1. The yield, composition and production costs for seven varieties of switchgrass and one panic grass grown as a biofuel
  2. Gibberellin Biosynthesis in Plants and Fungi: A Case of Convergent Evolution?
  3. Production responses from lambs grazed on Lolium perenne selected for an elevated water-soluble carbohydrate concentration
  4. Semiochemical (Patent WO 2001/041568 A2)
  5. Semiochemical (Patent CA 2388964 A1)
  6. The potential biocontrol agent Pseudomonas antimicrobica inhibits germination of conidia and outgrowth of Botrytis cinerea
  7. Polychlorinated naphthalenes in UK soils: Time trends, markers of source, and equilibrium status
  8. Identification of white leaf disease of sugarcane in Sri Lanka
  9. Cadmium and lead in British wheat and barley: survey results and factors affecting their concentration in grain (HGCA Project Report No. 265)
  10. Quantifying the benefits of seed treatment for foliar disease control
  11. Laboratory and field testing of fungicides for control of ergot in wheat and rye (HGCA Project Report No. 254)
  12. Work of the DTI Foresight Panel
  13. Prospects and progress in insecticide chemistry
  14. The effect of delayed harvest on the yield and nutrient compostition of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea )
  15. Alphacryptovirus: Partitiviridae
  16. Epidemiology of cereal stem base and ear blight diseases (Annual/interim report for MAFF project CE0524 2000-2001)
  17. Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for MAFF project CE0525 2000-2001)
  18. Compartmentation of ammonium in plant cells
  19. Heterotrimeric G protein signalling, its regulation and role in asexual development of Mycosphaerella graminicola
  20. Characterisation of the COMATOSE locus that regulates germination potential in Arabidopsis thaliana
  21. The natural history of the genus Mycobacterium in Karonga district, northern Malawi
  22. Pyrenopeziza brassicae - light leaf spot
  23. Viruses and varroa
  24. Viruses and varroa
  25. The impact of herbicides on weed abundance and biodiversity. DEFRA review PN0940
  26. Interpretation of variation across marker loci as evidence of selection
  27. A Bayesian approach to the identification of panmictic populations and the assignment of individuals
  28. The new genetic era: will it help us in managing plant genetic diversity?
  29. Essentials of genetics
  30. The molecular ecology of willow beetles (Phyllodecta spp.)
  31. Les polerovirus de la betterave: la fin d'une polemique?
  32. Arabidopsis thaliana a model for studying pathogen-derived resistance to sugar beet yellowing poleroviruses
  33. Drought physiology of sugar beet and strategies for crop improvement
  34. Understanding the evolution and function of entomopathogenic fungi - an introduction
  35. Life history attributes of fungi - ecological function and influence on biological control strategies
  36. Fungal bioconrol of the diamondback moth
  37. Survival of Erynia neoaphidis in aphid cadavers in a simulated winter environment
  38. Pathogenic fungi: natural borne aphid killers
  39. Bioassays to assess the pathogenicity of mitosporic fungi to Varroa destructor (sp. nov), an ectoparasitic mite of the honey bee, Apis mellifera
  40. Studies put new perspectives on varroa
  41. Introduction and overview
  42. The effects of climate change on insects
  43. Seasonal appearance of cereal and maize aphids in Greece and factors associated with BYDV epidemiology in maize
  44. Use of internet for provision of user specific support for decisions on the control of aphid-borne diseases
  45. Aphids and the autumnal sex dilemma
  46. Decision support for BYDV control in the United Kingdom: can a regional forecast be made field specific?
  47. Forecasting aphid colonisation in outdoor salad crops
  48. Radar observations of high-altitude migration behaviour of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella
  49. EXAMINE (EXploitation of Aphid Monitoring In Europe): an European thematic network for the study of global change impacts on aphids
  50. N fertilizer recommendation- the basis and application of the SUNDIAL model
  51. Sustainability of cereal yields
  52. Framework to evaluate farm practices to meet multiple environmental objectives - MEASURES
  53. Gaseous ammonia emission from wheat crops, PhD thesis, Imperial College London
  54. Losses of dissolved organic N (DON) from soils of contrasting organic matter content on the Broadbalk Continuous Wheat Experiment
  55. Weeds and biodiversity
  56. Biology, ecology and pest management potential of entomophthorales
  57. Farm scale evaluations of GM crops: effects of the management of field scale releases of genetically-modified herbicide-tolerant crops on the abundance and diversity of farmland wildlife. Interim report 31 January 2001
  58. Farm scale evaluations of GM crops: effects of the management of field scale releases of genetically-modified herbicide-tolerant crops on the abundance and diversity of farmland wildlife. Interim report 11 October 2001
  59. Disjunctive kriging for agricultural management
  60. The role of pollen odour in the attraction of pollen beetles to oilseed rape flowers
  61. Integrated crop management database version 1.0 (CD-ROM and manual)
  62. Furovirus: unassigned genus
  63. Bymovirus: Potyviridae
  64. Changes in viral pathology associated with mite-mediated virus spread
  65. Monoclonal antibodies for the identification of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita biocontrol agent of slugs
  66. Global warming
  67. The contribution of photosynthetic oxygen metabolism to oxidative stress in plants
  68. Foreword to Proceedings of the Rothamsted Millennium Conference on Interactions in the Root Environment
  69. Habitat management strategies for the control of cereal stemborers and striga in maize in Kenya
  70. Protein profiles by IEF and scanning electron micrographs of Meloidogyne species parasiting coffee
  71. Drought-induced tolerance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides in blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides ) and wild oats (%Avena fatua )
  72. The biochemistry and molecular biology of seed storage proteins
  73. Effects of sulphur on yield and malting quality of winter and spring barley (HGCA Project Report No. 251)
  74. Novel anther-specific myb genes from tobacco as putative regulators of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase expression
  75. Cloning of the CYP51 gene from the eyespot pathogen Tapesia yallundae indicates that resistance to the DMI fungicide prochloraz is not related to sequence changes in the gene encoding the target site enzyme
  76. Melanism and disease resistance in insects
  77. Spatio-temporal relationships between Psylliodes chrysocephela (cabbage stem flea beetle) larvae and predatory carabid beetles in a crop of winter oilseed rape
  78. TMCompare: transmembrane region sequence and structure
  79. Mating disruption in Agrotis segetum monitored by harmonic radar
  80. Oviposition behaviour and host colony size discrimination in Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae)
  81. Distribution and abundance of aphidophagous hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in wildflower patches and field margin habitats
  82. Fluorescence and photochemical properties of phytochromes in wild-type wheat and a transgenic line overexpressing an oat phytochrome A (PHYA ) gene: functional implications
  83. Establishment of far-red high irradiance responses in wheat through transgenic expression of an oat phytochrome A gene
  84. The indicator explosion: local needs and international challenges
  85. The selective removal of phosphorus from soil: is event size important?
  86. Diversity, genetic structure and evidence of outcrossing in British populations of the rock fern Adiantum capillus-veneris using microsatellites
  87. Rapid disruption of nitrogen metabolism and nitrate transport in spinach plants deprived of sulphate
  88. Surface characteristics of necrotrophic secondary hyphae produced by the bean anthracnose fungus, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
  89. A maize bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from the European flint inbred line F2
  90. Ornithine decarboxylase knockout in Tapesia yallundae abolishes infection plaque formation in vitro but does not reduce virulence toward wheat
  91. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers survey of the cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genome: towards an SSR-based molecular genetic map of cassava
  92. Effects of slug size on predation by Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Caribidae)
  93. Accelerated production and identification of fertile, homozygous transgenic wheat lines by anther culture
  94. Construction of a linkage map of the Rennell Island Tall coconut type (Cocos nucifera L.) and QTL analysis for yield characters
  95. The plant defence activator acibenzolar-S-methyl primes cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) seedlings for rapid induction of resistance
  96. Colletotrichum : tales of forcible entry, stealth, transient confinement and breakout
  97. Biolistic transformation of Arabidopsis root hairs: a novel technique to facilitate map-based cloning
  98. Sporulation by Entomophthora schizophorae (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) from housefly cadavers and the persistence of primary conidia at constant temperatures and relative humidities
  99. The effect of nutrients in the subsoil on crop responses to applied potassium and phosphorus
  100. Invertase protein, but not activity, is present throughout development of Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pimpinellifolium fruit
  101. The exodermis: a variable apoplastic barrier
  102. The trophic structure of the arthropod assemblage on Kawakawa, a New Zealand understorey tree
  103. Conditionality in positive effects betweem micro-organisms and plants
  104. Improvement of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum Desf.) scutellum and inflorescence cultures
  105. CYP83B1 is the oxime-metabolizing enzyme in the glucosinolate pathway in Arabidopsis
  106. Arabidopsis genes with roles in root hair development
  107. Dyes from plants: past usage, present understanding and potential
  108. Prospects for enhancement of the soluble antioxidants, ascorbate and glutathione
  109. The nutritional control of root development
  110. Methylating DNA in insects
  111. Cereal genomics
  112. The biology and population dynamics of Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) (Oligochaeta) in cattle waste solids
  113. Prospective biological control agents of Varroa destructor n. sp., an important pest of the European honeybee, Apis mellifera
  114. The cytoskeleton facilitates a three-dimensional symplasmic continuum in the long-lived ray and axial parenchyma cells of angiosperm trees
  115. The agricultural importance of loess
  116. Threshability of shatter-resistant seed pods in oilseed rape
  117. Spatial dynamics of predation by carabid beetles: a response to Mair et al (2001)
  118. Charming the thrips from the flowers (biological control on chrysanthemums)
  119. Image analysis of maize root caps - estimating cell numbers from 2-D longitudinal sections
  120. The natural philosophy of plant form: cellular autoreproduction as a component of a structural explanation of plant form
  121. Relationship between resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus in spring barley and aphid feeding behaviour
  122. A polarity crossroad in the transition growth zone of maize root apices: cytoskeletal and developmental implications
  123. Motile plant cell body: a 'bug' within a 'cage'
  124. Occurrence of dopamine in Panagrellus redivivus and Meloidogyne incognita
  125. Photosynthetic characteristics of four tropical C4 grasses growing in a drying soil
  126. Effects of efrapeptin and destruxin, metabolites of entomogenous fungi, on the hydrolytic activity of vacuolar type ATPase identified on the brush border membrane vesicles of Galleria mellonella midgut and on plant membrane bound hydrolytic enzymes
  127. Sugar sensing and cell cycle control: evidence of cross-talk between two ancient signalling pathways
  128. Analysis of the gluten proteins in developing spring wheat
  129. Molecular structures and interactions of repetitive peptides based on HMW subunit 1Dx5
  130. The production of gamma-linolenic acid in transgenic plants: further studies on the borage delta6-fatty acid desaturase
  131. Rheology of glutenin polymers from near-isogenic wheat lines
  132. Impact of photosynthesis and assimilate storage on the survival of submergence stress in lowland rice
  133. Analysis by dynamic assay and creep and recovery test of glutens from near-isogenic and transgenic lines differing in their high molecular weight glutenin subunit compositions
  134. Prolamin aggregation and mixing properties of transgenic wheat lines expressing 1Ax and 1Dx HMW glutenin subunits transgenes
  135. Isolation and characterization of the HMW glutenin subunits 17 and 18 and D glutenin subunits from wheat isogenic line L88-31
  136. Temperature induced changes in prolamin conformation
  137. Genetic modification of the trafficking and deposition of seed storage proteins to alter dough functional properties
  138. Rapid stomatal closure in flooded plants is linked to a loss of photosynthetic efficiency as assessed by chlorophyll fluorescence
  139. Contrasting mechanisms of escape from submergence of flooding stress that involve plant hormones
  140. Characterization of a monoclonal antibody that recognises a specific group of LMW subunits of glutenin
  141. Verification of the cDNA deduced sequences of glutenin subunits by MALDI-MS
  142. Development of a novel cloning strategy to investigate the repetitive domain of HMW glutenin subunits
  143. Biochemical analysis of alcohol soluble polymeric glutenins, D-subunits and omega gliadins from wheat cv Chinese Spring
  144. Starch associated proteins and wheat endosperm texture
  145. The response of alcoholic fermentation products in submergence tolerant and susceptible rice plants induced by lack of oxygen
