1. Establishment yield and nutrient composition of four legumes as influenced by age of growth in a cool tropical climate at Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
  2. Adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties and interrelated climate smart agricultural practices in Nigeria
  3. Physiological and genetic variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency of wheat
  4. Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales
  5. A new concept for modelling the moisture dependence of heterotrophic soil respiration
  6. Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana modulates rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness
  7. Characterising the Influence of First-Year Wheat Cultivar on Pseudomonas Selection and Function in a Take-All Infected Field
  8. Climate-induced decline in the quality and quantity of European hops calls for immediate adaptation measures
  9. The Gene Ontology knowledgebase in 2023
  10. Recognition of notable past soil scientists
  11. Novel gene loci associated with susceptibility or cryptic quantitative resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae in Brassica napus
  12. Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers
  13. Characterization of Colletotrichum Species Infecting Litchi in Hainan, China
  14. Adaptive migratory orientation of an invasive pest on a new continent
  15. Environmental regulation of male fertility is mediated through Arabidopsis transcription factors bHLH89, 91, and 10
  16. Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field
  17. The Optimal Choice of Trap Type for the Recently Spreading Jewel Beetle Pests Lamprodila festiva and Agrilus sinuatus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)
  18. An interlaboratory comparison of mid-infrared spectra acquisition: Instruments and procedures matter
  19. Key management practices to reduce the risk of the occurrence of Rumex obtusifolius in productive grasslands
  20. Practical guidance for deciding whether to account for soil variability when managing for land health, agricultural production, and climate resilience
  21. An analysis of Earth temperature and related series in air and soil
  22. Sensitivity of simulated soil water content, evapotranspiration, gross primary production and biomass to climate change factors in Euro-Mediterranean grasslands
  23. Sustainable agriculture Are fertilisers necessary for a sustainable nutrient supply? The 33rd Francis New Memorial Lecture
  24. Incorrect recombination partner associations contribute to meiotic instability of neo-allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica
  25. Multi-target genome editing reduces polyphenol oxidase activity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains
  26. Goat health and management for improved smallholders’ livelihoods in central Malawi – A socioeconomic analysis of rural households
  27. The antennal transcriptome analysis and characterizations of odorant-binding proteins in Megachile saussurei (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)
  28. Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers
  29. Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analyses Reveal the Importance of Lipid Metabolism and Photosynthesis Regulation in High Salinity Tolerance in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Leaves Derived from Mutagenesis Combined with Microspore Culture
  30. Anemia in children aged 6–59 months was significantly associated with maternal anemia status in rural Zimbabwe
  31. Ketocarotenoid production in tomato triggers metabolic reprogramming and cellular adaptation: The quest for homeostasis
  32. A study on L-threonine and L-serine uptake in Escherichia coli K-12
  33. Large-scale bioproduction of natural astaxanthin in Yarrowia lipolytica
  34. Remote sensing of the Earth's soil color in space and time
  35. Eddy covariance fluxes over managed ecosystems extrapolated to field scales at fine spatial resolutions
  36. Trade-offs constrain the success of glyphosate-free farming.
  37. High canopy photosynthesis before anthesis explains the outstanding yield performance of rice cultivars with ideal plant architecture
  38. How does grazing pressure affect feed intake and behavior of livestock in a meadow steppe in northern China and their coupling relationship
  39. Chemical cues from beetle larvae trigger proliferation and virulence of a plant pathogen
  40. A multiplex approach of MS, 1D-, and 2D-NMR metabolomicsin plant ontogeny A case study on Clusia minor L. organs (leaf, flower, fruit, and seed)
  41. Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress A multi-continent perspective
  42. Climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in working lands: A reality check
  43. Biochar amendments to tropical paddy soil increase rice yields and decrease N2O emissions by modifying the genes involved in nitrogen cycling
  44. Genomics of predictive radiation mutagenesis in oilseed rape: modifying seed oil composition.
  45. Smallholder farmer resilience to extreme weather events in a global food value chain
  46. Integrating Association Mapping, Linkage Mapping, Fine Mapping with RNA Seq Conferring Seedling Vigor Improvement for Successful Crop Establishment in Deep Sown Direct-Seeded Rice
  47. Modeling the spatial-spectral characteristics of plants for nutrient status identification using hyperspectral data and deep learning methods
  48. One Hundred Priority Questions for the Development of Sustainable Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
  49. Dietary selenium intake among Ethiopian children in areas known for selenium spatial variability
  50. Increasing fibre in white flour and bread: Implications for health and processing
  51. The effect of expectancy versus actual gluten intake on gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in non-coeliac gluten sensitivity - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international, multicentre study
  52. The three-peat challenge: business as usual, responsible agriculture, and conservation and restoration as management trajectories in global peatlands
  53. Landscape and Micronutrient Fertilizer Effect on Agro-Fortified Wheat and Teff Grain Nutrient Concentration in Western Amhara.
