1. Chance and vision on the road to pedometrics
  2. Salix: Botany and Global Horticulture
  3. Marion Augusta Watson (1905-1990) Pioneer researcher on virus transmission by aphids
  4. Mary Dilys Glynne (1895-1991) cereal disease pathologist and first woman plant patholgist hired at Rothamsted
  5. Epidemics and Crop Yield
  6. Decision Making in the Practice of Plant Disease Management
  7. Estimating Plant Disease by Sampling
  8. Spatial Aspects of Epidemics III Patterns of Plant Disease
  9. Spatial Aspects of Epidemic II A Theory of Spatio-Temporal Disease Dynamics
  10. Spatial Aspects of Epidemic I Pathogen Dispersal and Disease Gradients
  11. Temporal Analysis III Advanced Topics
  12. Temporal Analysis II The Components of Disease
  13. Temporal Analysis I Quantifying and Comparing Epidemics
  14. Introduction to modelling in edpidemiology
  15. Measuring Plant Diseases
  16. The Study of Plant Disease Epidemics
  17. R. A. Fisher and His Advocacy of Randomization
  18. Effects of fatty acid oxidation products (green odor) on rumen bacterial populations and lipid metabolism in vitro
  19. Lipolysis in red clover with different polyphenol oxidase activities in the presence and absence of rumen fluid
  20. Nucleic Acid (Patent CA 2641425 A1)
  21. Nucleic Acid (Patent WO 2007/093776 A2)
  22. Nucleic Acids Which Encode Delta9-elongases, Delta8-desaturases And Delta5-desaturases, Uses And Processes Thereof (Patent CA 3006116 A1)
  23. Process For The Production Of Delta5-unsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent US 2007/0136892 A1)
  24. Process For The Production Of Delta 5-unsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent EP 1790731 A2)
  25. Process For The Production Of .delta.5-unsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent CA 2567132 A1)
  26. Method For The Production Of .gamma.-linolenic Acid And/or Stearidonic Acid In Transgenic Brassicaceae And Linaceae (Patent CA 2625505 A1)
  27. Method For The Production Of ?-linolenic Acid And/or Stearidonic Acid In Transgenic Brassicaceae And Linaceae (Patent WO 2007/051577 A2)
  28. Process For The Production Of Arachidonic Acid And/or Eicosapentaenoic Acid (Patent WO 2007/042510 A2)
  29. Process For The Production Of Arachidonic Acid And/or Eicosapentaenoic Acid (Patent CA 2621214 A1)
  30. Process For The Production Of Arachidonic Acid And/or Eicosapentaenoic Acid (Patent CA 3021294 A1)
  31. Process For The Production Of Arachidonic And/or Eicosapentaenoic Acid (Patent GB 2431158 A)
  32. Geostatistics for environmental scientists
  33. RELU-Biomass: social, economic and environmental implications of increasing rural land use under energy crops
  34. Using spatial co-occurrence networks to examine the effects of prey biomass and density on the distribution of polyphagous predators
  35. WUE at regional scale water saving and global benefit
  36. Interactions between host-plant volatiles and the sex pheromones of the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi and the damson-hop aphid, Phorodon humuli
  37. Preface: Integrated approaches to sustain and improve plant production under drought stress (InterDrought-II) (Journal of Experimental Botany Special Issue)
  38. Globodera pallida (Stone, 1973) Behrens, 1975
  39. Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber, 1923) Behrens, 1975: names and taxonomy
  40. The case for conserving weeds
  41. Mosquitoes
  42. UK non-native organism risk assessment scheme: confidential risk assessment of Bombus terrestris subspecies not native to the UK imported for pollination of glasshouse and open crops
  43. New integrated dairy production systems: specification, practical feasibility and ways of implementation (Final report to Defra on Project IS0214)
  44. The impacts of a changing climate on Guernsey's environment: evidence from long-term data
  45. Ecological approaches to pest management using entomopathogenic fungi; concepts, theory, practice and opportunities
  46. Genetic modification of plant stature by manipulation of gibberellin metabolism: an alternative to chemical growth regulators
  47. Invertebrate response to weed diversity and spatial arrangement within arable fields. PhD thesis, University of Reading
  48. Coordinated decreases in cellular ascorbate and glutathione during the growth of Arabidopsis cell cultures
  49. Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase activity is correlated with high cellular redox state during logarithmic growth in Arabidopsis cell cultures
  50. Coordinated decreases in cellular ascorbate and glutathione during the growth of Arabidopsis cell cultures
  51. Lower price = intensive beet growing
  52. Factors affecting the performance of Pochonia chlamydosporia as a biological control agent for nematodes
  53. Strategies for managing Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa to decrease severity of phoma stem canker epidemics on winter oilseed rape
  54. Soil science and geostatistics (in Russian)
  55. Chemicals involved in post-germination inhibition of Striga by Desmodium : opportunities for utilizing the associated allelopathic traits
  56. Field developments on Striga control by Desmodium intercrops in a "push-pull" strategy
  57. HvPIP1;6, a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plasma membrane water channel particularly expressed in growing compared with non-growing leaf tissues
  58. Extreme weather in 2007 keeps the Plant Clinic busy
  59. Trehalose signalling: understanding and exploiting an emerging small molecule paradigm
  60. Bumblebee foraging ranges: consequences for conservation and pollination
  61. Where bumblebees live
  62. Bee research at Rothamsted Research
  63. Nitrate signalling and the two component high affinity uptake system in Arabidopsis (Addendum to: Characterisation of a two component high affinity nitrate uptake system in Arabidopsis: physiology and protein-protein interaction. Plant Physiology 2006; 142:1304-17)
  64. Regulation of root growth responses to water deficit
  65. Potassium and nitrogen interactions in crop production
  66. Reducing pesticide applications to row crops - a simple solution?
  67. Dispersal of fungal spores through the air
  68. Signalling mechanisms in the regulation of vacuolar ion release in guard cells
  69. Utilization of Arabidopsis and Brassica genomic resources to underpin genetic analysis and improvement of Brassica crops
  70. Invasive species of Heracleum in Europe: an insight into genetic relationships and invasion history
  71. Grass weeds, grass covers and take-all risk
  72. Sugar beet disease resistance - a 'marked' improvement for the future
  73. Control de Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne) Thorne y Allen con Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Gams y Zare
  74. Immunological detection of the pinewood nematode from Pinus pinaster and the vector
  75. The implications of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops for UK farmland biodiversity: a summary of the results of the Farm Scale Evaluations project
  76. The Broom's Barn sugar beet growth model and its uses
  77. Disentangling the weather, pathogen life cycle and epidemic development chain with an application to yellow rust
  78. Mutations in DIIS5 and the DIIS4-S5 linker of Drosophila melanogaster sodium channel define binding domains for pyrethroids and DDT
  79. Developmental and hormonal control of leaf senescence [Chapter 7]
  80. Arabidopsis CPR5 is a senescence-regulatory gene with pleiotropic functions as predicted by the evolutionary theory of senescence
  81. Molecular genetic and genomic analysis of wheat-pathogen interactions
  82. Exploiting Triticum monococcum as a model for detection of traits, genes and variant alleles and for identifying phenotype:genotype relationships (RRes) (Objective 6)
  83. Exploiting Triticum monococcum as a model for detection of traits, genes and variant alleles and for identifying phenotype:genotype relationships (RRes) Objective 6
  84. Wheat pathogens affecting yield and quality
  85. Molecular mechanisms associated with altered azole sensitivity in Mycosphaerella graminicola
  86. Ethylene-induced Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation is dependent on but not mediated by gibberellins
  87. Can information on the mode of pathogen attack be used to formulate novel crop protection strategies?
  88. Septoria leaf blotch benefits from the suicidal tendencies of wheat leaves
  89. Chemical ecology
  90. Specific resistance of wheat to Mycosphaerella graminicola operates to avoid MAPK activation and programmed cell death (PCD) associated with compatible interactions
  91. Triticum monococcum as a reference species for wheat genetics and genomics
  92. A functional approach to modelling arable diversity
  93. Synthesis of (2S,7S)- dibutyroxynonane, the sex pheromone of the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), by diastereoselective silicon-tethered ring-closing metathesis
  94. A re-emerging threat to wheat crops - Black Stem Rust
  95. An unusual helix-turn-helix protease inhibitory motif in a novel trypsin inhibitor from seeds of veronica (Veronica hederifolia L.)
