Matthew Paul

NameMatthew Paul
Job titlePrincipal Research Scientist - Crop Physiology
DepartmentSustainable Soils and Crops
Research clusterPS: Resilience and Development
Preferred citationPaul, M. J.

Research outputs

Nitrogen topdressing at panicle initiation modulated nitrogen allocation between storage proteins and free nitrogenous compounds in grains of japonica rice

Wang, L., Yang, L., Hu, L., Ren, Y., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2024. Nitrogen topdressing at panicle initiation modulated nitrogen allocation between storage proteins and free nitrogenous compounds in grains of japonica rice. Journal of Cereal Science.

SnRK1/TOR/T6P three musketeers guarding energy for root growth

Morales-Herrera, S., Paul, M. J., Dijck, P. V. and Beeckman, T. 2024. SnRK1/TOR/T6P three musketeers guarding energy for root growth. Trends in Plant Science.

High canopy photosynthesis before anthesis explains the outstanding yield performance of rice cultivars with ideal plant architecture

Cheng, Y., Xiao, F., Huang, D., Yang, Y., Cheng, W., Jin, S., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2023. High canopy photosynthesis before anthesis explains the outstanding yield performance of rice cultivars with ideal plant architecture. Field Crops Research. 306, p. 109223.

Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement

Miret-Barrio, J., Griffiths, C. A. and Paul, M. J. 2024. Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement. Journal of Plant Physiology. 294, p. 154188.

Nitrogen fertilization produces divergent effects on canopy structure between indica and japonica rice reflected in leaf to panicle ratio based on deep learning

Yang, Z., Qi, X., Dai, Y., Wang, Y., Xiao, F., Ni, J., Jin, S., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2023. Nitrogen fertilization produces divergent effects on canopy structure between indica and japonica rice reflected in leaf to panicle ratio based on deep learning. Field Crops Research. 304 (DEC), p. 109184.

Trehalose-6-phosphate signaling regulates lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Morales-Herrera, S., Jourquin, J., Coppe, F., Lopez-Galvis, L., De Smet, T., Safi, A., Njo, M., Griffiths, C. A., Sidda, J. D., Mccullagh, J. S. O., Xue, X., Davis, B. G., Van der Eycken, J., Paul, M. J., Van Dijck, P. and Beeckman, T. 2023. Trehalose-6-phosphate signaling regulates lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (40), p. e2302996120.

An efficient triose phosphate synthesis and distribution in wheat provides tolerance to higher field temperature

Romero-Reyes, A., Hernandez-Leon, S. G., Leyva-Carrillo, L., Yepiz-Plascencia, G., Reynolds, M. P., Paul, M. J., Heuer, S. and Valenzuela-Soto, E. M. 2023. An efficient triose phosphate synthesis and distribution in wheat provides tolerance to higher field temperature. Biochemical Journal. 480 (16), pp. 1365-1377.

Inhibition of Rice Germination by Ustiloxin A Involves Alteration in Carbon Metabolism and Amino Acid Utilization

Fu, X., Jin, Y., Paul, M. J., Yuan, M., Liang, X., Cui, R., Huang, Y-J., Peng, W. and Liang, X. 2023. Inhibition of Rice Germination by Ustiloxin A Involves Alteration in Carbon Metabolism and Amino Acid Utilization. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, p. 1168985.

Improving crop yield potential Underlying biological processes and future prospects

Burgess, A. J., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Strittmatter, G., Weber, A. P. M., Taylor, S. H., Harbinson, J., Yin, X., Freeman, S. E., Paul, M. J., Westhoff, P., Loreto, F., Ceriotti, A., Saltenis, V. L. R., Pribil, M., Nacry, P., Scharff, L. B., Jensen, P. E., Muller, B., Cohan, J., Foulkes, J., Rogowsky, P., Debaeke, P., Meyer, C., Nelissen, H., Inze, D., Lankhorst, R. K., Parry, M. A. J., Murchie, E. H. and Baekelandt, A. 2022. Improving crop yield potential Underlying biological processes and future prospects. Food and Energy Security. p. e435.

Integration of embryo–endosperm interaction into a holistic and dynamic picture of seed development using a rice mutant with notched-belly kernels

Tao, Y., An, L., Xiao, F., Lia, G, Ding, Y, Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2022. Integration of embryo–endosperm interaction into a holistic and dynamic picture of seed development using a rice mutant with notched-belly kernels. The Crop Journal. 10 (3), pp. 729-742.

The effects of brief heat during early booting on reproductive, developmental and chlorophyll physiological performance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Xu, J., Lowe, C., Hernandez-Leon, S. G., Dreisigacker, S., Reynolds, M. P., Valenzuela-Soto, E. M., Paul, M. J. and Heuer, S. 2022. The effects of brief heat during early booting on reproductive, developmental and chlorophyll physiological performance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, p. 886541.

Improving rice photosynthesis and yield through trehalose 6-phosphate signalling

Paul, M. J., Miret-Barrio, J. and Griffiths, C. A. 2022. Improving rice photosynthesis and yield through trehalose 6-phosphate signalling. Molecular Plant. 15 (4), pp. 586-588.

A novel light interception trait of a hybrid rice ideotype indicative of leaf to panicle ratio

Xiao, F., Li, W., Yang, Z., Cheng, W., Gao, S., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2021. A novel light interception trait of a hybrid rice ideotype indicative of leaf to panicle ratio. Field Crops Research. 274, p. 108338.

What are the regulatory targets for intervention in assimilate partitioning to improve crop yield and resilience?

Paul, M. J. 2021. What are the regulatory targets for intervention in assimilate partitioning to improve crop yield and resilience? Journal of Plant Physiology. 266, p. 153537.

Improving photosynthetic metabolism for crop yields: what is going to work?

Paul, M. J. 2021. Improving photosynthetic metabolism for crop yields: what is going to work? Frontiers in Plant Science. 12 (September), p. 743862.

Gene-based mapping of trehalose biosynthetic pathway genes reveals association with source- and sink-related yield traits in a spring wheat panel

Lyra, D. H., Griffiths, C. A., Watson, A., Joynson, R., Molero, G., Igna, A. A., Hassani-Pak, K., Reynolds, M. P., Hall, A. and Paul, M. J. 2021. Gene-based mapping of trehalose biosynthetic pathway genes reveals association with source- and sink-related yield traits in a spring wheat panel. Food and Energy Security. p. e292.

Dissection of environmental and physiological effects on the temperature difference between superior and inferior spikelets within a rice panicle

Li, Y., Zhou, Q., He, M., Xu, H., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2021. Dissection of environmental and physiological effects on the temperature difference between superior and inferior spikelets within a rice panicle. The Crop Journal. 9, pp. 1098-1107.

Dynamics of dry matter accumulation in internodes indicates source and sink relations during grain-filling stage of japonica rice

Xu, H., Wang, Z., Xiao, F., Yang, L., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J., Li, W. and Liu, Z. 2020. Dynamics of dry matter accumulation in internodes indicates source and sink relations during grain-filling stage of japonica rice. Field Crops Research. (Article), p. 108009.

Trehalose 6-phosphate signalling and impact on crop yield

Paul, M. J., Watson, A. and Griffiths, C. A. 2020. Trehalose 6-phosphate signalling and impact on crop yield. Biochemical Society Transactions. 48 (5), pp. 2127-2137.