  146. Regulation of ethylene-induced shoot elongation by ABA in Rumex palustris
  147. What can NMR tell you about the molecular origins of gluten viscoelasticity?
  148. Effects of gliadin fractions on functional properties of wheat dough depending on molecular size and hydrophobicity
  149. Monooxygenases involved in GA12 and GA14 synthesis in Gibberella fujikuroi
  150. The P450-4 gene of Gibberella fujikuroi encodes ent -kaurene oxidase in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway
  151. Wheat seed proteins exhibit a complex mechanism of protein elasticity
  152. Mutagenesis and heterologous expression in yeast of a plant delta6-fatty acid desaturase
  153. The P450-1 gene of Gibberella fujikuroi encodes a multifunctional enzyme in gibberellin biosynthesis
  154. Prolamin aggregation, gluten viscoelasticity, and mixing properties of transgenic wheat lines expressing 1Ax and 1Dx high molecular weight glutenin subunit transgenes
  155. Molecular modeling of unusual spiral structure in elastomeric wheat seed protein
  156. Adsorption of the high molecular weight glutenin subunit 1Dx5 compared to the 58-kDa central repetitive domain and alpha-gliadins
  157. Production of dwarf lettuce by overexpressing a pumpkin gibberellin 20-oxidase gene
  158. The seed oleosins: structure, properties and biological role
  159. Towards the production of pharmaceutical fatty acids in transgenic plants
  160. Genomic and functional characterization of polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in Caenorhabditis elegans
  161. Amino acid sequence and molecular modelling of a lipid transfer protein from sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) seeds
  162. Rapid changes in cell wall pectic polysaccharides are closely associated with early stages of aerenchyma formation, a spatially localized form of programmed cell death in roots of maize (Zea mays L.) promoted by ethylene
  163. Characterisation of programmed cell death during aerenchyma formation induced by ethylene or hypoxia in roots of maize (Zea mays L.)
  164. Temporal and tissue localization of a cowpea (Vigna unguiculata ) cystatin
  165. Synthesis, expression and characterisation of peptides comprised of perfect repeat motifs based on wheat seed storage protein
  166. Identification and molecular characterisation of hordoindolines from barley grain
  167. Cloning of DNA encoding a catalytic subunit of SNF1-related protein kinase-1 (SnRK1-alpha1), and immunological analysis of multiple forms of the kinase, in spinach leaf
  168. In vitro binding of puroindolines to wheat starch granules
  169. A high resolution 1H magic angle spinning NMR study of high M r subunit of wheat glutenin
  170. Genetic manipulation of seed storage protein and carbohydrate metabolism in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  171. Dynamic modelling of soil organic matter using physically defined fractions. PhD thesis, University of London
  172. The effects of seaweed extract on the life cycle of the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis
  173. Studies into the molecular ecology of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium
  174. Cloning and characterisation of genes encoding molecular recognition proteins from insects
  175. Cloning and characterisation of anion influx and efflux transporters from higher plants
  176. Cloning and characterisation of a multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP) from wheat
  177. Structure/function analysis of amino acid permeases in higher plants
  178. The molecular ecology of willow beetles (Phyllodecta spp.)
  179. Variation in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) tissue culture-derived regenerants revealed by AFLPs with methylation-sensitive enzymes
  180. Microsatellites for the slugs Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermedius
  181. Localization of melanin in fungal cell walls using phage display antibodies
  182. Manipulation of the napin primary structure alters its packaging and deposition in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seeds
  183. Improving stem canker control in winter oilseed rape by accurate timing of fungicide applications based on disease forecasts (HGCA Project Report No. OS51)
  184. A universal PCR primer to detect members of the Potyviridae and its use to examine the taxonomic status of several members of the family
  185. Infection of oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) by petals containing ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
  186. Aerobiology and plant disease epidemiology
  187. Petal fall, petal retention and petal duration in oilseed rape crops
  188. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays for the detection of inoculum of Sclerotinia spp
  189. Infection of oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) by petals containing ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
  190. Detecting airborne inoculum of fungal pathogens of oilseed Brassicas by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays
  191. Modelling the daily progress of light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in relation to Pyrenopeziza brassicae inoculum concentrations and weather factors
  192. Is translocation of dry matter from leaves crucial for simulating sugar beet yield under drought?
  193. Modelling variation in C and N loss and effects on N mineralization after grassland ploughing over a catchment
  194. Sulphur allocation in seeds and pods of oilseed rape
  195. Root to shoot signalling minimizes foliar water deficits in flooded plants
  196. Water stress and oxy-radicals: protection of photosynthesis and regulation
  197. Control of the intracellular distribution of glutathione metabolism in wheat leaves
  198. Identifying oxidative stress-responsive genes by transposon tagging in wheat
  199. Stomatal versus metabolic regulation of photosynthesis in water stressed leaves
  200. The Cyperaceae - still the world's worst weeds?
  201. Participatory development of weed management strategies in maize based cropping systems in Kenya
  202. Improving weed management in Uganda through the development of sustainable draught animal technologies
  203. Analysis of the constraints to adoption of herbicides by smallholder maize growers in Kenya and Uganda
  204. Increasing botanical diversity and reducing weed abundance in degraded hedge-bases
  205. Comparative trials of elite Swedish and UK biomass willow varieties
  206. Effects of host genotype mixtures on insect and disease damage and yields in SRC willows
  207. Preliminary studies of inheritance of rust resistance in biomass willows
  208. Smoke derived from burnt vegetation stimulates germination of arable weeds
  209. Arabidopsis thaliana mRNA for putative component of high affinity nitrate transporter (nar2.2 gene)
  210. Ammonium concentrations inside root cells measured using an improved ion-selective microelectrode
  211. Identification of genes involved in cadmium hyper-accumulation in a higher plant, Thlaspi caerulescens
  212. Root cell heterogeneity in response to changes in nitrogen supply
  213. Book review: Vacuolar compartments by D. G. Robinson and J. C. Roger
  214. Critical phosphate (P) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentrations for the growth of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus )
  215. Harvest time and quality of different Miscanthus genotypes grown at five sites between Sweden and Portugal
  216. Molecular analysis of plant adaptation to the environment
  217. Introduction: the molecular analysis of plant adaptation to the environment
  218. Large scale spatial modelling of soil organic carbon dynamics
  219. Modelling SOM dynamics in arable and grassland soils
  220. Switchgrass variety choice in Europe
  221. Comparison of the properties of two nitrate transporters from Brassica napus
  222. How dissolved inorganic carbon influences N uptake
  223. Light/dark changes in cytosolic nitrate activities in leaf cells: the role of nitrate reductase
  224. Differential cloning
  225. Effect of water stress on chlorophyll meter readings in winter wheat.
  226. Phosphorus requirements of winter wheat and winter oilseed rape
  227. Plant breeding and water relations: what to breed for in sugar beet?
  228. Manipulation and regulation of glutathione biosynthesis
  229. Transformation of elite wheat varieties for improved agronomic and end-use qualities: modification of lipid biosynthesis and gibberellin levels
  230. The potential of Carabidae in the control of insect pests of winter oilseed rape
  231. A physiological approach to understanding weed competition
  232. Crop development and yield of different Miscanthus genotypes grown at five sites distributed between Sweden and Portugal
  233. Production and characterisation of monoclonal antibodies against Xiphinema index
  234. An immunological approach to identify proteins important for the host-parasite interactions of Xiphinema americanus and X. index
  235. Pathotype characterization of populations of potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis by RAPD-PCR
  236. Performance of 15 Miscanthus genotypes at five sites in Europe
  237. Comparison of the use of two nematode-trapping fungi in the control of Haemonchus contortus infective larvae in ovine faeces
  238. Modelling the progress of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in relation to leaf wetness and temperature
  239. The identification of some cuticular and ES antigens shared by plant parasitic and free living nematodes
  240. Addressing proteomic approaches in phytoremediation
  241. Identification of xenobiotic metabolising proteins from rice using proteomic approaches
  242. Polyamines and salt stress tolerance: initial physiological study in GM wheat
  243. The molecular biology and metabolism of glutathione
  244. Role of 3,4-dichloroaniline N -malonyltransferase in the detoxification of herbicides
  245. The MRP gene family in monocots - comparisons with Arabidopsis
  246. Metabolic and in situ approaches to understanding the role of ascorbate in the cell cycle in maize roots
  247. Role of 3,4-dichloroaniline N-malonyltransferase in the detoxification of xenobiotics
  248. Rubisco regulation; and effects of water stress
  249. Genetic manipulation of photosynthetic CO2 fixation in wheat
  250. The expression of a maize glutathione S-transferase gene in transgenic wheat confers herbicide tolerance, both in planta and in vitro
  251. Genetic engineering of plant architecture in wheat
  252. Unravelling the role of trehalose-6-phosphate in sugar signalling and resource allocation in plants
  253. Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals
  254. Competition between Galium aparine and winter wheat: optimum timing of herbicide application to minimise yield loss
  255. Alkaloid toxins from 2-spot and 7-spot ladybirds affect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
  256. Mating behaviour and chemical ecology of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
  257. Behavioural and electrophysiological responses from sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis ) to semiochemical stimuli
  258. Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae) to semiochemical stimuli
  259. Plant biodiversity: new approaches to exploiting wild plants in pest control and beyond
  260. Electrophysiological recordings from sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis ) antennae in response to semiochemicals
  261. Insect calcium channels as target sites for ladybird toxins
  262. Chemical ecology of Culicoides nebeculosus
  263. Behavioural responses of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae), to semiochemical stimuli
  264. Insecticide resistance in whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) against organophosphates and carbamates
  265. Resistance to organophosphates and biochemical genotyping of acetylcholinesterases in Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae)
  266. Insect growth inhibition, antifeedant and antifungal activity of compounds isolated/derived from Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) rhizomes
  267. Asymmetrical generalisation between pheromonal and floral odours in appetitive olfactory conditioning of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)
  268. Behavioural responses of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), to volatiles from three aromatic plants
  269. Identification and characterization of mutations in housefly (Musca domestica ) acetylcholinesterase involved in insecticide resistance
  270. The molecular interactions of pyrethroid insecticides with insect and mammalian sodium channels
  271. Negative cross-resistance between dihydropyrazole insecticides and pyrethroids in houseflies, Musca domestica
  272. Does allelopathy offer real promise for practical weed management and for explaining rhizosphere interactions involving higher plants?
  273. Pesticides and birds: a report on the evidence for changes in farmland bird populations and the proposals for a pesticide tax (HGCA Research Review No. 46)
  274. Herbicide use and the sustainability of soil quality
  275. The influence of lipophilicity and formulation on the distribution of pesticides in sediment/water systems
  276. Indicator properties for multidisciplinary systems
  277. Modelling the dynamics of slug and nematode interaction incorporating response to environmental variables
  278. Analysis of evolutionary search with mutators using a stochastic Lyapunov function
  279. Modelling a slug population using differential equations
  280. Testing SIRIUS predictions against wheat data sets in the UK
  281. Simplifying SIRIUS: development of a metamodel for wheat yield prediction
  282. Hyperaccumulation of Zn by Thlaspi caerulescens can ameliorate Zn toxicity in the rhizosphere of cocropped Thlaspi arvense
  283. Modelling the effects of CO2 and drought on wheat for different climatic conditions and cultivars
  284. Improving wheat model accuracy and suitability for regional impact assessment. Final report of the IMPETUS European Commission Project ENV4-CT97-0496
  285. Performance of the models with multiple-site and regional observed wheat yield data
  286. Factorial kriging of a soil inventory
  287. Issues of scale for environmental indicators
  288. An illustrated review of some farmer participatory research techniques
  289. Multidisciplinary indicators of impact and change. Key issues for identification and summary
  290. Indicator quality for assessment of impact of multidisciplinary systems
  291. Papers from the European Union Concerted Action: Unification of Indicator Quality for the Assessment of Impact of Multidisciplinary Systems, January 1998-March 2001 (Special issue of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Vol 87(2), November 2001)
  292. Theoretical epidemiology and modeling with practical applications
  293. Towards modelling quality in wheat - from grain nitrogen concentration to protein composition
  294. Vegetation pattern formation in semi-arid grazing systems
  295. Mathematical conservation ecology: a one-predator-two-prey system as a case study
  296. Participatory studies for agro-ecosystem evaluation
  297. The effect of the timing of water availability on soil nitrogen, nitrogen uptake and grain protein concentration of winter wheat
  298. Determination of factors influencing integrated pest management adoption in coffee berry borer in Colombian farms
  299. Two handheld devices for the volumetric delivery of cysts of potato cyst nematodes
  300. Functional characterisation of GCR1 , a G protein-coupled receptor from Arabidopsis thaliana
  301. Non-pathogenic mutants of Mycosphaerella graminicola. PhD thesis, University of Bristol
  302. Root exudates of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens do not enhance metal mobilization
  303. Synthesis of direct and maternal genetic compounds of economically important traits from beef breed-cross evaluations
  304. Molecular characterisation of segments 1 to 6 of Rice black-streaked dwarf virus from China provides the complete genome
  305. Progress towards a biological seed treatment for the control of sugar-beet seedlings diseases
  306. Compatibility with seed treatment chemicals of rhizobacteria antagonistic to the sugar-beet damping-off pathogen Aphanomyces cochlioides
  307. Low ascorbic acid in the vtc-1 mutant of Arabidopsis is associated with decreased growth and intracellular redistribution of the antioxidant system
  308. Are leaf hydrogen peroxide concentrations commonly overestimated? Interference by tissue ascorbate
  309. Problems, problems! Running a plant clinic - what's new, what's changed and what have we learnt?
  310. ABA plays a central role in mediating the regulatory effects of nitrate on root branching in Arabidopsis
  311. Should we worry about silver Y?
  312. The relationship between ascorbic acid and ascorbate oxidase in tobacco
  313. Weed management for agricultural and environmental benefit in GMHT sugar beet
  314. Crop response to phosphorus
  315. High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of natural and synthetic desulphoglucosinolates and their chemical validation by UV, NMR and chemical ionisation-MS methods
  316. Work of the DTI Foresight Panel
  317. Results of IIRB co-operative trials with insecticides in pelleted seed
  318. Update on insecticide resistance in the glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
  319. The functions of inter- and intracellular glutathione transport systems in plants
  320. Immunological quantification of the nematode parasitic bacterium Pasteuria penetrans in soil
  321. Isolation and characterisation of carboxylesterases involved in xenobiotic metabolism in rice
  322. Novel seed treatments to control aphids and virus yellows in sugar beet
  323. Control of volunteer potatoes in GM herbicide-tolerant sugar beet and the consequences for populations of potato cyst nematodes
  324. Weed biology series - Brassica weeds in sugar beet
  325. MRP and oxidative stress: do yeast and plants do things differently?
  326. Regulation of photosynthesis and antioxidant gene expression during drought
  327. Over-expression of Fe-SOD do not improve ozone tolerance in poplar
  328. Soil Organic Matter Network (SOMNET): 2001 model and experimental metadata (GCTE Report No. 7, 2nd ed.)
  329. Increased expression of sucrose-phosphate synthase in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana results in improved photosynthetic performance and increased freezing tolerance at low temperatures
  330. Regulation of partitioning between sucrose and starch in wheat leaves
  331. Intercellular distribution of the glutathione biosynthetic pathway in maize leaves
  332. Glutathione biosynthesis in maize leaves at optimal and suboptimal growth temperatures
  333. Cloning and expression of S-formylglutathione hydrolase (FGH) from Arabidopsis : a pathway for formaldehyde detoxification?
  334. Transformacion genetica de trigo mediante bombardeo de particulas: una tecnica utilizada para la produccion de plantas resistentes a plagas de insectos
  335. Manipulacion genetica de los genes samdc y adc en trigo: efecto sobre el contenido en poliaminas y la tolerancia al estres salino
  336. Expression of antisense SnRK1 protein kinase sequence causes abnormal pollen development and male sterility in transgenic barley
  337. GM crops, bee foraging behaviour and gene flow
  338. Pollen and gene flow mediated by bees
  339. Bee-mediated pollen and gene flow from GM plants
  340. Welcome to Symposium participants on behalf of ICPBR
  341. Precision disease detection
  342. Volatile components in dorsal gland secretions of the white-lipped peccary, Tayassu pecari , from Bolivia
  343. In vitro optimisation of Meloidogyne infections on Arabidopsis thaliana
  344. Rozwoj i infekcyjnosc Verticillium chlamidosporium w biologicznym zwalczaniu Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood w zaleznosci od roznych temperatur
  345. Analyzing variety by environment data using multiplicative mixed models and adjustments for spatial field trend
  346. Nutritional control of storage protein synthesis in developing grain of wheat and barley
  347. Volatile compounds from Salix spp. varieties differing in susceptibility to three willow beetle species
  348. First report of Dasheen mosaic virus in elephant foot yam in India
  349. Guidelines for hedge management to improve the conservation value of different types of hedge (BD2102 Report for the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
  350. The role of protein kinases in the regulation of plant growth and development
  351. Changes in variance and correlation of soil properties with scale and location: analysis using an adapted maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform
  352. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) as a tool for the characterisation of transgene insertions in wheat
  353. Occurrence and molecular characterization of strobilurin resistance in cucumber powdery mildew and downy mildew
  354. Earthworm populations in conventional and integrated farming systems in the LIFE Project (SW England) in 1990-2000
  355. The identification and properties of apoplastic carboxylesterases from wheat that catalyse deesterification of herbicides
  356. PCR-based assays to assess wheat varietal resistance to blotch (Septoria tritici and Stagonospora nododrum ) and rust (Puccinia striiformis and Puccinia recondita) diseases
  357. First report of Rhizoctonia cerealis causing sharp eyespot in Panicum virgatum in the UK
  358. The analysis of quantitative traits in wheat mapping populations
  359. Fungal communities and disease symptoms on stem bases of wheat and barley and effects of seed treatments containing fluquinconazole and prochloraz
  360. Weed management on Vertisols for small-scale farmers in Ghana
  361. Effects of artificial diet containing GNA and GNA-expressing potatoes on the development of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)
  362. Does host-feeding on GNA-intoxicated aphids by Aphelinus abdominalis affect their longevity and/or fecundity?
  363. Are fecundity and longevity of female Aphelinus abdominalis affected by development in GNA-dosed Macrosiphum euphorbiae?
