An amino acid substitution (L925V) associated with resistance to pyrethroids in Varroa destructor

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Gonzalez-Cabrera, J., Davies, T. G. E., Field, L. M., Kennedy, P. J. and Williamson, M. S. 2013. An amino acid substitution (L925V) associated with resistance to pyrethroids in Varroa destructor. PLOS ONE. 8, p. e82941.

AuthorsGonzalez-Cabrera, J., Davies, T. G. E., Field, L. M., Kennedy, P. J. and Williamson, M. S.
Year of Publication2013
Journal citation8, p. e82941
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Funder project or codeDelivering Sustainable Systems (SS) [ISPG]
Project: 5229
PublisherPublic Library of Science, San Fancisco (PLOS)

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