Combining yield potential and drought resilience in a spring wheat diversity panel

Griffiths, C. A., Reynolds, M. and Paul, M. J. 2020. Combining yield potential and drought resilience in a spring wheat diversity panel. Food and Energy Security.

Leaf to panicle ratio (LPR): a new physiological trait indicative of source and sink relation in japonica rice based on deep learning

Yang, Z., Gao, S., Xiao, F., Li, Y., Ding, Y., Guo, Q., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2020. Leaf to panicle ratio (LPR): a new physiological trait indicative of source and sink relation in japonica rice based on deep learning. Plant Methods. 16, p. 117.

Temporal and spatial variations of carbon isotope signature reveal substantial contribution of bracts and internode assimilates to grain filling of japonica rice

Jiang, M., Xu, H., Yang, N., Li, G., Ding, Y., Paul, M. J. and Liu, Z. 2020. Temporal and spatial variations of carbon isotope signature reveal substantial contribution of bracts and internode assimilates to grain filling of japonica rice. The Crop Journal.

The case for improving crop carbon sink strength or plasticity for a CO2 rich future

Dingkuhn, M., Luquet, D., Fabre, D., Muller, B., Yin, X. and Paul, M. J. 2020. The case for improving crop carbon sink strength or plasticity for a CO2 rich future. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 56, p. 259–272.

Differential ear growth of two maize varieties to shading in hte field environment - effects on whole plant carbon allocation and sugar starvation response

Liang, X., Gao, Z., Shen, S., Paul, M. J., Zhang, L., Zhao, X., Lin, S., Wu, G., Chen, X-M. and Zhou, S-L. 2020. Differential ear growth of two maize varieties to shading in hte field environment - effects on whole plant carbon allocation and sugar starvation response. Journal of Plant Physiology. 251, p. 153194.

Turning sugar into oil - making photosynthesis blind to feedback inhibition

Paul, M. J. and Eastmond, P. J. 2020. Turning sugar into oil - making photosynthesis blind to feedback inhibition. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (7), pp. 2216-2218.

Seasonal and diurnal patterns of nonstructural carbohydrates in source and sink tissues in field maize

Liang, X-G., Gao, Z., Shen, S., Zhao, X., Liu, Y-P., Paul, M. J. and Zhou, S-L. 2019. Seasonal and diurnal patterns of nonstructural carbohydrates in source and sink tissues in field maize. BMC Plant Biology. 19, p. 508.

Sugar sensing responses to low and high light in leaves of the C4 model grass Setaria viridis

Henry, C., Watson-Lazowski, A., Oszvald, M., Griffiths, C. A., Paul, M. J., Furbank, R. T. and Ghannoum, O. 2019. Sugar sensing responses to low and high light in leaves of the C4 model grass Setaria viridis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (3), pp. 1039-1052.

Linking fundamental science to crop improvement through understanding source and sink traits and their integration for yield enhancement

Paul, M. J., Watson, A. and Griffiths, C. A. 2019. Linking fundamental science to crop improvement through understanding source and sink traits and their integration for yield enhancement . Journal of Experimental Botany. p. erz480.

The wheat SnRK1α family and its contribution to Fusarium toxin tolerance.

Perochon, A., Vary, Z., Malla, K. B., Halford, N. G., Paul, M. J. and Doohan, F. M. 2019. The wheat SnRK1α family and its contribution to Fusarium toxin tolerance. Plant Science. 288, p. 110217.

Drought tolerance during reproductive development is important for increasing wheat yield potential under climate change in Europe

Senapati, N., Stratonovitch, P., Paul, M. J. and Semenov, M. A. 2019. Drought tolerance during reproductive development is important for increasing wheat yield potential under climate change in Europe. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (9), pp. 2549-2560.

The Role of Trehalose 6-Phosphate in Crop Yield and Resilience

Paul, M. J., Gonzalez-Uriarte, A., Griffiths, C. A. and Hassani-Pak, K. 2018. The Role of Trehalose 6-Phosphate in Crop Yield and Resilience. Plant Physiology. 177, pp. 12-23.

Trehalose 6-phosphate regulates photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning in reproductive tissue

Paul, M. J., Oszvald, M., Primavesi, L. F. and Griffiths, C. A. 2018. Trehalose 6-phosphate regulates photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning in reproductive tissue. Plant Physiology. 176 (2).

Where are the drought tolerant crops? An assessment of more than two decades of plant biotechnology effort in crop improvement

Nuccio, M. L., Paul, M. J., Bate, N. J., Cohn, J. and Cutler, S. R. 2018. Where are the drought tolerant crops? An assessment of more than two decades of plant biotechnology effort in crop improvement. Plant Science. 273 (August), pp. 110-119.

Exogenous trehalose improves growth under limiting nitrogen through upregulation of nitrogen metabolism

Paul, M. J., Lin, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Li, H., Lawlor, D. W. and Pan, W. 2017. Exogenous trehalose improves growth under limiting nitrogen through upregulation of nitrogen metabolism . BMC Plant Biology. 17, p. 247.

Are GM Crops for Yield and Resilience Possible?

Paul, M. J., Nuccio, M. L. and Basu, S. S. 2018. Are GM Crops for Yield and Resilience Possible? Trends in Plant Science. 23 (1), pp. 10-16.

Targeting carbon for crop yield and drought resilience

Griffiths, C. A. and Paul, M. J. 2017. Targeting carbon for crop yield and drought resilience. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 97 (14), pp. 4663-4671.

The role of Tre6P and SnRK1 in maize early kernel development and events leading to stress-induced kernel abortion

Bledsoe, S. W., Henry, C., Griffiths, C. A., Paul, M. J., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Stitt, M. and Lagrimini, L. M. 2017. The role of Tre6P and SnRK1 in maize early kernel development and events leading to stress-induced kernel abortion. BMC Plant Biology. 17 (1), p. 74.

Increasing crop yield and resilience with trehalose 6-phosphate: targeting a feast-famine mechanism in cereals for better source-sink optimisation

Paul, M. J., Oszvald, M., Jesus, C., Rajulu, C. and Griffiths, C. A. 2017. Increasing crop yield and resilience with trehalose 6-phosphate: targeting a feast-famine mechanism in cereals for better source-sink optimisation. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (16), pp. 4455-4462.

Chemical intervention in plant sugar signalling increases yield and resilience

Griffiths, C. A., Sagar, R., Geng, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Patel, M. K., Passarelli, M. K., Gilmore, I. S., Steven, R. T., Bunch, J., Paul, M. J. and Davis, B. G. 2016. Chemical intervention in plant sugar signalling increases yield and resilience. Nature. 540, pp. 574-578.

Metabolite transport and associated sugar signalling systems underpinning source/sink interactions

Griffiths, C. A., Paul, M. J. and Foyer, C. H. 2016. Metabolite transport and associated sugar signalling systems underpinning source/sink interactions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1857 (10), pp. 1715-25.

Differential role for trehalose metabolism in salt-stressed maize

Henry, C., Bledsoe, S. W., Griffiths, C. A., Kollman, A., Paul, M. J., Sakr, S. and Lagrimini, L. M. 2015. Differential role for trehalose metabolism in salt-stressed maize. Plant Physiology. 169, pp. 1072-1089.

Expression of trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase in maize ears improves yield in well-watered and drought conditions

Nuccio, M. L., Wu, J., Mowers, R., Zhou, H-P., Meghji, M., Primavesi, L. F., Paul, M. J., Chen, X., Gao, Y., Haque, E., Sankar Basu, S. and Lagrimini, L. M. 2015. Expression of trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase in maize ears improves yield in well-watered and drought conditions. Nature Biotechnology. 33, pp. 862-869.

