Exploiting T. monococcum as a model for detection of traits, genes and variant alleles and for identifying phenotype:genotype relationships

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Phillips, A. L., Jing, H-C. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2006. Exploiting T. monococcum as a model for detection of traits, genes and variant alleles and for identifying phenotype:genotype relationships. WGIN Stakeholders' Newsletter. October, pp. 2-4.

AuthorsPhillips, A. L., Jing, H-C. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E.
Year of Publication2006
JournalWGIN Stakeholders' Newsletter
Journal citationOctober, pp. 2-4
Web address (URL)http://www.wgin.org.uk/wgin_2003-2008/Stakeholders/WGINStakeholderNewsletterOctober2006.pdf
FunderDepartment of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Funder project or code505
The Defra wheat genetic improvement network (WGIN) [2003-2009]
Wheat Genetic Improvement Network
Open accessPublished as green open access
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online01 Oct 2006
PublisherDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Copyright licensePublisher copyright

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