- The yield and composition of switchgrass and coastal panic grass grown as a biofuel in Southern England
- Effects of pH on nitrogen cycling in agricultural soils
- Day in the life…of a postdoc
- Rumen metabolism and nitrogen flow to the small intestine in steers offered Lolium perenne containing different levels of water-soluble carbohydrate
- In vitro investigation into the nutritive value of Lolium perenne bred for an elevated concentration of water-soluble carbohydrate and the added effect of sample processing: freeze-dried and ground vs. frozen and thawed
- New Elongase Gene And Production Of Δ9-polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Patent WO 2002/077213 A2)
- New Elongase Gene And Production Of Delta 9-polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Patent CA 2442010 A1)
- Cis-jasmone As Semiochemical (Patent EP 1235483 A2)
- Polysaturated Fatty Acid (pufa) Elongase From Caenorhabditis Elegans (Patent WO 2000/055330 A9)
- Stress-induced changes in the root architecture of white lupin (Lupinus albus) in response to pH, bicarbonate, and calcium in liquid culture
- Effects of constant and fluctuating temperatures on sporulation and infection by the aphid-pathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis
- Intraspecific molecular variation in the seaweed fly Coelopa frigida consistent with behavioural distinctness of British and Swedish populations
- Salmon farming: towards an Integrated Pest Management strategy for sea lice. SCI Meeting at Department of Zoology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 18–19 June 2001. Closing discussion: the way forward
- Population dynamics of arable weeds - seed production and seed persistence
- Evaluation and enhancement of Beta collections for extensification of agricultural production
Contract No : GENRES CT95 42 Final project report (1996-2002)
Towards a sustainable management and use of plant genetic resources native to the European region
- The dynamics of over-wintering Myzus persicae (Sulzer) populations. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham
- Development of bacterial seed treatments for the control of Aphanomyces cochlioides on sugar beet. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham
- cDNA cloning and heterologous expression of diterpene synthases. PhD thesis, University of Bristol
- Resistance in wheat powdery mildew to strobilurin fungicides: effects of dose rate, frequency and mixtures (Final report to Defra on project PT0226)
- Plant virus vector interactions (Advances in Botanical Research Vol 36)
- A chemical defence activator primes cowpea seedlings for rapid induction of resistance to anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum destructivum
- Attachment tests of Pasteuria penetrans to clonal lines of Meloidogyne incognita
- Nematode pests of potato in the mesothermic valleys of the Andean region, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia
- Modelling climatic impacts on yields of wheat and sugar beet in the UK
- Modification of gibberellin biosynthesis in apple (Malus x domesticus Borkh.) for an improved dwarfing habit. PhD thesis, The Open University
- Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Project CE0525)(Scientific report for DEFRA Review of Cereal and Oilseed Disease Epidemiology)
- Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for DEFRA project CE0525 2001-2002)
- Isolation and characterisation of desaturase genes from Kochia scoparia
- Molecular methods for the diagnosis of fungal quarantine plant pathogens
- Genome analysis of tobacco using expressed sequence markers
- The spatial variation of plant available nitrogen within arable fields
- Pollen beetle spatio-temporal distributions in semi field scale arrays of oilseed rape plants
- Bee behaviour and pollination ecology
- A Bayesian approach to assignment problems in population genetics: partition and related software packages
- Investigating the population biology of two arable pest slug species, Deroceras reticulatum (Muller, 1774) and Arion intermedius (Normand, 1852), using molecular marker techniques
- Odorant binding proteins and chemosensory proteins in insects
- How insect acetylcholinesterase has become insensitive to insecticides. PhD thesis, QMUL Queen Mary University of London
- Interactions of pyrethroids with the voltage-gated sodium channel. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham
- New approach to achieve tissue-specific transgene expression in plants
- Analysis of root-specific and pathogen-induced gene expression in sugar beet
- Biological diversity, genomic variability and phylogeny of beet poleroviruses: application in molecular epidemiology
- Morpho-physiological selection indices for improved drought tolerance in sugar beet
- Management of GM herbicide-tolerant sugar beet for potential environmental benefit to farmland birds
- Sugar beet rhizomania - the current situation
- The use of baited and unbaited traps to monitor the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodoplosis mosellana and its parasitoid, Macroglenes penetrans
- Striga-affecting semiochemicals associated with root exudates of Desmodium uncinatum
- Semiochemical strategies for sea lice control
- Semiochemicals for the control of cereal pests
- Direct and indirect effects of cis -jasmone on the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae
- Development of new control methods against chicken mites
- Mating behaviour and the sex pheromone of Culicoides nubeculosus
- A rational basis for the design of wheat canopy ideotypes
- Modelling the daily progress of light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ), in relation to Pyrenopeziza brassicae inoculum concentrations and weather factors
- Pesticide risk to bee pollinators
- A general model of pollinator-mediated gene flow
- Chemical ecology and conservation of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
- High-altitude insect layers observed with entomological radar
- Radar studies of the high-altitude immigration of the diamondback moth to the UK
- Minimising losses of nitrogen from intensive agricultural systems
- Towards a strategic whole farm planning model including the nitrogen cycle
- Towards a strategic whole farm planning model including the nitrogen cycle
- Use of cyclonic ashes to remediate metal contaminated soils
- Comparison of biological and chemical indicators to evaluate soil remediation
- Prediction of Cd concentrations in wheat grain using simple soil and crop data
- Importance of sorption versus fixation reactions in decreasing metal bioavailability for in situ remediation
- Ability of soil amendments to reduce metal bioavailability on zinc and lead mine tailings
- Confidential report to Bayer CropScience
- Confidential report to Monsanto
- Confidential report to Monsanto
- The classic long-term experiments at Rothamsted: what have they told us about weeds?
- Exploring the factors that influence the uptake of botanical insecticides by farmers: a case study of tobacco-based products in Nigeria
- Impact assessment for multidisciplinary systems
- Within-field distributions of the seed weevil, Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull) and its parasitoid, Trichomalus perfectus (Walker), on winter oilseed rape
- Farming and bees: a series of linked web pages for the FWAG Research Vision site
- Aquatic weed control with herbicides
- Invited comment
- Farm scale evaluations of GM crops: effects of the management of field scale releases of genetically-modified herbicide-tolerant crops on the abundance and diversity of farmland wildlife. Interim report 27 March 2002
- Farm scale evaluations of GM crops: effects of the management of field scale releases of genetically-modified herbicide-tolerant crops on the abundance and diversity of farmland wildlife. Interim report 1 November 2002
- Can our knowledge of glutamine synthetase lead to enhanced nitrogen use efficiency in wheat?
- Plant metabolomics: the missing link in functional genomics strategies
- Design of experiments
- Examine(exploitation of aphis monitoring in europe): an EU thematic network for the study of global change impacts on aphid dynamics
- The proteins of the mature barley grain and their role in determining malting performance
- Cloning and characterisation of (E) -beta-farnesene synthase genes
- Root growth of sugar beet varieties in response to soil mechanical impedance and drought. PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen
- The genus Nacobbus Thorne & Allen, 1944 (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae): systematics, distribution, biology and management
- Virus succession in honeybee colonies infested with Varroa destructor
- GM crops, risk assessment, bees and honey
- GM crops, bee foraging behaviour and gene flow
- Reproductive cues of generalist and specialist aphids
- Differential response of pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus to different varieties of oilseed rape
- Changes in acceptability of barley plants to aphids after exposure to allelochemicals from couch-grass (Elytrigia repens )
- Exploiting plant secondary metabolism in insect pheromone production
- Mating behaviour and the sex pheromone of Culicoides nubeculosus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
- Chemical ecology and integrated control of the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana
- Lacewing chemical ecology - a push and a pull?
