacy affects abundance and function of the acdS gene in wheat root associated pseudomonads

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ruscoe, H., Taketani, R., Clark, I. M., Lund, G., Hughes, D. J., Dodd, I., Hirsch, P. R. and Mauchline, T. H. 2021. Land management legacy affects abundance and function of the acdS gene in wheat root associated pseudomonads. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, p. 611339.

What are the regulatory targets for intervention in assimilate partitioning to improve crop yield and resilience?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Paul, M. J. 2021. What are the regulatory targets for intervention in assimilate partitioning to improve crop yield and resilience? Journal of Plant Physiology. 266, p. 153537.

Theory of microbial coexistence in promoting soil–plant ecosystem health

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, N., Nunan, N., Hirsch, P. R., Sun, B., Zhou, J. and Liang, Y. 2021. Theory of microbial coexistence in promoting soil–plant ecosystem health. Biology And Fertility Of Soils. 57, p. 897–911.

Post-translational cleavage of HMW-GS Dy10 allele improves the cookie-making quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum).

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wang, Y., Chen, Q., Li, Y., Guo, Z., Liu, C., Wan, Y., Hawkesford, M. J., Zhu, J., Wu, W., Wei, M., Zhao, K., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Xu, Q., Kong, L., Pu, Z., Deng, M., Jiang, Q., Lan, X., Wang, J., Chen, G., Ma, J., Zheng, Y., Wei, Y. and Qi, P. 2021. Post-translational cleavage of HMW-GS Dy10 allele improves the cookie-making quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). Molecular Breeding. 41, p. 49.

Wheat value chains in Malawi: trends, gaps, challenges and opportunities

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Guwela, V. F., Maliro, M. F. A, Joy, E. J. M., Tang, K., Bokosi, J., Hawkesford, M. J., Broadley, M. and King, J. 2021. Wheat value chains in Malawi: trends, gaps, challenges and opportunities. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience. 16 (046), pp. 1-16.

The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Thomas, C. L., Darch, T., Harris, P., Beaumont, D. A. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems. Agronomy. 11 (9), p. 1731.

Improving photosynthetic metabolism for crop yields: what is going to work?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Paul, M. J. 2021. Improving photosynthetic metabolism for crop yields: what is going to work? Frontiers in Plant Science. 12 (September), p. 743862.

High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gregory, A. S., Joynes, A., Dixon, E. R., Beaumont, D. A., Murray, P. J., Humphreys, M. W., Richter, G. M. and Dungait, J. A. J. 2021. High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil. European Journal of Soil Science.

Flow Cytometry-Based Determination of Ploidy from Dried Leaf Specimens in Genomically Complex Collections of the Tropical Forage Grass Urochloa s. l.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tomaszewska, P., Pellny, T. K., Hernandez, L. M., Mitchell, R. A. C., Castiblanco, V., De Vega, J. J., Schwarzacher, T. and Heslop-Harrison, P. 2021. Flow Cytometry-Based Determination of Ploidy from Dried Leaf Specimens in Genomically Complex Collections of the Tropical Forage Grass Urochloa s. l. Genes. 12 (7), p. 957.

The nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Castillo, J., Kirk, G. J. D., Rivero, M. J., Dobermann, A. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay. Global Food Security. 30 (September), p. 100566.

RNAi suppression of xylan synthase genes in wheat starchy endosperm

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wilkinson, M. D., Kosik, O., Halsey, K., Walpole, H., Evans, J., Wood, A. J., Ward, J. L., Mitchell, R. A. C., Lovegrove, A. and Shewry, P. R. 2021. RNAi suppression of xylan synthase genes in wheat starchy endosperm. PLOS ONE. 16 (8), p. e0256350.

Effect of Intake of Food Hydrocolloids of Bacterial Origin on the Glycemic Response in Humans: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Alshammari, N. A., Taylor, M. A., Stevenson, R., Gouseti, O., Alyami, J., Muttakin, S., Bakalis, S., Lovegrove, A., Aithal, G. P. and Marciani, L. 2021. Effect of Intake of Food Hydrocolloids of Bacterial Origin on the Glycemic Response in Humans: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. Nutrients. 13 (7), p. 2407.

Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Alcock, T. D., Thomas, C. L., Lochlainn, S. O., Pongrac, P., Wilson, M., Moore, C., Reyt, G., Vogel-Mikus, K., Kelemen, M., Hayden, R., Wilson, L., Stephenson, P., Ostergaard, L., Irwin, J. A., Hammond, J. P., King, G. J., Salt, D. E., Graham, N. S., White, P. J. and Broadley, M. R. 2021. Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa. Plant Physiology. 186 (3), pp. 1616-1631.

Feeding the future: developing the skills landscape in the agri-food sector

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sims, C., Oddy, J., Hibbert, L. E., Newell, A. S., Steel, L., Gibbons, L. R., Caporaso, N., Dumenil, C., Read, S. and Margerison, R. C. P. 2021. Feeding the future: developing the skills landscape in the agri-food sector. Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology.

Comparison of soil tortuosity calculated by different methods

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, F. and Zhang, X. 2021. Comparison of soil tortuosity calculated by different methods. Geoderma. 402, p. 115358.

Rapid Generation and Analysis of a Barley Doubled Haploid Line with Higher Nitrogen Use Efficiency than Parental Lines by F1 Microspore Embryogenesis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Xu, H., Li, Y., Gao, R., Xu, R., Guo, G., Lu, R., Halford, N. G., Chen, Z. and Liu, C. 2021. Rapid Generation and Analysis of a Barley Doubled Haploid Line with Higher Nitrogen Use Efficiency than Parental Lines by F1 Microspore Embryogenesis. Plants - Basel. 10 (8), p. 1588.

Allele mining in diverse accessions of tropical grasses to improve forage quality and reduce environmental impact

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hanley, S. J., Pellny, T. K., De Vega, J. J., Castiblanco, V., Arango, J., Eastmond, P. J., Heslop-Harrison, J. S. and Mitchell, R. A. C. 2021. Allele mining in diverse accessions of tropical grasses to improve forage quality and reduce environmental impact. Annals of Botany. 128 (5), pp. 627-637.

Changes in agricultural climate in South-Eastern England from 1892 to 2016 and differences in cereal and permanent grassland yield

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Addy, J., Ellis, R. H., Macdonald, A. J., Semenov, M. A. and Mead, A. 2021. Changes in agricultural climate in South-Eastern England from 1892 to 2016 and differences in cereal and permanent grassland yield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 308-309, p. 108560.

The effect of soil properties on zinc lability and solubility in soils of Ethiopia – an isotopic dilution study

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mossa, A-W., Gashu, D., Broadley, M. R., Dunham, S. J., McGrath, S. P., Bailey, E. H. and Young, S. D. 2021. The effect of soil properties on zinc lability and solubility in soils of Ethiopia – an isotopic dilution study. Soil. 7, pp. 255-268.

Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Von Fromm, S. F., Hoyt, A. M, Lange, M., Acquah, G., Aynekulu, E., Berhe, A. A, Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P., Shepherd, K. D., Sila, A. M., Six, J., Towett, E. K, Trumbore, S. E., Vagen, T.-G, Weullow, E., Winowiecki, L. A. and Doetterl, S. 2021. Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa. Soil. 7, pp. 305-332.

Significant soil degradation is associated with intensive vegetable cropping in a subtropical area: a case study in southwestern China

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, M., Powlson, D. S., Liang, Y., Chadwick, D. R., Long, S., Liu, D. and Chen, X. 2021. Significant soil degradation is associated with intensive vegetable cropping in a subtropical area: a case study in southwestern China. Soil. 7, pp. 333-346.

Optimizing setup of scan number in FTIR spectroscopy using the moment distance index and PLS regression: application to soil spectroscopy

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Barra, I., Khiari, L., Haefele, S. M., Sakrabani, R. and Kebede, F. 2021. Optimizing setup of scan number in FTIR spectroscopy using the moment distance index and PLS regression: application to soil spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 11, p. 13358.