Element budgets on regional, catchment, farm and field scale. A useful tool toward sustainability.

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

McGrath, S. P. 2001. Element budgets on regional, catchment, farm and field scale. A useful tool toward sustainability. Proceedings Food Chain 2001, Uppsala, Sweden, 14-16 March 2001 . pp. 219-224

AuthorsMcGrath, S. P.
Year of Publication2001
Funder project or code443
Project: 1621
Heavy metal uptake by plants
Project: 4240
Project: 4129
Page range219-224

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/88809/element-budgets-on-regional-catchment-farm-and-field-scale-a-useful-tool-toward-sustainability

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