Intervention in plant signalling through light-activation of an exogenous sugar signalling-precursor increase crop yield and resilience

Griffiths, C. A., Sagar, R., Geng, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Patel, M. K., Paul, M. J. and Davis, B. G. 2015. Intervention in plant signalling through light-activation of an exogenous sugar signalling-precursor increase crop yield and resilience. Abstracts Eurocarb18: 18th European Carbohydrate Symposium,, Moscow, 2-6 August 2015 . pp. O-037

Exogenous trehalose largely alleviates ionic unbalance, ROS burst and PCD ocurrence induced by high salinity in Arabidopsis seedlings

Yang, L., Zhao, X., Zhu, H., Paul, M. J., Zu, Y. and Tang, Z. 2014. Exogenous trehalose largely alleviates ionic unbalance, ROS burst and PCD ocurrence induced by high salinity in Arabidopsis seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, p. 570.

Trehalose 6-phosphate, a sugar for all seasons, integrates source:sink balance for crop yield improvement

Paul, M. J. 2014. Trehalose 6-phosphate, a sugar for all seasons, integrates source:sink balance for crop yield improvement. Abstracts Breeding Plants to Cope with Climate Change, Leeds, 16-18 July 2014 .

Trehalose, a sugar for all seasons: understanding the importance of sugar regulation of SnRK1 feast/famine protein kinase for plant and crop growth and development

Paul, M. J. 2014. Trehalose, a sugar for all seasons: understanding the importance of sugar regulation of SnRK1 feast/famine protein kinase for plant and crop growth and development. Abstracts 3rd International Conference on Plant Metabolism, Xiamen, 2-5 July 2014 . pp. 36

Source/sink interactions underpin crop yield: the case for trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 in improvement of wheat

Lawlor, D. W. and Paul, M. J. 2014. Source/sink interactions underpin crop yield: the case for trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 in improvement of wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, p. 418.

The role of trehalose metabolism in chloroplast development and leaf senescence

Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2013. The role of trehalose metabolism in chloroplast development and leaf senescence. in: Biswal, B., Biswal, U. C. and Krupinska, K. (ed.) Plastid development in leaves during growth and senescence (Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration 36) Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 551-565

Trehalose, a sugar for all seasons

Paul, M. J. 2013. Trehalose, a sugar for all seasons. Abstracts ComBio 2013, Perth, Australia, 29 September - 3 October 2013 .

Ethylene promotes germination of Arabidopsis seed under salinity by decreasing reactive oxygen species: Evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide simulated by sodium nitroprusside

Lin, Y., Yang, L., Paul, M. J., Zu, Y. and Tang, Z. 2013. Ethylene promotes germination of Arabidopsis seed under salinity by decreasing reactive oxygen species: Evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide simulated by sodium nitroprusside. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 73, pp. 211-218.

Regulation of growth by the trehalose pathway: relation to temperature and sucrose

Nunes, C., Schluepmann, H., Delatte, T. L., Wingler, A., Silva, A. B., Feveiro, P. S., Jansen, M., Fiorani, F., Wiese-Klinkenberg, A. and Paul, M. J. 2013. Regulation of growth by the trehalose pathway: relation to temperature and sucrose. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 8, p. e26626.

The trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 signaling pathway primes growth recovery following relief of sink limitation

Nunes, C., O'hara, L. E., Primavesi, L. F., Delatte, T. L., Schluepmann, H., Somsen, G. W., Silva, A. B., Fevereiro, P. S., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2013. The trehalose 6-phosphate/SnRK1 signaling pathway primes growth recovery following relief of sink limitation. Plant Physiology. 162 (3), pp. 1720-1732.

Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation

Paul, M. J. 2013. Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation. in: Lennarz, W. J. and Lane, M. D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of biological chemistry, vol. 3 Academic Press, Waltham. pp. 497-502

How do sugars regulate plant growth and development? New insight into the role of trehalose-6-phosphate

O'hara, L. E., Paul, M. J. and Wingler, A. 2013. How do sugars regulate plant growth and development? New insight into the role of trehalose-6-phosphate. Molecular Plant. 6, pp. 261-274.

Loss-of-function mutation of EIN2 in Arabidopsis exaggerates oxidative stress induced by salinity

Lin, Y., Chen, D., Paul, M. J., Zu, Y. and Tang, Z. 2013. Loss-of-function mutation of EIN2 in Arabidopsis exaggerates oxidative stress induced by salinity. Acta physiologiae plantarum. 35, pp. 1319-1328.

Inhibition of SnRK1 by metabolites: tissue-dependent effects and cooperative inhibition by glucose 1-phosphate in combination with trehalose 6-phosphate

Nunes, C., Primavesi, L. F., Patel, M. K., Martinez-Barajas, E., Powers, S. J., Sagar, R., Fevereiro, P. S., Davis, B. G. and Paul, M. J. 2013. Inhibition of SnRK1 by metabolites: tissue-dependent effects and cooperative inhibition by glucose 1-phosphate in combination with trehalose 6-phosphate. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 63, pp. 89-98.

Regulation of growth by sugars through the T6P/SnRK1 signalling pathway

Nunes, C., Primavesi, L. F., Delatte, T. L., Schluepmann, H., Somsen, G. W., Fevereiro, P. S., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2012. Regulation of growth by sugars through the T6P/SnRK1 signalling pathway. Abstracts SEB Annual Main Meeting, Salzburg, 29 June - 2 July 2012 . pp. 204

Regulatory connections between carbon availability, development and environmental stress responses

O'hara, L. E., Wingler, A., Knight, H., Paul, M. J. and Schluepmann, H. 2012. Regulatory connections between carbon availability, development and environmental stress responses. Abstracts SEB Annual Main Meeting, Salzburg, 29 June - 2 July 2012 . pp. 263

Preface (to special issue on resource allocation and growth)

Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2012. Preface (to special issue on resource allocation and growth). Journal of Experimental Botany. 63 (9), pp. 3321-3323.

Trehalose 6-phosphate is required for the onset of leaf senescence associated with high carbon availability

Wingler, A., Delatte, T. L., O'hara, L. E., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Paul, M. J. and Schluepmann, H. 2012. Trehalose 6-phosphate is required for the onset of leaf senescence associated with high carbon availability. Plant Physiology. 158 (3), pp. 1241-1251.

How do sugars regulate plant growth? A commentary on 'Trehalose 6-phosphate: connecting plant metabolism and development' by Ponnu, J. et al. (2011) Front. Plant Sci. 2:70

Paul, M. J. and Van Dijck, P. 2011. How do sugars regulate plant growth? A commentary on 'Trehalose 6-phosphate: connecting plant metabolism and development' by Ponnu, J. et al. (2011) Front. Plant Sci. 2:70. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2, p. Article 90 (1pp).

Growth arrest by trehalose-6-phosphate: an astonishing case of primary metabolite control over growth by way of the SnRK1 signaling pathway

Delatte, T. L., Sedijani, P., Kondou, Y., Matsui, M., De Jong, G. J., Somsen, G. W., Wiese-Klinkenberg, A., Primavesi, L. F., Paul, M. J. and Schluepmann, H. 2011. Growth arrest by trehalose-6-phosphate: an astonishing case of primary metabolite control over growth by way of the SnRK1 signaling pathway. Plant Physiology. 157 (1), pp. 160-174.