  54. Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype.
  55. In Memoriam Philip John White (1960–2023)
  56. A review of sources of resistance to turnip yellows virus (TuYV) in Brassica species
  57. Influence of soil drying followed by flooding on micronutrient solubilization
  58. Root exudation of organic acid anions and recruitment of beneficial actinobacteria facilitate phosphorus uptake by maize in compacted silt loam soil
  59. Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission mitigation priorities for UK policy targets
  60. Insights in disease management - Editorial
  61. The impact of feeding supplemental minerals to sheep on the return of micronutrients to pasture via urine and faeces
  62. Microbial Catabolic Activity: Methods, Pertinence, and Potential Interest for Improving Microbial Inoculant Efficiency
  63. Comparison of the impact of two key fungal signalling pathways on Zymoseptoria tritici infection reveals divergent contribution to invasive growth through distinct regulation of infection-associated genes
  64. Environmental and economic assessment of waste collection and transportation using LCA: A case study
  65. Sugar Beet Cultivation in the Tropics and Subtropics:Challenges and Opportunities
  66. Using qPCR and microscopy to assess the impact of harvesting and weather conditions on the relationship between Alternaria alternata and Alternaria spp. spores in rural and urban atmospheres
  67. Mosquito swarms shear harden
  68. Nitrogen fertilization produces divergent effects on canopy structure between indica and japonica rice reflected in leaf to panicle ratio based on deep learning
  69. Multiscale spatially varying coefficient modelling using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM
  70. Herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides: the value of routine testing of seed samples submitted by farmers since 1985
  71. Field phenotyping for African crops: overview and perspectives
  72. Outdoor airborne allergens: Characterization, behavior and monitoring in Europe
  73. Evaluation of techniques to break seed dormancy in Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)
  74. Soil Chemical Properties as Affected by Six Crop Rotation Sequences and Four Residue Levels
  75. The UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank – Advancing Microbiome Research for Sustainable Agriculture
  76. A comprehensive study on diesel oil bioremediation under microcosm conditions using a combined microbiological, enzymatic, mass spectrometry, and metabarcoding approach
  77. A causal inference and Bayesian optimisation framework for modelling multi-trait relationships—Proof-of-concept using Brassica napus seed yield under controlled conditions
  78. Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype
  79. High resolution flow datasets for surface runoff, surface lateral runoff and drainage pathways from 1 ha sized hydrologically isolated plots.
  80. Multi-experiment assessment of soil nitrous oxide emissions in sugarcane
  81. Field features of the North Wyke Farm Platform: weather, topography, soil, ecosystem services provision index and management
  82. Impact of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil gross nitrogen transformations in a temperate desert steppe
  83. Evaluating the Impact of Long-Term Land Use Change and Age since Disturbance on Soil Faunal Diversity
  84. Deciphering Plant-Insect-Microorganism Signals for Sustainable Crop Production
  85. Effectiveness of Agronomic Biofortification Strategy in Fighting against Hidden Hunger
  86. Pea aphid odorant-binding protein ApisOBP6 discriminates between aphid sex pheromone components, aphid alarm pheromone and a host plant volatile
  87. The North Wyke Farm Platform: GreenFeed System Methane and Carbon Dioxide Data
  88. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Eddy Covariance Greenhouse Gas Data
  89. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data
  90. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Livestock Data
  91. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Events Data
  92. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018)
  93. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Soil Moisture Station Data
  94. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Meteorological Data
  95. Climate-induced severe water scarcity events as harbinger of global grain price
  96. A high-yielding traits experiment for modeling potential production of wheat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations
  97. AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations on climate change impact and adaptation for global wheat, SDATA-20-01059
  98. Effects of root inoculation of entomopathogenic fungi on olfactory-mediated behavior and life-history traits of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
  99. From field to plate - How do bacterial enteric pathogens interact with ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables, causing disease outbreaks?
