Research priorities for conservation of metallophyte biodiversity and their potential for restoration and site remediation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Whiting, S. N., Reeves, R. D., Richards, D., Johnson, M. S., Cooke, J. A., Malaisse, F., Paton, A., Smith, J. A. C., Angle, J. S., Chaney, R. L., Ginocchio, R., Jaffre, T., Johns, R., Mcintyre, T., Purvis, O. W., Salt, D. E., Schat, H., Zhao, F-J. and Baker, A. J. M. 2004. Research priorities for conservation of metallophyte biodiversity and their potential for restoration and site remediation. Restoration Ecology. 12 (1), pp. 106-116.

AuthorsWhiting, S. N., Reeves, R. D., Richards, D., Johnson, M. S., Cooke, J. A., Malaisse, F., Paton, A., Smith, J. A. C., Angle, J. S., Chaney, R. L., Ginocchio, R., Jaffre, T., Johns, R., Mcintyre, T., Purvis, O. W., Salt, D. E., Schat, H., Zhao, F-J. and Baker, A. J. M.

Plants that have evolved to survive on metal-rich soils-metallophytes-have key values that must drive research of their unique properties and ultimately their conservation. The ability of metallophytes to tolerate extreme metal concentrations commends them for revegetation of mines and metal-contaminated sites. Metallophytes can also be exploited in environmental technologies, for example, phytostabilization, phytoremediation, and phytomining. Actions towards conserving metallophyte species are imperative, as metallophytes are increasingly under threat of extinction from mining activity. Although many hundreds of papers describe both the biology and applications of metallophytes, few have investigated the urgent need to conserve these unique species. This paper identifies the current state of metallophyte research, and advocates future research needs for the conservation of metallophyte biodiversity and the sustainable uses of metallophyte species in restoration, rehabilitation, contaminated site remediation, and other nascent phytotechnologies. Six fundamental questions are addressed: (1) Is enough known about the global status of metallophytes to ensure their conservation? (2) Are metallophytes threatened by the activities of the minerals industry, and can their potential for the restoration or rehabilitation of mined and disturbed land be realized? (3) What problems exist in gaining prior informed consent to access metallophyte genetic resources and how can the benefits arising from their uses be equitably shared? (4) What potential do metallophytes offer as a resource base for phytotechnologies? (5) Can genetic modification be used to "design" metallophytes to use in the remediation of contaminated land? (6) Does the prospect of using metallophytes in site remediation and restoration raise ethical issues?

Year of Publication2004
JournalRestoration Ecology
Journal citation12 (1), pp. 106-116
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
Funder project or code443
Soil protection and remediation by chemical and biological approaches
Phytoremediation of contaminated soils
Research on assessment of polluted soils and phytoremediation
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