High-throughput detection of knockdown resistance in Myzus persicae using allelic discriminating quantitative PCR

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Anstead, J. A., Williamson, M. S., Eleftherianos, I. and Denholm, I. 2004. High-throughput detection of knockdown resistance in Myzus persicae using allelic discriminating quantitative PCR. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 34, pp. 871-877.

AuthorsAnstead, J. A., Williamson, M. S., Eleftherianos, I. and Denholm, I.
Year of Publication2004
JournalInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Journal citation34, pp. 871-877
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code433
Ecological genetics and management of insecticide resistance
Project: 4478
The molecular basis of target site and metabolic insecticide resistance

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/89385/high-throughput-detection-of-knockdown-resistance-in-myzus-persicae-using-allelic-discriminating-quantitative-pcr

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