  100. Wheat and teff grain mineral micronutrient concentration and field data from GeoNutrition on-farm field experiments in Western Amhara region, Ethiopia
  101. Effects on soil of grassland management for pasture, hay and silage
  102. Host map of Ash trees in Great Britain
  103. Sequence Characterization of Extra-Chromosomal Circular DNA Content in Multiple Blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) Populations.
  104. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-Minute) Hydrology and Water Quality Data
  105. Farming the planet with better nitrogen use
  106. Trends of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity of Patagonian Meadows, the Omitted Ecosystem in Desertification Studies
  107. Genetic Approaches to Increase Arabinoxylan and β-Glucan Content in Wheat
  108. A 4-year comparison of pasture mixtures, including those with deep-rooting Festulolium, on herbage and soil and root properties in 50 cm cores, plus associated botanical species surveys.
  109. A semiochemical view of the ecology of the seed beetle Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae)
  110. Trehalose-6-phosphate signaling regulates lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
  111. The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development
  112. Micronutrients and socio-demographic factors were major predictors of anaemia among the Ethiopian population
  113. Still there: Politics, sectarianism, and the reverberations of war in the presences and absences of the Syrian state
  114. Ammonia loss potential and mitigation options in a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China Plain: A data synthesis and field evaluation
  115. Linking soil adsorption-desorption characteristics with grain zinc concentrations and uptake by teff, wheat and maize in different landscape positions in Ethiopia
  116. Tomato Aphid (Aphis gossypii) Secreted Saliva Can Enhance Aphid Resistance by Upregulating Signaling Molecules in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
  117. Three environmental dimensions of beef cattle in tropical feedlot - Water, nutrients and land
  118. Place attachment and perception of climate change as a threat in rural and urban areas
  119. Can we estimate the impact of small targeted dietary changes on human health and environmental sustainability?
  120. Recognition of notable past soil scientists
  121. A pilot survey of selenium status and its geospatial variation among children and women in three rural districts of Zimbabwe
  122. Do agronomic approaches aligned to regenerative agriculture improve the micronutrient concentrations of edible portions of crops? A scoping review of evidence
  123. A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice
  124. Moisture effects on microbial protein biosynthesis from ammonium and nitrate in an unfertilised grassland
  125. An evaluation of three evapotranspiration models to determine water fluxes over hillslopes encroached by invasive alien plants in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
  126. Grazing livestock move by Levy walks: Implications for soil health and environment
  127. A DNA assembly toolkit to unlock the CRISPR/Cas9 potential for metabolic engineering
  128. Levelling foods for priority micronutrient value can provide more meaningful environmental footprint comparisons
  129. Biodiesel Co-Product (BCP) amendment drives beneficial soil microbiome assembly promoting acid soil health
  130. Spatial and bulked soil and herbage selenium concentrations in different pasture types in SW England
  131. Mapping to explore the challenges and opportunities for reconciling artisanal gem mining and biodiversity conservation
  132. Evaluation of two commercially available rumen buffers derived from calcified seaweed for grazing dairy cows: Pilot trial in commercial farms
  133. An efficient triose phosphate synthesis and distribution in wheat provides tolerance to higher field temperature
  134. Occurrence of Unapproved Pesticides and their Ecotoxicological Significance for an Agriculturally Influenced Reservoir and its Tributaries in Nepal
  135. Bioenergy crop production and carbon sequestration potential under changing climate and land use - A case study in the upper River Taw catchment in southwest England
  136. Collection of invited papers from the 20th ICC Conference 2022 "Future Challenges for Cereal Science and Technology" held in Vienna, 5-7 July 2022
  137. The origin of pine pollen grains captured from air at Calypsobyen, Svalbard
  138. National scale mapping of supply and demand for recreational ecosystem services
  139. Identifying yield stability over time via time-varying GARCH processes and multivariate Horseshoe priors
  140. Nt-acetylation-independent turnover of SQUALENE EPOXIDASE 1 by Arabidopsis DOA10-like E3 ligases
  141. Analysis of mixed linkage β-glucan content and structure in different wheat flour milling fractions
  142. Catches of Euxoa tritici in pheromone traps for Anarsia lineatella are due to the presence of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate as an impurity
  143. Repellency Potential, Chemical Constituents of Ocimum Plant Essential Oils, and Their Headspace Volatiles against Anopheles gambiae s. s., Malaria Vector
  144. Boosting Geranyl Diphosphate Synthesis for Linalool Production in Engineered Yarrowia lipolytica
  145. Phase transitions in insect swarms
  146. Ammonia mitigation campaign with smallholder farmers improves air quality while ensuring high cereal production
  147. Responses of net ecosystem carbon budget and net global warming potential to long-term nitrogen deposition in a temperate grassland
  148. AgroEcoList 1.0 A checklist to improve reporting standards in ecological research in agriculture
  149. Evaluation of Legacy Forest Harvesting Impacts on Dominant Stream Water Sources and Implications for Water Quality Using End Member Mixing Analysis
