- Establishment yield and nutrient composition of four legumes as influenced by age of growth in a cool tropical climate at Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
- Adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties and interrelated climate smart agricultural practices in Nigeria
- Physiological and genetic variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency of wheat
- Geosensor Network Optimisation to Support Decisions at Multiple Scales
- A new concept for modelling the moisture dependence of heterotrophic soil respiration
- Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana modulates rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness
- Characterising the Influence of First-Year Wheat Cultivar on Pseudomonas Selection and Function in a Take-All Infected Field
- Climate-induced decline in the quality and quantity of European hops calls for immediate adaptation measures
- The Gene Ontology knowledgebase in 2023
- Recognition of notable past soil scientists
- Novel gene loci associated with susceptibility or cryptic quantitative resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae in Brassica napus
- Ecological Intensification and the sustainable use of fertilisers
- Characterization of Colletotrichum Species Infecting Litchi in Hainan, China
- Adaptive migratory orientation of an invasive pest on a new continent
- Environmental regulation of male fertility is mediated through Arabidopsis transcription factors bHLH89, 91, and 10
- Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field
- The Optimal Choice of Trap Type for the Recently Spreading Jewel Beetle Pests Lamprodila festiva and Agrilus sinuatus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)
- An interlaboratory comparison of mid-infrared spectra acquisition: Instruments and procedures matter
- Key management practices to reduce the risk of the occurrence of Rumex obtusifolius in productive grasslands
- Practical guidance for deciding whether to account for soil variability when managing for land health, agricultural production, and climate resilience
- An analysis of Earth temperature and related series in air and soil
- Sensitivity of simulated soil water content, evapotranspiration, gross primary production and biomass to climate change factors in Euro-Mediterranean grasslands
- Sustainable agriculture Are fertilisers necessary for a sustainable nutrient supply? The 33rd Francis New Memorial Lecture
- Incorrect recombination partner associations contribute to meiotic instability of neo-allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica
- Multi-target genome editing reduces polyphenol oxidase activity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains
- Goat health and management for improved smallholders’ livelihoods in central Malawi – A socioeconomic analysis of rural households
- The antennal transcriptome analysis and characterizations of odorant-binding proteins in Megachile saussurei (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)
- Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers
- Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analyses Reveal the Importance of Lipid Metabolism and Photosynthesis Regulation in High Salinity Tolerance in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Leaves Derived from Mutagenesis Combined with Microspore Culture
- Anemia in children aged 6–59 months was significantly associated with maternal anemia status in rural Zimbabwe
- Ketocarotenoid production in tomato triggers metabolic reprogramming and cellular adaptation: The quest for homeostasis
- A study on L-threonine and L-serine uptake in Escherichia coli K-12
- Large-scale bioproduction of natural astaxanthin in Yarrowia lipolytica
- Remote sensing of the Earth's soil color in space and time
- Eddy covariance fluxes over managed ecosystems extrapolated to field scales at fine spatial resolutions
- Trade-offs constrain the success of glyphosate-free farming.
- High canopy photosynthesis before anthesis explains the outstanding yield performance of rice cultivars with ideal plant architecture
- How does grazing pressure affect feed intake and behavior of livestock in a meadow steppe in northern China and their coupling relationship
- Chemical cues from beetle larvae trigger proliferation and virulence of a plant pathogen
- A multiplex approach of MS, 1D-, and 2D-NMR metabolomicsin plant ontogeny A case study on Clusia minor L. organs (leaf, flower, fruit, and seed)
- Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress A multi-continent perspective
- Climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in working lands: A reality check
- Biochar amendments to tropical paddy soil increase rice yields and decrease N2O emissions by modifying the genes involved in nitrogen cycling
- Genomics of predictive radiation mutagenesis in oilseed rape: modifying seed oil composition.