Wheat grain development is characterized by remarkable trehalose 6-phosphate accumulation pregrain filling: tissue distribution and relationship to SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity

Martinez-Barajas, E., Delatte, T., Schluepmann, H., De Jong, G. J., Somsen, G. W., Nunes, C., Primavesi, L. F., Coello, P., Mitchell, R. A. C. and Paul, M. J. 2011. Wheat grain development is characterized by remarkable trehalose 6-phosphate accumulation pregrain filling: tissue distribution and relationship to SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity. Plant Physiology. 156, pp. 373-381.

Up-regulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose 6-phosphate

Primavesi, L. F., Nunes, C., Martinez, E., Delatte, T., Schluepmann, H., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2010. Up-regulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose 6-phosphate. Abstracts Symposium on Regulation of Plant Growth from Cells to Organs to Organisms, Potsdam, 12-14 April 2010 .

Up-regulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose 6-phosphate

Paul, M. J., Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Delatte, T., Schluepmann, H. and Wingler, A. 2010. Up-regulation of biosynthetic processes associated with growth by trehalose 6-phosphate. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 5 (4), pp. 386-392.

The surprising growth inhibition of Arabidopsis by trehalose: uncoupling the starvation control over growth

Delatte, T., Sedijani, P., Somsen, G., Kondou, Y., Matsui, M., Paul, M. J. and Schluepmann, H. 2010. The surprising growth inhibition of Arabidopsis by trehalose: uncoupling the starvation control over growth. Abstracts Symposium on Regulation of Plant Growth from Cells to Organs to Organisms, Potsdam, 12-14 April 2010 . pp. 36

Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose-6-phosphate

Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Andralojc, P. J., Mitchell, R. A. C., Powers, S. J., Schluepmann, H., Delatte, T., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2009. Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose-6-phosphate. Plant Physiology. 149 (4), pp. 1860-1871.

Trehalose metabolites in Arabidopsis - elusive, active and central: July 14 2009

Schluepmann, H. and Paul, M. J. 2009. Trehalose metabolites in Arabidopsis - elusive, active and central: July 14 2009. in: Arabidopsis book American Society of Plant Biologists, (ASPB), Rockville, MD. pp. 17pp

Saturation transfer difference NMR reveals functionally essential kinetic differences for a sugar-binding repressor protein

Perez-Victoria, I., Kemper, S., Patel, M. K., Edwards, J. M., Errey, J. C., Primavesi, L. F., Paul, M. J., Claridge, T. D. W. and Davis, B. G. 2009. Saturation transfer difference NMR reveals functionally essential kinetic differences for a sugar-binding repressor protein. Chemical Communications. 2009, pp. 5862-5864.

Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose 6-phosphate

Primavesi, L. F., Nunes, C., Bernardes Da Silva, A., Fevereiro, P. M., Andralojc, P. J., Keys, A. J., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2009. Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose 6-phosphate. Abstracts Phoenix 2009 Symposium: Protein Complexes in Plant Signaling and Development, Glasgow, 25-27 June 2009 .

Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose 6-phosphate

Primavesi, L. F., Nunes, C., Bernardes Da Silva, A., Fevereiro, P. M., Andralojc, P. J., Keys, A. J., Wingler, A., Patel, M., Misra, M. S., Davis, B. G. and Paul, M. J. 2009. Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose 6-phosphate. Abstracts 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Edinburgh, 30 June-4 July 2009 .

Integration of leaf metabolism and physiology by the trehalose pathway

Paul, M. J., Jhurreea, D., Primavesi, L. F., Zhang, Y., Sivagnanam, T. and Wingler, A. 2008. Integration of leaf metabolism and physiology by the trehalose pathway.

Trehalose 6-phosphate, a novel protein kinase inhibitor

Primavesi, L. F., Lovegrove, A., Childs, R. A., Feizi, T., Patel, M., Davis, B. G. and Paul, M. J. 2008. Trehalose 6-phosphate, a novel protein kinase inhibitor. Abstracts SCIBS Meeting, 6-10 July 2008 .

Trehalose 6-phosphate makes sugar sense

Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Y., Andralojc, P. J., Wingler, A. and Paul, M. J. 2008. Trehalose 6-phosphate makes sugar sense.

The sensitivity of photosynthesis to phosphorus deficiency differs between C3 and C4 tropical grasses

Ghannoum, O., Paul, M. J., Ward, J. L., Beale, M. H., Corol, D. I. and Conroy, J. P. 2008. The sensitivity of photosynthesis to phosphorus deficiency differs between C3 and C4 tropical grasses. Functional Plant Biology. 35, pp. 213-221.

Trehalose metabolism and signaling

Paul, M. J., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D. and Zhang, Y. 2008. Trehalose metabolism and signaling. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59, pp. 417-441.

Trelahose 6-phosphate: a signal of sucrose status

Paul, M. J. 2008. Trelahose 6-phosphate: a signal of sucrose status. Biochemical Journal. 412, pp. e1-e2.

Trehalose signalling: understanding and exploiting an emerging small molecule paradigm

Primavesi, L. F., Errey, J. C., Santos, R., Childs, R. A., Chai, W., Davis, B. G., Feizi, T. and Paul, M. J. 2007. Trehalose signalling: understanding and exploiting an emerging small molecule paradigm. Abstracts 4th BBSRC SCIBS Grantholders' Workshop, Manchester, 24-25 September 2007 .

Responses to water withdrawal of tobacco plants genetically engineered with the AtTPS1 gene: a special reference to photosynthetic parameters

Almeida, A. M., Silva, A. B., Araujo, S. S., Cardoso, L. A., Santos, D. M., Torne, J. M., Silva, J. M., Paul, M. J. and Fevereiro, P. S. 2007. Responses to water withdrawal of tobacco plants genetically engineered with the AtTPS1 gene: a special reference to photosynthetic parameters. Euphytica. 154, pp. 113-126.

Trehalose 6-phosphate

Paul, M. J. 2007. Trehalose 6-phosphate. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 10, pp. 303-309.

Integration of metabolism with whole plant processes

Paul, M. J. 2006. Integration of metabolism with whole plant processes. Abstracts Interfacing Systems Biology with Crop and Ecosystem Modelling: a Network Meeting sponsored by BBSRC and Garnet, Swindon, 13-14 March 2006 .

AtGCN2 is involved in response to limitation of amino acid biosynthesis in arabidopsis plants

Zhang, Y., Paul, M. J., Parry, M. A. J. and Halford, N. G. 2006. AtGCN2 is involved in response to limitation of amino acid biosynthesis in arabidopsis plants. Abstracts 8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Adelaide, 20-25 August 2006 . pp. 217

The role of the protein kinase SnRK1 in regulating carbohydrate metabolism

Halford, N. G., Hey, S., Muttucumaru, N., Zhang, Y., Primavesi, L. F., Jhurreea, D., Andralojc, P. J. and Paul, M. J. 2006. The role of the protein kinase SnRK1 in regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Abstracts 8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Adelaide, 20-25 August 2006 . pp. 96

Products of leaf primary carbon metabolism modulate the developmental programme determining plant morphology

Raines, C. A. and Paul, M. J. 2006. Products of leaf primary carbon metabolism modulate the developmental programme determining plant morphology. Journal of Experimental Botany. 57, pp. 1857-1862.