  150. Delayed development of basal spikelets in wheat explains their increased floret abortion and rudimentary nature
  151. Are single global warming potential impact assessments adequate for carbon footprints of agri-food systems?
  152. Do NO, N2O, N2 and N2 fluxes differ in soils sourced from cropland and varying riparian buffer vegetation? An incubation study
  153. Reducing the risk of acrylamide and other processing contaminant formation in wheat products
  154. Harnessing Knowledge from Plant Functional Genomics and Multi-Omics for Genetic Improvement
  155. The plant cell wall: advances and current perspectives - Editorial
  156. Identification of Traits Underpinning Good Breadmaking Performance of Wheat Grown with Reduced Nitrogen Fertilisation
  157. Effects of hotter, drier conditions on gaseous losses from nitrogen fertilisers
  158. The soil organic carbon: Clay ratio in North Devon, UK: Implications for marketing soil carbon as an asset class
  159. Highlights of the special issue Carbon neutrality and a low carbon economy for agriculture
  160. The spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended sediment sources based on a novel indexing approach combining Bayesian geochemical fingerprinting with physically-based modelling
  161. Inequitable gains and losses from conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot
  162. Small volatile lipophilic molecules induced belowground by aphid attack elicit a defensive response in neighbouring un-infested plants
  163. Low-cost molecular methods to characterise gastrointestinal nematode co-infections of goats in Africa
  164. Construction of a generalised farm typology to aid selection, targeting and scaling of on farm research
  165. Current data and modeling bottlenecks for predicting crop yields in the United Kingdom
  166. Genetic Mapping, Candidate Gene Identification and Marker Validation for Host Plant Resistance to the Race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Using Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis
  167. Does no-tillage mitigate the negative effects of harvest compaction on soil pore characteristics in Northeast China?
  168. Genotypic Response of Finger Millet to Zinc and Iron Agronomic Biofortification, Location and Slope Position towards Yield
  169. Can the soil seed bank of Rumex obtusifolius in productive grasslands be explained by management and soil properties?
  170. Fertilizer and Soil Health in Africa The Role of Fertilizer in Building Soil Health to Sustain Farming and Address Climate Change
  171. Chemical profiling of Artemisia herba-alba, Cuminum cyminum, Cinnamomum camphora, and Salvia rosmarinus essential oils and assessment of their insecticidal potential to control the wild cochineal Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell)
  172. The potential of integrative phenomics to harness underutilized crops for improving stress resilience
  173. Chapter 11: The Properties, Distribution and Functionality of Cereal Lipids
  174. Chapter 6: Cereal grain proteins
  175. Chapter 5: Dietary fiber in cereal grains
  176. Chapter 2: Structure and development of cereal grains
  177. Aggregation of chromosome axis proteins on the chromatin and in the nucleoplasm of Brassica oleracea meiocytes
  178. Exploring future changes in synchrony between grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and its major insect pest, Lobesia botrana
  179. Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta
  180. Chilean public attitudes towards beef production systems
  181. Monitoring the effects of pesticide pellets to address farmers' concerns on soil fauna, specifically earthworms
  182. ICC Handbook of 21st Century Cereal Science and Technology 1st Edition
  183. Temporal variation in spider trophic interactions is explained by the influence of weather on prey communities, web building and prey choice
  184. Improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and minimizing losses and global warming potential by optimizing applications and using nitrogen synergists in a maize-wheat rotation
  185. Comparative compositions of grain of tritordeum, durum wheat and bread wheat grown in multi-environment trials
  186. Real-Time Quantitative PCR - Primer Design, Reference Gene Selection, Calculations and Statistics
  187. Metabolomics characterizes early metabolic changes and markers of tolerant Eucalyptus ssp. clones against drought stress
  188. Investigating volatile semiochemical production from Bos taurus and Bos indicus as a novel phenotype for breeding host resistance to ixodid ticks
  189. Comparison of the welfare of beef cattle in housed and grazing systems - hormones, health, and behaviour
  190. Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Segmentation of Images of Field and Glasshouse Based Plants for High Throughput Phenotyping
  191. The post-registration monitoring of glyphosate-treated plants using anecic earthworms
  192. Dry rainfed conditions are key drivers of the effect of conservation tillage and a nitrification inhibitor on N fate and N2O emissions: A field 15N tracing study
  193. Role of herbivore-induced maize volatiles in the chemotactic behaviour of Telenomus podisi and Diceraeus melacanthus
  194. High temperature tolerance in a novel, high-quality Phaseolus vulgaris breeding line is due to maintenance of pollen viability and successful germination on the stigma