- Smallholder farmer resilience to extreme weather events in a global food value chain
- Integrating Association Mapping, Linkage Mapping, Fine Mapping with RNA Seq Conferring Seedling Vigor Improvement for Successful Crop Establishment in Deep Sown Direct-Seeded Rice
- Modeling the spatial-spectral characteristics of plants for nutrient status identification using hyperspectral data and deep learning methods
- One Hundred Priority Questions for the Development of Sustainable Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Dietary selenium intake among Ethiopian children in areas known for selenium spatial variability
- Increasing fibre in white flour and bread: Implications for health and processing
- The effect of expectancy versus actual gluten intake on gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in non-coeliac gluten sensitivity - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international, multicentre study
- The three-peat challenge: business as usual, responsible agriculture, and conservation and restoration as management trajectories in global peatlands
- Landscape and Micronutrient Fertilizer Effect on Agro-Fortified Wheat and Teff Grain Nutrient Concentration in Western Amhara.
- Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype.
- In Memoriam Philip John White (1960–2023)
- A review of sources of resistance to turnip yellows virus (TuYV) in Brassica species
- Influence of soil drying followed by flooding on micronutrient solubilization
- Root exudation of organic acid anions and recruitment of beneficial actinobacteria facilitate phosphorus uptake by maize in compacted silt loam soil
- Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission mitigation priorities for UK policy targets
- Insights in disease management - Editorial
- The impact of feeding supplemental minerals to sheep on the return of micronutrients to pasture via urine and faeces
- Microbial Catabolic Activity: Methods, Pertinence, and Potential Interest for Improving Microbial Inoculant Efficiency
- Comparison of the impact of two key fungal signalling pathways on Zymoseptoria tritici infection reveals divergent contribution to invasive growth through distinct regulation of infection-associated genes
- Environmental and economic assessment of waste collection and transportation using LCA: A case study
- Sugar Beet Cultivation in the Tropics and Subtropics:Challenges and Opportunities
- Using qPCR and microscopy to assess the impact of harvesting and weather conditions on the relationship between Alternaria alternata and Alternaria spp. spores in rural and urban atmospheres
- Mosquito swarms shear harden
- Nitrogen fertilization produces divergent effects on canopy structure between indica and japonica rice reflected in leaf to panicle ratio based on deep learning
- Multiscale spatially varying coefficient modelling using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM
- Herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides: the value of routine testing of seed samples submitted by farmers since 1985
- Field phenotyping for African crops: overview and perspectives
- Outdoor airborne allergens: Characterization, behavior and monitoring in Europe
- Evaluation of techniques to break seed dormancy in Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)
- Soil Chemical Properties as Affected by Six Crop Rotation Sequences and Four Residue Levels
- The UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank – Advancing Microbiome Research for Sustainable Agriculture
- A comprehensive study on diesel oil bioremediation under microcosm conditions using a combined microbiological, enzymatic, mass spectrometry, and metabarcoding approach
- A causal inference and Bayesian optimisation framework for modelling multi-trait relationships—Proof-of-concept using Brassica napus seed yield under controlled conditions
- Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype
- High resolution flow datasets for surface runoff, surface lateral runoff and drainage pathways from 1 ha sized hydrologically isolated plots.
- Multi-experiment assessment of soil nitrous oxide emissions in sugarcane
- Field features of the North Wyke Farm Platform: weather, topography, soil, ecosystem services provision index and management
- Impact of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil gross nitrogen transformations in a temperate desert steppe
- Evaluating the Impact of Long-Term Land Use Change and Age since Disturbance on Soil Faunal Diversity
- Deciphering Plant-Insect-Microorganism Signals for Sustainable Crop Production
- Effectiveness of Agronomic Biofortification Strategy in Fighting against Hidden Hunger
- Pea aphid odorant-binding protein ApisOBP6 discriminates between aphid sex pheromone components, aphid alarm pheromone and a host plant volatile
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: GreenFeed System Methane and Carbon Dioxide Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Eddy Covariance Greenhouse Gas Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Livestock Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Events Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018)
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Soil Moisture Station Data
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Meteorological Data
- Climate-induced severe water scarcity events as harbinger of global grain price
- A high-yielding traits experiment for modeling potential production of wheat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations
- AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations on climate change impact and adaptation for global wheat, SDATA-20-01059
- Effects of root inoculation of entomopathogenic fungi on olfactory-mediated behavior and life-history traits of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
- From field to plate - How do bacterial enteric pathogens interact with ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables, causing disease outbreaks?