Production of high-starch, low-glucose potatoes through over-expression of the metabolic regulator SnRK1

Mckibbin, R. S., Muttucumaru, N., Paul, M. J., Powers, S. J., Burrell, M. M., Coates, S., Purcell, P. C., Tiessen, A., Geigenberger, P. and Halford, N. G. 2006. Production of high-starch, low-glucose potatoes through over-expression of the metabolic regulator SnRK1. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 4 (4), pp. 409-418.

Carbon metabolite sensing and signalling: the role of the trehalose pathway

Paul, M. J. 2005. Carbon metabolite sensing and signalling: the role of the trehalose pathway. Abstracts 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Aix-les-Bains, 3-8 September 2005 . pp. 96

The trehalose pathway: an important regulator of photosynthetic leaf development

Paul, M. J. 2005. The trehalose pathway: an important regulator of photosynthetic leaf development. Abstracts SEB Main Meeting, Barcelona, 11-15 July 2005 .

Trehalose 6-phosphate regulates starch synthesis via posttranslational redox activation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase

Kolbe, A., Tiessen, A., Schluepmann, H., Paul, M. J., Ulrich, S. and Geigenberger, P. 2005. Trehalose 6-phosphate regulates starch synthesis via posttranslational redox activation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102 (31), pp. 11118-11123.

Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose

Pritchard, J., Tomos, A. D., Farrar, J. F., Minchin, P. E. H., Gould, N., Paul, M. J., Macrae, E. A., Ferrieri, R. A., Gray, D. W. and Thorpe, M. R. 2004. Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose. Functional Plant Biology. 31 (11), pp. 1095-1103.

Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation

Paul, M. J. 2004. Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation.

Genetic modification of SnRK1 and impact on metabolism in Arabidopsis

Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Y., Andralojc, P. J., Bennett, M., Halford, N. G. and Paul, M. J. 2004. Genetic modification of SnRK1 and impact on metabolism in Arabidopsis.

Trehalose mediated growth inhibition of arabidopsis seedlings is due to trehalose-6-phosphate accumulation

Schluepmann, H., Van Dijken, A., Aghdasi, M., Wobbes, B., Paul, M. J. and Smeekens, S. 2004. Trehalose mediated growth inhibition of arabidopsis seedlings is due to trehalose-6-phosphate accumulation. Plant Physiology. 135 (2), pp. 879-890.

Highly conserved protein kinases involved in the regulation of carbon and amino acid metabolism

Halford, N. G., Hey, S., Jhurreea, D., Laurie, S., Mckibbin, R. S., Zhang, Y. and Paul, M. J. 2004. Highly conserved protein kinases involved in the regulation of carbon and amino acid metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany. 55 (1), pp. 35-42.

Genetic modification of photosynthesis with E. coli genes for trehalose synthesis

Pellny, T. K., Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P., Schluepmann, H., Smeekens, S., Andralojc, P. J., Krause, K. P., Goddijn, O. and Paul, M. J. 2004. Genetic modification of photosynthesis with E. coli genes for trehalose synthesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2 (1), pp. 71-82.

Genetic modification of photosyntheis through the trehalose pathway

Pellny, T. K., Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P., Schluepmann, H., Smeekens, S., Andralojc, P. J., Goddijn, O. and Paul, M. J. 2003. Genetic modification of photosyntheis through the trehalose pathway. Abstracts International Conference on Phloem Transport, Bayreuth, 31 August-5 September 2003 . pp. 116

Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose

Pritchard, J., Tomos, D., Farrar, J., Minchin, P., Gould, N., Paul, M. J., Macrae, E. and Thorpe, M. 2003. Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose. Abstracts International Conference on Phloem Transport, Bayreuth, 31 August-5 September 2003 . pp. 118

Dissection and manipulation of metabolic signalling pathways

Halford, N. G., Hey, S., Jhurreea, D., Laurie, S., Mckibbin, R. S., Zhang, Y. and Paul, M. J. 2003. Dissection and manipulation of metabolic signalling pathways. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 142 (1), pp. 25-31.

Metabolic signalling pathways involved in the regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism

Halford, N. G., Hey, S. J., Jhurreea, D., Zhang, Yuhua, Paul, M. J., Laurie, S. and Mckibbin, R. S. 2003. Metabolic signalling pathways involved in the regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting: 31st March–4th April 2002, Southampton, UK  .

Molecular cloning of an arabidopsis homologue of GCN2, a protein kinase involved in co-ordinated response to amino acid starvation

Zhang, Y., Dickinson, J. R., Paul, M. J. and Halford, N. G. 2003. Molecular cloning of an arabidopsis homologue of GCN2, a protein kinase involved in co-ordinated response to amino acid starvation. Planta. 217, pp. 668-675.

Carbon metabolite sensing and signalling

Halford, N. G. and Paul, M. J. 2003. Carbon metabolite sensing and signalling. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 1 (6), pp. 381-398.

Nonstomatal limitations are responsible for drought-induced photosynthetic inhibition in four C4 grasses

Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P., Driscoll, S. P., Paul, M. J., Foyer, C. H. and Lawlor, D. W. 2003. Nonstomatal limitations are responsible for drought-induced photosynthetic inhibition in four C4 grasses. New Phytologist. 159 (3), pp. 599-608.

Trehalose 6-phosphate is indispensable for carbohydrate utilization and growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

Schluepmann, H., Pellny, T. K., Van Dijken, A., Smeekens, S. and Paul, M. J. 2003. Trehalose 6-phosphate is indispensable for carbohydrate utilization and growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 100 (11), pp. 6849-6854.

GM of primary metabolism - photosynthesis

Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 2003. GM of primary metabolism - photosynthesis. in: Thomas, B., Murray, B. G. and Murphy, D. J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of applied plant sciences Academic Press Inc New York.

Carbon metabolite feedback regulation of leaf photosynthesis and development

Paul, M. J. and Pellny, T. K. 2003. Carbon metabolite feedback regulation of leaf photosynthesis and development. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54, pp. 539-547.

Metabolic signalling and carbon partitioning: role of Snf1-related (SnRK1) protein kinase

Halford, N. G., Hey, S., Jhurreea, D., Laurie, S., Mckibbin, R. S., Paul, M. J. and Zhang, Y. 2003. Metabolic signalling and carbon partitioning: role of Snf1-related (SnRK1) protein kinase. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54, pp. 467-475.

Genetic manipulation of rubisco: Chromatium vinosum rbc L is expressed in Nicotiana tabacum but does not form a functional protein

Madgwick, P. J., Colliver, S. P., Banks, F. M., Habash, D. Z., Dulieu, H., Parry, M. A. J. and Paul, M. J. 2002. Genetic manipulation of rubisco: Chromatium vinosum rbc L is expressed in Nicotiana tabacum but does not form a functional protein. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 140 (1), pp. 13-19.

Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in metabolic signalling in photosynthetic tissue

Pellny, T. K., Paul, M. J. and Goddijn, O. J. M. 2002. Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in metabolic signalling in photosynthetic tissue.

Is trelahose-6-phosphate required in development because it controls primary metabolism?

