Characterisation of genetic diversity in potential biomass willows (Salix spp.) by RAPD and AFLP analyses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Barker, J. H. A., Matthes, M., Arnold, G. M., Edwards, K. J., Ahman, I., Larsson, S. and Karp, A. 1999. Characterisation of genetic diversity in potential biomass willows (Salix spp.) by RAPD and AFLP analyses. Genome. 42 (2), pp. 173-183.

AuthorsBarker, J. H. A., Matthes, M., Arnold, G. M., Edwards, K. J., Ahman, I., Larsson, S. and Karp, A.

The genus Salix (willow) contains a number of species which have great potential value as biomass crops in short rotation coppice (SRC). Efforts to improve biomass willows by breeding are currently hampered by the limited information available on genetic diversity and on genetic relationships within and among species, clones, and hybrids in the gene pool. Hybridisation occurs commonly in nature and the relatedness of many clones is unclear. Molecular markers were used to assess genetic diversity in a reference set of willows maintained within the U.K. National Collection and 16 elite clones currently being evaluated in field trials at several European sites. The two marker systems tested, RAPDs and AFLPs, were equally informative for revealing relationships within the reference set of clones. No differences were observed when alternative similarity coefficients were compared or when analysis was restricted to the use of polymorphic bands only. Good agreement with available knowledge of the clonal origins was obtained and one instance of duplicate clones was identified. AFLPs revealed more genetic diversity and discriminated between closely related clones. A difference in the relationships revealed was observed with one AFLP primer combination. RAPDs were more problematic, both in terms of reproducibility and scorability.

KeywordsSalix; Willow; Diversity; AFLP; Rapd; Biomass; DNA markers; Differentiation; fingerprints; Populations; poplar; Clones; Rflp
Year of Publication1999
Journal citation42 (2), pp. 173-183
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

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