- Wheat and teff grain mineral micronutrient concentration and field data from GeoNutrition on-farm field experiments in Western Amhara region, Ethiopia
- Effects on soil of grassland management for pasture, hay and silage
- Host map of Ash trees in Great Britain
- Sequence Characterization of Extra-Chromosomal Circular DNA Content in Multiple Blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) Populations.
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-Minute) Hydrology and Water Quality Data
- Farming the planet with better nitrogen use
- Trends of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity of Patagonian Meadows, the Omitted Ecosystem in Desertification Studies
- Genetic Approaches to Increase Arabinoxylan and β-Glucan Content in Wheat
- A 4-year comparison of pasture mixtures, including those with deep-rooting Festulolium, on herbage and soil and root properties in 50 cm cores, plus associated botanical species surveys.
- A semiochemical view of the ecology of the seed beetle Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae)
- Trehalose-6-phosphate signaling regulates lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development
- Micronutrients and socio-demographic factors were major predictors of anaemia among the Ethiopian population
- Still there: Politics, sectarianism, and the reverberations of war in the presences and absences of the Syrian state
- Ammonia loss potential and mitigation options in a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China Plain: A data synthesis and field evaluation
- Linking soil adsorption-desorption characteristics with grain zinc concentrations and uptake by teff, wheat and maize in different landscape positions in Ethiopia
- Tomato Aphid (Aphis gossypii) Secreted Saliva Can Enhance Aphid Resistance by Upregulating Signaling Molecules in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
- Three environmental dimensions of beef cattle in tropical feedlot - Water, nutrients and land
- Place attachment and perception of climate change as a threat in rural and urban areas
- Can we estimate the impact of small targeted dietary changes on human health and environmental sustainability?
- Recognition of notable past soil scientists
- A pilot survey of selenium status and its geospatial variation among children and women in three rural districts of Zimbabwe
- Do agronomic approaches aligned to regenerative agriculture improve the micronutrient concentrations of edible portions of crops? A scoping review of evidence
- A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice
- Moisture effects on microbial protein biosynthesis from ammonium and nitrate in an unfertilised grassland
- An evaluation of three evapotranspiration models to determine water fluxes over hillslopes encroached by invasive alien plants in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Grazing livestock move by Levy walks: Implications for soil health and environment
- A DNA assembly toolkit to unlock the CRISPR/Cas9 potential for metabolic engineering
- Levelling foods for priority micronutrient value can provide more meaningful environmental footprint comparisons
- Biodiesel Co-Product (BCP) amendment drives beneficial soil microbiome assembly promoting acid soil health
- Spatial and bulked soil and herbage selenium concentrations in different pasture types in SW England
- Mapping to explore the challenges and opportunities for reconciling artisanal gem mining and biodiversity conservation
- Evaluation of two commercially available rumen buffers derived from calcified seaweed for grazing dairy cows: Pilot trial in commercial farms
- An efficient triose phosphate synthesis and distribution in wheat provides tolerance to higher field temperature
- Occurrence of Unapproved Pesticides and their Ecotoxicological Significance for an Agriculturally Influenced Reservoir and its Tributaries in Nepal
- Bioenergy crop production and carbon sequestration potential under changing climate and land use - A case study in the upper River Taw catchment in southwest England
- Collection of invited papers from the 20th ICC Conference 2022 "Future Challenges for Cereal Science and Technology" held in Vienna, 5-7 July 2022
- The origin of pine pollen grains captured from air at Calypsobyen, Svalbard
- National scale mapping of supply and demand for recreational ecosystem services
- Identifying yield stability over time via time-varying GARCH processes and multivariate Horseshoe priors
- Nt-acetylation-independent turnover of SQUALENE EPOXIDASE 1 by Arabidopsis DOA10-like E3 ligases
- Analysis of mixed linkage β-glucan content and structure in different wheat flour milling fractions
- Catches of Euxoa tritici in pheromone traps for Anarsia lineatella are due to the presence of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate as an impurity
- Repellency Potential, Chemical Constituents of Ocimum Plant Essential Oils, and Their Headspace Volatiles against Anopheles gambiae s. s., Malaria Vector
- Boosting Geranyl Diphosphate Synthesis for Linalool Production in Engineered Yarrowia lipolytica
- Phase transitions in insect swarms
- Ammonia mitigation campaign with smallholder farmers improves air quality while ensuring high cereal production
- Responses of net ecosystem carbon budget and net global warming potential to long-term nitrogen deposition in a temperate grassland
- AgroEcoList 1.0 A checklist to improve reporting standards in ecological research in agriculture
- Evaluation of Legacy Forest Harvesting Impacts on Dominant Stream Water Sources and Implications for Water Quality Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Delayed development of basal spikelets in wheat explains their increased floret abortion and rudimentary nature
- Are single global warming potential impact assessments adequate for carbon footprints of agri-food systems?