Schlupmann, H., Van Dijken, A., Smeekens, S. and Paul, M. J. 2002. Is trelahose-6-phosphate required in development because it controls primary metabolism? Abstracts 13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Seville, 28 June-2 July 2002 . pp. 3-58

Photosynthetic characteristics of four tropical C4 grasses growing in a drying soil

Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P., Driscoll, S. P., Paul, M. J., Foyer, C. H. and Lawlor, D. W. 2001. Photosynthetic characteristics of four tropical C4 grasses growing in a drying soil. Abstracts SEB Annual Meeting, Canterbury, 2-6 April 2001 . pp. P5.16

Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in sugar signalling and resource allocation in plants

Pellny, T. K., Paul, M. J. and Goddijn, O. J. M. 2001. Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in sugar signalling and resource allocation in plants. Abstracts SEB Annual Meeting, Canterbury, 2-6 April 2001 . pp. P7.90

Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals

Pellny, T. K., Goddijn, O. J. M. and Paul, M. J. 2001. Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals. Abstracts 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis, Brisbane, 18-23 August 2001 . pp. S24-007

Sink regulation of photosynthesis

Paul, M. J. and Foyer, C. H. 2001. Sink regulation of photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52 (360), pp. 1383-1400.

Potential for manipulating carbon metabolism in wheat

Sparks, C. A., Castleden, C. K., West, J., Habash, D. Z., Madgwick, P. J., Paul, M. J., Noctor, G., Harrison, J., Wu, R., Wilkinson, J., Quick, W. P., Parry, M. A. J., Foyer, C. H. and Miflin, B. J. 2001. Potential for manipulating carbon metabolism in wheat. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 138 (1), pp. 33-45.

Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals

Paul, M. J., Pellny, T. K. and Goddijn, O. 2001. Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals. Trends in Plant Science. 6, pp. 197-200.

Low sink demand limits photosynthesis under Pi deficiency

Pieters, A. J., Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 2001. Low sink demand limits photosynthesis under Pi deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52, pp. 1083-1091.

A role for trehalose metabolism in resource allocation in plants

Pellny, T. K., Goddijn, O. J. M., Krause, K-P. and Paul, M. J. 2000. A role for trehalose metabolism in resource allocation in plants. Abstracts AAB Meeting on Resource Allocation in Crop Plants, Aberystwyth, 11-13 September 2000 .

Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis (Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 51, GMP Special Issue)

Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 2000. Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis (Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 51, GMP Special Issue). Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Source-sink relationships

Foyer, C. H. and Paul, M. J. 2000. Source-sink relationships. in: Encyclopedia of life sciences Macmillan & Co Ltd London.

Carbohydrate signalling in the Poaceae

Macrae, E., Paul, M. J., Thorpe, M. and Minchin, P. 2000. Carbohydrate signalling in the Poaceae. Abstracts Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Physiology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Meeting, Wellington, 2000 .

Manipulating Rubisco to improve photosynthesis

Madgwick, P. J., Colliver, S. J., Banks, F. M., Habash, D., Paul, M. J. and Parry, M. A. J. 1999. Manipulating Rubisco to improve photosynthesis. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Interspecific variation in source/sink balance

De La Vina, G., Driscoll, S. P., Crawford, P. and Paul, M. J. 1999. Interspecific variation in source/sink balance. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Decrease in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: relationship between photosynthesis, growth, and allocation at contrasting nitrogen supplies

Banks, F. M., Driscoll, S. P., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Paul, M. J. 1999. Decrease in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: relationship between photosynthesis, growth, and allocation at contrasting nitrogen supplies. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Acclimation of Arabidopsis ecotypes to elevated CO2

Signora, L., Paul, M. J. and Foyer, C. H. 1999. Acclimation of Arabidopsis ecotypes to elevated CO2. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Distinguishing between source and sink limitations of photosynthesis in phosphate-limited tobacco

Pieters, A., Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1999. Distinguishing between source and sink limitations of photosynthesis in phosphate-limited tobacco. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Rubisco: attempts to reform a promiscuous enzyme

Parry, M. A. J., Keys, A. J., Bainbridge, G., Colliver, S. P., Andralojc, P. J., Paul, M. J., Banks, F. M. and Madgwick, P. J. 1999. Rubisco: attempts to reform a promiscuous enzyme. in: Kruger, N. J. (ed.) Regulation of primary metabolic pathways in plants Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 1-16

Decrease in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco. Relationship between photosynthesis, growth and allocation at different nitrogen levels

Banks, F. M., Driscoll, S. P., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Paul, M. J. 1999. Decrease in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco. Relationship between photosynthesis, growth and allocation at different nitrogen levels. Plant Physiology. 119, pp. 1125-1136.

Decrease of phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: the importance of PRK in the response of photosynthesis to changes in irradiance

Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P., Andralojc, P. J., Parry, M. A. J., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Lawlor, D. W. 1998. Decrease of phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: the importance of PRK in the response of photosynthesis to changes in irradiance. Abstracts Meeting on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Plants: the Pathways and their Control, Cambridge, 22-24 July 1998 . pp. P60

Source/sink balance: can it be quantified?

De La Vina, G., Driscoll, S. P. and Paul, M. J. 1998. Source/sink balance: can it be quantified? Abstracts Meeting on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Plants: the Pathways and their Control, Cambridge, 22-24 July 1998 . pp. P19

Manipulation of photosynthetic metabolism

Parry, M. A. J., Colliver, S. P., Madgwick, P. J. and Paul, M. J. 1998. Manipulation of photosynthetic metabolism. in: Porter, A. J. R. and Cunningham, C. (ed.) Recombinant Protein from Plants: Production and Isolation of Clinically Useful Compounds. (Methods in Biotechnology 3) Humana Press, Totowa. pp. 229-249

Enhanced daytime starch turnover provides carbon for sucrose synthesis in transgenic tobacco with low triose phosphate translocator activity

Paul, M. J., Parry, M. A. J., Driscoll, S. P., Mitchell, V. J., Lawlor, D. W., Stitt, M. J., Barnes, S. A., Knight, J. S. and Gray, J. C. 1997. Enhanced daytime starch turnover provides carbon for sucrose synthesis in transgenic tobacco with low triose phosphate translocator activity. Abstracts Phytochemical Society of Europe International Symposium on Regulation of Primary Metabolic Pathways in Plants, Oxford, 9-11 January 1997 .

Sugar repression of photosynthesis: the role of carbohydrates in signalling nitrogen deficiency through source/sink imbalance

Paul, M. J. and Driscoll, S. P. 1997. Sugar repression of photosynthesis: the role of carbohydrates in signalling nitrogen deficiency through source/sink imbalance. Abstracts Phytochemical Society of Europe International Symposium on Regulation of Primary Metabolic Pathways in Plants, Oxford, 9-11 January 1997 .

Rubisco: attempts to reform a promiscuous enzyme

Parry, M. A. J., Keys, A. J., Bainbridge, G., Colliver, S. P., Andralojc, P. J., Paul, M. J., Banks, F. M. and Madgwick, P. J. 1997. Rubisco: attempts to reform a promiscuous enzyme. Abstracts Phytochemical Society of Europe International Symposium on Regulation of Primary Metabolic Pathways in Plants, Oxford, 9-11 January 1997 .

The use of infra-red gas analysis to measure rates of photosynthesis of plants

Driscoll, S. P., Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1997. The use of infra-red gas analysis to measure rates of photosynthesis of plants. Abstracts 1997 Sensor and Transducer Conference, Birmingham, 22-23 January 1997 .

Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to study carbon assimilation, metabolism, growth and allocation

Banks, F. M., Colliver, S. P., Madgwick, P. J., Driscoll, S. P., Lawlor, D. W., Parry, M. A. J. and Paul, M. J. 1997. Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to study carbon assimilation, metabolism, growth and allocation. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Regulation of Rubisco by inhibitors in the light

Parry, M. A. J., Andralojc, P. J., Parmar, S., Keys, A. J., Habash, D., Paul, M. J., Alred, R., Quick, W. P. and Servaites, J. C. 1997. Regulation of Rubisco by inhibitors in the light. Plant, Cell and Environment. 20 (4), pp. 528-534.