  364. The yield, composition and production costs for seven varieties of switch grass and one panic grass grown as a biofuel
  365. Novel approaches to evaluate cereal matrix attachment regions for the stabilisation of cereal transgenes in wheat
  366. Zones of inhibition (Web version of an exhibition held at IACR-Rothamsted November-December 2001)
  367. Assessment of Zn mobilization in the rhizosphere of Thlaspi caerulescens by bioassay with non-accumulator plants and soil extraction
  368. Can over-winter N leaching losses be predicted from easily measured indicators?
  369. Estimates of rhizome weight of Miscanthus with time and rooting depth compared to switchgrass
  370. Rainfall interception by mature Miscanthus grass in SE England
  371. Phytoextraction of heavy metal contaminated soils with Thlaspi goesingense and Amaranthus hybridus : Rhizosphere manipulation using EDTA and ammonium sulfate
  372. Biofuel crops - their potential contribution to decreased fossil carbon emissions and additional environmental benefits
  373. The role of soil microorganisms in soil organic matter conservation in the tropics
  374. Sustainable sulphur and trace elements in soils?
  375. Phytoremedation of heavy metal-contaminated soils: natural hyperaccumulation versus chemically enhanced phytoextraction
  376. Inputs of nutrients and lime for the maintenance of fertility of grassland soils
  377. Reducing fertiliser inputs: endangering arable soil fertility?
  378. Soil management for sustainable farming
  379. The relationship between topsoil and stream sediment heavy metal concentrations and acidification
  380. A new measure of effective soil solution concentration predicts metal availability to plants
  381. Aggregation of a soil with different cropping histories following the addition of organic materials
  382. Chemical methods of assessing contaminant bioavailability in soils
  383. Cellular compartmentation of nickel in the hyperaccumulators Alyssum lesbiacum , Alyssum bertolonii and Thlaspi goesingense
  384. On-farm technologies and practices to improve nitrogen use efficiency
  385. Transgenic releases, analysis of gene flow and fluctuations in indigenous bacterial communities
  386. Acquisition of genes from indigenous bacteria by inoculant strains at long-term release sites
  387. The value of microbial parameters as indicators of soil pollution by heavy metals
  388. Assessing the risks involved in the release of genetically manipulated microorganisms
  389. Pollination and gene flow in white clover, growing in a patchy habitat
  390. Factors affecting the response of Ceutorhynchus assimilis Payk. (Col., Curculionidae) males to conspecific odour
  391. Ecological implications of insecticide resistance in the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae in the UK
  392. GM crops, bee foraging behaviour and gene flow
  393. Behavioural ecology of oilseed rape pests: repellency of non-host plants
  394. Enhancing the carbon sink in European agricultural soils: including trace gas fluxes in estimates of carbon mitigation potential
  395. Effects of Bt plants on natural enemies of Brassica pests
  396. Interactions between transgenic plants, the diamondback moth and natural enemies
  397. Monitoring insect dispersal: methods and approaches
  398. How far do honey bees fly to fields of Brassica napus (oilseed rape)?
  399. How far do honey bees fly to fields of Brassica napus (oilseed rape)?
  400. Characterising bumblebee orientation flights with harmonic radar
  401. Developing strategies for reducing the risk from herbicide- resistant wild-oats (Avena spp.) (HGCA Project Report No. 266)
  402. Baseline sensitivity to herbicides: a guideline to methodologies
  403. Activity of AEF6102-04H (AEF130060 + iodosulfuron) on herbicide-resistant black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides ) and Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum ) (Confidential report for Aventis CropScience UK Ltd)
  404. Biological control
  405. Comparison of acid and alkaline soil and liquid culture growth systems for studies of shoot and root characteristics of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) genotypes
  406. Phytoplasma plant pathogens
  407. Temporal and spatial prediction of radiocaesium transfer to food products
  408. Taking a genomics approach to Pasteuria penetrans
  409. Long-term decline in abundance and distribution of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja ) in Great Britain
  410. Chemical ecology of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
  411. The earthworms (Oligochaetae) of Buckingham Palace Garden
  412. Sugar beet a grower's guide - an encyclopaedic database in sugar beet agronomy
  413. Information transfer for sugar beet production
  414. Crop protection in sugar beet
  415. Biology and control of late-season leaf diseases in sugar beet
  416. Gaucho seed treatment - the English experience
  417. Wild Beta species as a source of resistance to sugar-beet pests and diseases
  418. Wild Beta species as a source of resistance to sugar-beet pests and diseases
  419. Root rots: is there a problem?
  420. Modelling the dynamic spatio-temporal response of predators to transient prey patches in the field
  421. Zinc accumulation by Thlaspi caerulescens from soils with different Zn availability: a pot study
  422. A map-based system for patch spraying weeds - system control
  423. Brassica bug alert
  424. Statistical validation of genetic models
  425. Phylogenetic relationships within the cyst-forming nematodes (Nematoda, Heteroderidae) based on analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of ribosomal DNA
  426. Six new species of the genus Drilocephalobus (Nematoda: Cephaloboidea)
  427. A map-based system for patch spraying weeds - weed mapping
  428. Competitive effect of weeds in winter linseed, Linum usitatissimum
  429. Mechanisms of Striga hermonthica suppression by Desmodium spp
  430. Negative cross-resistance between dihydropyrazole insecticides and pyrethroids in houseflies, Musca domestica
  431. Evaluation of PCR, IEF and ELISA techniques for the detection and identification of potato cyst nematodes from field soil samples in England and Wales
  432. Management and the dynamics of insecticide resistance in Israeli cotton pests - case study with an insect growth regulator
  433. Inheritance of pyripoxyfen resistance in the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Q biotype
  434. Climate change impacts on insect management and conservation in temperate regions: can they be predicted?
  435. Resistance to conventional and novel insecticides in the glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
  436. Spatial and temporal dynamics of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae
  437. Aphid resistance - vigilance still required
  438. Combating insecticide resistance in peach-potato aphids in the UK. BPC Final report for SAPPIO-LINK Research Project LK0903
  439. How to keep aphids out of seed potatoes
  440. Insecticide resistance patterns in Egyptian and Israeli strains of Bemisia tabaci
  441. Toxicological and molecular characterisation of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (KDR ) in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer
  442. Toxicological and molecular characterisation of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (KDR ) in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
  443. Toxicological and molecular characterisation of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (KDR ) in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
  444. The implications of oedipal mating for the spread of acaricide resistance in the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae
  445. Managing insecticide resistance in lettuce aphids
  446. Proactive monitoring of changes in susceptibility to imidacloprid in the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis
  447. Monitoring of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae from Greece
  448. Monitoring of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae from Greece
  449. Molecular characterisation of a complex mixture of viruses in garlic with mosaic symptoms in China
  450. Goat's rue
  451. Virus succession in honey bee colonies infested with Varroa destructor
  452. Pirimicarb resistance in the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri : field control and characterisation of an esterase responsible
  453. Modelling bee-mediated gene flow from genetically modified plants
  454. Assessment of various PCR based molecular techniques for developing diagnostic markers for Erynia neoaphidis
  455. Factors affecting development of phoma canker (Leptosphaeria maculans ) on stems of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in southern England
  456. Wheat glutenin subunits and dough elasticity: findings of the EUROWHEAT project
  457. Analysis of electrical activity in potato roots in response to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis
  458. Conservation biocontrol with mycopathogens: Erynia neoaphidis and agricultural field margins
  459. Epidemic dynamics and patterns of plant diseases
  460. A tiered testing scheme for the assessment of effects of GM crops on arthropod natural enemies
  461. Electropharyngeograms and stylet activity of second stage juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis
  462. Analysis of responses of Leidynema appendiculata to acetylcholine using electrophysiological techniques
  463. Microscopic analysis of the effect of azoxystrobin treatments on Mycosphaerella graminicola infection using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing transformants
  464. Differential equation models for biological data dependent on functions of environmental variables
  465. Modelling rain splash and predicting vertical splash height using raindrop kinetic energy
  466. Genetically modified crops
  467. Does host genotype diversity affect the distribution of insect and disease damage in willow cropping systems?
  468. Improving the bread-making qualities of elite wheat varieties by genetic engineering
  469. The interaction between the gelatin-binding domain of fibronectin and the attachment of Pastueria penetrans endospores to nematode cuticle
  470. Plant food protein allergens - the role of structure and function in allergenic potential
  471. Tracking flying insects using molecular markers
  472. Measurement of the impact of Verticillium chlamydosporium on the dynamics of sedentary nematodes in the rhizosphere
  473. Exploitation of the nematophagous fungal Verticillium chlamydosporium Goddard for the biological control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
  474. Effects of temperature on germination and hyphal growth from ascospores of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape)
  475. Screening lectins for specific attachment to virus-vector Paratrichodorus anemones
  476. Horizontal transmission of entomopathogenic fungi by the diamondback moth
  477. Effects of water availability and growth temperature during grain filling on protein assembly and properties in wheat
  478. Moisture stress during wheat grain development
  479. Triticum aestivum partial mRNA for putative inorganic phosphate transporter (pt8 gene)
  480. Triticum aestivum partial mRNA for inorganic phosphate transporter (pt7 gene)
  481. Triticum aestivum partial mRNA for inorganic phosphate transporter (pt6 gene)
  482. What makes genetically modified organisms so distasteful?
  483. Molecular characterisation of an isolate of Dasheen mosaic virus from Zantedeschia aethiopica in China and comparisons in the genus Potyvirus
  484. Construction and preliminary screening of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) prepared against Xiphinema index
  485. Fibre differentiation: the inside story
  486. What determines the biscuitmaking quality of winter wheat - the wheat protein composition or the glutathione concentration?
