Resolving the identification of weak-flying insects during flight: a coupling between rigorous data processing and biology

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Hassall, K. L., Dye, A., Potamitis, I and Bell, J. R. 2021. Resolving the identification of weak-flying insects during flight: a coupling between rigorous data processing and biology. Agricultural and Forest Entomology.

AuthorsHassall, K. L., Dye, A., Potamitis, I and Bell, J. R.

1. Bioacoustic methods play an increasingly important role for the detection of insects in a range of surveillance and monitoring programs.
2. Weak-flying insects evade detection because they do not yield sufficient audio information to capture wingbeat and harmonic frequencies. These inaudible insects often pose a significant threat to food security as pests of key agricultural crops worldwide.
3. Automatic detection of such insects is crucial to the future of crop protection by providing critical information to assess the risk to a crop and the need for preventative measures.
4. We describe an experimental setup designed to derive audio recordings from a range of weak-flying aphids and beetles using an LED array.
5. A rigorous data processing pipeline was developed to extract meaningful features, linked to morphological characteristics, from the audio and harmonic series for six aphid and two beetle species.
6. An ensemble of over 50 bioacoustic parameters was used to achieve species discrimination with a success rate of 80%. The inclusion of the dominant and fundamental frequencies improved prediction between beetles and aphids due to large differences in wingbeat frequencies.
7. At the species level, error rates were minimised when harmonic features were supplemented by features indicative of differences in species’ flight energies.

KeywordsInsect classification; Random forest classifier; Wingbeat harmonics; Aphid; Beetle
Year of Publication2021
JournalAgricultural and Forest Entomology
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Related Output
Is supplemented byOpto-acoustic audio recordings of aphids and beetles
Is supplemented byExtracted features from opto-acoustic audio recordings of aphids and beetles
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeBBSRC Strategic Programme in Smart Crop Protection
The Rothamsted Insect Survey - National Capability [2017-2023]
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Accepted author manuscript
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Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online02 Jun 2021

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