- Mechanisms of zinc, cadmuim and arsenic hyperaccumulation in plants
- Photosynthesis and nitrogen-use efficiency
- Vitamin C contents modulate defense processes and plant development
- Transposon tagging in hexaploid wheat
- Mode of action of destruxins - putative crop protection agents
- Defining type I and type II activity in insecticidal pyrethroids
- Herbicidal action of 2-hydroxy-3-alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinones
- Pesticidal activity and mode of action of dunnione and some related compounds
- Synthetic pyrethroid molecular probe to investigate interactions at the MET918THR super-kdr mutation in the para-voltage gated sodium channel
- Botanicals
- Pyrethroid insecticides
- Improving and exploiting 'self-defence' against wheat diseases
- Improving and exploiting self-defence against wheat diseases
- In field disease and nutrient stress detection by imaging spectrography at canopy level
- Detection of foliar disease in the field by the fusion of measurements made by optical sensors
- Understanding field resistance mechanisms for improved control of Septoria tritici
- Septoria epidemics on wheat: combined use of visual assessment and PCR-based diagnostics to identify mechanisms of disease escape
- Variation between Turnip mosaic virus isolates in Zhejiang Province, China and evidence for recombination
- Ecology of plant-parasitic nematodes, their host plants and antagonists in European coastal sand dunes: training opportunity for ecologists and agricultural biocontrol researchers (EcoTrain)
- Variance in Pochonia chlamydosporia and its importance in the regulation of nematode populations in the rhizosphere
- Isolates of the generalist parasite Pochonia chlamydosporia have specific interactions with their nematode hosts
- Magnetic separation as a tool in a sample preparation procedure for direct detection and quantification of trichodorid nematodes
- Proteins and expressed genes of the ectoparasite Xiphinema index
- Using monoclonal antibodies to discover parasitism proteins from the virus-vector nematode Xiphinema index
- Immuno-magnetic capture (IMC): a novel approach to nematode diagnostics
- Initial testing of potential fungal biological control agents for potato cyst nematodes
- Effects of phytohormones and root diffusates on the surfaces of plant-parasitic nematodes
- Effects of phytohormones and root diffusates on the surfaces of plant-parasitic nematodes
- The polypeptide components of the parasporal fibres of Pasteuria penetrans
- Evaluation of Polish and tropical isolates of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium Goddard for the control of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita Kofoid & White) on tomato plants
- Immunolocalisation in planta of secretions from parasitic stages of Meloidogyne incognita and M. hispanica
- Immunolocalization of Tichinella spiralis L. surface and excreted/secreted antigens in situ
- Analysis of time series
- REML analysis of mixed models
- Towards an early warning system for winter wheat disease severity
- Spatial and temporal modelling
- Design and analysis of experiments
- Introduction
- GenStat release 6.1: new features
- Guide to GenStat release 6.1. Part 2. Statistics
- Guide to GenStat release 6.1. Part 1. Syntax and data
- Summary of other facilities
- Introduction, syntax and terminology
- GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 3. Procedure library PL14
- GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 2. Directives
- GenStat release 6.1 reference manual. Part 1. Summary
- Agricultural experiments
- Regression analysis
- Multivariate and cluster analysis
- Basic statistics and exploratory analysis
- Graphical display
- Programming in GenStat
- Calculations and data manipulation
- Input and output
- Data structures
- ASREML user guide release 1.0
- The effect of timing of water availability on grain protein concentration of winter wheat
- Comparison of nested simulated annealing and reactive tabu search for efficient experimental designs with correlated data
- The reactive tabu search for efficient correlated experimental designs
- Statistical and geostatistical analysis of the National Soil Inventory of England and Wales. Technical Report to the Department of Food and Rural Affairs
- Crop quality effects of sulphur and nitrogen
- Bioavailability of metals to soil microbes
- Impact of GM bacterial inoculants on the soil microbial community
- Release of transgenic bacterial inoculants in Europe
- Fate of GM rhizobial inoculants: lessons from Europe and elsewhere
- Genetic and functional diversity in the rhizosphere of oilseed rape, wheat and potatoes
- Soil organic matter and how to change it
- Comparing estimates of regional carbon sequestration potential using geographical information systems, dynamic soil organic matter models, and simple relationships
- Carbon cycling and sequestration opportunities in temperate arable agriculture
- Modelling soil C fluxes for the National CO2 Inventory: challenges and opportunities
- Plant and soil testing to assess the adequacy of phosphorus supply to winter oilseed rape (H-GCA Oilseeds Project Report No OS58)
- Enhanced biological cycling of phosphorus increases its availability to crops in low-input sub-Saharan farming systems
- Using the PSALM model to simulate losses of phosphate in drainage from arable land
- Phytoextraction of cadmium from soils treated with sewage sludge
- Phosphorus and potassium in organic farming systems. Increasing understanding to develop management guidelines at the farm scale
- An investigation of the relative importance of soil organic matter and fresh substrates for microbial survival in soils
- ATP concentration in the soil microbial biomass
- Evaluation of the critical phases for sulphur supply for optimum quality and yield of wheat
- Model validation (Interim report to American Crystal)
- Modelling sugarbeet growth and yield at Broom's Barn and its implications in developing yield forecasting for American Crystal Sugar (Initial report for American Crystal)
- Calibrating Broom's Barn sugar beet growth and yield model for growing conditions in the USA (Interim report to American Crystal)
- Cultivation and use of basket willows 2001
- The agronomic, environmental and economic implications of a combined food and energy system
- Genetic variation in the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium from southern European soils and molecular characterisation of the protease VCP1
- Comparative biology and epidemiology of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans on winter oilseed rape. PhD thesis, University of Hertfordshire
- Factors affecting the pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae to spring linseed
- Implications of LIFE arable production for soil quality
- Fungicides in the control of Claviceps purpurea on cereals
- Nitrate as a signal in Arabidopsis
- Resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in UK populations of Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass)
- Allelic diversity of simple sequence repeats among elite inbred lines of cultivated sunflower
- Effects of applying stem-shortening plant growth regulators to leaves on root elongation by seedlings of wheat, oat and barley: mediation by ethylene
- Identification of a cDNA encoding a novel C18-delta9 polyunsaturated fatty acid-specific elongating activity from the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-producing microalga, Isochrysis galbana
- Establishing a Lotus japonicus -nematode pathosystem to search for variations in their interactions
- Isolation of putative parasitism genes from Globodera pallida
- Can aspirin help identify leaf proteins active in defence responses?
- Comparison of the rate of embryogenic development of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida using flow cytometric analysis
- DiTera: mode of action of a biological nematicide
- Quantitative relationships between inoculum of Melampsora larici-epitea and corresponding disease on Salix
- Genetic variation in Melampsora larici-epitea on biomass willows assessed using AFLP
- Mycosphaerella graminicola : latent infection, crop devastation and genomics
- Status of antioxidant metabolites and enzymes in a catalase-deficient mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
- The production of polyunsaturated fatty acids in transgenic plants
- A new class of lipid desaturase central to sphingolipid biosynthesis and signalling
- Plumbing the depths of PUFA biosynthesis: a novel polyketide synthase-like pathway from marine organisms
- Mutations in the Bemisia tabaci para sodium channel gene associated with resistance to a pyrethroid plus organophosphate mixture
- Altering specifity of a Ricinus communis cytochrome b5 fusion desaturase
- Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a delta8 sphingolipid desaturase from Aquilegia vulgaris
- Weed populations and crop rotations: exploring dynamics of a structured periodic system
- Spatial distribution patterns of predatory arthropods within an English hedgerow in early winter in relation to habitat variables
- Field margins in northern Europe: their functions and interactions with agriculture
- Genetic manipulation of rubisco: Chromatium vinosum rbc L is expressed in Nicotiana tabacum but does not form a functional protein
- Transferability and genome specificity of a new set of microsatellite primers among Brassica species of the U triangle
- Effects of plant defence activators on anthracnose disease of cashew
- Investigation of spray application of microbial herbicides using Alternaria alternata on Amaranthus retroflexus
- Limitation to photosynthesis in water-stressed leaves: stomata vs. metabolism and the role of ATP
- A role for HKT1 in sodium uptake by wheat roots
- Turnover of biomass C and P in soil following incorporation of glucose or ryegrass
- Serine proteinase inhibitors in the Compositae: distribution, polymorphism and properties
- Possibilities for reducing nitrate leaching from agricultural land
- Population differentiation of Potamogeton pectinatus in the Baltic Sea with reference to waterfowl dispersal
- A variable minisatellite sequence in the chloroplast genome of Sorbus L. (Rosaceae: Maloideae)
- Modelling herbicide dose and weed density effects on crop:weed competition
- Control of witchweed Striga hermonthica by intercropping with Desmodium spp., and the mechanism defined as allelopathic
- A manual for research on Verticillium chlamydosporium , a potential biological control agent for root-knot nematodes
- Stress-induced changes in the root architecture of white lupin (Lupinus albus ) in response to pH, bicarbonate, and calcium in liquid culture
- Herbicidal action of 2-hydroxy-3-alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinones
- Insecticidal 2-hydroxy-3-alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinones: correlation of inhibition of ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III) with insecticidal activity
- Effects of azoxystrobin on wheat take-all (H-GCA Project Report 285)
- Contrasting models for lactation curve analysis
- Long-distance signalling from roots to shoots assessed: the flooding story
- Role of semiochemicals in mate location by parasitic sea louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis
- Dynamics of insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci : a case study with the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen
- Maintaining the effectiveness of DMI fungicides in cereal disease control strategies (H-GCA Project Report 275)
- An investigation of the ionophoric characteristics of destruxin A
- Reply to comment on "Modelling soil variation: past, present and future", by Phillipe Baveye
- In vivo activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase hydrolytic activity by complex lipid-bound unsaturated fatty acids in Ustilago maydis
- Determination of the elemental composition of mature wheat grain using a modified secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS)
- Genetic diversity within populations of cyanobacteria assessed by analysis of single filaments
- The gibberellin pathway mediates KNOTTED1-type homeobox function in plants with different body plans
- Evaluation of critical phases of sulphur supply for optimum yield and quality of wheat (H-GCA Project Report 272)
- The Saccharomyces cerevisiae YBR159w gene encodes the 3-ketoreductase of the microsomal fatty acid elongase
- A genetic linkage map of willow (Salix viminalis) based on AFLP and microsatellite markers
- Studies of the transferability of microsatellites derived from Triticum tauschii to hexaploid wheat and to diploid related species using amplification, hybridization and sequence comparisons
- Characterisation of polymorphic microsatellite markers from Aegilops tauschii and transferability to the D-genome of bread wheat
- Plant-to-plant communication mediating in-flight orientation of Aphidius ervi
- Plant responses to water stress
- Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae as pests in Western European oilseed rape
- Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae as pests in Western European cereals
- Integrated control of slug damage
- A high degree of genetic diversity is revealed in Isatis spp. (dyer's woad) by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)
- Aspects on the attachment of Pasteuria penetrans on root-knot nematodes
- Nematode communities under stress: the long-term effects of heavy metals in soil treated with sewage sludge
- Microsatellite repeats in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris ): isolation, characterization, and cross-species amplification in Phaseolus ssp.