Sugar repression of photosynthesis: the role of carbohydrates in signalling nitrogen deficiency through source:sink imbalance

Paul, M. J. and Driscoll, S. P. 1997. Sugar repression of photosynthesis: the role of carbohydrates in signalling nitrogen deficiency through source:sink imbalance. Plant, Cell and Environment. 20 (1), pp. 110-116.

Changes in the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism in transgenic tobacco with a reduced complement of phosphoribulokinase

Habash, D. Z., Parry, M. A. J., Parmar, S., Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P., Lawlor, D. W. and Gray, J. C. 1996. Changes in the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism in transgenic tobacco with a reduced complement of phosphoribulokinase. Proceedings Molecular Physiology Conference, INRA, Versailles, July 1995 .

Altered Rubisco activity and amounts of a daytime tight-binding inhibitor in transgenic tobacco expressing limiting amounts of phosphoribulokinase

Paul, M. J., Andralojc, P. J., Banks, F. M., Parry, M. A. J., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Keys, A. J. 1996. Altered Rubisco activity and amounts of a daytime tight-binding inhibitor in transgenic tobacco expressing limiting amounts of phosphoribulokinase. Journal of Experimental Botany. 47, pp. 1963-1966.

The regulation of component processes of photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco with decreased phosphoribulokinase activity

Habash, D. Z., Parry, M. A. J., Parmar, S., Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P., Knight, J., Gray, J. C. and Lawlor, D. W. 1996. The regulation of component processes of photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco with decreased phosphoribulokinase activity. Photosynthesis Research. 49, pp. 159-167.

Production of a recombinant Rubisco holoenzyme to improve carboxylation in planta

Colliver, S. P., Madgwick, P. M., Paul, M. J., Banks, F. M., Forde, B. G. and Parry, M. A. J. 1996. Production of a recombinant Rubisco holoenzyme to improve carboxylation in planta. Abstracts 3rd BBSRC Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis, Sheffield, 31 March-3 April 1996 . pp. P14

Chimeric Rubisco - genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to reduce crop fertilizer requirements

Colliver, S. P., Madgwick, P. J., Bainbridge, G., Banks, F. M., Paul, M. J. and Parry, M. A. J. 1996. Chimeric Rubisco - genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to reduce crop fertilizer requirements. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Studies on the natural inhibitors of Rubisco

Andralojc, P. J., Paul, M. J., Martindale, W., Lowe, H., Keys, A. J. and Parry, M. A. J. 1996. Studies on the natural inhibitors of Rubisco. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

Regulation of leaf sucrose-phosphate synthase and nitrate reductase by reversible protein phosphorylation

Huber, S. C., Mcmichael, R. W., Bachmann, M., Huber, J. L., Shannon, J. C., Kang, K-K. and Paul, M. J. 1996. Regulation of leaf sucrose-phosphate synthase and nitrate reductase by reversible protein phosphorylation. in: Shewry, P. R., Hooley, R. and Halford, N. G. (ed.) Protein phosphorylation in plants Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford. pp. 19-34

Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to reduce crop fertiliser requirements: photosynthesis growth and allocation at low nitrogen in transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of phosphoribulokinase

Banks, F. M., Colliver, S. P., Habash, D. Z., Madgwick, P. J., Parry, M. A. J., Forde, B. G., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Paul, M. J. 1995. Genetic manipulation of photosynthesis to reduce crop fertiliser requirements: photosynthesis growth and allocation at low nitrogen in transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of phosphoribulokinase. Mathis, P. (ed.) Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere. Vol. 5 . Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 87-90

Studies on the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism

Habash, D. Z., Parry, M. A. J., Paul, M. J., Parmar, S., Driscoll, S. P., Knight, J., Gray, J., Keys, A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1995. Studies on the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism. Mathis, P. (ed.) Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere. Vol. 2 . Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 831-834

Do carbohydrates regulate photosynthesis and allocation by altering gene expression?

Stitt, M., Krapp, A., Klein, D., Roper-Schwarz, U. and Paul, M. J. 1995. Do carbohydrates regulate photosynthesis and allocation by altering gene expression? in: Lucas, W. J. and Madore, M. A. (ed.) Carbon partitioning and source-sink interactions in plants American Society of Plant Physiologists (ASPP) Rockville, MD. pp. 68-77

Improved performance of transgenic fructan-accumulating tobacco under drought stress

Pilon-Smits, E. A. H., Ebskamp, M. J. M., Paul, M. J., Jeuken, M. J. W., Weisbeek, P. J. and Smeekens, S. C. M. 1995. Improved performance of transgenic fructan-accumulating tobacco under drought stress. Plant Physiology. 107 (1), pp. 125-130.

Increased capacity for photosynthesis in wheat grown at elevated CO2: the relationship between electron transport and carbon metabolism

Habash, D. Z., Paul, M. J., Parry, M. A. J., Keys, A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1995. Increased capacity for photosynthesis in wheat grown at elevated CO2: the relationship between electron transport and carbon metabolism. Planta. 197, pp. 482-489.

Effects of water stress on the biochemistry and physiology of photosynthesis in sunflower

Tezara, W., Habash, D., Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1995. Effects of water stress on the biochemistry and physiology of photosynthesis in sunflower.

Regulation of Rubisco by inhibitors differs in wild-type and transgenic tobacco expressing limiting amounts of phosphoribulokinase

Paul, M. J., Andralojc, P. J., Banks, F. M., Habash, D., Ryan, J., Parry, M. A. J., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C., Lawlor, D. W. and Keys, A. J. 1995. Regulation of Rubisco by inhibitors differs in wild-type and transgenic tobacco expressing limiting amounts of phosphoribulokinase.

Water stress - where is the limitation to carbon assimilation? Current controversies reconsidered

Lawlor, D. W., Paul, M. J., Habash, D. Z. and Tezara, W. 1995. Water stress - where is the limitation to carbon assimilation? Current controversies reconsidered. Leigh, R. A. and Blake-Kalff, M. M. A. (ed.) Proceedings 2nd Stressnet Conference, Salsomaggiore, Italy, 21-23 September 1995 . pp. 143-148

Studies on the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism

Habash, D. Z., Paul, M. J., Parry, M. A. J., Driscoll, S. P., Lawlor, D. W., Keys, A. J. and Gray, J. 1995. Studies on the relationship between photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabolism.

Manipulation of phosphoribulokinase and phosphate translocator activities in transgenic tobacco plants

Gray, J. C., Paul, M. J., Barnes, S. A., Knight, J. S., Loynes, A., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1995. Manipulation of phosphoribulokinase and phosphate translocator activities in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 46 (Special issue), pp. 1309-1315.

Photosynthesis, growth and allocation at low nitrogen in transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of phosphoribulokinase

Banks, F. M., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J., Knight, J. S., Gray, J. C. and Paul, M. J. 1995. Photosynthesis, growth and allocation at low nitrogen in transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of phosphoribulokinase.

Engineering Rubisco to change its catalytic properties

Bainbridge, G., Madgwick, P., Parmar, S., Mitchell, R. A. C., Paul, M. J., Pitts, J., Keys, A. J. and Parry, M. A. J. 1995. Engineering Rubisco to change its catalytic properties. Journal of Experimental Botany. 46 (special issue), pp. 1269-1276.

