Sustainable Soils and Crops

TitleSustainable Soils and Crops
TypeScience Department
InstituteRothamsted Research
HeadMartin Broadley
Executive AssistantSally Murdoch
Natalia Deas


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Evolution of Agricultural Extension in Zimbabwe - Emerging Technologies, Training Needs and Future Possibilities

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kangara, G., Muwaniki, C., Siziba, S., Chamboko, T., Mtambanengwe, F. and Wedekind, V. 2024. Evolution of Agricultural Extension in Zimbabwe - Emerging Technologies, Training Needs and Future Possibilities. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension. 52 (2), pp. 21-55.

Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Baudron, F., Cairns, J. E., Haefele, S. M., Hassall, K. L., Ndhlela, T., Nyagumbo, I., Kangara, G. and Joy, E. 2024. Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe. Journal Of Nutrition. 154 (6), pp. 1815-1826.

The pore-rhizosheath shapes maize root architecture by enhancing root distribution in macropores

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, L., Qin, S., Whalley, W. R., Zhou, H., Ren, T. and Gao, W. 2024. The pore-rhizosheath shapes maize root architecture by enhancing root distribution in macropores. Plant, Cell and Environment. pp. 1-12.

Can we increase the use of wheat and other cereals as sources of protein?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. 2024. Can we increase the use of wheat and other cereals as sources of protein? Journal of Cereal Science. 117 (May), p. 103899.

Data for: Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat

N - Datasets
Reid, T., Kavamura, V. N., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Smith, M., Abadie, M., Pawlett, M., Clark, I. M., Harris, J. A. and Mauchline, T. H. 2024. Data for: Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat.

Long-term soil organic carbon and crop yield feedbacks differ between 16 soil-crop models in sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Couedel, A., Falconnier, G. N., Adam, M., Cardinael, R., Boote, K., Justes, E., Smith, W. N., Whitbread, A. M., Affholder, F., Balkovic, J., Basso, B., Bhatia, A., Chakrabarti, B., Chikowo, R., Christina, M., Faye, B., Ferchaud, F., Folberth, C., Akinseye, F. M., Gaiser, T., Galdos, M., Gayler, S., Gorooei, A., Grant, B., Guibert, H., Hoogenboom, G., Kamali, B., Laub, M., Maureira, F., Mequanint, F., Nendel, C., Porter, C. H., Ripoche, D., Ruane, A. C., Rusinamhodzi, L., Sharma, S., Singh, U., Six, J., Srivastava, A., Vanlauwe, B., Versini, A., Vianna, M., Webber, H., Weber, T. K., Zhang, C. and Corbeels, M. 2024. Long-term soil organic carbon and crop yield feedbacks differ between 16 soil-crop models in sub-Saharan Africa. European Journal of Agronomy. 155 (April), p. 127109.

Controls on timescales of soil organic carbon persistence across sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Fromm, S. F. V., Doetterl, S., Butler, B. M., Aynekulu, E., Berhe, A. A., Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P., Shepherd, K. D., Six, J., Tamene, L., Tondoh, E. J., Vagen, T., Winowiecki, L. A., Trumbore, S. E. and Hoyt, A. M. 2024. Controls on timescales of soil organic carbon persistence across sub-Saharan Africa. Global Change Biology. 30 (1), p. e17089.

What do we really understand about wheat gluten structure and functionality?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Belton, P. S. 2024. What do we really understand about wheat gluten structure and functionality? Journal of Cereal Science. 117, p. 103895.

SnRK1/TOR/T6P three musketeers guarding energy for root growth

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Morales-Herrera, S., Paul, M. J., Dijck, P. V. and Beeckman, T. 2024. SnRK1/TOR/T6P three musketeers guarding energy for root growth. Trends in Plant Science.