  96. New version of Descriptions of Plant Viruses
  97. Current issues in plant virus taxonomy
  98. Developments in aspects of ecological phytochemistry: the role of cis -jasmone in inducible defence systems in plants
  99. Influence of virus infection on aphid infestation of sugar beet
  100. Agroinfectious clones of beet mild yellowing and beet chlorosis viruses
  101. Phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc from arable soils amended with sewage sludge using Thlaspi caerulescens : development of a predictive model
  102. Microdochium triticicola sp. nov. from roots of Triticum aestivum in the United Kingdom
  103. Heteroconium sp. nov. from roots of Triticum aestivum in the United Kingdom
  104. Transmission of plant viruses
  105. A contribution to the epidemiology of the cyst nematodes Heterodera schachtii Schm., Globodera rostochiensis Woll. and G. pallida Stone in north-west Europe
  106. Rhizomania: between myth and reality or how to tackle a never ending problem with an increased complexity?
  107. Identification of the main malaria vectors in the Anopheles gambiae species complex using a TaqMan real-time PCR assay
  108. Relating soil P concentrations at which P movement occurs to soil properties in Chinese agricultural soils
  109. Identification of Japanese foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus) resistant to haloxyfop using three different assay techniques
  110. Analysis of litter size and average litter weight in pigs using a recursive model
  111. Phenotypic and metabolomic analyses of the Fusarium graminearum SNF1 mutant
  112. Structure, ratios and patterns of release in the sex pheromone of an aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea
  113. Prediction of Cd and Zn uptake by spring wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in sludge-amended soils. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham
  114. Mary Dilys Glynne (1895-1991): cereal disease pathologist and first woman plant pathologist hired at Rothamsted
  115. The influence of search strategies and homogeneous isotropic turbulence on planktonic contact rates
  116. A preliminary study on genotypic differences in transcript abundance of drought-responsive genes in sugar beet
  117. Detection of phytoplasma DNA in embryos from coconut palms in Ghana, and kernels from maize in Peru
  118. Resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides in UK populations of the grass-weed Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass)
  119. Estimation of linear models of coregionalization by residual maximum likelihood
  120. The resistance status and management strategies of Bemisia tabaci B biotype in Xinjiang
  121. Landscape context not patch size determines bumble-bee density on flower mixtures sown for agri-environment schemes
  122. Functional evaluation of plant defence signalling against Fusarium ear blight disease in Arabidopsis
  123. Functional evaluation of plant defence signalling against Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum in Arabidopsis floral and wheat floral and leaf tissue
  124. Long-term research in the UK - lessons learned from the Rothamsted Classical Experiments
  125. The Small Chocolate-tip Clostera pigra (Hufn.) (Lep.: Notodontidae) in Kent
  126. Evolution of fungicide resistance in UK populations of Mycosphaerella graminicola
  127. Changing priorities in the management of potato cyst nematodes
  128. Seed after-ripening is a discrete developmental pathway associated with specific gene networks in Arabidopsis
  129. Stressful 'memories' of plants: evidence and possible mechanisms
  130. The invasive coccinellid Harmonia axyridis as an intra-guild predator of the aphid-specific fungus Pandora neoaphidis
  131. First report of a 16SrII group phytoplasma associated with die-back diseases of papaya and citrus in Ethiopia
  132. 'Al-Wijam', a new phytoplasma disease of date palm in Saudi Arabia
  133. 'Bunchy top symptom' of papaya in Cuba: new insights
  134. Identification and molecular characterization of a phytoplasma associated with Al-Wijam disease of date palm in Saudi Arabia
  135. Effect of the presence of a nonhost herbivore on the response of the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae to host-infested cabbage plants
  136. Nitrate from agriculture: a hazard to health and the environment?
  137. Genomic analysis of rice stripe virus Zhejiang isolate shows the presence of an OTU-like domain in the RNA1 protein and a novel sequence motif conserved within the intergenic regions of ambisense segments of tenuiviruses
  138. A Markov chain Monte Carlo strategy for sampling from the joint posterior distribution of pedigrees and population parameters under a Fisher-Wright model with partial selfing
  139. Development of a multiplex immunocapture-RT-PCR for simultaneous detection of BMYV and BChV in plants and single aphids
  140. The elasticity of the epidemic growth rate to observed weather patterns with an application to yellow rust
  141. Field scale water-use efficiency inherent variability and options for crop selection and management
  142. Audrey M. Shepherd (1927-2004) cyst nematode biologist
  143. Molecular diagnostics of plant-parasitic nematodes
  144. Foraging behaviour of the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in response to plant volatiles, with reference to biocontrol of aphids in peri-urban vegetable production systems
  145. Seasonal dynamics of carbon and nitrogen pools and fluxes under continuous arable and ley-arable rotations in a temperate environment
  146. Gene flow in oilseed rape: what do the datasets of the SIGMEA EU Project tell us for coexistence?
  147. Identification of variation in adaptively important traits and genome-wide analysis of trait-marker associations in Triticum monococcum
  148. Using the SIGMEA data base to provide an overview of the persistence of seeds of oilseed rape in the context of the coexistence of GM and conventional crops
  149. Physical resilience of soil to field compaction and the interactions with plant growth and microbial community structure
  150. The Arabidopsis 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase-2 (kat2-1) mutant exhibits increased flowering but reduced reproductive success
  151. Mediated amperometric whole-cell biosensors for assessment of bioavailabilty and toxicity of copper in soil
  152. Mutation in nicotianamine aminotransferase stimulated the Fe(II) acquisition system and led to iron accumulation in rice
  153. Factors associated with mortality of the overwintering generation of Sesamia nonagrioides under field conditions
  154. Honey bee virus detection and discrimination. Final Report to Defra on Project HH3235SHB
  155. The control of exotic bee diseases and their likely interaction with UK conditions. Final Report to Defra on Project HH0817SHB
  156. Decreased shoot stature and grain alpha-amylase activity following ectopic expression of a gibberellin 2-oxidase gene in transgenic wheat
  157. Molecular characterization of the largest and smallest genome segments, S1 and S12, of Rice gall dwarf virus
  158. Proposed minimum reporting standards for chemical analysis. Chemical Analysis Working Group (CAWG) Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI)
  159. A potyvirus P1 protein interacts with the Rieske Fe/S protein of its host
  160. Improving the protein content and composition of cereal grain
  161. Scale- and location-dependent correlations of soil strength and the yield of wheat
  162. Accounting for the uncertainty in the local mean in spatial prediction by Bayesian Maximum Entropy
  163. Indo-UK collaboration on rapeseed-mustard research for rural livelihoods development
  164. DON mycotoxin biosynthesis by Fusarium species, a metabolomics perspective
  165. Molecular genetic analysis of resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola in Triticum monococcum
  166. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of RAR1, a conserved zinc-binding protein in eukaryotic organisms