- Do NO, N2O, N2 and N2 fluxes differ in soils sourced from cropland and varying riparian buffer vegetation? An incubation study
- Reducing the risk of acrylamide and other processing contaminant formation in wheat products
- Harnessing Knowledge from Plant Functional Genomics and Multi-Omics for Genetic Improvement
- The plant cell wall: advances and current perspectives - Editorial
- Identification of Traits Underpinning Good Breadmaking Performance of Wheat Grown with Reduced Nitrogen Fertilisation
- Effects of hotter, drier conditions on gaseous losses from nitrogen fertilisers
- The soil organic carbon: Clay ratio in North Devon, UK: Implications for marketing soil carbon as an asset class
- Highlights of the special issue Carbon neutrality and a low carbon economy for agriculture
- The spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended sediment sources based on a novel indexing approach combining Bayesian geochemical fingerprinting with physically-based modelling
- Inequitable gains and losses from conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot
- Small volatile lipophilic molecules induced belowground by aphid attack elicit a defensive response in neighbouring un-infested plants
- Low-cost molecular methods to characterise gastrointestinal nematode co-infections of goats in Africa
- Construction of a generalised farm typology to aid selection, targeting and scaling of on farm research
- Current data and modeling bottlenecks for predicting crop yields in the United Kingdom
- Genetic Mapping, Candidate Gene Identification and Marker Validation for Host Plant Resistance to the Race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Using Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis
- Does no-tillage mitigate the negative effects of harvest compaction on soil pore characteristics in Northeast China?
- Genotypic Response of Finger Millet to Zinc and Iron Agronomic Biofortification, Location and Slope Position towards Yield
- Can the soil seed bank of Rumex obtusifolius in productive grasslands be explained by management and soil properties?
- Fertilizer and Soil Health in Africa The Role of Fertilizer in Building Soil Health to Sustain Farming and Address Climate Change
- Chemical profiling of Artemisia herba-alba, Cuminum cyminum, Cinnamomum camphora, and Salvia rosmarinus essential oils and assessment of their insecticidal potential to control the wild cochineal Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell)
- The potential of integrative phenomics to harness underutilized crops for improving stress resilience
- Chapter 11: The Properties, Distribution and Functionality of Cereal Lipids
- Chapter 6: Cereal grain proteins
- Chapter 5: Dietary fiber in cereal grains
- Chapter 2: Structure and development of cereal grains
- Aggregation of chromosome axis proteins on the chromatin and in the nucleoplasm of Brassica oleracea meiocytes
- Exploring future changes in synchrony between grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and its major insect pest, Lobesia botrana
- Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta
- Chilean public attitudes towards beef production systems
- Monitoring the effects of pesticide pellets to address farmers' concerns on soil fauna, specifically earthworms
- ICC Handbook of 21st Century Cereal Science and Technology 1st Edition
- Temporal variation in spider trophic interactions is explained by the influence of weather on prey communities, web building and prey choice
- Improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and minimizing losses and global warming potential by optimizing applications and using nitrogen synergists in a maize-wheat rotation
- Comparative compositions of grain of tritordeum, durum wheat and bread wheat grown in multi-environment trials
- Real-Time Quantitative PCR - Primer Design, Reference Gene Selection, Calculations and Statistics
- Metabolomics characterizes early metabolic changes and markers of tolerant Eucalyptus ssp. clones against drought stress
- Investigating volatile semiochemical production from Bos taurus and Bos indicus as a novel phenotype for breeding host resistance to ixodid ticks
- Comparison of the welfare of beef cattle in housed and grazing systems - hormones, health, and behaviour
- Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Segmentation of Images of Field and Glasshouse Based Plants for High Throughput Phenotyping
- The post-registration monitoring of glyphosate-treated plants using anecic earthworms
- Dry rainfed conditions are key drivers of the effect of conservation tillage and a nitrification inhibitor on N fate and N2O emissions: A field 15N tracing study
- Role of herbivore-induced maize volatiles in the chemotactic behaviour of Telenomus podisi and Diceraeus melacanthus
- High temperature tolerance in a novel, high-quality Phaseolus vulgaris breeding line is due to maintenance of pollen viability and successful germination on the stigma
- A commentary on key methodological developments related to nutritional life cycle assessment (nLCA) generated throughout a 6-year strategic scientific programme