The potato rhizosphere microbiota correlated to the yield of three different regions in Korea

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bak, G., Lee, K. K., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Kavamura, V. N., Lund, G., Jee, S., Lee, J., Kim, H. and Lee, Y. 2024. The potato rhizosphere microbiota correlated to the yield of three different regions in Korea. Scientific Reports. 14, p. 4536.

Macronutrient application rescues performance of tolerant sorghum genotypes when infected by the parasitic plant striga

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mwangangi, I. M., Buchi, L., Haefele, S. M. and Rodenburg, J. 2024. Macronutrient application rescues performance of tolerant sorghum genotypes when infected by the parasitic plant striga . Annals of Botany. 20, pp. 1-11.

Unravelling the impact of soil types on zinc, iron, and selenium concentrations in grains and straw of wheat/Amblyopyrum muticum and wheat/Triticum urartu doubled haploid lines

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Guwela, V. F., Broadley, M., Hawkesford, M. J., Maliro, M. F. A., Bokosi, J., Banda, M., Grewal, S., Wilson, L. and King, J. 2024. Unravelling the impact of soil types on zinc, iron, and selenium concentrations in grains and straw of wheat/Amblyopyrum muticum and wheat/Triticum urartu doubled haploid lines. Frontiers in Agronomy. 6, p. 1305034.

Preventing and Controlling Zinc Deficiency Across the Life Course: A Call to Action

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lowe, N. M., Hall, A. G., Broadley, M., Foley, J., Boy, E. and Bhutta, Z. A. 2024. Preventing and Controlling Zinc Deficiency Across the Life Course: A Call to Action. Advances in Nutrition. 15 (3), p. 100181.

Drought and heatwave affected the African eggplant differently when present in combination than individually

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
David-Rogeat, N., Broadley, M. and Stavridou, E. 2024. Drought and heatwave affected the African eggplant differently when present in combination than individually. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 220, p. 105670.

Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
B, P. K., Basak, B. B., Patel, V. J., Senapati, N., Ramani, V. P., Gajbhiye, N. A. and Kalola, A. D. 2024. Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils. Heliyon. 10 (3), p. e24874.

Seed storage prolamins

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Xu, Q., Daly, M., Huang, X., Shewry, P. R. and Mills, E. N. C. 2024. Seed storage prolamins. in: Encyclopedia of Food Allergy Elsevier.

Heat and salinity stress on the African eggplant F1 Djamba, a Kumba cultivar

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
David-Rogeat, N., Broadley, M. and Stavridou, E. 2024. Heat and salinity stress on the African eggplant F1 Djamba, a Kumba cultivar. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15, p. 1323665.

Brevibacterium EB3 inoculation enhances rhizobacterial community interactions leading to improved growth of Salicornia europaea

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sierra-Garcia, I. N., Ferreira, M. J., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Louvado, A., Gomes, N. and Cunha, A. 2024. Brevibacterium EB3 inoculation enhances rhizobacterial community interactions leading to improved growth of Salicornia europaea. Applied Soil Ecology. 196, p. 105306.

Genetic diversity and genome-wide association analysis of the hulled/naked trait in a barley collection from Shanghai Agricultural Gene Bank.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chen, Z., Guo, Z., Li, L., Halford, N. G., Guo, G., Zhang, S., Li, W., Zong, Y., Liu, S., Liu, C. and Zhou, L 2024. Genetic diversity and genome-wide association analysis of the hulled/naked trait in a barley collection from Shanghai Agricultural Gene Bank. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. 25 (10), p. 5217.

Highlights in gibberellin research A tale of the dwarf and the slender

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shani, E., Hedden, P. and Sun, T. 2024. Highlights in gibberellin research A tale of the dwarf and the slender . Plant Physiology. p. kiae044.