  487. Apple rootstocks differ in their physiological tolerance of soil flooding
  488. Cadmium hyperaccumulation by Thlaspi caerulescens : physiology and potential for phytoremedation
  489. Use of the enriched stable isotope 34S to study sulphur uptake and distribution in wheat
  490. Longterm trends in metals in agroecosystems
  491. Bioavailability of metals in the terrestrial environment
  492. Chemically enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals by maize (Zea mays ) from contaminated soil
  493. In situ fixation of heavy metals by industrial co-products
  494. Long-term effects of land use and fertiliser treatments on sulphur transformations in soils from the Broadbalk experiment
  495. Temporal trends in cadmium in crops and soils
  496. Vegetation changes during 100 years of development of two secondary woodlands on abandoned arable land
  497. Unlocking soil phosphorus with the help of P efficient wheat varieties from China
  498. Localisation of high affinity phosphate transporters
  499. Evaluation of the effects of heavy metals in sewage sludge on soil microbial activity and long-term soil fertility
  500. Ability of the SUNDIAL model to simulate the short-term dynamics of 15N applied to winter wheat and oilseed rape
  501. Over-winter leaching of nitrogen associated with different cropping systems
  502. Triticum aestivum partial mRNA for putative inorganic phosphate transporter, (pt5 gene), clone 2
  503. Are soil solution free ionic metal concentrations important in toxicity studies? A study of four sludge field experiments using a bioluminescence biosensor
  504. Cadmium content of wheat grain from a long-term field experiment with sewage sludge
  505. Use of soil amendments to restore a vegetative cover on zinc and lead mine tailings
  506. The soil microbial biomass: concept, measurement and applications in soil ecosystem research
  507. A long-term study of the effects of heavy metals in sewage sludge on soil fertility and soil microbial activity
  508. The effectiveness of nitrogen derived from organic matter: results from long-term experiments
  509. Trends in 13C/12C ratios and C isotope discrimination of wheat since 1845
  510. Arsenic fractionation in soils using an improved sequential extraction procedure
  511. A procedure for isolating soil organic matter fractions suitable for modeling
  512. Parameterisation of a soil organic matter model based on measurable fractions
  513. The Arabidopsis thaliana ABC protein superfamily: a complete inventory
  514. The Arabidopsis thaliana ABC protein superfamily: a complete inventory
  515. Understanding and exploiting interactions between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and plants
  516. Molybdenum sequestration in Brassica species. A role for anthocyanins?
  517. Inter-laboratory comparison of sulphur and nitrogen analysis in plants and soils
  518. Trace elements in UK wheat: from selenium deficiency to heavy metal contamination by cadmium and lead
  519. Soil microbial fatty acids as indicators of heavy metal pollution and soil quality
  520. Sequence analysis shows that a dwarfing disease on rice, wheat and maize in China is caused by Rice black-streaked dwarf virus
  521. Evaluation of diagnostic and quantitative PCR for the identification and severity assessment of eyespot and sharp eyespot in winter wheat
  522. Gene information for fungal plant pathogens from expressed sequences
  523. Physiology of submerged rice roots and its functional links with shoot
  524. Overview and prospects for cereal biotechnology
  525. Manipulating cereal endosperm structure, development and composition to improve end-use properties
  526. Biotechnology of cereals (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 34)
  527. Improving the end use properties of wheat by manipulating the grain protein composition
  528. Genetic modification and plant food allergens: risks and benefits
  529. Ethane measurement as an indicator of submergence tolerance of rice cultivars
  530. The effect of sample size and spatial scale on Taylor's power law parameters for the coffee berry borer (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
  531. Modelling of rain splash trajectories and prediction of rain splash height
  532. The influence of sown margin strips, management and boundary structure on herbaceous field margin vegetation in two neighbouring farms in southern England
  533. Effects of management on the biodiversity of English hedgerows
  534. Treatments to restore the diversity of herbaceous flora of hedgerows
  535. Stem canker on winter oilseed rape during three growing seasons in England, France and Poland: an ACCESS database of results from the IMASCORE field experiments
  536. Efficacy of Trematophoma lignicola Petrak as a biological control agent for Amaranthus retroflexus L.
  537. Mechanisms of tolerance to complete submergence in rice
  538. Probing the gas exchange of rice during submergence using laser photoacoustics and other non-destructive on-line techniques
  539. Agricultural biotechnology
  540. Site-specific management of nematodes: pitfalls and practicalities
  541. Physiological and metabolic adaptations of Potamogeton pectinatus contribute to a prolonged tolerance of anoxia and support the rapid elongation of stem tissue
  542. The cleavable N-terminal domain of plant endopolygalacturonases from clade B may be involved in a regulated secretion
  543. Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae to human-specific sweat components
  544. Seasonal variations in populations of Fusarium species in wheat-field soil
  545. What's wrong with the roots of my beet plants? (An illustrated guide to unhealthy roots)
  546. Sugar beet - a grower's guide (an encyclopaedic database for sugar beet agronomy)
  547. Weed biology series - thistles
  548. Which field to harvest and when?
  549. Sugar beet storage - the science
  550. GMHT sugar beet - win:win scenarios for agricultural (sic) and the environment
  551. Modelling radiation interception and radiation use efficiency for sugar beet under variable climatic stress
  552. Climatic impact on the productivity of sugar beet in Europe, 1961-1995
  553. Virus yellows - the problem solved? (Raymond Hull memorial lecture)
  554. Screening beta germplasm for new sources of disease resistance in sugar beet
  555. Weed competition in sugar beet and herbicide programming
  556. The use of radiation interception and transpiration to predict the yield of healthy, droughted and virus-infected sugar beet
  557. Pests and diseases in the USA
  558. Virus yellows forecasting in sugar beet and the impact of Gaucho
  559. Wireworms and leatherjackets - the thugs of the soil environment
  560. The growth of sugar beet in 2000
  561. Pests and diseases of sugar beet in 2000
  562. Virus yellows strains and their effects on the yield of UK sugar beet
  563. Weed biology series - the polygonums
  564. The future of biological disease control in sugar beet
  565. Weed beet - how to get the most from control methods
  566. The life and times of the beet leaf miner
  567. Protecting autumn growth
  568. The search for drought tolerance in sugar beet
  569. The effect of hedgerow characteristics on the winter hedgerow bird community
  570. Myriophyllum aquaticum , Crassula helmsii , Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Azolla filiculoides
  571. Can aphid-induced plant signals be transmitted aerially and through the rhizosphere?
  572. An improved Na+-selective microelectrode for intracellular measurements in plant cells
  573. Differences in sorption behaviour of carbaryl and phosalone in soils from Australia, Pakistan and the United Kingdom
  574. Sequence analysis shows that Ribgrass mosaic virus Shanghai isolate (RMV-Sh) is closely related to Youcai mosaic virus
  575. Journal of Phytopathology
  576. Methods for integrated air sampling and DNA analysis for detection of airborne fungal spores
  577. Spatial analysis of patchy vegetation on semi-arid steppe
  578. Statistics to support soil research and their interpretation
  579. Photosynthesis is not affected by low leaf ascorbate content in the Arabidopsis thaliana vtc 1 mutant but peroxidases are modified
  580. Modification of the LMW glutenin subunit composition of durum wheat by microprojectile-mediated transformation
  581. The effect of natural enemies on the spread of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) by Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
  582. Complete inventory of Arabidopsis ABC proteins
  583. The relationship between ascorbic acid and ascorbate oxidase in tobacco
  584. Sink regulation of photosynthesis
  585. Response of wheat canopy CO2 and water gas-exchange to soil water content under ambient and elevated CO2
  586. The regulation of the nitrate assimilation and amino acid biosynthetic (sic) studied in transformed tobacco plants with reduced Fd-GOGAT activity