- Heritability, reliability of genetic evaluations and response to selection in proportional hazard models
- Dynamical behavior for a stage-structured SIR infectious disease model
- Transgenic barley grain overexpressing thioredoxin shows evidence that the starchy endosperm communicates with the embryo and the aleurone
- Elemental sulfur and thiol accumulation in tomato and defense against a fungal vascular pathogen
- Use of comparative molecular genetics to study pre harvest sprouting in wheat
- A review of farm-scale nutrient budgets for organic farms as a tool for management of soil fertility
- Modulation of cyanoalanine sythase and O -acetylserine (thiol) lyases A and B activity by beta-substituted alanyl and anion inhibitors
- Isolation and characterization of five novel high molecular weight subunit of glutenin genes from Triticum timopheevi and Aegilops cylindrica
- Structural analysis by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of glucan extracted from natural palm wine
- The gibberellin 20-oxidase of Gibberella fujikuroi is a multifunctional monooxygenase
- Regulation of sucrose and starch synthesis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves: role of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
- Responses of dormant heather (Calluna vulgaris ) seeds to light, temperature, chemical and advancement treatments
- Is there a circadian germination response to red light in celery (Apium graveolens L.) seeds?
- Effects of water deficit and its interaction with CO2 supply on the biochemistry and physiology of photosynthesis in sunflower
- Comparative structures and properties of elastic proteins
- A cullin gene is induced in tomato roots forming arbuscular mycorrhizae
- Verifying the nitrification to immobilisation ratio (N/I ) as a key determinant of potential nitrate in grassland and arable soils
- Genomics of phytopathogenic fungi and the development of bioinformatic resources
- A simple test for evaluation of transmission efficiency of barley yellow dwarf virus by aphids
- An increase in the speed of response, and sensitivity, of Avena fatua aleurone layers and protoplasts to gibberellin
- EuroSOMNET - a European database of long-term experiments on soil organic matter: the WWW metadatabase
- When is a measured soil organic matter fraction equivalent to a model pool?
- Using dynamic simulation models and the 'Dot-to-Dot' method to determine the optimum sampling times in field trials
- Effects of selected botanical insecticides on the behaviour and mortality of the glasshouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and the parasitoid Encarsia formosa
- Crestonchulus crestus gen. n., sp. n. (Nematoda: Mononchida) from Cameroon
- Catoralaimellus cornutus gen. n., sp. n., and two new species of Macrolaimellus (Nematoda: Cephalobidae)
- The structure and properties of gluten: an elastic protein from wheat grain
- Cereal seed storage proteins: structures, properties and role in grain utilization
- Responses of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to drought and nutrient deficiency stress
- Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize
- Characterization of Meloidogyne javanica surface coat with antibodies and their effect on nematode behaviour
- When rare species become endangered: cryptic speciation in myrmecophilous hoverflies
- Note: Determination of molecular weights of C hordeins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS)
- Towards positional cloning of Vgt1 , a QTL controlling the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase in maize
- Insertional tagging of regulatory sequences in tritordeum; a hexaploid cereal species
- Effects of organic matter and iron oxides cation exchange equilibria and potassium selectivity in a volcanic ash soil of Chile
- Development of a larval bioassay for susceptibility of cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) to imidacloprid
- SEM studies of the pseudolabia and cervical armature of a female Heth (Rhigonematida: Hethidae)
- Strong founder effect in Drosophila pseudoobscura colonizing New Zealand from North America
- Submergence tolerance in rainfed lowland rice: physiological basis and prospects for cultivar improvement through marker-aided breeding
- A new class of lipid desaturases: identification of the delta4 sphingoid base desaturase
- EuroSOMNET - a database for long-term experiments on soil organic matter in Europe
- Following the dynamics of strobilurin resistance in Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici using quantitative allele-specific real-time PCR measurements with the fluorescent dye SYBR Green 1
- Characterization of the major proteins of tubers of yam bean (Pachyrhizus ahipa )
- Characterization of starch from tubers of yam bean (Pachyrhizus ahipa )
- Mapping genes for resistance to sprouting damage in wheat
- Monoclonal antibodies reactive with secreted-excreted products from the amphids and the cuticle surface of Globodera pallida affect nematode movement and delay invasion of potato roots
- Amplified esterase genes and their relationship with other insecticide resistance mechanisms in English field populations of the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
- Diurnal changes in ammonia assimilation in transformed tobacco plants expressing ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase mRNA in the antisense orientation
- Genetic mapping of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) applied to the detection of QTLs for seedlessness and berry weight
- The evolution of a population under recombination: how to linearise the dynamics
- Pre-treatment of cucumber plants with acibenzolar-S-methyl systemically primes a phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene (PAL1 ) for enhanced expression upon attack with a pathogenic fungus
- The impact of size-dependent predation on population dynamics and individual life history
- Ontogenetic niche shifts and evolutionary branching in size-structured populations
- Understanding the role of the cytoskeleton in wood formation in angiosperm trees: hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x P-tremuloides ) as the model species
- Myosin, microtubules, and microfilaments: co-operation between cytoskeletal components during cambial cell division and secondary vascular differentiation in trees
- Variability and genetic components of innate fruit odour recognition in a parasitoid of Drosophila
- Characterization of the emulsification properties of 2S albumins from sunflower seed
- Determining the oilseed rape pod strength needed to reduce seed loss due to pod shatter
- Temperature-dependent binding of monoclonal antibodies to C hordein
- CO2/O-2 specificity factor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.): first in vitro determination and comparison to in vivo estimations
- Effects of phytohormones on the surfaces of plant-parasitic nematodes
- Biochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines producing bacterial serine acetyltransferase
- Cloning and expression of sesquiterpene synthase genes from Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- Targeting and membrane-insertion of a sunflower oleosin in vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae : the central hydrophobic domain contains more than one signal sequence, and directs oleosin insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane using a signal anchor sequence mechanism
- A Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for heterologous fatty acid elongase activity encodes a microsomal beta-keto-reductase
- GARNet, the Genomic Arabidopsis Resource Network
- Estimation of directional division frequencies in vascular cambium and in marginal meristematic cells of plants
- Elastomeric proteins: structures, biomechanical properties and biological roles
- Characterization and modelling of the hydrophobic domain of a sunflower oleosin
- Study of high molecular weight wheat glutenin 1Dx5 by C-13 and H-1 solid-state NMR spectroscopy. I. Role of covalent crosslinking
- Study of wheat high molecular weight 1Dx5 subunit by C-13 and H-1 solid state NMR. II. Roles of nonrepetitive terminal domains and length of repetitive domain
- Ecological genetics of an induced plant defense against herbivores: additive genetic variance and costs of phenotypic plasticity
- Immunolocalization of a putative cuticular collagen protein in several developmental stages of Meloidogyne arenaria , Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis
- Interaction between protein allergens and model gastric emulsions
- Investigation and correction of the gene-derived sequence of glutenin subunit 1Dx2 by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry
- Quantification of raindrop kinetic energy for improved prediction of splash-dispersed pathogens
- The voice of the future 2002
- Antifungal activity of Pseudomonas oryzihabitans a bacterium symbiotically associated with Steinernema abbasi towards Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani
- Arabidopsis is susceptible to the cereal ear blight fungal pathogens Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium culmorum
