Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Miret-Barrio, J., Griffiths, C. A. and Paul, M. J. 2024. Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement. Journal of Plant Physiology. 294, p. 154188.

AuthorsMiret-Barrio, J., Griffiths, C. A. and Paul, M. J.

Sugar homeostasis is a critical feature of biological systems. In humans, raised and dysregulated blood sugar
is a serious health issue. In plants, directed changes in sucrose homeostasis and allocation represent opportunities in crop improvement. Plant tissue sucrose varies more than blood glucose and is found at higher concentrations (cytosol and phloem ca. 100 mM v 3.9–6.9 mM for blood glucose). Tissue sucrose varies with developmental stage and environment, but cytosol and phloem exhibit tight sucrose control. Sucrose homeostasis is a consequence of the integration of photosynthesis, synthesis of storage end products such as starch, transport of sucrose to sinks and sink metabolism. Trehalose 6-phosphate (T6P)-SnRK1 and TOR play central, still emerging roles in regulating and coordinating these processes. Overall, tissue sucrose levels are more strongly related to growth than to photosynthesis. As a key sucrose signal,T6P regulates sucrose levels, transport and metabolic pathways to coordinate source and sink at a whole plant level. Emerging evidence shows that T6P interacts with meristems. With careful targeting, T6P manipulation through exploiting natural variation, chemical intervention and genetic modification is delivering benefits for crop yields. Regulation of cereal grain set, filling and retention may be the most strategically important aspect of sucrose allocation and homeostasis for food security.

KeywordsAssimilate partitioning; T6P; Crop yield; Source-sink
Year of Publication2024
JournalJournal of Plant Physiology
Journal citation294, p. 154188
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeDelivering Sustainable Wheat
IWYP Call 2: Transforming yield through source-sink synchronisation
Publisher's version
Copyright license
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online29 Jan 2024
Publication process dates
Accepted22 Jan 2024

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