Improving crop yield potential Underlying biological processes and future prospects

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Burgess, A. J., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Strittmatter, G., Weber, A. P. M., Taylor, S. H., Harbinson, J., Yin, X., Freeman, S. E., Paul, M. J., Westhoff, P., Loreto, F., Ceriotti, A., Saltenis, V. L. R., Pribil, M., Nacry, P., Scharff, L. B., Jensen, P. E., Muller, B., Cohan, J., Foulkes, J., Rogowsky, P., Debaeke, P., Meyer, C., Nelissen, H., Inze, D., Lankhorst, R. K., Parry, M. A. J., Murchie, E. H. and Baekelandt, A. 2022. Improving crop yield potential Underlying biological processes and future prospects. Food and Energy Security. p. e435.

AuthorsBurgess, A. J., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Strittmatter, G., Weber, A. P. M., Taylor, S. H., Harbinson, J., Yin, X., Freeman, S. E., Paul, M. J., Westhoff, P., Loreto, F., Ceriotti, A., Saltenis, V. L. R., Pribil, M., Nacry, P., Scharff, L. B., Jensen, P. E., Muller, B., Cohan, J., Foulkes, J., Rogowsky, P., Debaeke, P., Meyer, C., Nelissen, H., Inze, D., Lankhorst, R. K., Parry, M. A. J., Murchie, E. H. and Baekelandt, A.

The growing world population and global increases in the standard of living both result in an increasing demand for food, feed and other plant-derived products. In the coming years, plant-based research will be among the major drivers ensuring food security and the expansion of the bio-based economy. Crop productivity is determined by several factors, including the available physical and agricultural resources, crop management, and the resource use efficiency,
quality and intrinsic yield potential of the chosen crop. This review focuses on intrinsic yield potential, since understanding its determinants and their biological basis will allow to maximize the plant's potential in food and energy production. Yield potential is determined by a variety of complex traits that integrate strictly regulated processes and their underlying gene regulatory networks. Due
to this inherent complexity, numerous potential targets have been identified that could be exploited to increase crop yield. These encompass diverse metabolic and physical processes at the cellular, organ and canopy level. We present
an overview of some of the distinct biological processes considered to be crucial for yield determination that could further be exploited to improve future crop productivity

KeywordsCrop improvement; Crop yield; Food supply; Nutrient remobilisation; Organ growth; Photosynthesis
Year of Publication2022
JournalFood and Energy Security
Journal citationp. e435
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeDesigning Future Wheat (DFW) [ISPG]
Publisher's version
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online02 Dec 2022
Publication process dates
Accepted10 Nov 2022

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