Exploitation of genomics in fungicide research: current status and future perspectives

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Cools, H. J. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E. 2013. Exploitation of genomics in fungicide research: current status and future perspectives. Molecular Plant Pathology. 14 (2), pp. 197-210. https://doi.org/10.1111/mpp.12001

AuthorsCools, H. J. and Hammond-Kosack, K. E.

Every year, fungicide use to control plant disease caused by pathogenic fungi increases. The global fungicide market is now worth more than 5.3 pound billion, second only to the herbicide market in importance. In the UK, over 5500 tonnes of fungicide were applied to crops in 2010 (The Food and Environment Research Agency, Pesticide Usage Statistics), with 95.5% of the wheat-growing area receiving three fungicide sprays. Although dependence on fungicides to produce food securely, reliably and cheaply may be moderated in the future by further developments in crop biotechnology, modern crop protection will continue to require a diversity of solutions, including effective and safe chemical control. Therefore, investment in exploiting the increasingly available genome sequences of the most devastating fungal and oomycete phytopathogenic species should bring an array of new opportunities for chemical intervention. To date, the impact of whole genome research on the development, introduction and stewardship of fungicides has been limited, but ongoing improvements in computational analysis, molecular biology, chemical genetics, genome sequencing and transcriptomics will facilitate the development and registration of the future suite of crop protection chemicals.

KeywordsPlant Sciences
Year of Publication2013
JournalMolecular Plant Pathology
Journal citation14 (2), pp. 197-210
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1111/mpp.12001
PubMed ID23157348
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeCentre for Sustainable Pest and Disease Management (PDM)
Understanding the evolution and dynamics of fungicide resistance development in cereal pathogens
[20:20 Wheat] Protecting yield potential of wheat
Grant IDBB/I000488/1

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