Desaturase Genes And Their Use (Patent WO 1999/027111 A1)

H2 - Patents applied for

Napier, J. A. 1999. Desaturase Genes And Their Use (Patent WO 1999/027111 A1). WO 1999/027111 A1

AuthorsNapier, J. A.
TypeH2 - Patents applied for
Patent applicantUniversity of Bristol
Napier Johnathan A
Patent IDWO 1999/027111 A1

cDNA encoding C. elegans DELTA <6> desaturase has been cloned and sequenced, and the DELTA <6> desaturase amino acid sequence has been determined. The C. elegans DELTA <6> desaturase has a surprisingly low level of sequence identity with the known borage DELTA <6> desaturase. The C. elegans DELTA <6> desaturase has been expressed in yeast. It and other desaturases can be cloned in host organisms (e.g. plants) and can be used to provide useful metabolites.

Year of Publication1999
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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