Variation in root-to-shoot translocation of cadmium and zinc among different accessions of the hyperaccumulators Thlaspi caerulescens and Thlaspi praecox

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Xing, J. P., Jiang, R. F., Ueno, D., Ma, J. F., Schat, H., McGrath, S. P. and Zhao, F-J. 2008. Variation in root-to-shoot translocation of cadmium and zinc among different accessions of the hyperaccumulators Thlaspi caerulescens and Thlaspi praecox. New Phytologist. 178 (2), pp. 315-325.

AuthorsXing, J. P., Jiang, R. F., Ueno, D., Ma, J. F., Schat, H., McGrath, S. P. and Zhao, F-J.

Efficient root-to-shoot translocation is a key trait of the zinc/cadmium hyperaccumulators Thlaspi caerulescens and Thlaspi praecox, but the extent of variation among different accessions and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Root-to-shoot translocation of Cd and Zn and apoplastic bypass flow were determined in 10 accessions of T. caerulescens and one of T. praecox, using radiolabels Cd-109 and Zn-65. Two contrasting accessions (Pr and Ga) of T. caerulescens were further characterized for TcHMA4 expression and metal compartmentation in roots. Root-to-shoot translocation of Cd-109 and Zn-65 after 1 d exposure varied 4.4 to 5-fold among the 11 accessions, with a significant correlation between the two metals, but no significant correlation with uptake or the apoplastic bypass flow. The F-2 progeny from a cross between accessions from Prayon, Belgium (Pr) and Ganges, France (Ga) showed a continuous phenotype pattern and transgression. There was no significant difference in the TcHMA4 expression in roots between Pr and Ga. Compartmentation analysis showed a higher percentage of Cd-109 sequestered in the root vacuoles of Ga than Pr, the former being less efficient in translocation than the latter. Substantial natural variation exists in the root-to-shoot translocation of Cd and Zn, and root vacuolar sequestration may be an important factor related to this variation.

KeywordsPlant Sciences
Year of Publication2008
JournalNew Phytologist
Journal citation178 (2), pp. 315-325
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
PubMed ID18266619
Open accessPublished as green open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeSEF
Soil protection and remediation by chemical and biological approaches
Hills Bequest - Physiological and genetic analysis of the mechanisms of zinc and cadmium accumulation by natural hyperaccumulator plants
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