  167. Strategies for increasing the selenium content of wheat
  168. The revision of RB209, the story so far...
  169. A fourth Hertfordshire (VC20) record of the Apple Pith Moth Blastodacna atra (Haworth) (Lep.: Agonoxenidae)
  170. Coleophora squamosella Stainton (Lep.: Coleophoridae), new to the Hertfordshire (VC20) county list
  171. Confirmation of the hybrid status of the Autumnal Snout Schrankia intermedialis Reid (Lep.: Noctuidae)
  172. The Rothamsted Insect Survey light trap on Jersey - species of note in 2004
  173. Behavioural side-effects of insecticide resistance in aphids increase their vulnerability to parasitoid attack
  174. Minimum reporting standards for plant biology context information in metabolomic studies
  175. Severity of plant disease increased by global warming
  176. Protection in an ant-plant mutualism: an adaptation or a sensory trap?
  177. A landscape-scale experiment on the changes in available potassium over a winter wheat cropping season
  178. Intraguild predation of the aphid pathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis by the invasive coccinellid Harmonia axyridis
  179. Intraguild interactions involving the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis
  180. Responses to water withdrawal of tobacco plants genetically engineered with the AtTPS1 gene: a special reference to photosynthetic parameters
  181. Rapid reduction of arsenate in the medium mediated by plant roots
  182. Migration to and dispersal from oilseed rape by the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus , in relation to wind direction
  183. The control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) by Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and its immunological detection on tomato roots
  184. Defect identification in wheat grain by micro-fluidic electrophoresis: sulfur deficiency and bug damage
  185. Integration of crop models and constraint mapping for the projection of bioenergy production
  186. Biomass supply for the UK energy market - modelling grass productivity
  187. Honeybees perform optimal scale-free searching flights when attempting to locate a food source
  188. Avoidance of conspecific odour trails results in scale-free movement patterns and the execution of an optimal searching strategy
  189. Dissipation conditioned stochastic modeling of scalar concentration fluctuations in turbulent flows
  190. Understanding airborne radiometric survey signals across part of eastern England
  191. Discoveries in Rubisco (Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase): a historical perspective
  192. The maize Activator/Dissociation system is functional in hexaploid wheat through successive generations
  193. Improving resource use efficiency
  194. Quasi-Monte Carlo estimation in generalized linear mixed models
  195. Effective, sustainable Italian rye-grass control in winter cereals (HGCA Topic Sheet 100)
  196. Detection of lethal yellowing phytoplasma in embryos from coconut palms infected with Cape St Paul wilt disease in Ghana
  197. A low-cost repellent for malaria vectors in the Americas: results of two field trials in Guatemala and Peru
  198. Controlled atmosphere stunning of broiler chickens. II. Effects on behaviour, physiology and meat quality in a commercial processing plant
  199. Differential host responses to Soil-borne Cereal Mosaic Virus (SBCMV) and Soil-borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) in barley
  200. Differential host responses to Soil-borne Cereal Mosaic Virus (SBCMV) and Soil-borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) in barley
  201. A combinatorial pattern discovery approach for the prediction of membrane dipping (re-entrant) loops
  202. The characteristic high sulfate content in Brassica oleracea is controlled by the expression and activity of sulfate transporters
  203. Investigation of the 'Trigger Molecule Response' using 13C stable isotope probing of microbial membrane fatty acids
  204. How do rhizosphere bacteria interact with their environment at the microhabitat scale?
  205. Plant defence signalling induced by biotic attacks
  206. Grain fungus genome published
  207. Barley non-host interactions with Polymyxa species elicit a similar basal resistance response
  208. Molecular detection of predation on earthworms
  209. The cabbage aphid: a walking mustard oil bomb
  210. Towards fine mapping of resistance genes to Septoria tritici leaf blotch in hexaploid and diploid wheat
  211. Targeted herbicide use in winter wheat for biodiversity benefits: is it a practical option?
  212. Using natural barley resources to discover novel alleles of eIF4E which can provide resistance against bymoviruses
  213. Impacts of climate change on aphids
  214. Viruses, vectors, host plants and environment: from complexity to control?
  215. Price, G (editor) Australian Soil Fertility Manual, third edition. Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia Inc. and CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria 2006. (Book review)
  216. Nitrogen input, 15N balance and mineral N dynamics in a rice-wheat rotation in southwest Canada
  217. First report of Papaya ringspot virus infecting papaya in Cote d'Ivoire
  218. Insecticide use: contexts and ecological consequences
  219. Investigating the roles of reactive oxygen species during Mycosphaerella graminicola infection of wheat
  220. Investigating the roles of reactive oxygen species during Mycosphaerella graminicola infection of wheat
  221. Investigating the roles of reactive oxygen species during Mycosphaerella graminicola infection of wheat
  222. Uptake of pesticides from water by curly waterweed Lagarosiphon major and lesser duckweed Lemna minor
  223. Uptake and translocation of non-ionised pesticides in the emergent aquatic plant parrot feather Myriophyllum aquaticum
  224. Scale-dependent relationships between soil organic carbon and urease activity
  225. The reference genetic linkage map for the multinational Brassica rapa genome sequencing project
  226. LandSFACTS: software for spatio-temporal allocation of crops to fields
  227. Pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum on wheat ears
  228. Pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum on wheat ears
  229. Pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum on wheat ears
  230. Genetic structure and spatial distribution of the mycoparasite Sphaerellopsis filum on Melampsora larici-epitea in a short-rotation coppice willow planting
  231. The microspatial distribution of beetles (Coleoptera) on exposed riverine sediments
  232. The role of the hydroxamic acid pathway in aphid resistance in wheat
  233. Transcriptome profiling of wheat genotypes differing in bread making quality under different environments
  234. Using cell-lineage tagging to decipher early differentiation and development in wheat endosperm
  235. Nitrogen use efficiency and resource allocation in wheat
  236. Trapping tactics for reducing insecticide use in pollen beetle control
  237. A highly efficient method for the generation of a recombinant Bombyx mori nuclear-polyhedrosis-virus Bacmid and large-scale expression of foreign proteins in silkworm (B. mori) larvae
  238. Temporal variations in English populations of a forest insect pest, the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum) associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and global warming
  239. Ornithological ups and downs. Bird populations on Broom's Barn
  240. Impact of beet mosaic virus - is it really a problem?
  241. Displaced honey bees perform optimal scale-free search flights
  242. Leaf developmental stage affects sulfate depletion and specific sulfate transporter expression during sulfur deprivation in Brassica napus L.
  243. Improving drought tolerance in sugar beet
  244. A model of the effect of fungicides on disease-induced yield loss, for use in wheat disease management decision support systems