- Effects of the biological nematicide, DiTera, on movement and sensory responses of second stage juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis , and stylet activity of G. rostochiensis and fourth stage juveniles of Ditylenchus dipsaci
- Different years, different concerns: changing problems encountered by the plant clinic
- Pests and diseases update in Europe - a report from the IIRB study group meeting in France
- Laboratory bioassays to assess the pathogenicity of mitosporic fungi to Varroa destructor (Acari: Mesostigmata), an ectoparasitic mite of the honeybee, Apis mellifera
- Possibilities and constraints of agro-ecosystem diversification as a pest management strategy: a simulation approach
- Other vectors
- Rubisco activity: effects of drought stress
- Progress toward a drought tolerant sugar beet
- Sugar beet
- The effect of soil acidity on potentially mobile phosphorus in a grassland soil
- Rhizomania management in the UK; year 1 of the new joint industry policy in operation
- Quasi-steady state approximation to a fungal growth model
- Modelling plant virus epidemics in a plantation-nursery system
- The effect of nitrogen supply and virus yellows infection on the growth, yield and processing quality of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris)
- Minimising losses of nitrogen from intensive agricultural systems
- Control of glutathione synthesis during chilling in maize leaves
- Photosynthetic nitrogen assimilation and associated carbon and respiratory metabolism
- Photosynthetic nitrogen assimilation: inter-pathway control and signaling
- A polyphasic approach to characterise Pasteuria penetrans isolates, an unculturable and obligate parasite of plant-parasitic nematodes
- Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on wheat: testing crop simulation models for different experimental and climatic conditions
- Interactive forecasting on the Internet of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) risk for winter oilseed rape
- Some problems in the design and analysis of field experiments subject to interplot interference
- The effect of late weed control in GM herbicide-tolerant sugar beet on the biodiversity of arthropods
- The effect of clothianidin on aphids and virus yellows in sugar beet
- Biotypes of Bemisia tabaci and their relevance to insecticide resistance management
- Biological evaluation of AMS 13839, a new insecticide from Bayer AG, and assessment of possible resistance risks. May 2000-April 2002 Final confidential report
- What makes genetically modified crops so distasteful?
- Dissecting a host parasite interaction
- The role of pollen odour in the attraction of pollen beetles to oilseed rape flowers
- Modelling the transmission dynamics of Ross River virus in Southwestern Australia
- The effects of insecticide seed treatments on beneficial invertebrates in sugar beet
- The development of sugar-beet rhizomania and its control in the UK
- Aplicacion de la estadistica
- A review of genetic parameter estimation
- ASREML estimates variance matrices from multivariate data using the animal model
- Statistical models for the genetic analysis of longitudinal data
- Insecticide resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri
- Barley yellow dwarf luteoviruses and other virus diseases
- The fate of residual 15N-labelled fertilizer in arable soils: its availability to subsequent crops and retention in soil
- Assessing bioavailability of zinc, cadmium and copper in soils to the indicator plant Lepidium heterophyllum
- Heavy metal and metalloid hyperaccumulating plants: physiology and potential for phytoremediation
- Uptake of metals by plants sharing a rhizosphere with the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
- Bioavailability of heavy metals from sewage sludge and some long-term effects on soil microbes in agricultural ecosystems
- Sulphur in soils: processes, behaviour and measurement
- Sulphur deficiency diagnosis using plant tissue analysis
- History and outlook for sulphur fertilisers in Europe
- Crop responses to sulphur fertilisation in Europe
- Genetically modified crops
- Does the movement of viruses matter?
- Does the movement of viruses matter?
- A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
- Effects of temperature and incubation time on germination of ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa in vitro
- Identification and transmission of Piper yellow mottle virus and Cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper (Piper nigrum ) in Sri Lanka
- Continuing developments in trap cropping as an additional or alternative control method for PCN
- Viruses of Poaceae : a case history in plant pathology
- Coconut lethal diseases associated with phytoplasmas. A global review
- Effects of Bt plants on natural enemies of brassica pests
- Effect of Erynia neoaphidis infection and coccinellid foraging on the spatial distribution of aphids on plants
- Steinernema asiaticum sp. n. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from Pakistan
- Ecuadorus equatorius gen. n., sp. n. and Nanidorus mexicanus sp. n. (Nematoda: Trichodoridae)
- Sicorinema didelphum sp. n. and Paratimminema tulocephalatum sp. n. (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from tropical rainforest in West Africa
- Study on species of Diploscapter Cobb (Nematoda: Rhabditida) from India including D. indicus sp. n.
- Site-specific management of nematodes - pitfalls and practicalities
- High-altitude migration of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella to the U.K.: a study using radar, aerial netting and ground trapping
- Weather and climate in the long-term decline of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja ) in Great Britain
- Influence of flight and colour morph on susceptibility of Sitobion avenae to infection by Erynia neoaphidis
- The potential use of microwaves for the control of potato cyst nematodes in soil
- Altered performance of forest pests under atmospheres enriched by CO2 and O3
- Spatiotemporal analyses of aphids and natural enemies in a cereal field
- Ecological and genetic correlates of long-term population trends in the Park Grass Experiment
- Development of diagnostics to identify sugar beet virus yellows
- Development of diagnostics to identify virus yellows in plants and aphids
- Sciarid fungus gnat larvae in sugar beet fields (Dip.: Sciaridae)
- Studies on allometric growth relationships of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ) grown in nutrient culture
- Sub-lethal effects of the insecticides pirimicarb and dimethoate on the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) when attacking and developing in insecticide-resistant hosts
- Foliar insect pest management on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walpers) in simulated varietal mixtures I. The suitability of partial insecticide applications
- Foliar insect pest management on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walpers) in simulated varietal mixtures II. Pest resistance management implications
- The variational expression of Bt proteins within transgenic canola and its movement through trophic levels
- The International Pollinator Initiative
- MASTER: management strategies for European rape pests - a new EU project
- Insect pollination and crop production: a European perspective
- Integrated pest management strategies incorporating bio-control for European oilseed rape pests
- Cultivation of GM crops in the EU, farmland biodiversity and bees
- La necrose du collet du colza: analyse de la distribution du champignon dans la plante a l'aide d'outils moleculaires
- Control of potato cyst nematodes by site-specific application of nematicides - limitations and possibilities
- Efficacy of neonicotinoids and pymetrozine against peach-potato aphids carrying various forms of insecticide resistance
- Genetic diversity in Echinochloa spp. collected from different geographic origins and within rice fields in Cote d'Ivoire
- Optimising control of phoma stem canker in winter oilseed rape in the UK
- New perspectives on the epidemiology and management of phoma stem canker of winter oilseed rape in England
- Factors affecting the pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae to spring linseed
- Interactions between carbon and nitrogen metabolism
- Are leaf hydrogen peroxide concentrations commonly overestimated? The potential influence of artefactual interference by tissue phenolics and ascorbate
- Regulation of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in maize leaves at optimal and chilling temperatures: review
- Vitamin C contents modulate defence and plant development via transcriptional regulation
- Roles for plant mitochondria in photosynthesis and oxidative stress
- How does photorespiration modulate leaf amino acid contents? A dual approach through modelling and metabolite analysis
- Consequences of a respiratory complex I defect on the establishment of the hypersensitive response
- Oxidative stress and plant mitochondria
- Drought and oxidative load in the leaves of C3 plants: a predominant role for photorespiration?