  587. Photorespiration and the Mehler reaction: cellular protection or redox perturbation?
  588. Elements underpinning adaptation to oxidative stress and water deficits in wheat
  589. Photorespiration-dependent increases of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in transformed tobacco plants deficient in Fd-GOGAT
  590. Monodehydroascorbate reductase and ascorbate peroxidase activities in compatible and incompatible interactions between barley and the powdery mildew virus. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen
  591. Communication to the Editor: METI-acaricide resistance in Tetranychus urticae does not confer resistance to the naphthoquinones
  592. A new method to measure effective soil solution concentration predicts copper availability to plants
  593. Do plants have more genes than humans? Yes when it comes to ABC proteins
  594. The role of land carbon sinks in mitigating global climate change (Royal Society Policy Document 10/01)
  595. Characterization of two novel Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteriophages from a field release site of genetically-modified rhizobia
  596. Plant and rhizosphere processes involved in phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils
  597. Availability of the residual nitrogen from a single application of 15N-labelled fertilizer to subsequent crops in a long-term continuous barley experiment
  598. Soil microbial biomass is triggered into activity by trace amounts of substrate
  599. Study of Iotonchus species (Mononchida) from West Africa with descriptions of eleven new species
  600. Improvement of wheat processing quality by genetic engineering
  601. Steinernema pakistanense sp. n. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from Pakistan
  602. Population-scale laboratory studies of the effect of transgenic plants on nontarget insects
  603. Analysis of a dehiscence zone endo-polygalacturonase in oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) and Arabidopsis thaliana : evidence for roles in cell separation in dehiscence and abscission zones, and in stylar tissues during pollen tube growth
  604. Flight trajectories of foraging insects: observations using harmonic radar
  605. Procedures allowing the transformation of a range of European elite wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties via particle bombardment
  606. Diseases of winter linseed: occurrence, effects and importance ((HGCA Project Report No. OS50)
  607. Analysis of the sensory responses of parasitic nematodes using electrophysiology
  608. Transformation of commercial wheat varieties with high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes
  609. Age-dependent transformation frequency in elite wheat varieties
  610. Site constancy of bumble bees in an experimentally patchy habitat
  611. A role for 'futile cycles' involving invertase and sucrose synthase in sucrose metabolism of tomato fruit
  612. Biological control of Chenopodium album L. in Europe
  613. A novel mechanism for time-sorting insect catches, and its use to derive the diel flight periodicity of brassica pod midge Dasineura brassicae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
  614. High frequency of adventitious shoot regeneration from commercial cultivars of evening primrose (Oenothera spp.) using thidiazuron
  615. Perennial rhizomatous grasses overview (EU internal, non-confidential report)
  616. Opportunities for the manipulation of development of temperate cereals
  617. Effect of temperature on epidemiological parameters of Puccinia lagenophorae
  618. Molecular approaches to studies of the interactions of Verticillium chlamydosporium in the rhizosphere of root-knot nematode infected plants
  619. Comparison of two field-scale approaches for the study of effects of insecticides on polyphagous predators in cereals
  620. Methods for studying the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium in the root environment
  621. The development of Verticillium chlamydosporium as a biological control agent of root-knot nematodes in organic vegetable production in Havana
  622. Modelling soil variation: past, present and future
  623. Conidial discharge in the aphid pathogen Erynia neoaphidis
  624. Modification of storage protein composition in transgenic bread wheat
  625. Pheromone traps for the dissemination of an entomopathogen by the damson-hop aphid Phorodon humuli
  626. EXAMINE (EXploitation of Aphid Monitoring In Europe); an EU thematic network for the study of global change impacts on aphids
  627. Responses of aphids to temperature change
  628. Development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae apothecia on agar and oilseed rape debris
  629. Interactions between carbon and nitrogen metabolism
  630. Prospects for enhancement of soluble antioxidants
  631. Expression of HMW glutenin subunits in field grown transgenic wheat
  632. Glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate are metabolite signals involved in nitrate reductase gene transcription in untransformed and transformed tobacco plants deficient in ferredoxin-glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase
  633. Co-ordination between nitrogen photosynthetic and respiratory metabolism
  634. Development of apothecia of the eyespot pathogen Tapesia on cereal crop stubble residue in England
  635. Peyerimhoffina gracilis (Schneider, 1851) (Neur.: Chrysopidae): a green lacewing new to Britain
  636. Towards the biocontrol of bindweeds with a mycoherbicide
  637. Spatio-temporal variation in the abundance and distribution of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja ) - implications of climate change
  638. Long-term spatio-temporal variation in abundance of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja ) during a population decline
  639. An abundance-occupancy time-lag during the decline of an arctiid tiger moth
  640. Resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides and isoproturon in UK populations of Lolium multiflorum : mechanisms of resistance and implications for control
  641. Renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. Draft report of a workshop on perennial energy grasses. Brussels, Friday 20th October 2000. (EU internal, non-confidential report)
  642. Managing the risks of herbicide resistance in wild oat
  643. Biocontrol of Amaranthus spp. in Europe: state of the art
  644. A comparison of the carbohydrate composition and kinetic properties of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum ) leaves expressing maize SPS protein with untransformed controls
  645. Biology and control of stem-base diseases of cereals in the UK
  646. Factors influencing Agrobacterium -mediated transient expression of uid A in wheat inflorescence tissue
  647. Plant virus transmission by plasmodiophorid fungi is associated with distinctive transmembrane regions of virus-encoded proteins
  648. Decision support system to design whole farm rotations that optimise the use of available nitrogen in mixed arable and horticultural systems: on-farm testing (Final Report MAFF LINK Reference P 164)
  649. ArabidopsisABC.Net (Web site at http://www.arabidopsisabc.net)
  650. Do plants have more genes than humans? Yes when it comes to ABC proteins (Online preview of paper to be published in Trends in Plant Science )
  651. Organochlorine pesticide residues in archived UK soil
  652. How organisms live with heavy metals in the environment (Fact Sheet on Environmental Risk Assessment 2)
  653. Phosphorus, potassium and sulphur cycles in agricultural soils
  654. Effect of suspended soil material and pig slurry on the facilitated transport of pesticides, phosphate and bromide in sandy soil
  655. Further evidence for the existence of PCDD/Fs in the environment prior to 1900
  656. Physcomitrella patens partial vp1 gene for vacuolar pyrophosphatase, exons 1-3
  657. Physcomitrella patens partial mRNA for vacuolar pyrophosphatase (vp1 gene)
  658. Microbial diversity in heavy metal-contaminated soils - microbial indicators of soil quality
  659. Lipid fractions and derivatives as measures of microbial identification, classification and community structure
  660. Improving the end use properties of wheat by manipulating the grain protein composition
  661. A role for Multidrug Resistance associated Protein (MRP) in plant responses to oxidative stress?
  662. Quantification of raindrop kinetic energy for improved risk assessment of splash dispersed diseases
  663. Understanding and exploiting disease escape in winter wheat
  664. Understanding epidemics as a basis for developing fungicide strategies
  665. Incidence and inheritance of resistance to METI-acaricides in European strains of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) (Acari: Tetranychidae)
  666. Comparison of phenotypic, functional and genetic diversity of bacterial communities in soils
  667. Insect movement: mechanisms and consequences. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium
  668. Use of genetic diversity in movement studies of flying insects
  669. Diseases of rapeseed=canola (B. napus L. and Brassica rapa L. (=B. campestris L.)
  670. Toxicity of sulfosulfuron, a novel sulfonylurea herbicide, to aquatic plants
  671. Testing for the ecotoxicological effects of pesticides at CAPM
  672. Transporters responsible for the uptake and partitioning of nitrogenous solutes
  673. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate does not regulate carbohydrate partitioning in wheat
  674. Hormonal and developmental regulation of alpha-amylase in transgenic wheat
  675. Potential for manipulating carbon metabolism in wheat
  676. Enhancing photosynthesis with sugar signals
  677. The metabolism and role of Rubisco inhibitors
  678. Sulphur supply and the optimisation of the yield of wheat
  679. Leaf amino acid contents: effect of photorespiration and interfamily coordination of the contents of minor amino acids
  680. The use of microelectrodes to investigate compartmentation and the transport of metabolized inorganic ions in plants
  681. Manipulation of fruit sugar composition but not content in Lycopersicon esculentum fruit by introgression of an acid invertase gene from Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium
  682. Fertile transgenic plants obtained from tritordeum inflorescences by tissue electroporation
  683. The role of cytosolic glutamine synthetase in wheat
  684. ABA plays a central role in mediating the regulatory effects of nitrate on root branching in Arabidopsis
  685. Plant antioxidants: colour me healthy
  686. Sequence analysis of a soil-borne wheat mosaic virus isolate from Italy shows that it is the same virus as European wheat mosaic virus and Soil-borne rye mosaic virus
  687. The use of barrier-connected pitfall trapping for sampling predatory beetles and spiders
  688. Aggregation and temporal stability of carabid beetle distributions in field and hedgerow habitats
  689. Functional identification of a delta8-sphingolipid desaturase from Borago officinalis
  690. Screening of Polish, other European and tropical isolates of Verticillium chlamydosporium to assess their potential as biological control agents of root-knot nematodes
  691. The effect of temperature on variation in transmission of a BYDV PAV-like isolate by clones of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae
  692. The causes of, and potential solutions to, seed yield instability in autumn-sown, determinate (restricted branching), white lupins (Lupinus albus L.)