  195. A commentary on key methodological developments related to nutritional life cycle assessment (nLCA) generated throughout a 6-year strategic scientific programme
  196. Impact of zinc and iron agronomic biofortification on grain mineral concentration of finger millet varieties as affected by location and slope
  197. A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression
  198. Sources, Composition, and Export of Particulate Organic Matter Across British Estuaries
  199. Human health effects of recycling and reusing food sector consumer plastics - A systematic review and meta-analysis of life cycle assessments
  200. The availability and geographic location of open-source food composition data used to estimate micronutrient intakes in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
  201. Feeding the world sustainably: efficient nitrogen use
  202. SOC sequestration affected by fertilization in rice-based cropping systems over the last four decades
  203. Avoiding the Easy Route - Young people's socio-spatial experience of the outdoors in the absence of digital technology
  204. Predicting intercrop competition, facilitation, and productivity from simple functional traits
  205. Earlier collapse of Anthropocene ecosystems driven by multiple faster and noisier drivers
  206. Soil organic carbon fractions in response to soil, environmental and agronomic factors under cover cropping systems: A global meta-analysis
  207. Promoting dietary changes for achieving health and sustainability targets
  208. Aerobiology of the Wheat Blast Pathogen: Inoculum Monitoring and Detection of Fungicide Resistance Alleles
  209. Agrochemicals interact - synergistically to increase bee mortality - addendum
  210. Livestock heat stress risk in response to the extreme heat event (heatwave) of July 2022 in the UK
  211. Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects
  212. Banker Plant Bonuses? The Benefits and Risks of Including Brassicas in Field Margins to Promote Conservation Biocontrol of Specialist Pests in Oilseed Rape
  213. The application of machine learning to air pollution research: A bibliometric analysis
  214. Predicting Long-Term Effects of Alternative Management Practices in Conventional and Organic Agricultural Systems on Soil Carbon Stocks Using the DayCent Model
  215. What do macroinvertebrate indices measure? Stressor-specific stream macroinvertebrate indices can be confounded by other stressors
  216. Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Ammonia at 16 Sites in China Using a Bayesian Isotope Mixing Model Based on δ15N–NHx Signatures
  217. Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective
  218. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in permanent upslope pasture and downslope riparian buffers with varying vegetation
  219. Comparison of lipid profiles in the faeces of beef cattle fed three common temperate grass silage diets and their relevance to dietary composition
  220. Temporal population structure of rubber tree powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe quercicola in Hainan, China.
  221. Nitrogen uptake and remobilization from pre‑ and post‑anthesis stages contribute towards grain yield and grain protein concentration in wheat grown in limited nitrogen conditions
  222. Using proximal sensing parameters linked to the photosynthetic capacity to assess the nutritional status and yield potential in quinoa
  223. Urban malaria may be spreading via the wind—here’s why that’s important
  224. Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: modelling Nature Futures
  225. Long-term trends in yield variance of temperate managed grassland
  226. PHOSPHORUS-STARVATION TOLERANCE 1 (OsPSTOL1) is prevalent in upland rice and enhances root growth and hastens low phosphate signaling in wheat
  227. A modified Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for two oomycete pathogens
  228. Explainable neural networks for trait-based multispecies distribution modelling—A case study with butterflies and moths
  229. A conceptual framework for understanding ecosystem trade-offs and synergies, in communal rangeland systems
  230. On correlation between canopy vegetation and growth indexes of maize varieties with different nitrogen efficiencies
  231. Manure amendment acts as a recommended fertilization for improving carbon sequestration efficiency in soils of typical drylands of China
  232. Novel and holistic approaches are required to realise allelopathic potential for weed management
  233. Editorial: Targeted and untargeted metabolomics for the evaluation of plant metabolites in response to the environment
  234. A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the pollen beetle, Brassicogethes, provides insight into cytochrome P450-mediated pyrethroid resistance
  235. Professor Charles Percival Whittingham (1922–2011) Obituary
  236. Inhibition of Rice Germination by Ustiloxin A Involves Alteration in Carbon Metabolism and Amino Acid Utilization
  237. Separating N2O production and consumption in intact agricultural soil cores at different moisture contents and depths
  238. Measured and modeled nitrogen balances in lowland rice-pasture rotations in temperate South America
  239. Ectopic expression of pigeonpea Orf147 gene imparts partial sterility in Cicer arietinum
  240. Is sorghum a promising summer catch crop for reducing nitrate accumulation and enhancing eggplant yield in intensive greenhouse vegetable systems?