- Impact of zinc and iron agronomic biofortification on grain mineral concentration of finger millet varieties as affected by location and slope
- A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression
- Sources, Composition, and Export of Particulate Organic Matter Across British Estuaries
- Human health effects of recycling and reusing food sector consumer plastics - A systematic review and meta-analysis of life cycle assessments
- The availability and geographic location of open-source food composition data used to estimate micronutrient intakes in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
- Feeding the world sustainably: efficient nitrogen use
- SOC sequestration affected by fertilization in rice-based cropping systems over the last four decades
- Avoiding the Easy Route - Young people's socio-spatial experience of the outdoors in the absence of digital technology
- Predicting intercrop competition, facilitation, and productivity from simple functional traits
- Earlier collapse of Anthropocene ecosystems driven by multiple faster and noisier drivers
- Soil organic carbon fractions in response to soil, environmental and agronomic factors under cover cropping systems: A global meta-analysis
- Promoting dietary changes for achieving health and sustainability targets
- Aerobiology of the Wheat Blast Pathogen: Inoculum Monitoring and Detection of Fungicide Resistance Alleles
- Agrochemicals interact - synergistically to increase bee mortality - addendum
- Livestock heat stress risk in response to the extreme heat event (heatwave) of July 2022 in the UK
- Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects
- Banker Plant Bonuses? The Benefits and Risks of Including Brassicas in Field Margins to Promote Conservation Biocontrol of Specialist Pests in Oilseed Rape
- The application of machine learning to air pollution research: A bibliometric analysis
- Predicting Long-Term Effects of Alternative Management Practices in Conventional and Organic Agricultural Systems on Soil Carbon Stocks Using the DayCent Model
- What do macroinvertebrate indices measure? Stressor-specific stream macroinvertebrate indices can be confounded by other stressors
- Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Ammonia at 16 Sites in China Using a Bayesian Isotope Mixing Model Based on δ15N–NHx Signatures
- Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective
- Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in permanent upslope pasture and downslope riparian buffers with varying vegetation
- Comparison of lipid profiles in the faeces of beef cattle fed three common temperate grass silage diets and their relevance to dietary composition
- Temporal population structure of rubber tree powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe quercicola in Hainan, China.
- Nitrogen uptake and remobilization from pre‑ and post‑anthesis stages contribute towards grain yield and grain protein concentration in wheat grown in limited nitrogen conditions
- Using proximal sensing parameters linked to the photosynthetic capacity to assess the nutritional status and yield potential in quinoa
- Urban malaria may be spreading via the wind—here’s why that’s important
- Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: modelling Nature Futures
- Long-term trends in yield variance of temperate managed grassland
- PHOSPHORUS-STARVATION TOLERANCE 1 (OsPSTOL1) is prevalent in upland rice and enhances root growth and hastens low phosphate signaling in wheat
- A modified Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for two oomycete pathogens
- Explainable neural networks for trait-based multispecies distribution modelling—A case study with butterflies and moths
- A conceptual framework for understanding ecosystem trade-offs and synergies, in communal rangeland systems
- On correlation between canopy vegetation and growth indexes of maize varieties with different nitrogen efficiencies
- Manure amendment acts as a recommended fertilization for improving carbon sequestration efficiency in soils of typical drylands of China
- Novel and holistic approaches are required to realise allelopathic potential for weed management
- Editorial: Targeted and untargeted metabolomics for the evaluation of plant metabolites in response to the environment
- A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the pollen beetle, Brassicogethes, provides insight into cytochrome P450-mediated pyrethroid resistance
- Professor Charles Percival Whittingham (1922–2011) Obituary
- Inhibition of Rice Germination by Ustiloxin A Involves Alteration in Carbon Metabolism and Amino Acid Utilization
- Separating N2O production and consumption in intact agricultural soil cores at different moisture contents and depths
- Measured and modeled nitrogen balances in lowland rice-pasture rotations in temperate South America
- Ectopic expression of pigeonpea Orf147 gene imparts partial sterility in Cicer arietinum
- Is sorghum a promising summer catch crop for reducing nitrate accumulation and enhancing eggplant yield in intensive greenhouse vegetable systems?