  693. Targeted dispersal of the aphid pathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis by the aphid predator Coccinella septempunctata
  694. Electrophysiological analysis of responses of adult females of Brugia pahangi to some chemicals
  695. Electropharyngeograms of stylet activity of second stage juveniles of Globodera rostochiensis
  696. Exploring infection of wheat and carbohydrate metabolism in Mycosphaerella graminocola transformants with differentially regulated green fluorescent protein expression
  697. Feeding behaviour of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on nitrogen and water-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare ) seedlings
  698. Viruses
  699. Low sink demand limits photosynthesis under Pi deficiency
  700. Switching on plant genes by external chemical signals
  701. Effects of DiTera on aspects of the life cycle of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida
  702. Factors influencing the aggregative response of the blue willow beetle, Phratora vulgatissima
  703. Electron microscopy of filamentous fungi
  704. The Robson Meeting 2001
  705. Dealing with herbicide-resistant wild oats (HGCA Topic Sheet No. 46)
  706. Effects of storage on viability and efficacy of granular formulations of the microbial herbicides Alternaria alternata and Trematophoma lignicola
  707. Endosperm-specific activity of a storage protein gene promoter in transgenic wheat seed
  708. The intolerance of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) to alkaline soils and its adaptation to a patchy soil environment
  709. Specific and genotypic variation in the nutrient content of lupin species in soils of neutral and alkaline pH
  710. Fungal respiration: a fusion of standard and alternative components
  711. Effects of fluquinconazole seed treatment on take-all and yield of winter wheat, and its exploitation in cropping systems
  712. Genetic control mechanisms regulating the initiation of germination
  713. Airborne concentrations of conidia of Erynia neoaphidis above cereal fields
  714. Cytochrome P450 CYP79F1 from Arabidopsis catalyzes the conversion of dihomomethionine and trihomomethionine to the corresponding aldoximes in the biosynthesis of aliphatic glucosinolates
  715. Microsatellite analysis of the inbreeding grass weed Barren Brome (Anisantha sterilis ) reveals genetic diversity at the within- and between-farm scales
  716. A proposed mode of action of oil-based formulations of a microbial herbicide
  717. Effects of environmental factors on the development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) apothecia on oilseed rape debris
  718. The roles of ascospores and conidia of Pyrenopeziza brassicae in light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ) in the UK
  719. Novel DNA diagnostic technology in plant disease control using Septoria tritici as a model. (HGCA Project Report No. 245)
  720. Isolation and localisation of an annexin gene (gp-nex ) from the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida
  721. Decreased root hydraulic conductivity reduces leaf water potential, initiates stomatal closure and shows leaf expansion in flooded plants of castor oil (Ricinus communis ) despite diminished delivery of ABA from the roots to shoots in xylem sap
  722. A scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) new to Britain caught in a net suspended 200 metres above the ground
  723. Glyphosate applied to volunteer potatoes in GM herbicide- tolerant sugar beet reduces populations of potato cyst nematodes
  724. Fungal communities on roots of wheat and barley and effects of seed treatments containing fluquinconazole applied to control take-all
  725. Direct and indirect sublethal effects of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) on the development of a potato-aphid parasitoid, Aphelinus abdominalis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)
  726. Partial mechanical impedance can increase the turgor of seedling pea roots
  727. Evaluating grasses as a long-term energy resource. ETSU B/CR/00651/REP; DTI/Pub URN 01/780
  728. Changes in soil mineral nitrogen during and after 3-year and 5-year set-aside and nitrate leaching losses after ploughing out the 5-year plant covers in the UK
  729. Life, death and Genstat: fitting models of birth and death
  730. Autoreproductive cells and plant meristem construction: the case of the tomato cap meristem
  731. Response of the ladybird parasitoid Dinocampus coccinellae to toxic alkaloids from the seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata
  732. Fungally-transmitted mosaic viruses of barley
  733. Current practices and future prospects for organic cereal production: survey and literature review (HGCA Research Review No. 45)
  734. Leaching of heavy metals from contaminated soils using EDTA
  735. Balance upset
  736. Rhizosphere-microbe-pollutant interactions
  737. Element budgets on regional, catchment, farm and field scale. A useful tool toward sustainability.
  738. Relationship between soil test phosphorus and phosphorus release to solution
  739. Principles of crop nutrition for sustainable food production
  740. The ATP concentration in the soil microbial biomass
  741. Using plant analysis to predict yield losses caused by sulphur deficiency
  742. Non-linearity and error in modelling soil processes
  743. Agronomic and environmental implications of organic farming systems
  744. Carbon mitigation options in agriculture: improving our estimates for Kyoto
  745. The impact of humans on the nitrogen cycle, with focus on temperate arable agriculture
  746. Implications of the very wet autumn on fertiliser N recommendations
  747. Soil organic matter sustainability and agricultural management - predictions at the regional level
  748. Assessment of toxicity of sulfosulfuron (MON 37500; Monitor) to aquatic macrophytes (Confidential report to Monsanto)
  749. Ultrastructure of the infection of Sorghum bicolor by Colletotrichum sublineolum
  750. Impact of a century of wastewater irrigation on the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores in the soil of the Mezquital Valley of Mexico
  751. Effects of incorporating different amounts of straw on growth, diseases and yield of consecutive crops of winter wheat grown on contrasting soil types
  752. Characterisation of a collagen gene subfamily from the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
  753. Modelling the effects of temperature and wetness duration on development of light leaf spot on oilseed rape leaves inoculated with Pyrenopeziza brassicae conidia
  754. Herbicide safeners - commercial products and tools for agrochemical research
  755. Expression of HMW subunit, gamma-zein and uidA genes in endosperms of transgenic bread wheat
  756. Transformation of elite wheat varieties for improved end-use qualities: modification of gibberellin levels and pre-harvest sprouting
  757. Epidemiology and management of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) on oilseed rape in Australia, Canada and Europe
  758. Development of phoma lesions on oilseed rape leaves inoculated with ascospores of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker) at different temperatures and wetness durations
  759. Statistical aspects of aquaculture research: optimum block size in pond experiments
  760. Morphology and chemistry of the rye grain
  761. Nematode behavior
  762. Taxis
  763. Pesticide resistance in glasshouse pests
  764. Cuticle heterogeneity as exhibited by Pasteuria spore attachment is not linked to the phylogeny of parthenogenetic root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
  765. Production of extracellular matrices during development of infection structures by the downy mildew Peronospora parasitica
  766. Reduction in forage for pollinators and possible remedies
  767. Through the eye of the needle (Professorial Inaugural Lecture, University of Coventry, 24 January 2001)
  768. Presentation of statistical analyses
  769. RRes-Centre for Aquatic Plant Management Annual Report 2000
  770. Evolution of amplified esterase genes as a mode of insecticide resistance in aphids
  771. Can concepts of N saturation developed for forest systems be applied in arable soils?
  772. What's new about cadmium hyperaccumulation?
  773. Physiological evidence for a high-affinity cadmium transporter highly expressed in a Thlaspi caerulescens ecotype
  774. The role of soil organic matter and manures in sustainable nutrient cycling
  775. Simplifying Sirius: sensitivity analysis and development of a meta-model for wheat yield prediction
  776. Geostatistics for environmental scientists
  777. Repellency of non-host plants to oilseed rape pests
  778. Hatching factors
  779. Hatching
  780. Bee-mediated gene flow into fields of oil-seed rape, Brassica napus
  781. Quantifying diffuse agricultural phosphorus transfers along htdrological pathways from field scale studies
  782. Horticultural Development Council Research review 4. Compost without the smell
  783. Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model
  784. Nitrous oxide emissions from injected 15N-labelled cattle slurry into grassland soil as affected by DMPP nitrification inhibitor
  785. Nitrous oxide emissions from grassland systems: interactions between soils, management and animals
  786. Soil erosion control in maize
  787. Ammonia fluxes from cut swards
  788. Further N cycle studies on farmlets
  789. Decision support system for nitrogen fertiliser management on grassland
  790. Utilising slurry on grassland grazed by cattle
  791. Cost curve analysis of mitigation options in greenhouse emissions from agriculture
  792. Methane emissions from ruminants: Impact of environmental conditions on emissions as assessed by different methods.
  793. Additional measurements of ammonia from beef cattle housed in straw- and slurry-based systems
  794. Updating the Ammonia Emissions Inventory for the UK for 1999
  795. The productivity of maturing agroforestry systems
  796. Soil nitrogen emissions
  797. Plant root exudation supports bacterial growth and defoliation enhances the rate of rhizodeposition
  798. What's the scale? - spatial analysis of soil microbial communities under upland grassland
  799. Characterising spatial variation in microbial community structure in upland grasslands
  800. Coupling between plants and diversity of nitrite-reducing bacteria in an upland pasture
  801. Effects of management regime on the microbial community structure of different grassland soils
  802. Will storing farmyard manure in compact anaerobic heaps be a simple and effective means of reducing ammonia emissions
  803. Root herbivore:microbe interactions in upland grasslands
  804. Grass root system growth and dynamics - interactions with soil organisms
  805. Effect of an organophosphorus insecticide on soil microbial and faunal communities
  806. The impact of ley management on invertebrate diversity
  807. Approaches to undersowing and ley management for biodiversity on arable land
  808. The impact of undersowing on the abundance of sawfly larvae
  809. Management for biodiversity in grassland farming systems
  810. Relationship between olfactory response and major odorants from organic wastes
  811. A novel biological phosphate pump for livestock wastes
  812. Development of the SUNDIAL model to simulate ley-arable rotations
  813. Organic nitrogen release from farm manures
  814. Diurnal variations of N2O fluxes following urine and dung amendments: effects on the isotopic content and isotopomer ratios of N2O
  815. Nitrous oxide emission rates from intertidal sediments: the Couesnon River Estuary, Normandy
  816. Nitrate leaching beneath cut legume swards
  817. NGAUGE - a Decision Support System for N fertiliser recommendations for UK grassland
  818. Simplified sward nitrogen status assessment from N concentration of upper leaves
  819. A comparison of the effect of broadcast application of CCFs and blended fertilisers on herbage yield, composition and N use efficiency in cut swards (Confidential Interim report to Kemira Agro UK Ltd)