  241. Uncovering plant epigenetics: new insights into cytosine methylation in rye genomes
  242. Hydro-chemical responses at different scales in a rural catchment, UK, and implications for managing the unintended consequences of agriculture
  243. Investigating the effect of seismicity on spatial sediment sources and loads using the fingerprinting approach
  244. Fungal plant pathogen "mutagenomics" reveals tagged and untagged mutations in Zymoseptoria tritici and identifies SSK2 as key morphogenesis and stress-responsive virulence factor
  245. Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis
  246. Evaluation of pedotransfer functions to estimate some of soil hydraulic characteristics in North Africa A case study from Morocco
  247. Impact of Contrasting Poultry Exposures on Human, Poultry, and Wastewater Antibiotic Resistomes in Bangladesh
  248. Post-farming land restoration schemes exhibit higher soil aggregate stability and organic carbon: Evidence in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
  249. Uncertainty assessment of spatial soil information
  250. Genetic and Agronomic Control of Free Asparagine Accumulation in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
  251. Necrotrophic fungal infection affects indolic glucosinolate metabolism in Brassica rapa
  252. To own or not to own? Land tenure security and production risk in small-scale farming
  253. Changes in soil surface properties under simulated rainfall and the effect of surface roughness on runoff, infiltration and soil loss
  254. Use of untargeted metabolomics to analyse changes in extractable soil organic matter in response to long-term fertilisation
  255. The effect of shear-dependent flocculation on the multimodality of effective particle size distributions in a gravel-bed river during high flows
  256. Quantification of N and C cycling during aerobic composting, including automated direct measurement of N-2, N2O, NO, NH3, CO2 and CH4 emissions
  257. Climate change effects on northern Spanish grassland-based dairy livestock systems
  258. Changing patterns of the East Asian monsoon drive shifts in migration and abundance of a globally important rice pest
  259. A sublethal concentration of Sulfoxaflor has minimal impact on buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) locomotor behaviour under aversive conditioning
  260. A VEL3 histone deacetylase complex establishes a maternal epigenetic state controlling progeny seed dormancy
  261. Crop-specific ammonia volatilization rates and key influencing factors in the upland of China - A data synthesis
  262. A high soluble-fibre allele in wheat encodes a defective cell wall peroxidase responsible for dimerization of ferulate moieties on arabinoxylan
  263. Sequestering organic carbon in soils through land use change and agricultural practices: a review
  264. Residual correlation and ensemble modelling to improve crop and grassland models
  265. Effector-mediated partial and nonhost disease resistance in wheat
  266. Greenhouse gas production, diffusion and consumption in a soil profile under maize and wheat production
  267. Automated extraction of pod phenotype data from micro-computed tomograph
  268. Tackling functional redundancy of Arabidopsis fatty acid elongase complexes
  269. Comparative Compositions of Grain of Bread Wheat, Emmer and Spelt Grown with Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilisation
  270. Floral enhancement of arable field margins increases moth abundance and diversity
  271. Using the colour of recent overbank sediment deposits in two large catchments to determine sediment sources for targeting mitigation of catchment-specific management issues
  272. Impacts of measured soil hydraulic conductivity on the space-time simulations of water and nitrogen cycling
  273. Using a multi-lens framework for landscape decisions
  274. The value of volunteer surveillance for the early detection of biological invaders
  275. Modification of plant cell walls with hydroxycinnamic acids by BAHD acyltransferases
  276. Grand challenges in entomology - Priorities for action in the coming decades
  277. Gap-filling carbon dioxide, water, energy, and methane fluxes in challenging ecosystems - Comparing between methods, drivers, and gap-lengths
  278. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions in grazing systems through nitrifcation inhibitors: a meta‑analysis
  279. Use of a submersible spectrophotometer probe to fingerprint spatial suspended sediment sources at catchment scale
  280. Climate change challenges, plant science solutions
  281. Nutritional and tissue-specific regulation of cytochrome P450 CYP711A MAX1 homologues and strigolactone biosynthesis in wheat