Urine Se concentration poorly predicts plasma Se concentration at sub-district scales in Zimbabwe, limiting its value as a biomarker of population Se status

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mutonhodza, B., Dembedza, M. P., Joy, E., Kangara, G., Njovo, H., Nyadzayo, T. K., Lark, R. M., Kalimbira, A. A., Bailey, E. H., Broadley, M., Matsungo, T. M. and Chopera, P. 2024. Urine Se concentration poorly predicts plasma Se concentration at sub-district scales in Zimbabwe, limiting its value as a biomarker of population Se status. Frontiers in Nutrition. p. 1288748.

Differences in the nutritional quality of improved finger millet genotypes in Ethiopia

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Teklu, D., Gashu, D., Joy, E., Bailey, E. H., Wilson, L., Amede, T. and Broadley, M. 2024. Differences in the nutritional quality of improved finger millet genotypes in Ethiopia. Scientific Reports. 14, p. 460.

How to switch on a master switch

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kaur, N. and Halford, N. G. 2024. How to switch on a master switch. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75 (10), pp. 2773-2775.

Effects of changes in climatic means, variability, and agro-technologies on future wheat and maize yields at 10 sites across the globe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bracho-Mujica, G., Rotter, R. P., Haakana, M., Palosuo, T., Fronzek, S., Asseng, S., Yi, C., Ewert, F., Gaiser, T., Kassie, B., Paff, K., Rezaei, E. E., Rodriguez, A., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Srivastava, A. K., Stratonovitch, P., Tao, F. and Semenov, M. A. 2024. Effects of changes in climatic means, variability, and agro-technologies on future wheat and maize yields at 10 sites across the globe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 364 (March), p. 109887.

Control of meiotic crossover interference by a proteolytic chaperone network

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kim, H., Kim, J., Son, N., Kuo, P., Morgan, C., Chambon, A., Byun, D., Park, J., Lee, Y., Park, Y. M., Fozard, J. A., Guerin, J., Hurel, A., Lambing, C., Howard, M., Hwang, I., Mercier, R., Grelon, M., Henderson, I. R. and Choi, K. 2024. Control of meiotic crossover interference by a proteolytic chaperone network. Nature Plants.

Identification and functional characterisation of a locus for target site integration in Fusarium graminearum

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Darino, M., Urban, M., Kaur, N., Wood, A. K. M., Smith, D., Grimwade-Mann, M., Beacham, A. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2024. Identification and functional characterisation of a locus for target site integration in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. 11 (2), pp. 1-21.

Modeling sugarcane development and growth within ECOSMOS biophysical model

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Colmanetti, M. A. A., Cuadra, S. V., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Cabral, O. M. R., Victoria, D. D. C., Monteiro, J. E. B. D. A., Freitas, H. C. D., Galdos, M., Marafon, A. C., Junior, A. S. D. A., Silva, S. D. D. A. E., Buffon, V. B., Hernandes, T. A. D. and Maire, G. L. 2024. Modeling sugarcane development and growth within ECOSMOS biophysical model. European Journal of Agronomy. 154, p. 127061.

Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reid, T., Kavamura, V. N., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Smith, M. E., Abadie, M., Pawlett, M., Clark, I. M., Harris, J. A. and Mauchline, T. H. 2024. Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat. The ISME Journal. 18 (1), p. wrae131.

The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Yu, C., Mawodza, T., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H., Zhang, X., Zhou, H. and Mooney, S. J. 2024. The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status. Rhizosphere. 29, p. 100838.

A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning grassland management, grazing livestock and soil carbon storage

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Jordon, M. W., Buffet, J., Dungait, J. A. J., Galdos, M., Garnett, T., Lee, M. R. F., Lynch, J., Roos, E., Searchinger, T. D., Smith, P. and Godfray, H. C. J. 2024. A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning grassland management, grazing livestock and soil carbon storage. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291, p. 20232669.