  245. Nitrate transport and signalling
  246. Soil management for sugar beet
  247. Industry says goodbye to three members of Broom's Barn staff
  248. IIRB Congress 2007
  249. Global warming and biofuels
  250. Shorter rotations? - What effect on weed beet and fat-hen?
  251. The Fusarium graminearum genome reveals a link between localized polymorphism and pathogen specialization
  252. Responses of Phradis parasitoids to volatiles of lavender, Lavendula angustifolia - a possible repellent for their host, Meligethes aeneus
  253. Novel insights into seed fatty acid synthesis and modification pathways from genetic diversity and quantitative trait loci analysis of the Brassica C genome
  254. Estimates of ambient background concentrations of trace metals in soils for risk assessment
  255. Intercropping reduces nitrate leaching from under field crops without loss of yield: a modelling study
  256. Cambios anatomicos en raices de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) inducidos por Cactodera galinsogae [Anatomical changes in barley roots (Hordeum vulgare L.) induced by Cactodera galinsogae ]
  257. Fourteen rusts from northeast Iran
  258. Effects of Cd, Zn or both on soil microbial biomass and activity in a clay loam soil
  259. Treating hop plants with (Z)-jasmone increases colonization by Phorodon humuli (Hemiptera: Aphididae) spring migrants
  260. Downy mildew
  261. The Matern variogram model: implications for uncertainty propagation and sampling in geostatistical surveys
  262. Molecular characterization of the genome segments S4, S6 and S7 of rice gall dwarf virus
  263. Isolation and characterization of Viviparous-1 genes in wheat cultivars with distinct ABA sensitivity and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance
  264. Phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils using the hyperaccumulating fern Pteris vittata
  265. Factors affecting phoma stem canker severity in winter oilseed rape cultivars
  266. Mycorrhizal inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils irrigated with wastewater for various lengths of time, as affected by heavy metals and available P
  267. Effects of a strobilurin-based spray programme on disease control, green leaf area, yield and development of fungicide-resistance in Mycosphaerella graminicola in Northern Ireland
  268. Semiochemicals for biting fly control: their identification and exploitation
  269. Critical loads of metals and other trace elements to terrestrial environments
  270. A comparative map viewer integrating genetic maps for Brassica and Arabidopsis
  271. Identifying resistance to Fusarium Ear Blight in wheat
  272. Exploring resistance to Fusarium ear blight
  273. High throughput Agrobacterium transformation of wheat: a tool for functional genomics
  274. Genetic and agronomic approaches to decreasing acrylamide precursors in crop plants
  275. Short-term soil development in a clay soil-forming material used as a landfill restoration cap: a case study
  276. The COMATOSE ATP-binding cassette transporter is required for full fertility in Arabidopsis
  277. Controlled atmosphere stunning of broiler chickens. I. Effects on behaviour, physiology and meat quality in a pilot scale system at a processing plant
  278. The Rothamsted long-term experiments - past, present and future
  279. Labile soil organic matter pools under a mixed grass/lucerne pasture and adjacent native bush in Western Australia
  280. Light leaf spot
  281. Barley eIF4E recessive resistance genes to soil-borne mosaic viruses
  282. White leaf spot
  283. Non-inversion tillage to conserve functional biodiversity for biocontrol of oilseed rape pests
  284. The influence of tillage on biocontrol agents of oilseed rape pests
  285. The effect [of] host plant characters on parasitism of inflorescence pests of oilseed rape
  286. The effect of alkali metals on combustion and pyrolysis of Lolium and Festuca grasses, switchgrass and willow
  287. The Arabidopsis ATNRT2.7 nitrate transporter controls nitrate content in seeds
  288. Ecotypes of the model legume Lotus japonicus vary in their interaction phenotypes with the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita
  289. Identification of variant natural and chemically induced alleles of EIF4E in barley for control of bymoviruses
  290. Detection of knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations in Anopheles gambiae : a comparison of two new high- throughput assays with existing methods
  291. 'Candidatus Phytoplasma lycopsersici', a phytoplasma associated with 'hoja de perejil' disease in Bolivia
  292. Translocation of Cd and Zn from roots to shoots in different populations of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
  293. Nematicidal effects of cysteine proteinases against sedentary plant parastic nematodes
  294. Relating plant and pathogen development to optimise fungicide control of phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
  295. D hordeins of Hordeum chilense : a novel source of variation for improvement of wheat
  296. A realistic appraisal of attractants involved in nematode orientation to roots
  297. Managing herbicide-resistant blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) theory and practice
  298. Family Flexiviridae : a case study in virion and genome plasticity
  299. Robust estimation of the variogram by residual maximum likelihood
  300. Decreasing mineral concentrations in wheat grain over the last 160 years
  301. Screening for genetic elements involved in the nonhost response of sugar beet to the plasmodiophorid cereal root parasite Polymyxa graminis by representational difference analysis
  302. Genetic variation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) demonstrates the importance of root but not shoot C/N ratios in the control of plant morphology and reveals a unique relationship between shoot length and nodulation intensity
  303. Genetic diversity of HMW glutenin subunit in Chinese common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces from Hubei province
  304. New methods to understand quantitative resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans and Pyrenopeziza brassicae in oilseed rape
  305. Plant-parasitic nematodes as components of the soil ecosystem
  306. Bayesian method for gene detection and mapping, using a case and control design and DNA pooling
  307. The impact of climate change on sugarbeet yield in the UK: 1976-2004
  308. Effects of temperature and rainfall on date of release of ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) from winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) debris in the UK
  309. Environmental change and the phenology of European aphids
  310. Use of pyrethroid analogues to identify key structural features for enhanced esterase resistance in Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
  311. Report of resistance to the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
  312. Long-term sludge experiments in Britain: the effects of heavy metals on soil micro-organisms
  313. Production of transgenic wheat transformed with low-molecular-weight glutenin genes aiming for the understanding of the dough strength
  314. Aphids as crop pests
  315. Insecticide resistance
  316. Comparing nitrate storage and remobilization in two rice cultivars that differ in their nitrogen use efficiency
  317. Prediction of Klason lignin and ligin thermal degradation products by Py-GC/MS in a collection of Lolium and Festuca grasses
  318. Introgression of resistance genes between populations: a model study of insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci
  319. Reciprocal influence of ethylene and gibberellins on response-gene expression in Arabadopsis thaliana
  320. Decision support for sulphur applications to cereals. (HGCA Project Report No. 419)
  321. Transcriptome profiling of the response of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates to an azole fungicide using cDNA microarrays
  322. Use of pollen colour and odour cues and effect of reward quality in foraging by the honey bee
  323. The use of pollen cues by free-flying honey bees (Apis mellifera)
  324. Properties and exploitation of oleosins
  325. Resistance to infection by stealth: Brassica napus (winter oilseed rape) and Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot)
  326. PHI-base: a database of experimentally verified pathogenicity, virulence and effector genes in fungal, oomycete and bacterial pathogens of animals and plants
  327. Economic and environmental validation of disease risk prediction models
  328. Phytophthora infestans identified in archival potato tubers from Hoosfield plot trials of Sir John Bennet Lawes and Joseph Gilbert at Rothamsted, 1876-1901
  329. Dynamics of fungicide resistant alleles in field populations of Mycosphaerella graminicola
  330. Molecular mechanisms correlated with reduced azole sensitivity in Mycosphaerella graminicola
  331. Sterol content analysis of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates with reduced sensitivity to triazole fungicides
  332. Genetically modified crops and insect conservation
  333. First field evidence that parasitoids use upwind anemotaxis for host-habitat location
  334. Host plant influences on the hatching of the root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax
  335. Utility of dynamical seasonal forecasts in predicting crop yield
  336. The synthesis and enzymic hydrolysis of (E) -2-[2,3-2H2] propenyl glucosinolate: confirmation of the rearrangement of the thiohydroximate moiety
  337. A realistic appraisal of plant signals involved in nematode attraction to roots
  338. Host plant effects on hatching and dormancy of species of cyst and root-knot nematodes
  339. Multivariate modelling of 16S and 18S DGGE fingerprints to investigate succession and community response in fumigated soils
  340. Evaluation of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) varieties for use as trap plants for the management of African stemborer (Busseola fusca) in a push-pull strategy
  341. Reconciling alternative models of phenological development in winter wheat
  342. Soil microbial biomass and activity in Chinese tea gardens of varying stand age and productivity
  343. The structure and expression of cereal storage protein genes
  344. Changes in free amino acids and sugars in potatoes due to sulfate fertilization and the effect on acrylamide formation