- Investigating the spatial distribution of parasitoids using molecular markers
- Plant protein families and their relationships to food allergy
- Field evaluation and agronomic performance of transgenic wheat
- The soil's the thing
- Mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata . Uptake kinetics, interactions with phosphate and arsenic speciation
- Maturation of ascospores of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker) on oilseed rape debris
- Development of leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis ) epidemics on barley
- Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) infection on winter survival and yield of oilseed rape (Brassica napus )
- Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) infection on canopy size and yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus )
- Responses of some American, European and Japanese wheat cultivars to soil-borne wheat viruses in China
- Characterisation of sucrose-phosphate synthase in wheat. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield
- Interactions between transgenic crops and parasitoids
- Design considerations for an harmonic radar to investigate the flight of insects at low altitude
- Editorial: technologies for insect movement and migration research
- Remote-sensing, telemetric and computer-based technologies for investigating insect movement: a survey of existing and potential techniques
- Uses of mathematical models in sugar beet agriculture
- Parasitoid interactions between crop and margin habitat
- Design, analysis and power considerations of field-scale ecological assessments of genetically modified crops
- The search for drought tolerance in sugar beet
- What is a weed?
- Activity of AEF6102-04H (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron) on herbicide-resistant black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides ) and Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum ). Outdoor container studies 2001/2002. (Confidential report for Aventis CropScience UK Ltd)
- Herbicide resistance
- Sugar beet and related crops
- Nematode management in subsistence farming in Mexico
- Recent advances in the detection of airborne inoculum of plant pathogens using molecular methods
- Developing a weed patch spraying system for use in arable crops (H-GCA Project Report No. 291)
- Estimation of seed production by Stellaria media, Sinapis arvensis and Tripleurospermum inodorum in arable crops
- Sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) on oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) leaves inoculated with ascospores or conidia at different temperatures and wetness durations
- The effect of dose rate of imidacloprid and clothianidin on insecticide-resistant clones of Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
- Biological properties and molecular characterization of beet chlorosis virus (BChV)
- Farm tests for nitrogen models
- The bi-centenary of sugar beet
- 200 years of sugar beet
- Resistance to carbamate, organophosphate and pyrethroid and pyrethroid insecticides in the potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae )
- Spatial pattern in the distribution of pests and yield in an oilseed rape crop: implications for ICM
- Comparison of approaches for estimating carbon sequestration at the regional scale
- Simulating SOC changes in long-term experiments with RothC and CENTURY: model evaluation for a regional scale application
- Insecticide resistance in Egyptian strains of Bemisia tabaci
- Behavioural consequences of pyrethroid resistance in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
- Outdoor lettuce: the control of aphids resistant to insecticides. Final report to the Horticultural Development Council
- Incidence and management of insect resistance to neonicotinoids
- Controlling infection of cereal grain by toxigenic Fusarium species using fungal competitors
- Expression analysis of putative high-affinity phosphate transporters in Chinese winter wheats
- Turnip rape (Brassica rapa) as a trap crop to protect oilseed rape (Brassica napus) from infestation by insect pests: potential and mechanisms of action
- Development of vertical-looking radar technology for monitoring insect migration
- Chemical ecology and conservation of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
- Insect pollinator movement and plant gene flow along linear features in the landscape
- Inoculum sources of the toxigenic ear-blight pathogen, Fusarium culmorum , in wheat
- Resistance to insecticides in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri : laboratory and field evidence
- The evaluation of rhizomania resistant sugar beet for the UK
- The mosaic viruses of winter barley: problems and prospects
- Arsenic hyperaccumulation by different fern species
- Stable sulphur isotope ratio as an indicator of atmospheric sulphur inputs to agricultural systems
- The EU regulatory framework for GM foods in relation to bee products
- The EU regulatory framework for GM crops in relation to bees
- Interactions in the root environment - an integrated approach. The Rothamsted Millennium Conference
- Management of aquatic weeds
- Changes in the population structure of beta-group autotrophic ammonia oxidising bacteria in arable soils in response to agricultural practice
- Bumblebees in the agricultural landscape of Estonia
- In situ remediation of metal-contaminated soils: chemical, biological and isotopic assessments
- Hyperaccumulation of cadmium and zinc: physiological background and phytoextraction potential
- In situ fixation of metals and metalloids using iron-rich co-products
- Arsenic distribution and speciation in the fronds of the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata
- Trace metal leaching through a soil-grassland system after sewage sludge application
- An overview of insecticide resistance
- 16S rRNA interoperon sequence heterogeneity distinguishes strain populations of palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma in the Caribbean region
- Spatial patterns of insect pest distribution in an oilseed rape crop: relationships to plant growth and yield and significance for IPM
- Spatial pattern and the relationship between pests and plant growth in a winter oilseed rape crop
- Measurement of ATP in soil: correcting for incomplete recovery
- Managing aphid-transmitted viruses in Scottish seed potato crops
- Detection of herbicide resistance in black-grass, Italian rye-grass and wild-oat at all growth stages.(H-GCA Project Report No. 279)
- Management strategies for European rape pests - a new EU project
- Biology of Leptosphaeria maculans ascospore release in England and Poland
- Effects of timing on Leptosphaeria maculans ascospore release and fungicide regime on phoma leaf spot and phoma stem canker development on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in southern England
- Pod shatter resistance: exploitation of Arabidopsis genes to develop a productivity trait in oilseed rape
- Environmental assessment of sugar beet production
- Assessment of alien invasive aquatic weeds in the UK
- The influence of the symbiotic plasmid pRL1J1 on the distribution of GM rhizobia in soil and crop rhizospheres, and implications for gene flow
- Assessing phosphorus 'Change-Points' and leaching potential by isotopic exchange and sequential fractionation
- Patterns of loss of bromide, phosphate, triallate and chlordane from sandy soil in lysimeters
- Patterns of loss of bromide, phosphate, triallate and chlordane from sandy soil in lysimeters
- Phosphate losses through field drains in a heavy cultivated soil
- Getting to grips with ABCs
- Identification of plant vacuole-specific proteins using the GARNet proteomics facility
- Vascular structure of oilseed rape pods and its importance in valve separation
- Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 2. Applications
- Exploring variety - environment data using random effects AMMI models with adjustments for spatial field trend: Part 1. Theory
- Altered phenotypic response to Peronospora parasitica in Brassica juncea seedlings following prior inoculation with an avirulent or virulent isolate of Albugo candida
- (+)-(10R )-germacrene A synthase from goldenrod, Solidago canadensis ; cDNA isolation, bacterial expression and functional analysis
- Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in metabolic signalling in photosynthetic tissue
- Genotypic variation for drought tolerance in Beta vulgaris
- Isolation and characterisation of genes induced during non-host resistance to Polymyxa spp.
- The development of a quantitative ELISA for the detection of Polymyxa betae
- Weed beet control 2002
- Studies of spray application of microbial herbicides in relation to conidial propagule content of spray droplets and retention on target
- Characterization of (1R ,4S ,4aR ,7S ,7aR ) -dihydronepetalactol as a semiochemical for lacewings, including Chrysopa spp. and Peyerimhoffina gracilis
- Characterization of cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., in Norway
- All you ever wanted to know about aphids in sugar beet, but were afraid to ask
- Sugar-beet powdery mildew (Erysiphe betae )
- Assessment of the implications of introducing imidacloprid treatment on UK potatoes for the evolution of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae (Report to the British Potato Council)
- Photorespiration-dependent increases in phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in transformed tobacco plants deficient in ferredoxin-dependent glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase
- Insecticide resistance on the move
- Use of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme assay to assess resistance of aphids against the entomopathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis (Report to HGCA on SAPPIO LINK 1159: Novel strategies for aphid control using entomopathogenic fungi)
- Novel approaches to weed management and their effects on sugar beet yield
- Diseases in 2001 and their control
- Molecular studies on intra-specific variation in the aphid pathogenic fungus Erynia (=Pandora) neoaphidis
- Relationship between brown foot rot and DNA of Microdochium nivale , determined by quantitative PCR, in stem bases of winter wheat
- Evidence for host differential resistance and pathogenic variability from interactions between Brassica juncea - Albugo candidia
- Effects of temperature on germination of UK and Polish Leptosphaeria maculans ascospores and on phoma leaf spot development
- Effect of strain-specific hypersensitive resistance on spatial patterns of virus spread
- Identification of non-host plant volatiles repellent to pollen beetles
- Improving the nutritional quality and functional properties of seed proteins by genetic engineering
- Field-scale studies on spatio-temporal relationships between aphids and natural enemies
- A tiered approach for evaluating Erynia neoaphidis isolates against seven aphid species
- GM crops: good or bad for natural enemies?
- Interactions between Bt oilseed rape and natural enemies
- Is trelahose-6-phosphate required in development because it controls primary metabolism?
