How aphids fly: take off, free flight and implications for short and long distance migration

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Bell, J. R. and Shephard, G. 2024. How aphids fly: take off, free flight and implications for short and long distance migration . Agricultural and Forest Entomology. p. afe.12623.

AuthorsBell, J. R. and Shephard, G.

We used a Phantom T4040 camera at 9350-13,000 FPS and at 4.2-Mpx resolution (2560 x 1664) . The aspect ratios varied, but were typically 2048 x 1280 pixels - 2560 x 1664. Videos were captured by the Phantom Camera Control software (PCC) as Cine RAW files and converted to MP4 for analysis and viewing in slow motion. A timer recording behaviour in milliseconds is embedded in MP4 files. Filming at high FPS and in HD requires specialist flicker-free high-speed illumination lighting: we used two GSVitec™ MultiLED MX that each produced 12,000 Lux of white light (24,000 total).

Videos include Drepanosiphum platanoidis (Schrank), the sycamore aphid, that feeds on Acer sp, a monophyletic group of trees ancestral to Asia, but present in Europe for the last 30 million years (Gao et al. 2020). Myzus persicae (Sulzer), the peach-potato aphid, is a medium sized aphid that is extremely polyphagous and is truly a global pest species.

KeywordsDrepanosiphum platanoidis; Myzus persicae; Sycamore aphid; Peach-potato aphid; High-speed photography; Insect flight
Year of Publication2024
JournalAgricultural and Forest Entomology
Journal citationp. afe.12623
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeThe Rothamsted Insect Survey - National Capability [2017-2023]
BBSRC National Bioscience Research Infrastructure: Rothamsted Insect Survey
Publisher's version
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Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online19 Apr 2024
Publication process dates
Accepted13 Mar 2024

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