  345. Bring back Haldane!
  346. Autumn control of rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini), with aphicides
  347. Monitoring biodiversity: measuring long-term changes in insect abundance
  348. Drought effects on yield and its components in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
  349. Transcriptional activity during hatching of Globodera pallida in response to host root diffusates
  350. Transcriptional activity during hatching of Globodera pallida in response to host root diffusates
  351. Infection of stem bases and grains of winter wheat by Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum and effects of tillage method and maize-stalk residues
  352. Simple integration patterns observed by transformation with the Glu-D1x5 gene as a linear fragment
  353. Using epitope tagging to explore the trafficking, location and functional properties of wheat gluten proteins
  354. Cloning and characterization of unusual fatty acid desaturases from Anemone leveillei: identification of an acyl-coenzyme A C20 delta5-desaturase responsible for the synthesis of sciadonic acid
  355. An investigation of the multi-scale temporal variability of beach profiles at Duck using wavelet packet transforms
  356. Enrichment of heavy metals in sediment resulting from soil erosion on agricultural fields
  357. Issues of study design and statistical analysis for environmental microbiology
  358. Population structure of poplar rust Melampsora larici-populina in the UK inferred from AFLP
  359. Combined expression of gluten strength and grain hardness genes by crossing transgenic plants with Elite wheat varieties
  360. Behaviour and biology of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. infested and uninfested maize plants
  361. An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications
  362. National and sub-national assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: the GEFSOC modelling system
  363. Soil carbon stocks at regional scales
  364. Resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides in UK populations of Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass)
  365. Confidential report to Dupont
  366. Soil pollution and contamination
  367. Characterization of lipid rafts from Medicago truncatula root plasma membranes: a proteomic study reveals the presence of a raft-associated redox system
  368. Localized hemibiotrophy in Colletotrichum: cytological and molecular taxonomic similarities among C. destructivum, C. linicola and C. truncatum
  369. Cokriging particle size fractions of the soil
  370. Inference about soil variability from the structure of the best wavelet packer basis
  371. Expression of sequences encoding LMW subunits of glutenin
  372. The Conductance model of plant growth and competition in monoculture and species mixtures: a review
  373. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Kenya between 1990 and 2030
  374. Evaluation of two soil carbon models using two Kenyan long term experimental datasets
  375. The birds and the bees: do insect pollinators affect hedgerow fruit set and consequently frugivorous bird abundance on farmland?
  376. The europrevall allergen library: a collection of high quality purified natural and recombinant allergens for in vitro diagnosis
  377. Rational metabolic engineering of transgenic plants for biosynthesis of omega-3 polyunsaturates
  378. Cloning and molecular characterisation of a delta8- sphingolipid-desaturase from Nicotiana tabacum closely related to delta6-acyl-desaturases
  379. Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil
  380. The GEFSOC soil carbon modelling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil carbon
  381. DDT, pyrethrins, pyrethroids and insect sodium channels
  382. A comparative study of voltage-gated sodium channels in the Insecta: implications for pyrethroid resistance in Anopheline and other Neopteran species
  383. The rice YABBY1 gene is involved in the feedback regulation of gibberellin metabolism
  384. Farm Scale Evaluations of herbicide-tolerant crops: assessment of within-field variation and sampling methodology for arable weeds
  385. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in the Brazilian Amazon between 2000 and 2030
  386. Simulating SOC changes in 11 land use change chronosequences from the Brazilian Amazon with RothC and Century models
  387. Modelled soil organic carbon stocks and changes in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India from 1980 to 2030
  388. Evaluating the Century C model using long-term fertilizer trials in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India
  389. Repetitive flanking sequences (ReFS): novel molecular markers from microsatellite families
  390. The ago-ecology of Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum) as a weed of arable crops
  391. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030 made using GEFSOC Modelling System
  392. Fungicides for 2007: options for control and maximizing yield
  393. Expression and functional analysis of metal transporter genes in two contrasting ecotypes of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens
  394. Soil microorganisms control plant ectoparasitic nematodes in natural coastal foredunes
  395. Mitigation of indirect environmental effects of GM crops
  396. Weed management: is it a case of trying to predict the unpredictable?
  397. Rothamsted Rapid Resistance Test for ALS inhibiting herbicides: black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides)
  398. A rapid test for ALS herbicide resistance in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides)
  399. In vitro fermentation by human fecal microflora of wheat arabinoxylans
  400. Vectors and viruses in a warmer world
  401. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating oxidative damage in rice roots (Oryza sativa) subjected to cadmium stress
  402. Mapping of five resistance genes to sugar-beet powdery mildew using AFLP and anchored SNP markers
  403. How adaptive is parasite species diversity?
  404. Haber-Bosch process for the synthesis of ammonia
  405. Evolution within Bemisia tabaci and associated begomoviruses: a strategic modelling approach
  406. Improving water use efficiency in Mediterranean agriculture: what limits the adoption of new technologies?
  407. Pests and diseases update for 2006
  408. Investigations into the interactions between Beet Mild Yellowing Virus (MBYV) and Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) in susceptible and rhizomania-resistant varieties
  409. Physiological effects of fungicides on the growth of sugar beet
  410. Planning weed control programmes for 2007
  411. Optimized sample schemes for geostatistical surveys
  412. Comparison of Leptosphaeria biglobosa- induced and chemically induced systemic resistance to L. maculans in Brassica napus
  413. Beet growth in 2006
  414. A novel substitution 1381V in the sterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51) of Mycosphaerella graminicola is differentially selected by azole fungicides
  415. Plant parasitic nematode proteins and the host-parasite interaction
  416. Statistical models to evaluate invertebrate-plant trophic interactions in arable systems
  417. The plant stress hormone ethylene controls floral transition via DELLA-dependent regulation of floral meristem-identity genes
  418. Temporal and spatial incidence of alleles conferring knockdown resistance to pyrethroids in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and their association with other insecticide resistance mechanisms
  419. Distribution of microsatellite alleles linked with Sbm 1 locus and controlled resistance to soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) among accessions of Ukrainian common wheat varieties cultivated in 1900-2006 and their relation to world wheat germplasm
  420. Estimates of ambient background concentrations of trace metals in soils for risk assessment
  421. Lack of respiratory chain complex 1 impairs alternative oxidase engagement and modulates redox signaling during elicitor-induced cell death in tobacco
  422. Apical leaf necrosis and leaf nitrogen dynamics in diseased leaves: a model study
  423. Influence of host plant on susceptibility of the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to the fungal pathogen Pandora neoaphidis (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales)
  424. Reconciling the conservation of in-field biodiversity with crop production using a simulation model of weed growth and competition
  425. Two weather-based models for predicting the onset of seasonal release of ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans or L. biglobosa
  426. Acclimation of the maize transcriptome to CO2 enrichment
  427. Trehalose 6-phosphate
  428. Response of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius funebris to volatiles from undamaged and aphid-infested Centaurea nigra
  429. Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS): a tool to provide best estimate of hexaploid wheat transcript sequence
  430. A novel bioinformatics approach identifies candidate genes for the synthesis and feruloylation of arabinoxylan
  431. The biological and physical stability and resilience of a selection of Scottish soils to stresses
  432. Resistance watch
  433. An anchored linkage map for sugar beet based on AFLP, SNP and RAPD markers and QTL mapping of a new source of resistance to Beet necrotic yellow vein virus
  434. Stewardship helps manage resistance
  435. Integrating a spatial micrometeorological model into the risk assessment for arable crops in hilly terrain
  436. Selenium concentrations in UK wheat and biofortification strategies
  437. Promoter analysis and immunolocalisation show that puroindoline genes are exclusively expressed in starchy endosperm cells of wheat grain
  438. Biotype status and genetic polymorphism of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Greece: mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites
  439. The effect of environment on endosperm cell-wall development in Triticum aestivum during grain filling: an infrared spectroscopic imaging study
  440. Managing arable weeds for biodiversity
  441. Phoma population survey
  442. Regional variation in UK populations of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa (phoma stem canker) on oilseed rape
  443. Development of phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) and light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on current and historical oilseed rape cultivars in 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 UK growing seasons
  444. Recent applications of radar to entomology
  445. The production of unusual fatty acids in transgenic plants
  446. Interactions between Leptosphaeria maculans, L. biglobosa and fungicides in oilseed rape
  447. Phenotypic variations in plant progenies of interspecific crosses involving Brassica juncea/B. carinata
  448. Response of three oilseed Brassica species to individual and mixed isolates of Albugo candida
  449. Strategies to prevent spread of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) onto oilseed rape crops in China
  450. Behavioural and chemical ecology underlying the success of turnip rape (Brassica rapa) trap crops in protecting oilseed rape (Brassica napus) from the pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus)
  451. Understanding Sclerotinia infection in oilseed rape to improve risk assessment and disease escape
  452. Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence management for durable control of phoma stem canker on oilseed rape
  453. Factors affecting cross-pollination in oilseed rape growing under UK conditions. Final report on project RG0125 to Defra and SEERAD, January 2007
  454. Long-term soil experiments: keys to managing earth's rapidly changing ecosystems
  455. Appetitive flight patterns of male Agrotis segetum moths over landscape scales
  456. The potential role of chromosome telomere resetting consequent upon sex in the population dynamics of aphids: an hypothesis
  457. Understanding symptomless growth of Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) to manage phoma stem canker
  458. Application of the RothC model to the results of long-term experiments on typical upland soils in northern China
  459. C-methylated and C-prenylated isoflavonoids from root extract of Desmodium uncinatum
  460. Development and validation of a model to describe the progress of phoma stem canker epidemics in England and France
  461. The SECURE project - stem canker of oilseed rape: molecular methods and mathematical modeling to deploy durable resistance
