How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Bell, M. J., Hinton, N. J., Cloy, J. M., Topp, C. F. E., Rees, R. M., Williams, J. R., Misselbrook, T. H. and Chadwick, D. R. 2016. How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland? Geoderma. 264, pp. 81-93.

AuthorsBell, M. J., Hinton, N. J., Cloy, J. M., Topp, C. F. E., Rees, R. M., Williams, J. R., Misselbrook, T. H. and Chadwick, D. R.
Year of Publication2016
Journal citation264, pp. 81-93
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or codeSustainability
GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Platform - Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors
Elsevier Science Bv

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