Stakeholder-driven transformative adaptation is needed for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Jennings, S., Challinor, A., Smith, P., Macdiarmid, J. I., Pope, E., Chapman, S., Bradshaw, C., Clark, H., Vetter, S., Fitton, N., King, R., Mwamakamba, S., Madzivhandila, T., Mashingaidze, I., Chomba, C., Nawiko, M., Nyhodo, B., Mazibuko, N., Yeki, P., Kuwali, P., Kambwiri, A., Kazi, V., Kiama, A., Songole, A., Coskeran, H., Quinn, C., Sallu, S., Dougill, A., Whitfield, S., Kunin, B., Meebelo, N., Jamali, A., Kantande, D., Makundi, P., Mbungu, W., Kayula, F., Walker, S., Zimba, S., Yamdeu, J. H. G., Kapulu, N., Galdos, M., Eze, S., Tripathi, H., Sait, S., Kepinski, S., Likoya, E., Greathead, H., Smith, H. E., Mahop, M. T., Harwatt, H., Muzammil, M., Horgan, G. and Benton, T. 2024. Stakeholder-driven transformative adaptation is needed for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa. Nature Food. 5, pp. 37-47.

Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Miret-Barrio, J., Griffiths, C. A. and Paul, M. J. 2024. Sucrose homeostasis: Mechanisms and opportunity in crop yield improvement. Journal of Plant Physiology. 294, p. 154188.

The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK Crop yields and soil changes during the last 50 years

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Johnston, A. E., Glendining, M. J., White, R. P., Gregory, A. S., Clark, S. J., Gregory, W., Macdonald, A. J. and Powlson, D. S. 2024. The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK Crop yields and soil changes during the last 50 years. Advances in Agronomy. 184, pp. 173-298.

Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Poulton, P. R., Powlson, D. S., Glendining, M. J. and Gregory, A. S. 2024. Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted? European Journal of Agronomy. 154 (March), p. 127062.

The Functional Diversity of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter Gene Family in Hexaploid Wheat: Insights from Distinct Expression Profiles

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sigalas, P., Buchner, P. H., Kroeper, A., Hawkesford, M. J. and Kroper, A. 2024. The Functional Diversity of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter Gene Family in Hexaploid Wheat: Insights from Distinct Expression Profiles. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. 25 (1), p. 509.

The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harrison, C., Noleto-Dias, C., Ruvo, G., Hughes, D. J., Smith, D., Mead, A., Ward, J. L., Heuer, S. and Macgregor, D. 2024. The mechanisms behind the contrasting responses to waterlogging in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Functional Plant Biology. 51, p. FP23193.


N - Datasets
Mitchell, R. A. C. 2024. universal_grass_peps. Rothamsted Research.

Two randomized crossover multicenter studies investigating gastrointestinal symptoms after bread consumption in individuals with noncoeliac wheat sensitivity: do wheat species and fermentation type matter?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
De Graaf, M. C. G., Timmers, E., Bonekamp, B., Van Rooy, G., Witteman, B. J. M., Shewry, P. R., America, T., Keszthelyi, D., Brouns, F. J. P. H. and Jonkers, D. M. A. E. 2024. Two randomized crossover multicenter studies investigating gastrointestinal symptoms after bread consumption in individuals with noncoeliac wheat sensitivity: do wheat species and fermentation type matter? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 119 (4), pp. 896-907.

Low asparagine wheat - Europe’s first field trial of genome edited wheat amid rapidly changing regulations on acrylamide in food and genome editing of crops

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kaur, N., Brock, T., Raffan, S. and Halford, N. G. 2024. Low asparagine wheat - Europe’s first field trial of genome edited wheat amid rapidly changing regulations on acrylamide in food and genome editing of crops. Breeding Science. 74, pp. 37-46.

Mehlich 3 as an indicator of grain nutrient concentration for five crops in sub-Saharan Africa

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Haefele, S. M., Mossa, A. W., Gashu, D., Nalivata, P. C., Broadley, M., McGrath, S. P. and Thomas, C. L. 2024. Mehlich 3 as an indicator of grain nutrient concentration for five crops in sub-Saharan Africa. Field Crops Research. 307, p. 109243.

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