Modelling lifestyle changes in Insect endosymbionts, from insect mutualist to plant pathogen

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Manning-Smith, R., Alonso Chavez, V., Helps, J., Shaw, M. W. and Van Den Bosch, F. 2020. Modelling lifestyle changes in Insect endosymbionts, from insect mutualist to plant pathogen. Evolutionary Ecology. 34, p. 867–891.

AuthorsManning-Smith, R., Alonso Chavez, V., Helps, J., Shaw, M. W. and Van Den Bosch, F.

Several insect endosymbionts have evolved to become plant pathogens, but the causes of this transition are currently unknown. In this paper, we use adaptive dynamics to develop hypotheses to explain why an insect endosymbiont would evolve to become a plant pathogen. We develop a model of facultative insect endosymbionts, capable of both vertical transmission within the insect population and horizontal transmission between insect and plant populations. We assume that an evolutionary trade-off between vertical and horizontal transmission exists. The transmission method of an endosymbiont is correlated with the nature of the symbiotic relationship between host and symbiont. We assume that vertical transmission represents an insect endosymbiont lifestyle and horizontal transmission represents a plant pathogen lifestyle. Our results suggest that temperature increases, increased agricultural intensification, disease dynamics within the plant host, insect mating system and change in the host plant of the insect may influence an evolutionary transition from an insect endosymbiont to a plant pathogen.

KeywordsArsenophonus pythopathogenicus ; Adaptive dynamics; Insect endosymbiont; Plant pathogen
Year of Publication2020
JournalEvolutionary Ecology
Journal citation34, p. 867–891
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Publisher's version
Copyright license
CC BY 4.0
Supplemental file
Copyright license
CC BY 4.0
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online03 Sep 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted21 Aug 2020

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