- Uncovering plant epigenetics: new insights into cytosine methylation in rye genomes
- Hydro-chemical responses at different scales in a rural catchment, UK, and implications for managing the unintended consequences of agriculture
- Investigating the effect of seismicity on spatial sediment sources and loads using the fingerprinting approach
- Fungal plant pathogen "mutagenomics" reveals tagged and untagged mutations in Zymoseptoria tritici and identifies SSK2 as key morphogenesis and stress-responsive virulence factor
- Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis
- Evaluation of pedotransfer functions to estimate some of soil hydraulic characteristics in North Africa A case study from Morocco
- Impact of Contrasting Poultry Exposures on Human, Poultry, and Wastewater Antibiotic Resistomes in Bangladesh
- Post-farming land restoration schemes exhibit higher soil aggregate stability and organic carbon: Evidence in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
- Uncertainty assessment of spatial soil information
- Genetic and Agronomic Control of Free Asparagine Accumulation in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- Necrotrophic fungal infection affects indolic glucosinolate metabolism in Brassica rapa
- To own or not to own? Land tenure security and production risk in small-scale farming
- Changes in soil surface properties under simulated rainfall and the effect of surface roughness on runoff, infiltration and soil loss
- Use of untargeted metabolomics to analyse changes in extractable soil organic matter in response to long-term fertilisation
- The effect of shear-dependent flocculation on the multimodality of effective particle size distributions in a gravel-bed river during high flows
- Quantification of N and C cycling during aerobic composting, including automated direct measurement of N-2, N2O, NO, NH3, CO2 and CH4 emissions
- Climate change effects on northern Spanish grassland-based dairy livestock systems
- Changing patterns of the East Asian monsoon drive shifts in migration and abundance of a globally important rice pest
- A sublethal concentration of Sulfoxaflor has minimal impact on buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) locomotor behaviour under aversive conditioning
- A VEL3 histone deacetylase complex establishes a maternal epigenetic state controlling progeny seed dormancy
- Crop-specific ammonia volatilization rates and key influencing factors in the upland of China - A data synthesis
- A high soluble-fibre allele in wheat encodes a defective cell wall peroxidase responsible for dimerization of ferulate moieties on arabinoxylan
- Sequestering organic carbon in soils through land use change and agricultural practices: a review
- Residual correlation and ensemble modelling to improve crop and grassland models
- Effector-mediated partial and nonhost disease resistance in wheat
- Greenhouse gas production, diffusion and consumption in a soil profile under maize and wheat production
- Automated extraction of pod phenotype data from micro-computed tomograph
- Tackling functional redundancy of Arabidopsis fatty acid elongase complexes
- Comparative Compositions of Grain of Bread Wheat, Emmer and Spelt Grown with Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilisation
- Floral enhancement of arable field margins increases moth abundance and diversity
- Using the colour of recent overbank sediment deposits in two large catchments to determine sediment sources for targeting mitigation of catchment-specific management issues
- Impacts of measured soil hydraulic conductivity on the space-time simulations of water and nitrogen cycling
- Using a multi-lens framework for landscape decisions
- The value of volunteer surveillance for the early detection of biological invaders
- Modification of plant cell walls with hydroxycinnamic acids by BAHD acyltransferases
- Grand challenges in entomology - Priorities for action in the coming decades
- Gap-filling carbon dioxide, water, energy, and methane fluxes in challenging ecosystems - Comparing between methods, drivers, and gap-lengths
- Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions in grazing systems through nitrifcation inhibitors: a meta‑analysis
- Use of a submersible spectrophotometer probe to fingerprint spatial suspended sediment sources at catchment scale
- Climate change challenges, plant science solutions
- Nutritional and tissue-specific regulation of cytochrome P450 CYP711A MAX1 homologues and strigolactone biosynthesis in wheat