  462. European network for the durable exploitation of crop protection strategies
  463. Do phytohormones influence nematode invasion and feeding site establishment?
  464. Production of a full-length infectious GFP-tagged cDNA clone of Beet mild yellowing virus for the study of plant-polerovirus interactions
  465. Olfactory responses of medically and economically important mites (Acari: Epidermoptidae and Acaridae) to volatile chemicals
  466. Are GM and conventionally bred cereals really different?
  467. A model of seed dormancy in wild oats (Avena fatua) for investigating genotype x environment interactions
  468. Development of high-resolution UKCIP02-based climate change scenarios in the UK
  469. Deconvoluting nitrogen use efficiency in wheat: a simulation study
  470. Host-plant mediated effects of transgenic maize on the insect parasitoid Campoletis sonorensis (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
  471. Free-flight odor tracking in Drosophila is consistent with an optimal intermittent scale-free search
  472. Prospects for increasing photosynthesis by overcoming the limitations of Rubisco
  473. Activity of JSD546 + Actirob B on herbicide-resistant black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum). (Confidential report for Dow AgroSciences)
  474. Identification of GA regulated genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
  475. The incidence of herbicide-resistant Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass) in England and its development in relation to past herbicide use
  476. Herbicidal control of Equisetum arvense (field horsetail)
  477. Using expert knowledge with control of false discovery rate to select regressors for prediction of soil properties
  478. Assessment of different legumes for the control of Striga hermonthica in maize and sorghum
  479. Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities
  480. DNA sequences from arabidopsis, which encode protein kinases and function as upstream regulators of Snf1 in yeast
  481. Variable temperature single molecule force spectroscopy in D2O
  482. Application of real-time and multiplex polymerase chain reaction assays to study leaf blotch epidemics in barley
  483. Investigating the roles of reactive oxygen species during Mycosphaerella graminicola infection of wheat
  484. Gene expression profiling reveals defined functions of the ATP-binding cassette transporter COMATOSE late in phase II of germination
  485. A comparison of semiochemically mediated interactions involving specialist and generalist Brassica -feeding aphids and the braconid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae
  486. Broad bean and sweet pepper: two new hosts associated with Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris (16Srl phytoplasma group) in Cuba
  487. The biotype and insecticide-resistance status of whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), invading cropping systems in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China
  488. Photosynthetic responses of three C4 grasses of different metabolic subtypes to water deficit
  489. A stunting syndrome of Napier grass in Ethiopia is associated with a 16SrIII group phytoplasma
  490. Comparison of ITS sequences from UK and North American sugar-beet powdery mildews and the designation of Erysiphe betae
  491. Honey bees can disseminate a microbial control agent to more than one inflorescence pest of oilseed rape
  492. Determination of the mineralization of nitrogen from composted chicken manure as affected by temperature
  493. Describing the transformation of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil using the MOTOR system
  494. A porous-matrix sensor to measure the matric potential of soil water in the field
  495. Prediction of the penetrometer resistance of soils with models with few parameters
  496. A comparison of mixed model splines for curve fitting
  497. Analysis of variance, inference, multiple comparisons and sampling effects in soil research
  498. Recent applications of NMR spectroscopy in plant metabolomics
  499. Co-transcribed genes for long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in the protozoon Perkinsus marinus include a plant-like FAE1 3-ketoacyl coenzyme A synthase
  500. Hazard assessment of inorganic metals and metal substances in terrestrial systems
  501. Detection and resolution of loci affecting circadian period in Brassica oleracea
  502. Investigating resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in oilseed rape
  503. Samuel James (c1763-1831) of Hoddesdon and the medicinal use of willow bark
  504. cis -Jasmone as allelopathic agent in inducing plant defence
  505. Estimating the local mean for Bayesian maximum entropy by generalized least squares and maximum likelihood, and an application to the spatial analysis of a censored soil variable
  506. Transgenic plants as a source of fish oils: healthy, sustainable and GM
  507. Effects of pre-treatment with acibenzolar-S-methyl or Leptosphaeria biglobosa on development of phoma stem canker (L. maculans) epidemics on winter oilseed rape
  508. Effects of position and wetness on maturation of Leptosphaeria maculans/L. biglobosa ascospores in pseudothecia on oilseed rape debris
  509. Asparagine in plants
  510. Effect of spray timing of flusilazole on the incidence and severity of phoma leaf spot (Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa) on winter oilseed rape
  511. Foresight from hindsight: the Rothamsted Insect Survey
  512. The genetics of nitrogen use in hexaploid wheat: N utilisation, development and yield
  513. The potential of non-pathogenic Gaeumannomyces spp., occurring naturally or introduced into wheat crops or preceding crops, for controlling take-all in wheat
  514. Use of autumn fungicide sprays to control stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) in winter oilseed rape
  515. Transcriptional profiling approaches to understanding how plants regulate growth and defence: a case study illustrated by analysis of the role of vitamin C
  516. EDM2 is required for RPP7 -dependent disease resistance in Arabidopsis and affects RPP7 transcript levels
  517. New measures and tests of temporal and spatial pattern of crops in agricultural landscapes
  518. Development of a pheromone trap monitoring system for orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana in the UK
  519. Temporal synergism by microencapsulation of piperonyl butoxide and alpha-cypermethrin overcomes insecticide resistance in crop pests
  520. Amino acid alterations in CYP51 contribute to reduced triazole sensitivities in a UK field population of Mycosphaerella graminicola
  521. Simple sequence repeats reveal uneven distribution of genetic diversity in chloroplast genomes of Brassica oleracea L. and (n=9) wild relatives
  522. Phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc by Salix from soil historically amended with sewage sludge
  523. Characterisation of an isolate of Narcissus degeneration virus from Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis )
  524. Effects of soil compaction and irrigation on the concentrations of selenium and arsenic in wheat grains
  525. Disease control and its selection for damaging plant virus strains in vegetatively propagated staple food crops: a theoretical assessment
  526. Developing allergen-free foods by genetic manipulation
  527. Spatial evaluation of pedotransfer functions using wavelet analysis
  528. The sensitivity of the epidemic growth rate to weather variables, with an application to yellow rust on wheat
  529. Transcriptional adaptation of Mycosphaerella graminicola to programmed cell death (PCD) of its susceptible wheat host
  530. Nutrient management on farms, or 'You get out what you put in'
  531. Controls on soil nitrogen cycling and microbial community composition across land use and incubation temperature
  532. Cadmium availability to wheat grain in soils treated with sewage sludge or metal salts
  533. The impact of manuring on nitrogen isotope ratios in cereals: archaeological implications for reconstruction of diet and crop management practices
  534. The use of push-pull strategies in integrated pest management
  535. Phytotoxicity of nickel in a range of European soils: influence of soil properties, Ni solubility and speciation
  536. Effect of liming and seasonal variation on lead concentration of tea plant (Camillia sinensis L. O. Kuntze)
  537. Influence of particle size on the analytical and chemical properties of two energy crops
  538. Spatial covariation of Azotobacter abundance and soil properties: a case study using the wavelet transform
  539. Understanding the pathways and dynamics of agricultural diffuse pollution from intensively farmed grassland: the application of natural and artificial tracing techniques