  282. Evidence of collaborative opportunities to ensure long-term sustainability in African farming
  283. Effect of different organic amendments on actual and achievable yields in a cereal-based cropping system
  284. L-DOPA functions as a plant pheromone for belowground anti-herbivory communication
  285. Amendment with controlled release urea increases leaf morpho-physiological traits, grain yield and NUE in a double-cropping rice system in southern China
  286. Regional differences in nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency in the rice–livestock system of Uruguay
  287. Towards stability of food production and farm income in a variable climate
  288. Model Ensembles of Ecosystem Services Fill Global Certainty and Capacity Gaps
  289. The complete genome assemblies of 19 insect pests of worldwide importance to agriculture
  290. Comments on the exact solutions of Mathieu's equation by D. J. Daniel (2020)
  291. Field assessment of genome edited, low asparagine wheat: Europe's first CRISPR wheat field trial.
  292. Challenging claimed benefits of soil carbon sequestration for mitigating climate change and increasing crop yields: heresy or sober realism?
  293. Stochasticity may generate coherent motion in bird flocks
  294. Swarm formation as backward diffusion
  295. Performance and enteric methane emissions from housed beef cattle fed silage produced on pastures with different forage profiles
  296. The uptake of selenium by perennial ryegrass in soils of different organic matter contents receiving sheep excreta
  297. Combined pangenomics and transcriptomics reveals core and redundant virulence processes in a rapidly evolving fungal plant pathogen
  298. Functions of macronutrients
  299. Modelling changes in soil structure caused by livestock treading
  300. MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters
  301. Genetic enhancement of Trichoderma asperellum biocontrol potentials and carbendazim tolerance for chickpea dry root rot disease management
  302. Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types.
  303. Temporal measurement of penetrometer resistance for 20 grassland sites on 4 contrasting soil types in South-West England
  304. Movement of micro- and macronutrients from sheep excreta to grass and leachate via soil
  305. GWmodelS A software for geographically weighted models
  306. Uncovering drivers of community-level house price dynamics through multiscale geographically weighted regression: A case study of Wuhan, China
  307. Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of barley landraces from Shanghai region using genotyping-by-sequencing
  308. Response of soil health indicators to dung, urine and mineral fertilizer application in temperate pastures
  309. Accounting for environmental variation in the free asparagine content of wheat grain
  310. A chromatographic and immunoprofiling approach to optimising workflows for extraction of gluten proteins from flour
  311. Indirect Evidence Based on Mating-Type Ratios for the Role of Sexual Reproduction in European and Chinese Populations of Plenodomus biglobosus (Blackleg of Oilseed Rape)
  312. Engineering plant-based feedstocks for sustainable aquaculture
  313. Reducing dietary acrylamide exposure from wheat products through crop management and imaging
  314. Spaces between insects in laboratory swarms move like insects in natural swarms
  315. Genetic variation of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae) suggests multiple independent introductions into Iran
  316. Optimal control of organic matter applications
  317. Linking Legacies: Realising the Potential of the Rothamsted Long-Term Agricultural Experiments
  318. Sediment source apportionment using geochemical composite signatures in a large and polluted river system with a semiarid-coastal interface, Brazil
  319. A framework for community curation of interspecies interactions literature
  320. Genetic control of grain amino acid composition in a UK soft wheat mapping population
  321. Meiotic chromosome organization and its role in recombination and cancer
  322. Response of three cereal crops in continuous arable or ley-arable rotations to fertiliser nitrogen and soil nitrogen at Rothamsted's Woburn Ley-arable experiment
  323. (Un)willingness to contribute financially towards advice surrounding diffuse water pollution - the perspectives of farmers and advisors
  324. Arable soil nitrogen dynamics reflect organic inputs via the extended composite phenotype
  325. A point mutation in the kinase domain of CRK10 leads to xylem vessel collapse and activation of defence responses in Arabidopsis
  326. Statistical inferential testing
  327. Unbalanced analysis of variance