- Design and analysis of farm-scale evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops
- Cadmium and zinc toxicity to soil microbial biomass and activity
- Stability of weed patches
- Illustrations and guidelines for selecting statistical methods for quantifying spatial pattern in ecological data
- A new method to measure spatial association for ecological count data
- Common components, networks and pathways of cross-tolerance to stress. The central role of "redox" and abscisic acid-mediated controls
- Interactions between biosynthesis, compartmentation and transport in the control of glutathione homeostasis and signalling
- Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants
- Carbon and nitrogen assimilation in relation to yield: mechanisms are the key to understanding production systems
- Short-term plasticity of crassulacean acid metabolism expression in the epiphytic bromeliad, Tillandsia usneoides
- Cloning and characterisation of S -formylglutathione hydrolase from Arabidopsis thaliana : a pathway for formaldehyde detoxification
- Regulation of rubisco activity in crassulacean acid metabolism plants: better late than never
- Sensitive dependencies and separation distances for genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops
- GM crops - the debate continues
- Interactions between entomopathogenic fungi and predators
- Monitoring insect dispersal: methods and approaches
- How far do honey bees fly to fields of Brassica napus (oilseed rape)?
- Characterising bumblebee orientation flights with harmonic radar
- Herbicide-resistant weeds
- Experience with herbicide resistance in Europe: global implications
- Nitrous oxide emission from a range of land uses across Europe
- Transcripts of Vp-1 homeologues are misspliced in modern wheat and ancestral species
- Post-harvest weed seed predation: an Avena fatua case study
- The persistence of seeds of 16 weed species over six years in two arable fields
- Functional properties of wheat gliadins. II. Effects on dynamic rheological properties of wheat gluten
- Functional properties of wheat gliadins. I. Effects on mixing characteristics and bread making quality
- Semiochemical strategies for sea louse control: host location cues
- Identification and localisation of glycoproteins in the extracellular matrices around germ-tubes and appressoria of Colletotrichum species
- Controlling powdery mildews with chemistry
- BYDV: the heat is on
- Cellular and intracellular transport of glutathione in wheat. MPhil thesis, University of Nottingham
- Temporal and spatial dynamics of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
- Why worry about insecticide-resistant aphids?
- Field-simulator studies of insecticide resistance to dimethylcarbamates and pyrethroids conferred by metabolic- and target site-based mechanisms in peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
- Bioassay and field-simulator studies of the efficacy of pymetrozine against peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), possessing different mechanisms of insecticide resistance
- Control of germination and lipid mobilization by COMATOSE , the Arabidopsis homologue of human ALDP
- Economies in nematode management from precision agriculture: limitations and possibilities
- Amplification and detection of transposon insertion flanking sequences using fluorescent Mu AFLP
- A balanced view of scale in spatial statistical analysis
- Understanding and combating insecticide resistance
- Characterisation of knockdown resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae
- Biological control of ear blight of wheat caused by Fusarium culmorum
- A model of pollinator-mediated gene flow between plant populations with numerical solutions for bumblebees pollinating oilseed rape
- Cloning and sequence analysis of the eburicol 14alpha-demethylase encoding gene (CYP51 ) from the Japanese pear scab fungus Venturia nashicola
- Turnip rape as a trap crop to protect oilseed rape from infestation by insect pests: potential and mechanisms of action
- Long-term decline in abundance and distribution of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja ) in Great Britain
- Root penetration of strong soil in rainfed lowland rice: comparison of laboratory screens with field performance
- Food for insect pollinators on farmland: insect visits to flowers of annual seed mixtures
- Evidence of recombination between net- and spot-type populations of Pyrenophora teres as determined by RAPD analysis
- Detection of airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans and Pyrenopeziza brassicae in oilseed rape crops by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays
- Nematode pests of potato in the mesothermic valleys of the Andean region, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia
- Detection of genetic variation in Alternaria brassicicola using AFLP fingerprinting
- Effects of atmospheric deposition, soil pH and acidification on heavy metal contents in soils and vegetation of semi-natural ecosystems at Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK
- Weed wizard: black-grass population model
- Effects of aphid-induced plant volatiles on intraguild interactions at the third trophic level
- Using novel variation in Brassica species to reduce agricultural inputs and improve agronomy of oilseed rape - a case study in pod shatter resistance
- Long-term performance of fungicides applied to control eyespot in winter wheat
- Biochemical characterisation of pirimicarb resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri
- The natural control of the tracheal mite of honey bees
- What governs nitrogen loss from forest soils?
- Evidence of low selenium concentrations in UK bread-making wheat grain
- The complete sequence of Oat mosaic virus and evidence for deletion and duplication in RNA2
- Bean common mosaic virus isolates causing different symptoms in asparagus bean in China differ greatly in the 5'-parts of their genomes
- Colonization of winter oilseed rape tissues by A/Tox+ and B/Tox0 Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in France and England
- Stimulation of Armillaria mellea by phenolic fungicides
- Arsenic in field-collected soil solutions and extracts of contaminated soils and its implication to soil standards
- Analysing repeated measurements in soil monitoring and experimentation
- Insect spatial population dynamics in winter rape: potential to reduce environmental impacts
- On the mapping of quantitative trait loci at marker and non-marker locations
- Colonization of the developing rhizosphere of sugar beet seedlings by potential biocontrol agents applied as seed treatments
- Differential resistance to Albugo candida in Brassica juncea - preliminary results
- Development of a DSS for diseases and pests in winter oilseed rape
- Identification of SnIP1, a novel protein that interacts with SNF1-related protein kinase (SnRK1)
- Convergence velocity of an evolutionary algorithm with self-adaptation
- Leaching losses of sulphur from different forms of sulphur fertilizers: a field lysimeter study
- How the Rothamsted long-term experiments have been modified to ensure their continued relevance
- Apparent competition between two species of aphid via the fungal pathogen Erynia neoaphidis and its interaction with the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi
- Window Pane, la redecouverte d'une ancienne methode: quel avenir? Etude de l'exemple de la Septoriose (Mycosphaerella graminocola ) du ble d'hiver
- Simulation of vertical spread of plant diseases in a crop canopy by stem extension and splash dispersal
- Repellents
- Interactions among the aphid Diuraphis noxia , the entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus and the coccinellid Hippodamia convergens
- Interactions between the willow beetle Phratora vulgatissima and different genotypes of Salix viminalis
- Modelling the daily progress of light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ), in relation to Pyrenopeziza brassicae inoculum concentrations and weather factors
- The effect of rainfall on the survivorship and establishment of a biocontrol agent
- Co-ordination of leaf minor amino acid contents in crop species: significance and interpretation
- Development of stem-base pathogens on different cultivars of winter wheat determined by quantitative PCR
- Time lags in metapopulation responses to landscape change
- Effects of drought on contrasting insect and plant species in the UK in the mid-1990s
- Effects of culture age, washing and storage conditions on desiccation tolerance of Colletotrichum truncatum conidia
- Effects of nutrition on desiccation tolerance and virulence of Colletotrichum truncatum and Alternaria alternata conidia
- Diurnal variation of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in tea: effects of irradiance and nitrogen supply during growth in the field
- Potato cyst nematodes in England and Wales - occurrence and distribution
- The role of glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase in nitrogen assimilation and possibilities for improvement in the nitrogen utilization of crops
- Weed population dynamics and crop rotations: exploring effects of event sequence in a structured periodic system
- Grower's Guide 6th edition goes on-line
- Weed control in 2002
- Low cost weed control in UK sugar beet production?