  820. Perdidas de nitrogeno desde una pradera y maiz forrajero fertilizados con efluentes de lecheria
  821. Implications of climate change for grassland agriculture
  822. Agroforestry Forum: a survey of agroforestry in the British Isles, 2001
  823. Soil erosion control in maize
  824. Virus disease control in cereals via aphid suppression by a novel bi-crop system
  825. Ammonia losses from field applied manure - a review of the measurement techniques
  826. Modelling phosphorus export from agricultural grasslands to watercourses
  827. Opportunities for enhancing the delivery of novel forage attributes
  828. Comparing organic soils with conventionally farmed soils
  829. Assessing soil fertility: a simple measurement of soil N availability
  830. Do organically farmed soils differ from conventionally farmed soils?
  831. Over-wintering leaching of nitrogen associated with different cropping systems
  832. Net mineralization following cultivation
  833. Nitrogen mineralisation from dairy cattle manures with different dry matter contents
  834. Predicting nitrate loss in arable and grassland soils using gross N transformation data
  835. Nitrous oxide emission after injection of 15N labelled dairy slurry injected into soil
  836. Making better use of livestock manures on grassland
  837. Making better use of livestock manures on arable land
  838. Effect of nitrogen management on potassium leaching in grassland soils
  839. Dairy slurry effects on phosphate retention and release in four UK grassland soils
  840. Connectivity of phosphorus transport in a grassland catchment during storm flows
  841. Soil test phosphorus and measured concentrations of phosphorus in water from grassland
  842. The effects of tillage and reseeding on phosphorus transfers from drained grassland
  843. Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model
  844. Organic phosphorus characterisation by phosphatase hydrolysable phosphorus techniques: applications to soil extracts and runoff waters
  845. Legume silages for animal production - LEGSIL. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Braunschweig, Germany, 8-9 July 2001
  846. NGAUGE software keeps fertiliser use on track
  847. The scope and contribution of volatile organic compounds to pollution from livestock
  848. Ingestive behaviour and management of animals at pasture
  849. The effect of the anthelmintic Eprinomectin on milk production, grazing behaviour and intake by spring-calving dairy cows
  850. Earth: nutrient control
  851. Grasslands and global warming
  852. Enhancing the biodiversity and landscape value of grasslands in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  853. Herbage production from forage legumes
  854. Effects of chemical control of docks on grass production
  855. White clover agronomy
  856. Influence of climate change on the sustainability of grassland
  857. Influence of climate change on the sustainability of grassland systems
  858. Methods for restoration of botanical diversity in grasslands
  859. Correlation between yield of forage legumes in grass mixtures and accumulation of soil mineral nitrogen in Sweden
  860. An estimate of the contribution of outdoor concrete yards used by livestock to the UK inventories of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane
  861. Diet selection of grass/clover
  862. Sources of nitrous oxide emissions in intensive grassland managements
  863. Legume silages for animal production: increasing profits with forage legumes
  864. Connecting phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters, International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop 2001, 28 August - 1 September 2001, Plymouth University
  865. Discussions and conclusions
  866. Environmental pressures and national environmental legislation with respect to nutrient management - United Kingdom (UK)
  867. Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in agriculture
  868. Nutrient Management Legislation in European Countries
  869. Grazing purple moor-grass and rush pastures
  870. Benefits from mixed grazing
  871. Progress in Grassland Science: Achievements and Opportunities. Proceedings of an IGER Research Colloquium to mark the retirement of Roger Wilkins, North Wyke, 29 October 2000
  872. Some perspectives on grassland and grassland research
  873. Facing the growing needs of mankind - grasslands and rangelands
  874. Grazing versus silage: a European perspective
  875. Why forage legumes?
  876. Can sheep track depletion of food patches?
  877. Comparison of the social, economic and environmental effects of organic, ICM and conventional farming
  878. Processes controlling soil phosphorus release to runoff and implications for agricultural management
  879. A survey of dairy effluent management in the south of Chile: an effective tool to determine farmers' and research requirements
  880. Nitrogen losses and uptake in a ryegrass and clover sward and maize/rye rotations fertilised with cattle manures with different dry matter contents
  881. Ammonia fluxes from solid and liquid manure management systems for beef cattle and pigs
  882. Cows `in clover'
  883. White clover agronomy
  884. Maximising the use of grazed herbage in dairy cows
  885. Evaluation of perennial ryegrass varieties under frequent cutting or continuous stocking with sheep
  886. Spatio-temporal variation of stable isotope ratios in earthworms under grassland and maize cropping systems
  887. Isotopic study of the importance of intertidal marshes to estuarine fish communities
  888. Influence of long-term fertilizer and manure on the distribution and delta-15%N natural abundance of amino acids in the Versailles `42 parcelles': preliminary results
  889. Molecular turnover time of soil organic matter in particle-size fractions
  890. Isotopomer ratios of N2O emitted from a temperate grassland
  891. Preparing for change: knowledge transfer initiative on impacts and adaptation to climate change in agriculture
  892. Pollution swapping: winners and losers
  893. Somerset Levels and Moors Independent Scientific Review (Project SWCON 200): final technical report - August 2001
  894. Somerset Levels and Moors Independent Scientific Review (Contract SWCON 200): non-technical summary report - August 2001
  895. Impact of defoliation on bacterial community structure in the rhizosphere
  896. Festuca longifolia Thuill. (Poaceae) in Devon
  897. Book review: The role of farm woodland. Farm woodlands for the future, edited by P. J. Burgess et al . Oxford, BIOS Scientific, 1999. 202pp.
  898. An overview of the symbiotic association between Neotyphodium / Epichloe fungal endophytes and forage grasses
  899. Estimation of nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture.
  900. Biodiversity in soils
  901. Low-input heifer beef
  902. Organic grassland farming and nature conservation
  903. Diurnal fluxes and the isotopomer ratios of N2O in a temperate grassland following urine amendment
  904. Application of an improved technique to evaluate controls on nitrous (N2O) emissions from grassland soils
  905. Dissolved organic carbon losses from grazed grasslands
  906. Nutritional and grazing management of the dairy cow
  907. Root exudation profiles of Lolium perenne and the effects on bacterial community structure
  908. Messages for mixed farming systems
  909. An inventory of nitrous oxide emission from UK agriculture
  910. Clover : cereal bi-cropping for organic farms
  911. Fast maturing Charolais cross Holstein heifers come up trumps
  912. Interactions between root herbivores and soil microbial communities in upland grasslands
  913. Impact of invertebrate root feeders on rhizosphere C flow and soil microbial communities
  914. Invertebrate root herbivores and their impact on soil microbial communities
  915. Effects of cranefly larval root feeding on rhizosphere carbon sources and soil microbial communities
  916. Practice into profit with low input dairy bred Charolais crosses
  917. Tracing the incorporation of slurry-derived C into soil particle-size fractions of a temperate grassland using natural 13C abundance
  918. Tracing the incorporation of slurry-derived C into soil particle-size fractions of a temperate grassland using natural 13C abundance
  919. Phosphorus solubilisation in rewetted soils
  920. Odour analysis by gas chromatography
  921. Diurnal fluxes and intramolecular delta 15N values of N2O following urine amendments to grassland
  922. Assessing soil fertility: a simple measurement of soil N availability
  923. Nutritional and grazing management of the dairy cow
  924. Kill weeds and cut dock in yield
  925. Amino acid enantiomers in soil: indicators for protein ageing and turnover
  926. Amino acid enantiomers in soil: a marker for nitrogen levels in proteins ?
  927. Earthworm communities in conventional wheat monocropping and low-input wheat-clover intercropping systems
  928. Preference for grass and clover by dairy cattle: is free choice important?
  929. Short-term sequestration of slurry-derived carbon and nitrogen in temperate grassland soil as assessed by C-13 and N-15 natural abundance measurements
  930. Soil biodiversity, root herbivory and carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland soils
  931. Effect of environmental conditions on methane production by ruminants
  932. Effect of resource density on the use of spatial memory by foraging sheep
  933. Herbage production and nitrate leaching from forage legumes grown in 'organic' conditions in northern Europe
  934. Use of a novel nitrification inhibitor to reduce nitrous oxide emission from 15N-labelled slurry injected into soil
  935. Evaluation of two N cycle models for the prediction of N mineralization from grassland soils in the UK
  936. Effects of elevated ultraviolet radiation and endophytic fungi on plant growth and insect feeding in Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra, F. arundinacea and F. pratensis
  937. Impact of root herbivory by insect larvae on soil microbial communities
  938. Intake rate during meals and meal duration for sheep in different hunger states, grazing grass or white clover swards
  939. Effects of abomasal infusion of long chain fatty acids on intake, feeding behaviour and milk production in dairy cows
  940. Additives to reduce ammonia and odor emissions from livestock wastes: a review
  941. The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources
  942. Mineralization of nitrogen in permanent pastures amended with fertilizer or dung
  943. Development of a simple predictive model for ammonia volatilisation following land application of manures
  944. Integration of farm manure nitrogen supply within commercial farming systems
  945. Gaseous emission from on-farm composting of cattle farm yard manure
  946. Effect of five different forms of abiotic stress on growth of three genotypes of Lolium perenne with and without Neotyphodium infection
  947. Neotyphodium endophytes: incidence, diversity and hosts in Europe
  948. Effect of drought stress on genotypes of Lolium perenne and other grass species with and without Neotyphodium / Epichloe infection
  949. Nitrate leaching from reseeded pasture
  950. Evaluation of legume silages offered to Holstein - Friesian cows with small amounts of concentrates
  951. Intake characteristics and performance of contrasting grass varieties continuously stocked with sheep
  952. Gaseous emissions from outdoor concrete yards used by livestock
  953. Field evaluation of the equilibrium concentration technique (JTI method) for measuring ammonia emission from land spread manure or fertiliser
  954. Root exudates: a pathway for short-term N transfer from clover and ryegrass
  955. Olfactory response to mushroom composting emissions as a function of chemical concentration
  956. Methane production by sheep in relation to temporal changes in grazing behaviour
  957. Emission of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) from a dairy hardstanding in the UK
  958. Matching grass supply to grazing patterns for dairy cows
  959. Rapid incidental phosphorus transfers from grassland
  960. Nitrogen transformations and ammonia loss following injection and surface application of pig slurry: a laboratory experiment using slurry labelled with 15N-ammonium
  961. Rapid estimation of microbial biomass in grassland soils by ultra-violet absorbance
  962. A microplate fluorimetric assay for the study of enzyme diversity in soils
  963. Development of a novel method to measure NH3 fluxes from grass swards in a controlled laboratory environment (a mini-tunnel system)
  964. Measurement of emission and deposition patterns of ammonia from urine in grass swards
  965. An inventory of nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture in the UK using the IPCC methodology: emission estimate, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
  966. The liveweight gain of Limousin X Friesian heifers grazing perennial ryegrass / white clover swards of different clover content and the effects of their grazing on sward botanical composition
  967. Working with our living soil
  968. Development of a relationship between olfactory response and major odorants from organic wastes
  969. A comparison of methane emissions from sheep grazing pastures with differing management intensities
  970. Nitrogen mineralization in sandy loam soils under intensive double-cropping forage system with dairy-cattle slurry applications
  971. A farm-scale basis for predicting nitrous oxide emissions from dairy farms
  972. An improved soil core incubation method for the field measurement of denitrification and net mineralization using acetylene inhibition
  973. Restoration of a Cirsio-Molinietum fen meadow on an agriculturally improved pasture
  974. Dissolved organic carbon losses from grazed grasslands under different management regimes
  975. An improved technique for measuring concentration of soil gases at depth in situ