- Evidence of collaborative opportunities to ensure long-term sustainability in African farming
- Effect of different organic amendments on actual and achievable yields in a cereal-based cropping system
- L-DOPA functions as a plant pheromone for belowground anti-herbivory communication
- Amendment with controlled release urea increases leaf morpho-physiological traits, grain yield and NUE in a double-cropping rice system in southern China
- Regional differences in nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency in the rice–livestock system of Uruguay
- Towards stability of food production and farm income in a variable climate
- Model Ensembles of Ecosystem Services Fill Global Certainty and Capacity Gaps
- The complete genome assemblies of 19 insect pests of worldwide importance to agriculture
- Comments on the exact solutions of Mathieu's equation by D. J. Daniel (2020)
- Field assessment of genome edited, low asparagine wheat: Europe's first CRISPR wheat field trial.
- Challenging claimed benefits of soil carbon sequestration for mitigating climate change and increasing crop yields: heresy or sober realism?
- Stochasticity may generate coherent motion in bird flocks
- Swarm formation as backward diffusion
- Performance and enteric methane emissions from housed beef cattle fed silage produced on pastures with different forage profiles
- The uptake of selenium by perennial ryegrass in soils of different organic matter contents receiving sheep excreta
- Combined pangenomics and transcriptomics reveals core and redundant virulence processes in a rapidly evolving fungal plant pathogen
- Functions of macronutrients
- Modelling changes in soil structure caused by livestock treading
- MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters
- Genetic enhancement of Trichoderma asperellum biocontrol potentials and carbendazim tolerance for chickpea dry root rot disease management
- Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types.
- Temporal measurement of penetrometer resistance for 20 grassland sites on 4 contrasting soil types in South-West England
- Movement of micro- and macronutrients from sheep excreta to grass and leachate via soil
- GWmodelS A software for geographically weighted models
- Uncovering drivers of community-level house price dynamics through multiscale geographically weighted regression: A case study of Wuhan, China
- Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of barley landraces from Shanghai region using genotyping-by-sequencing
- Response of soil health indicators to dung, urine and mineral fertilizer application in temperate pastures
- Accounting for environmental variation in the free asparagine content of wheat grain
- A chromatographic and immunoprofiling approach to optimising workflows for extraction of gluten proteins from flour
- Indirect Evidence Based on Mating-Type Ratios for the Role of Sexual Reproduction in European and Chinese Populations of Plenodomus biglobosus (Blackleg of Oilseed Rape)
- Engineering plant-based feedstocks for sustainable aquaculture
- Reducing dietary acrylamide exposure from wheat products through crop management and imaging
- Spaces between insects in laboratory swarms move like insects in natural swarms
- Genetic variation of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae) suggests multiple independent introductions into Iran
- Optimal control of organic matter applications
- Linking Legacies: Realising the Potential of the Rothamsted Long-Term Agricultural Experiments
- Sediment source apportionment using geochemical composite signatures in a large and polluted river system with a semiarid-coastal interface, Brazil
- A framework for community curation of interspecies interactions literature
- Genetic control of grain amino acid composition in a UK soft wheat mapping population
- Meiotic chromosome organization and its role in recombination and cancer
- Response of three cereal crops in continuous arable or ley-arable rotations to fertiliser nitrogen and soil nitrogen at Rothamsted's Woburn Ley-arable experiment
- (Un)willingness to contribute financially towards advice surrounding diffuse water pollution - the perspectives of farmers and advisors
- Arable soil nitrogen dynamics reflect organic inputs via the extended composite phenotype
- A point mutation in the kinase domain of CRK10 leads to xylem vessel collapse and activation of defence responses in Arabidopsis
- Statistical inferential testing
- Unbalanced analysis of variance