  540. Data availability and model identification in the case of sediment and phosphorus transfer at the plot scale
  541. Getting down and dirty with microbes on the farm
  542. Robust optimization of biogas production by investigating fermentation parameters
  543. Molecular characterization of microorganisms isolated from AD hydrolysis tank
  544. Software sensors for the optimisation of biogas production
  545. Social perception of benefits and barriers to biogas production in the UK
  546. Investigation of the microbial community structure for improved biogas production
  547. Technical development of biogas production
  548. Mammals, agri-environment schemes and set-aside - what are the putative benefits?
  549. Impact of reactor operation on success of Struvite precipitation from synthetic liquors
  550. AM884910 Eubacterium sp. ADS17 partial 16S rRNA gene, strain ADS17
  551. AM884909 Propionibacterium sp. ADS25 partial 16S rRna gene, strain ADS25
  552. AM884908 Clostridium sp. ADS23 partial 16S rRNA gene, strain ADS23
  553. AM884907 Bacillus sp. ADS12 partial 16S rRNA gene, strain ADS23
  554. AM884906 Bacillus sp. ADS9 partial 16S rRNA gene, strain ADS9
  555. Prioritising mitigation methods for diffuse pollution from agriculture by estimating cost and effectiveness at the national scale
  556. Phosphorus and sediment export from drained and undrained intensively managed grasslands
  557. Inferring processes of sediment and phosphorus transfer from replicated, intensive grassland plots
  558. Grasslands, sediment, colloids and phosphorus: an interdisciplinary team approach with the 'GrasP' project
  559. National scale mechanisms for integration at the science-policy interface for sustainable catchment management
  560. A review of research to identify best practice for reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture and land management
  561. Mitigation and current management attempts to limit pathogen survival and movement within farmed grassland
  562. Protecting our beaches
  563. The survival of FIOs in soil, following dairy cattle slurry application to land by surface broadcasting and shallow injection
  564. Assessing the impact of farm management practices on stream FIO loads using an evidence based approach
  565. Sowing the seeds of farming's future
  566. Evaluation of the effect of eprinomectin in young dairy heifers sub-clinically infected with gastrointestinal nematodes on grazing behaviour and diet selection
  567. Recycling of livestock manure in a whole-farm perspective
  568. Grassland Biodiversity Monitoring Plan
  569. Grassland Action Plan for the umberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park
  570. Book Review: Quality production and quality of the environment in the mountain pastures of an enlarged Europe. Biala, K., Nosberger, J., Parente, G., Peeters, A. (eds), Gorizia, Italy: ERSA 2006. 374pp
  571. Nitrate cost curve of mitigation options for grassland soils in the UK
  572. Blueprints for sustainable nutrient use in dairy grassland-based production
  573. The implications of farm-scale methane mitigation measures for long-term national methane emissions
  574. Gaseous emissions from agricultural systems
  575. Preferential attachment of Escherichia coli to different particle size fractions of an agricultural grassland soil
  576. Rare earth element enhanced slurries for erosion and leaching studies in grasslands
  577. Molecular and compound-specific stable C isotope C isotope investigation of the fate of dung C in a temperate grassland soil
  578. Rate of nitrogen and carbon flux from and within the amino acid pool in a grassland soil
  579. The impacts of livestock derived organic matter in grassland soils
  580. A review of farm level modelling approaches for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from ruminant livestock systems
  581. Earthworm responses to long term agricultural management practices: Spatial relationships with soil properties
  582. Stream water chemistry and quality along an upland-lowland rural land-use continuum, South West England
  583. Measurement and simulation of void structure and hydraulic changes caused by root-induced soil structuring under white clover compared to ryegrass
  584. High Value Grassland: Providing Biodiversity, a Clean Environment and Premium Products
  585. Would changing farmers attitudes to waste management make our food and water safer?
  586. Minimising diffuse pollution from livestock manures - the challenges ahead
  587. Land use scenarios for England and Wales: evaluation of management options to support good ecological status in surface freshwaters
  588. Optimising nutrient use efficiency in beef cattle grazing lowland semi-natural pastures
  589. The effect of slurry application rate on ammonia losses from bandspread and shallow injected applications
  590. Methodologies for measuring ammonia emissions from grazing livestock
  591. Comparison of models used for national ammonia emission inventories within the EAGER workshop
  592. The effectiveness of different soil incorporation techniques as a means of ammonia abatement following the application of solid manure
  593. The impact on ammonia emissions of strategies to reduce nitrate leaching losses following cattle slurry applications to land
  594. An algorithm for estimation of the influence of crop and crop heights on ammonia emission from band spread livestock slurry
  595. Monitoring ammonia emissions from cattle houses using Ferm tubes
  596. Recent vegetation changes in central Queensland, Australia: Evidence from thermal analysis - delta 13C isotope ration mass spectomoetry of soil organinc matter
  597. Exploring delta 13C signals to further understanding or erosion dynamics in a semi arid C4 to C3 vegetation transition in New Mexico
  598. Bulk tissue and fatty acid stable isotope investigation of the trophic exploitation of dung by epigeic and endogeic earthworms
  599. Coincident temporal changes in delta 13C signatures and phosphorus concentrations in overland flow and subsurface flow in a typical dairy grassland
  600. The influence of long term manure and ignoring fertiliser applications on plant and soil
  601. Assessment of the application of off line pyrolysis to obtain lignin biomarkers from soils for determination of delta13c values using GC-C-IRMS
  602. A comparison of butterfly populations on organically and conventionally managed farmlands
  603. Impact of individual plant species on soil microbes and the potential for feedback to enhance biodiversity
  604. The implications of farm-scale methane mitigation measures for long-term national methane emissions
  605. Characterization of dairy slurry in southern Chile farms
  606. Role of farmyard manure, inorganic fertilizers and lime in the sustainable management of semi-natural grasslands
  607. Changes in plant and soil microbial communities in a mesotrophic grassland trial
  608. Establishing links between floral diversity and soil phosphorus availability over a range of different grasslands
  609. Enhancing wildlife in the margins of intensively managed grass
  610. Impact of facilitator plant species on the enhancement of botanical diversity of species-poor grasslands
  611. Comparing losses of phosphorus leached from three legume species as components of grassland systems grazed by sheep
  612. The response of Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor L. to a range of fertliser inputs on a neutral hay meadow.
