Current Researchers
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Trade-off between pollinator-wildflower diversity & grassland yields
Unveiling genetic basis of seedling emergence from deep soil depth under dry direct- seeded conditions in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Livestock farmer-reported knowledge and attitudes regarding agroforestry planning and management
Born of frustration: the emergence of Camelina sativa as a platform for lipid biotechnology
Differentially spliced mitochondrial CYP419A1 contributes to ethiprole resistance in Nilaparvata lugens
De novo root regeneration from leaf explant: a mechanistic review of key factors behind cell fate transition
Building a Near-infrared (NIR) Soil Spectral Dataset and Predictive Machine Learning Models using a Handheld NIR Spectrophotometer
Genetic Analysis of the Bacterial Leaf Streak Pathogen Responsible for Severe Rice Infections in Senegal and Identification of Sources of Resistance
Changing patterns of global nitrogen deposition driven by socio-economic development
Carbon footprints of greenhouse gas mitigation measures for a grass-based beef cattle finishing system in the UK
A new conceptual model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field
An improved approach for estimating root elongation rate from penetrometer resistance and macropore porosity on a silty clay loam soil
Urease Inhibitors Weaken the Efficiency of Nitrification Inhibitors in Mitigating N2O Emissions from Soils Irrigated with Alternative Water Resources
Nature–based nutrient management through returning agricultural organic waste enhances soil aggregate organic carbon stability
The untargeted metabolomic analysis of Ammodaucus leucotrichus Coss. & Dur. seeds reveals previously undescribed polar lignans and terpenoids
Ion homeostasis and coordinated salt tolerance mechanisms in a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) doubled haploid line
The North Wyke Farm Platform: Forage Quantity and Quality Data
‘We need workable micronutrient data!’: A qualitative study assessing the need for integrated micronutrient data to support evidence-based decisions by Indian food system stakeholders.
Emerging opportunities and research questions for green ammonia adoption in agriculture and beyond
Colletotrichum species associated with durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) in Hainan, China
Derived datasets of daily weather, near surface soil status, flow rates and concentrations of nitrogen species from the North Wyke Farm Platform, England
Investigating the threat to Sitka spruce from Ips typographus: discrimination and colonization of Britain's principal commercial conifer by a damaging forest pest
The Fusarium graminearum effector protease FgTPP1 suppresses immune responses and facilitates Fusarium Head Blight Disease
A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is crucial for maintaining cell wall stress tolerance and host plant pathogenesis
Prioritizing conservation sites for multi-pond systems to maintain protection of water quality in a fragmented agricultural catchment
Developmental constraint underlies the replicated evolution of grass awns