- Recommendations for testing toxicity to microbes in soil
- Analysis of potentially mobile phosphorus in arable soils using solid state nuclear magnetic resonance
- Host-based genotype variation in insects revisited
- The biological improbability of a clone
- 'Time-slice' observations of nature
- Influence of iron status on cadmium and zinc uptake by different ecotypes of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
- Outdoor studies of the efficacy of Alternaria alternata in controlling Amaranthus retroflexus
- Morphological variation in the Coemansia spiralis complex
- The development of potential screens based on shoot calcium and iron concentrations for the evaluation of tolerance in Egyptian genotypes of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) to limed soils
- Beet and the weather in 2001
- Effect of plantation design on stem-infecting form of rust in willow biomass coppice
- Aerodynamic diameter of conidia of Erynia neoaphidis and other entomophthoralean fungi
- Why maintain potash reserves? (PDA leaflet 28)
- Guidelines for preventing and managing insecticide resistance in aphids on potatoes
- Improved PCR-based assays for pre-symptomatic diagnosis of light leaf spot and determination of mating type of Pyrenopeziza brassicae on winter oilseed rape
- Identification of transposon-tagged maize genes displaying homology to arrayed cDNA clones with the use of Mutator insertion display
- Establishment of susceptibility profiles of cat fleas to imidacloprid and development of a program to monitor for imidacloprid susceptibility among cat flea populations - a 2002 update
- Crassulacean acid metabolism: plastic, fantastic
- Pests of sugar beet in 2001
- Analysis and management of resistance to chemotherapeutants in salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae)
- Melanic frequencies in three species of moths in post industrial Britain
- Characterisation of a potyvirus and a potexvirus from Chinese scallion
- Characterisation of potyviruses from sugarcane and maize in China
- Fat-hen, other Chenopodiaceae and amaranths
- Localization of melanin in conidia of Alternaria alternata using phage display antibodies
- The plant-pollinator community of a tropical dry forest, Costa Rica
- An isoleucine to leucine substitution in the ACCase of Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass) is associated with resistance to the herbicide sethoxydim
- Sethoxydim resistance: a point mutation in the Alopecurus myosuroides ACCase gene
- Changes in populations of the eyespot fungi Tapesia yallundae and T. acuformis under different fungicide regimes in successive crops of winter wheat, 1984-2000
- Encoding of host and non-host plant odours by receptor neurones in the eucalyptus woodborer, Phoracantha semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
- Herbivory in global climate change research: direct effects of rising temperature on insect herbivores
- Elucidating the biosynthesis of 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate through reduced expression of chloroplastic fructose 1,6-bisphosphate phosphatase and radiotracer studies with 14CO2
- Fungi
- Fungally-transmitted mosaic viruses of barley
- Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Echinochloa (L.) Beauv. spp.
- Drought risk assessment for UK winter wheat under climate change
- The role of the rhizobium symbiotic plasmid in survival in the soil and the rhizosphere
- The fate of genetically modified rhizobial inoculants in the field
- Predicting arsenic solubility in contaminated soils using isotopic dilution techniques
- Drought - greater risk for future wheat production in England?
- Quantification in soil and the rhizosphere of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium by competitive PCR and comparison with selective plating
- Modelling soil C fluxes for the National CO2 Inventory: challenges and opportunities
- Synthesis of (2E )-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate, a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of isoprenoids
- Quantitative PCR monitoring of the effect of azoxystrobin treatments on Mycosphaerella graminicola epidemics in the field
- Insecticide resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid and aphid control in outdoor lettuce
- Confidential Report to Cotton Research and Development Corporation
- Spatial variability in the degradation rates of isoproturon and chlorotoluron in a clay soil
- In situ fixation of metals in soils using bauxite residue: chemical assessment
- In situ fixation of metals in soils using bauxite residue: biological effects
- Risk assessment for barley yellow dwarf virus in autumn-sown cereals in the United Kingdom, based on generalised linear models relating incidence to crop and field variables
- Relationships between weather and winter wheat foliar diseases
- Factors affecting the development of Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) on linseed (Linum usitatissimum ) buds, flowers and capsules
- New developments in insecticide resistance in the glasshouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum ) and the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae ) in the UK
- SAPPIO Link for integrated management of PCN
- Characterisation of some carla- and potyviruses from bulb crops in China
- Spatial organization of the glucosinolate-myrosinase system in brassica specialist aphids is similar to that of the host plant
- Characteristics of cadmium uptake in two contrasting ecotypes of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
- Potassium and chloride in crops and soils: the role of potassium chloride fertilizer in crop nutrition (IPI Research Topics No. 22)
- Understanding phosphorus and its use in agriculture
- Failure of the Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine: some species of environmental mycobacteria block multiplication of BCG and induction of protective immunity to tuberculosis
- Physiology and biochemistry
- Optical disease detection and estimation of latent infections around disease foci for targeted pesticide application
- Probing the mechanism of loss of carbon-20 in gibberellin biosynthesis. Synthesis of gibberellin 3alpha,20-hemiacetal and 19,20-lactol analogues and their metabolism by a recombinant GA 20-oxidase
- Dynamics of the relationship between a generalist predator and slugs over five years
- Hatching
- A population-dynamics approach to assess the threat of plant pathogens as biological weapons against annual crops
- An insecticidal mixture of tetramethylcyclohexenedione isomers from Kunzea ambigua and Kunzea baxterii
- Insect pests and global environmental change
- Just how much do you know about PCN?
- Detection of airborne fungal spores sampled by rotating-arm and Hirst-type spore traps using polymerase chain reaction assays
- Cotton whitefly (Bemisia tabaci ) resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides in Pakistan
- The effects of seed rate and row spacing on light interception, dry matter accumulation and seed yield in non-dwarf and dwarf genotypes of autumn-sown determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in north-west Europe
- Fresh additions of heavy metals do not model long-term effects on microbial biomass and activity
- Phytoremediation of metals, metalloids, and radionuclides
- Soil solid-phase controls lead activity in soil solution
- Interactive on-line forecasts of oilseed rape disease
- Gene flow in the soil environment: use of earthworm casts to validate FTIR spectroscopy, coupled with machine learning, as a 'sentinel' technology for high-throughput monitoring of global changes in microbial ecology
- Nitrogen flows on farms with an extended grazing management system
- Development of an odour management strategy for mushroom composting
- A radio bolus to monitor rumen pH and temperature in cattle
- Soil structuring capacities of white clover varieties
- Gross and net rates of mineralization and microbial activity in permanent pastures following fertilizer applications at different time intervals
- Pathogen transfer from grassland soils to surface waters
- Diversity and functional role of predatory invertebrates and their prey in a grass ecosystem
- Interactions between clover root weevil (Sitona lepidus ) larval feeding on white clover and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization
- Litter quality affects microbial populations and their activities in ageing earthworm casts
- Pathogen transfer from grassland soils to surface waters
- The effect of nitrogen concentration in floodwater on nitrous oxide fluxes from intertidal sediments: the Couesnon River Estuary, Normandy, France.
- Sequestration of excretal and farm-waste derived carbon in agricultural soils
- Autecology of Hygrocybe spp. in temperate grasslands
- Managing C transfers from grasslands to limit impacts on waterways
- Investigations of the effects of herbicidal control of broad-leaved dock and creeping thistle: results for 2002
- Progress report on efficacy trials: Interim results for 2002
- Investigations of the effects of herbicidal control of broad-leaved dock on herbage production
- A method to investigate the transfer of N species in the subsoil using one metre deep soil columns
- Nitrate leaching following cultivation of long ley grassland
- Nitrate leaching from grassland and maize cropping systems fertilised with cattle manures
- Transfer and transformation of N species in 1 M deep soil columns
- Influence of urine and components of urine on N2O emissions from grassland soils
- Leaching losses of nitrogen following autumn applications of farmyard manure
- The use of 15N to trace plant uptake of labelled dairy slurry injected into the soil: influence of the new nitrification inhibitor, DMPP
- Coates Farm Study: reducing nitrogen emissions to the environment
- Evaluation of increased straw use as a means of reducing ammonia emission from housed cattle and pigs
- Contributions of non-methane volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere from UK agriculture
- Optimising the performance of low trajectory slurry application techniques on grassland and arable land
- Chemical indicators that determine olfactory response from pig and chicken manure
- A national model for estimating potential reductions in ammonia emissions and their costs
- Techniques for measuring ammonia emissions from livestock and poultry facilities, Part 1
- Predicting ammonia loss following the application of livestock manure to land
- Forage legumes for animal production: herbage production and quality
- Ensiling of forage legumes
- Docks as weeds and their non-chemical control
- Lotus agronomy: establishment, production and persistence.
- Economic aspects of low N input systems for beef cattle
- Managing cattle slurry on pasture for cutting and grazing.
- Managing Manures
- Practical aspects of abating ammonia on UK farms
- White clover induced soil aggregation and its impact on nutrient leaching
- Structuring and nitrate leaching in soils beneath white clover
- What farmers can do to reduce nitrate leaching from grassland
- Effect of carbon availability on N2 and N2O emissions
- Study of denitrification in grassland soils in relation to carbon application
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of nitrogen leaching from medium altitude grassland - comparison of two models
- Understanding soil nitrogen supply: organic matter quality and quantity
- Nitrogen flows and losses in dairy farms in New Zealand and the UK: effects of grazing management
- Bites and chews in sheep: acoustic versus automatic recording
- Accelerated phosphorus losses from a reseeded pasture
- Use of electronic animal identification in an operant conditioning system for grazing sheep
- Relationships between nematode and microbial communities and carbon transfers in grassland soils
- Integration of animal manures in crop and livestock farming systems: nutrient demonstration farms
- Mineralisation of organic nitrogen from farm manure applications
- Implications of potential measures to control pathogens associated with livestock manure management
- Scoping study for re-establishing semi-natural lowland grasslands. Analysis of soils at Graig Fawr to inform appropriate methods of grassland restoration
- Impact of conservation grazing regimes on the development of patchiness in grassland structure
- Can changes in grazing management of species-rich lowland grassland benefit bumblebees?