  613. Can biological diversity act as an input into sustainable rural development? A case-study using salt-marsh raised lamb
  614. Recreating biodiverse grasslands: long-term evaluation of practical management options for farmers
  615. Multiple stable isotope (18O, 13C, 15N and 34S) analysis of human hair to identify the recent migrants in a rural community in SW England
  616. Green Futures for Grassland: a regional case study on farmer engagement to develop measures for improving environmental benefits on intensively managed grassland
  617. Production and nitrogen losses from dairy farms using an extended grazing management system
  618. Performance of alternative and novel forage legumes compared with white clover
  619. Environmental implications of farming for bioenergy and biorenewables
  620. Biogas for agriculture
  621. Seasonal changes in herbage mass and nutritive value of a range of grazed legume swards under Mediterranean and cool temperate conditions
  622. Preface
  623. Integrated management practices to minimise losses and maximise the crop nitrogen value of broiler litter
  624. Free amino sugar reactions in soil in relation to soil carbon and nitrogen cycling
  625. Temporary grassland - challenges in the future
  626. Forage brassica for out-wintering stock - Review of literature
  627. Design and calibration of chambers for measuring ammonia emissions from tie-stall dairy barns
  628. Development of a stable isotope index to assess decadal-scale vegetation change and application to woodlands of the Burdekin catchment, Australia
  629. Use of white clover as an alternative to nitrogen fertiliser for dairy pastures in nitrate vulnerable zones in the UK: productivity, environmental impact and economic considerations
  630. Preface: Agriculture, phosphorus and eutrophication: A European perspective
  631. Reducing methane emissions from ruminants
  632. Diversification of grassland through manipulation of plant-soil interactions: The DIGFOR experiment
  633. Quality of meat from biodiverse grassland
  634. Optimal timing of shallow injected slurry applications to grassland to minimise N losses
  635. Understanding the sources and pathways of nitrate in drainage derived from intensively managed grasslands
  636. Quantification of priming and CO2 emission sources following the application of different slurry particle size fractions to a grassland soil
  637. The effect of N2O emissions of storage conditions and rapid incorporation of pig and cattle farmyard manure into tillage land
  638. Effects of livestock breed and grazing intensity on biodiversity and production in grazing systems. 1. Nutritive value of herbage and livestock performance
  639. Controls on catchment-scale patterns of phosphorus in soil, streambed sediment, and stream water
  640. Heterotrophic microbial communities use ancient carbon following glacial retreat
  641. Diet selection and live-weight changes of two breeds of goats grazing on heathlands
  642. Effects of livestock breed and grazing intensity on biodiversity and production in grazing systems. 4. Effects on animal diversity
  643. Implications of climate change for grassland: impacts, adaptations and mitigation options: a review
  644. Modelling approaches and measurements to study the effect of nutrient management on the sustainability of a dairy farm. PhD thesis, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
  645. Struvite crystallisation and recovery using a stainless steel structure as a seed material
  646. Influence of livestock experience and breed on foraging behaviour in unimproved grasslands and impact on biodiversity (BEFORBIO)
  647. An improved inventory of greenhouse gases from agriculture
  648. Changes to pesticide spraying could reduce GM harm
  649. Potential for enhancing biodiversity on intensive livestock farms
  650. Variability in a replicated plot experiment on erosion of intensively managed grassland soil
  651. Does grassland management influence storm hydrographs at the field scale?
  652. Genetically modified hydrographs: what can grass genetics do for temperate catchment hydrology?
  653. Integration for sustainable catchment management
  654. Mitigation and current management attempts to limit pathogen survival and movement within farmed grassland
  655. Genetically modified hydrographs: what can grass genetics do for temperate catchment hydrology?
  656. Interaction of plant species diversity on grazing behaviour and performance of livestock grazing temperate region pastures
  657. The influence of below-ground herbivory and defoliation of a legume on nitrogen transfer to neighbouring plants
  658. Processes affecting transfer of sediment and colloids, with associated phosphorus, from intensively farmed grasslands: A critical note on modelling of phosphorus transfers
  659. Tracing the sources of fine-grained sediment following a wildfire in British Columbia, Canada
  660. Beneficial nutrients news
  661. The effects of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on soil invertebrate communities and ecosystem functioning
  662. Effect of structure of a tropical pasture on ingestive behaviour, digestibility of diet and daily intake by grazing cattle
  663. Natural crusting of slurry storage as an abatement measure for ammonia emissions on dairy farms
  664. Processes affecting transfer of sediment and colloids, with associated phosphorus, from intensively farmed grasslands: erosion
  665. Processes affecting transfer of sediment and colloids, with associated phosphorus, from intensively farmed grasslands: tracing sediment and organic matter
  666. Enhancing diversity of species-poor grasslands: an experimental assessment of multiple constraints
  667. The potential of grass field margin management for enhancing beetle diversity in intensive livestock farms
  668. The effect of diet manipulation on nitrous oxide and methane emissions from manure application to grassland soils
  669. Ken's meadow update
  670. A comparison of nitrogen processes and herbage yield from old and reseeded pasture
  671. Impacts of grassland renovation on nitrogen and carbon cycling and losses in ley-arable rotations
  672. Grass roots to improve the management of soil-water
  673. Nutrient cycling budgets in managed pastures
  674. Agglomeration of struvite crystals
  675. Integration for sustainable catchment management
  676. Processes affecting transfer of sediment and colloids, with associated phosphorus, from intensively farmed grasslands: colloid and sediment characterisation methods
  677. Agronomic value of biodiverse grasslands
  678. A perspective on the role of lowland agricultural grasslands in contributing to erosion and water quality problems in the UK
  679. Non-invasive techniques for investigating and modelling root-feeding insects in managed and natural systems
  680. Effects of tillage and reseeding on phosphorus transfers from grassland
  681. The impacts of grazing animals on the quality of soils, vegetation and surface waters in intensively managed grasslands
  682. Determination of nanomolar concentrations of phosphate in natural waters using flow injection with a long path length liquid waveguide capillary cell and solid-state spectrophotometric detection
  683. Nitrate leaching in soil: tracing the NO3- sources with the help of stable N and O isotopes
  684. Preferences for different nitrogen forms by coexisting plant species and soil microbes
  685. Intraspecific variation in Trifolium pratense ; impact on feeding and host location by Sitona lepidus (Coleoptera, Curulionidae)
  686. Effect of sward type and management on diversity of upland birds
  687. Motivation of sheep to eat clover offered in a short term closed economy test
  688. An operant-conditioning technique for the automatic measurement of feeding motivation in cows
  689. Impacts of spatial patterns in pasture on animal grazing behaviour, intake and performance
  690. Effect of livestock breed and grazing intensity on sustainable grazing systems: 5. Management and policy implications
  691. Effect of livestock breed and grazing intensity on grazing systems: 3. Effects on diversity of vegetation
  692. Effect of livestock breed and grazing intensity on biodiversity and production in grazing systems: 2. Diet selection
  693. Modelling seasonal dynamics from temporal variation in agricultural practices in the UK ammonia emission inventory
  694. The effect of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on nitrogen fixation in a red clover/grass sward
  695. Effect of supplementary lighting on eating behaviour by corralled swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis ) heifers in Thailand
  696. A method for predicting N offtake in reseeded grassland based on measurements relating to soil N supply
  697. Extending the working hypothesis on grassland resowing to include grass-arable rotations and organic farming