Appearance of a novel form of plant glutamine-synthetase during nodule development in phaseolus-vulgaris L.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Lara, M., Cullimore, J. V., Lea, P. J., Miflin, B. J., Johnston, A. W. B. and Lamb, J. W. 1983. Appearance of a novel form of plant glutamine-synthetase during nodule development in phaseolus-vulgaris L. Planta. 157 (3), pp. 254-258.

AuthorsLara, M., Cullimore, J. V., Lea, P. J., Miflin, B. J., Johnston, A. W. B. and Lamb, J. W.
Year of Publication1983
Journal citation157 (3), pp. 254-258
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as green open access
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