Transgenic tobacco plants with strongly decreased expression of pyrophosphate: Fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase do not differ significantly from wild type in photosynthate partitioning, plant growth or their ability to cope with limiting phosphate, limiting nitrogen and suboptimal temperatures

Paul, M. J., Sonnewald, U., Hajirezaei, M., Dennis, D. T. and Stitt, M. 1995. Transgenic tobacco plants with strongly decreased expression of pyrophosphate: Fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase do not differ significantly from wild type in photosynthate partitioning, plant growth or their ability to cope with limiting phosphate, limiting nitrogen and suboptimal temperatures. Planta. 196, pp. 277-283.

Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth measured in low irradiance

Paul, M. J., Knight, J. S., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Barnes, S. A., Loynes, A. and Gray, J. C. 1995. Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth measured in low irradiance. The Plant Journal. 7 (4), pp. 535-542.

Manipulation of phosphoribulokinase and phosphate translocator activities in transgenic tobacco plants

Gray, J. C., Paul, M. J., Barnes, S. A., Knight, J. S., Loynes, A., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1994. Manipulation of phosphoribulokinase and phosphate translocator activities in transgenic tobacco plants. SEB Plant Metabolism Group Scientific Meeting on Manipulation of Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism in Crop Improvement, Rothamsted, 7-9 September 1994 .

Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth measured in low-light growing conditions

Paul, M. J., Knight, J. S., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Barnes, S. A., Loynes, A. and Gray, J. C. 1994. Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth measured in low-light growing conditions. Abstracts Second BBSRC Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis, Imperial College, London, 11-13 April 1994 . pp. 85

Maximal Rubisco activity

Parmar, S., Alred, R., Andralojc, P. J., Keys, A. J., Bainbridge, G., Quick, P., Paul, M. J., Lawlor, D. W., Peltonen-Sainio, P. and Parry, M. 1994. Maximal Rubisco activity. Abstracts Second BBSRC Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis, Imperial College, London, 11-13 April 1994 . pp. 82

The effect of growth at elevated CO2 upon photosynthesis in wheat

Habash, D., Paul, M. J., Parry, M., Keys, A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1994. The effect of growth at elevated CO2 upon photosynthesis in wheat. Abstracts SEB Plant Metabolism Group Scientific Meeting on the Manipulation of Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism in Crop Improvement, Rothamsted, 7-9 September 1994 .

Effect of decreased PRK activity on photosynthesis in conditions of varying light, CO2 and water availability

Paul, M. J., Habash, D., Tezara, W., Driscoll, S. P., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Knight, J. S., Barnes, S. A., Loynes, A. and Gray, J. 1994. Effect of decreased PRK activity on photosynthesis in conditions of varying light, CO2 and water availability. Abstracts SEB Plant Metabolism Group Scientific Meeting on Manipulation of Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism in Crop Improvement, Rothamsted, 7-9 September 1994 .

Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth

Paul, M. J., Habash, D., Parry, M. A. J., Lawlor, D. W., Knight, J. S., Barnes, S. A., Loynes, A. and Gray, J. C. 1994. Reduction in phosphoribulokinase activity by antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco: effect on CO2 assimilation and growth. Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford.

The effect of growth at elevated CO2 upon photosynthesis in wheat

Habash, D., Paul, M. J., Parry, M., Keys, A. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1994. The effect of growth at elevated CO2 upon photosynthesis in wheat. Abstracts Second BBSRC Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis, Imperial College, London, 11-13 April 1994 . pp. 84

Amino acids as effectors of nitrate reductase and sucrose-phosphate synthase activities in spinach leaves

Shannon, J. C., Paul, M. J. and Huber, S. C. 1994. Amino acids as effectors of nitrate reductase and sucrose-phosphate synthase activities in spinach leaves. Abstracts ASSP Meeting 1994 .

Energy and carbon imbalance under stress and consequences for chloroplast function

Lawlor, D. W., Jacob, J., Habash-Bailey, D., Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P., Mitchell, V. J., Keys, A. J. and Parry, M. A. J. 1994. Energy and carbon imbalance under stress and consequences for chloroplast function. Abstracts Second BBSRC Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis, Imperial College, London, 11-13 April 1994 . pp. 80

Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies on levels of carbohydrates, respiratory enzymes and metabolites in seedlings of tobacco and their response to exogenous sucrose

Paul, M. J. and Stitt, M. 1993. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies on levels of carbohydrates, respiratory enzymes and metabolites in seedlings of tobacco and their response to exogenous sucrose. Plant, Cell and Environment. 16 (9), pp. 1047-1057.

Starch-degrading enzymes during the induction of CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Paul, M. J., Loos, K., Stitt, M. and Ziegler, P. 1993. Starch-degrading enzymes during the induction of CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant, Cell and Environment. 16 (5), pp. 531-538.

Specific genes relevant to important agronomic processes

Ooms, G. and Paul, M. J. 1993. Specific genes relevant to important agronomic processes. Physiology of Varieties. Aspects of Applied Biology .

Sink-regulation of photosynthesis in relation to temperature in sunflower and rape

Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P. and Lawlor, D. W. 1992. Sink-regulation of photosynthesis in relation to temperature in sunflower and rape. Journal of Experimental Botany. 43, pp. 147-153.

The effect of cooling on photosynthesis, amounts of carbohydrate and assimilate export in sunflower

Paul, M. J., Driscoll, S. P. and Lawlor, D. W. 1991. The effect of cooling on photosynthesis, amounts of carbohydrate and assimilate export in sunflower. Journal of Experimental Botany. 42 (7), pp. 845-852.

Temperature effects on source and sinks: assimilate export, carbohydrate accumulation and photosynthesis

Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1990. Temperature effects on source and sinks: assimilate export, carbohydrate accumulation and photosynthesis. Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, Warwick, 1990. Abstract. pp. P4-3

Photosynthesis and carbohydrate accumulation in relation to temperature and Pi

Paul, M. J. and Lawlor, D. W. 1990. Photosynthesis and carbohydrate accumulation in relation to temperature and Pi. AFRC Meeting on Photosynthesis, Imperial College, 1990. pp. 20

The effect of temperature on photosynthesis and carbon fluxes in sunflower and rape.

Paul, M. J., Lawlor, D. W. and Driscoll, S. P. 1990. The effect of temperature on photosynthesis and carbon fluxes in sunflower and rape. Journal Of Experimental Biology. 41, pp. 547-555.

The stimulation of CAM activity in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum in nitrate and phosphate-deficient conditions.

Paul, M. J. and Cockburn, W. 1990. The stimulation of CAM activity in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum in nitrate and phosphate-deficient conditions. New Phytologist. 114 (3), pp. 391-398.

Pinitol, a compatible solute in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.?

Paul, M. J. and Cockburn, W. 1989. Pinitol, a compatible solute in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.? Journal of Experimental Botany. 40 (219), pp. 1093-1098.

Studies of crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum and Kalanchoe daigremontiana. PhD thesis, University of Leicester

Paul, M. J. 1989. Studies of crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum and Kalanchoe daigremontiana. PhD thesis, University of Leicester. F - Theses

Photosynthetic regulation and temperature.

Ward, D. A., Lawlor, D. W. and Paul, M. J. 1988. Photosynthetic regulation and temperature. Euroform new energies. CEC DG XIII. Bedford : H.S. Stephens & Associates, B.2.5..