- Sensitive beetles: indicators of agricultural grassland management
- Intake and dietary choices by grazing ruminants, effects of time of day and water soluble carbohydrate content in forage
- Grazing and pasture management for plant biodiversity benefit
- Environmental sustainability of wool production
- Sweet smell of success for research on compost odours
- Growing partnership cuts need for agrochemicals
- From microbes to meadow flowers: conserving biodiversity in grasslands
- Managing manure to reduce pollution
- Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from utilization of slurry and FYM from beef cattle
- Clover:cereal bi-cropping for organic farms
- Quantification of nitrite leaching from grassland soils and impact on primary and secondary surface water systems
- Quantification of phosphorus transfers from soil following tillage and reseed of grassland swards
- Development of endophyte for tolerance of abiotic stress in ryegrass
- Knowledge transfer initiative on impacts and adaptation to climate change in agriculture
- Diurnal variation in nitrous oxide fluxes and impact on agricultural emission factors
- Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling
- Grassland resowing and grass-arable rotations in the United Kingdom: agricultural and environmental issues
- Nitrate leaching losses and their control in a mixed farm system in the Cotswold Hills, England
- Compound specific plant amino acid delta 15N values differ with functional plant strategies in temperate grassland
- Daily yields increase with mixed diet of pure swards
- Stable isotope (12C, 15N and 34S) analysis of the hair of modern humans and their domestic animals
- Radical re-think on storage and disposal of farm waste
- Computer-based Decision Support System (In brief)
- Other livestock: sheep, goats, farmed deer and horses
- Ammonia emissions from cattle farming
- Estimating total ammonia emissions from the UK
- Soil fertility in organic farming systems - fundamentally different?
- Impacts of climate change on semi-natural grassland in Wales: interactions with management
- Time Well Spent : a guide to the uptake of IFM on lowland livestock farms
- Earthworm isotopic values under different cropping treatments
- The development and use of techniques for investigating intake and ingestive behaviour during grazing
- Restoring species-rich grasslands; effects of sward management on the natural re-colonisation of hill-land
- Effects of slurry application method and timing on grass silage quality
- Beta-glucosidase activity in pasture soils
- Potassium leaching under different nitrogen managements
- Potassium balances in grassland systems: does nitrogen affect potassium cycling and leaching?
- Steward Scheme to protect farm birds
- A review of the ecology, hydrology and nutrient dynamics of floodplain meadows in England
- A comparison of the effects of single- and double-pass application of CCF and blended fertilisers on herbage yield and composition: N use efficiency and nutrient use distribution
- Soils and atmospheric quality
- The impact of novel slurry application techniques on ammonia emissions, silage quality and sward acceptance by grazing cattle.
- Soil microbial ecology and plant root interactions
- Enhancing the biodiversity and landscape value of grasslands
- Multi-functional roles of grassland in organic farming systems
- Use of grassland by wintering birds: effects of management on their food resources
- Use of fertilizer nitrogen and potassium to reduce soil phosphorus availability
- Role of organic fertilizers in the sustainable management of semi-natural grasslands, II - Botanical studies
- Role of organic fertilizers in the sustainable management of semi-natural grasslands, I - Agronomic studies
- The biodiversity of purple moor-grass/rush pastures: effects of agricultural management
- Practical techniques to increase the biodiversity of agriculturally improved grasslands
- Sustainable management of lowland purple moor-grass and rush pastures: constraints and opportunities for livestock farmers
- Short-term effects of tillage and compaction on nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from grassland
- Short term effect of ploughing a permanent pasture on N2O production from nitrification and denitrification
- Use of additional straw to reduce ammonia emissions from housed livestock
- Investigating diurnally fluctuating patterns of riverine nitrate concentration using a novel sensor
- A model of ammonia volatilisation from a dairy farm: an examination of abatement strategies
- High performance nitrate-selective electrodes containing immobilised amino-acid betaines as sensors
- A solvent-free method for preparing improved quality ion-selective electrode membranes
- Integrating forage attributes of domestic livestock breeds into sustainable systems for grassland biodiversity
- Low input animal production based on forage legumes for grazing systems
- Influence of root herbivory and soil fertility on pasture root system growth and dynamics
- Simplified sward nitrogen status assessment from N concentration of upper leaves
- Nitrous oxide emissions from slurry- and straw-based systems for cattle and pigs in relation to emissions of ammonia
- Nitrogen budgets for three cropping systems fertilised with cattle manure
- Management practices to reduce ammonia emissions from pig and cattle manure stores
- Leaching losses of nitrogen following autumn applications of farmyard manure
- Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality
- Effective dock control could bring feed value cash benefits
- Is the productivity of organic farms restricted by the supply of available nitrogen?
- An accurate and stable nitrate-selective electrode for the in situ determination of nitrate in agricultural drainage waters
- Environmental impacts of cattle housing and grazing
- Grassland management regime impacts on the community structure of selected bacterial groups in soils
- Soils and Environmental Quality
- Development and application of a mechanistic model to estimate emission of nitrous oxide from UK agriculture
- Assessment of nitrate leaching from beneath forage legumes
- Forage legumes - productivity and composition
- Legume Silages for Animal Production - LEGSIL
- Introduction to the LEGSIL project
- Enchytraeid worm (Oligochaeta) influences on microbial community structure, nutrient dynamics and plant growth in blanket peat subjected to warming
- Influence of straw types and nitrogen sources on mushroom composting emissions and compost productivity
- Alterations in grazing behaviour in cattle infected subclinically with parasitic gastrointestinal worms
- Effect of type of supplement offered out of parlour on grazing behaviour and performance by lactating dairy cows grazing continuously stocked grass swards
- Nutritive quality of forage legumes grown in northern Europe
- Restoration of species-rich grassland on arable land: assessing the limiting processes using a multi-site experiment
- Use of labelled nitrogen to measure gross and net rates of mineralization and microbial activity in permanent pastures following fertilizer applications at different time intervals
- The reappearance of Lobelia urens from soil seed bank at a site in South Devon
- Ammonia losses from contrasting cattle and pig manure management systems
- Influence of root herbivory on growth response and carbon assimilation by white clover plants
- Verifying the nitrification to immobilisation ratio as a key determinant of potential nitrate loss in arable and grassland soils
- Molecular dynamics of organic matter in a cultivated soil
- Fate of dung-applied copper in a British grassland soil
- The effect of a total solar eclipse on the grazing behaviour of dairy cattle
- Incidental transfers of colloidal phosphorus following applications of slurry and fertiliser to grassland
- Evidence for connectivity of phosphorus transport from plot to catchment?
- Construction of disturbed and intact soil blocks to develop percolating soil based treatment systems for dirty water from dairy farms
- Behaviour of sheep and goats
- Ingestive behaviour of heifers grazing monocultures of ryegrass or white clover
- Manures
- Root feeding behaviour of Tipula paludosa (Meig.) (Diptera: Tipulidae) on Lolium perenne (L.) and Trifolium repens (L.)
- Effects of level of concentrate supplementation on grazing behaviour and performance by lactating dairy cows grazing continuously stocked grass swards
- Nitrogen
- Incorporating grazing behaviour measurements in models to predict herbage intake by grazing dairy cows
- Slurry application techniques to reduce ammonia emissions: results of some UK field-scale experiments
- A rapid and simple technique for the digestion and determination of total phosphorus in animal manures and herbage
- Effect of long-term changes in relative resource availability on dietary preference of sheep for perennial ryegrass and white clover
- Characterisation of water-extractable soil organic phosphorus by phosphatase hydrolysis
- Surface age, ecosystem development and C isotope signatures of respired CO2 in an alpine environment, North Iceland
- Effects of method, rate and timing of slurry application to grassland on the preference by cattle for treated and untreated areas of pasture
- Inositol phosphates in the environment
- Factors affecting seed germination and seedling establishment of some fen-meadow species
- Effect of different manuring and defoliation patterns on broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius ) in grassland
- Inter-cropping and bi-cropping with white clover
- Ammonia emissions from intensive dairying: a comparison of contrasting systems in the United Kingdom and New Zealand
- Impact of invertebrate root herbivory on N fluxes in white clover